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S371 of International Application No. PCT/US2012/ deactivated rapidly and thus be subject to premature replace 04.9415 filed Aug. 3, 2012, published in English, which ment. claims priority from U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 10 Various hydroconversion processes are effectively carried 61/530,108 filed Sep. 1, 2011, all of which are incorporated out using an ebullated bed (EB) system. In an EB, preheated herein by reference. hydrogen and resid feedstock enter the bottom of a reactor wherein the upward flow of resid with or without an liquid BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION internal recycle Suspend the catalyst particles in the liquid 15 phase. In improved EB processes, part of the catalyst is con There is a continuing need in the petroleum industry for tinuously or intermittently removed in a series of cyclones improved catalyst Supports and Supported catalysts derived and fresh catalyst is added to maintain activity. Approxi therefrom, which have enhanced activity and improved cata mately about 1 wt.% of the catalyst inventory is replaced each lyst life and exhibiting a desirable balance of morphological day in an ebulated bed system.
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