MPC MPC 75 AIRCRAFT SYSTEM DEFINITIO MPC AIRCRAFT MPC 75 SYSTEM DEFINITION MPCAircraftGmbH Released Kreetslag 10 2103 Hamburg 95 West-Germany JET-E System Engineering Ref: EE-T-90/025 September 1990 MPC SYSTEM DEFINITION AIRCRAFT CONTENTS 21 -Airconditioning 31 - Instrumentation/Recording 22-Autoflight 32-Landinggear 23-Communication 33-Lights 24 - Electrical power 34 - Navigation 25 - Equipment/Furnishing 35 - Oxygen 26-Fireprotection 36 - Pneumatic 27-Flight controls 38 - Water/Waste 28 - Fuel 45 - On-board maintenance 29-Hydraulic power 49-Airborne auxiliary power 30 - Ice and rain protection 70-Engine controls MPC ABBREVIATIONS AIRCRAFT A ASendantSeat CTL Control FMC Flight Management Computer AC Altemaling Current CU Control Unit FMGC Flight Management and ACARS ARINCCommunicationAddressing Guidance Computer CuR Cubtc Feet and Reporting System FMS Flight Management System ACMS Aircraft Condittonirtg Monitoring F/0 First Offfcer System DC Dkect Current FQCC Fuel Quantity Control Computer ACP Audio Control Panel DET Oatectlon FOIC Fuel Quantity Indication Control ACU APU Control Unit DEU Decoder/Encoder FQMS Fuel Quantity Measuring ADF Automatic Direction Flndlng DFDR Digital Flight Data Recorder System ADM Air Data Module DME Distance Measuring Equipment FSDU Flre Source Detection Unit ADS Air Data System DMP Display Management Processor FWD Forward AFT Afterward DU Display Unit FWS Flight Warning System Ah Ampere-hour AHRS Attitüde Headlng Reference System ECAM Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monttoring G Galley ALT Attitüde ECS Environmental Control System G Green AMM Generator Control Unit Aircraft Maintenance Manual ECU Engine Control Unit GCU AOA Angle of Attack GLC Generator Une Contactor EE(E/E) Electconic/Electrical APU Auxiliary Power Unit GPCU Ground Power Control Unit EFCS Electronic Flight Control System GPS Global Positioning System ATC Air Trafflc Control EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System GPWS Ground Proximity Warning EIS Electronic Instrument System System B Blue EIVMU Engine Interface Vibration Monitoring Unit GRD Ground BAT Battery EIU Engine Interface Unit GS Glide Slope BFE Buyer Furnlshed Equipment ELAC Elevator Alleren Computer BITE Built-in Test Equipment ELEV Elevation H Hfch BMC Bleed Air Monitoring Computer ELS Electronic Library System BRT Brighl E M ERG Emergency h hour BSCU Brake and Steering Control Unit ENG Engine HF High Frequertcy ESS Essential HP High Pressure CAA Civil Aviation Authority E/WD Engine/Warning Display HS High Speed GAB Cabin EXT External HYDR Hydraulic CAPT Captain CAUT FAC Flight Augmentation Computer Caution ICAO International Civil Aviation CDU Control Display Unit FADEC Füll Authority Digital Engine Control System Organisation CFDS Centralized Fault Display System FBW Fly-By-Wire DG Integrated Drive Generator CIDS Cabin Integrated Data System FCGC Ftight Control and Guidance Computer CMC ILS Instrument Landing System Centralized Maintenance Computer FCU Flight Control Unit CMS Centralized Maintenance System in inch FDIU Flight Data Interface Unit COND Condtöon IOM Input and Output Modulea FL Flight CPM Computer Modules IPC Illustrated Parts Catalog CSM/G Constant Speed Motor/Generator IRS Inertial Relerence System Page:1 MPC ABBREVIATIONS AIRCRAFT L Lavatofy PSU Passenger Service Unit VOR VHF Omnidirectional Range Power v/s Vertical Speed 1 litre/liter PWR LA Linear Accelerometer Quick Access Recorder w Wardrobe b Pound QAR W Width LCD Liquid Crystal Display Radio Altimeter ,„ . ... _ . RA/RALT WAG Waming Acquisition Concentrators LOG Landing RAT Ram Air Turbine Radio Frequency *AI Wing Anti Ice LGCIU Landing Gear Control Interface RF RH Right Hand WXfl Weather Radar Unit RMCU Remote Magnetic Compensation LH LeftHand Unit Y Yellow LOC Locallzer RMP Radio Management Panel LP Low Pressure RS-232 Seviell Data Bus Standard LRU Une Replaceable Unit 1 T S Stowage LT Ught SATCOM Satellite Communicatkxi M Motor SD System Display MAGN Magnete SEC Spoiler Elevator Computer MCDU MuWpurpose Control Display Unit SEL Setect MCU Modular Concept Unit SELCAL Selective Calling MDDU Multipurpose Disk Drive Unit SERV Servo MEL Minimum Equipment List SFCC Slat and Flap Control Computer MKR Marker MLI Magnetic Level Indicator TAS True Air Speed MLS Microwave Landing System TAT Total Air Temperature MSU Mode Selector Unit TDB To-Be-Determtned MAI Nacelle Anti Ice TCAS Traffic Collison Alert and NAV Navigation Avoidance System ND Navigation Display TH3 Trimabto Horizontal Stabttlfzer NCd Nickel Cadmium TLA ThrotHe Lever Angle TRU Transformer Rectifier Unit OMS On-Board Maintenance System PCU Power Control Unit US United States PFD Prima/v Flight Display USgal United States gallon Ph Phase PSM Power Supply Module VHP Very High Frequency Page :2 MPC ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM AIRCRAFT 21 Contents 1- Air conditioning System 2 - Cabin pressure control System ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM MPC AIRCRAFT NACA INLET Air conditioning pack schematic 21 WATER wirciim MAIN HEAT EXCHANGE GROUND COOLING FAN + CHECK VALVE WATER EXIRACTOR RAM AIR OUTLET Figure 21-2 September 1990 Page: 21.03 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM MPC AIRCRAFT Air distribution 21 MAIN SUPPLY DUCTS INDIVIDUAL AIR SUPPLY RISER DUCTS 7 PER SIDE IN WING AREA CABIN AMBIENT AIR TO UNDERFLOOR AREA COCKPIT SUPPLY MAIN SUPPLY DUCTS METERING RESTRICTOR Figure21-3 September 1990 Page:21.04 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM <§> MPC AIRCRAFT 21 2 - Cabin pressure control System The cabin pressure control System controls the cabin pressure and the change rate to provide maximum passenger comfort and safety. The pressure control System consists of an automatic System and a manual standby System to control the outflow valve. Provision for an optional second pressure Controller isprovided (seefigure21-4). Excessive positive or negative cabin overpressure is prevented by two pneumatically controlled safety valves. Automatic prepressurisation to prevent sudden pressure fluctuation (bumps) on take off and landing, is provided in AUTO mode. September 1 990 Page :21>0 5 MPC ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM AIRCRAFT Cabin pressurisation control schematic 21 AIR DATA GAB SYSTEM MAN V/S CTL MODE SEL PRESSURISATION CONIROLLER 1 SAFET* PRESSURISATION VALVES CONTROLLER 2 OU7FLOW VALVE (BUT1EHFLY TYPE) (OPTION) l y HUIUU UUlVt (3RD MOfÜ« OPTIONAL) PRESSURISED AREA 0000000000000000000000000000000 UNPRESSURISED AREA Figure 21-4 September 1990 Page: 21.06 MPC AUTO FLIGHT AIRCRAFT 22 Contents - General - Flight management - Auto flight AUTO FLIGHT €> MPAIRCRAFCT Auto Flight Modes - General 22 • AP/FD can either be selected at the flight control unit (FCU) or provided by the FMS according to active flightplan • Basic Flight Control mode is always in accordance with the electrical flight control System (EFCS) and always engaged MPC AUTO FLIGHT AIRCRAFT Autopilot / Flight Director Modes 22 Selectable upper modes 1. Longitudinal Modes - altitude hold ALT - altitude acquire ALT ACQ -flight levelchange FLCH - profile PROF - climb CLB - descent DES -flight path angle FPA Lateral Modes - heading HDG - track TRK - navigation (incl. VOR) NAV 3. Approach Modes - approach APPR - go around GA - take-off TO - localiser LOG MPC AUTO FLIGHT AIRCRAFT Autothrust Modes • A/THR permanently armed • Autothrust modes in association to autopilot / flight director mode AP/FD A/THR modes ALT, ALT ACQ, FPA SPD/MACH DES, CLB, PROF SPD/MACH, THR FLCH THR APPR -FINAL SPD -G/S SPD -FLARE RETARD TO/GA A/THR function overridden SPD / MACH speed/mach mode selectable THR thrust mode, limit thrust according to selected thrust rating Alpha Floor Protection overrides all modes with GA limit thrust if A/C flight envelope is exceeded MAUT U l \JO FrLIvanl IfiHT l W"^ MPAIRCRAFCT Flight Management System (FMS) 22 • The aircraft is equipped with a single Flight Management System, with a second Flight Management Computer available äs an option. • The system is controlled via two Multipurpose Control and Display Units (MCDU). Many frequent and complex tasks are performed by the Flight Management Computer to increase safety and punctuality of the flights. Flight Planning / Flight Plan Execution Take-off and Landing Data/Cruise Speed Calculation Radio tuning / Radio navigation On-board Maintenance System (QMS) support Data link function (ACARS) In case of failure of the flight management Computer, the MCDUs have to perform a back-up function for navigation tasks, such äs radio navigation. September 1990 Page :22.01 MPC AUTO FLIGHT AIRCRAFT Flight management System architecture FLIGHT MANAGEMENT COMPUTER basic optional ARINC 429 ARINC 429 September 1990 Page :22.02 , MPC AUTO FLIGHT AIRCRAFT System architecture Pilot controls 22 and other aircraft sensors ** Warnings, Indications, Maintenance, Recording NoseWheelSteering, Auto Brake Actuators FADEC FADEC Actuators NoseWheelSteering, Auto Brake Wamings, Indications, Maintenance, Recording Pilot controls and other aircraft sensors September 1990 Page:22.03 MPC COMMUNICATION AIRCRAFT 23 Contents - RF communication - Audio communication - Cabin communication - Antenna location COMMUNICATION ^ MEß 1 - RF communication: 23 Main components are two VHF tranceivers and two Radio Management Panels (RMP). A third VHF transceiver and an HF transceiver are options, just äs the Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) and a Satcom System. The ACARS uses only the third VHF. The Radios will be tuned via the two RMPs. Also tuning through the Flight Management System (CDU) is possible. Bussystem is to the Standard ARINC 429 norm. 2 - Audio communication The
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