Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org 5 "5 TTown r ^ Vol. 48 No. 32 August 6,1992 TOOJ J_ r— PUBLISHED BY THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. Price 35 cenis Serving Watertown and Oakville Since 1947 Of .X '•: Direct Dial Phones Ready This Month In a little over a week, dialing the desired individual and tele- the 274-5411 number to reach phone lines won't be tied up as town and school offices will be often, according to Mr Frigon, as obsolete as cranking up an old who said the communications wall phone, when a new direct center will function as a dis- dial system will replace the town patching center only, for police switchboard. and fire emergencies, and 911 "I'm real excited about it," calls. Town Purchasing Director Char- "We are streamlining the les Frigon says. "It's a nice, system, because of the new tech- sophisticated system and will nology," says Watertown Police definitely benefit all users and Chief John Carroll, who heads will benefit the town in terms of the communications department savings." and describes the switchboard As of Friday, August 17, system as "antiquated." people can use the new telephone "We're considering down- numbers [listed in an advertise- sizing the department. The work ment in this week's Town Times] load will be substantially less." to reach specific departments and There are currently 15 full offices. and part-time workers in the Calls will no longer be placed communications department, through the centralized switch- according to Chief Carroll, who board and will instead go di- says he is in the midst of negotia- ONE-ON-ONE: Maria Stango, 6, left, and Susan Brier, 11, battle it out during a game of Connect 4 rectly to the department, Mr tions regarding the streamlining Frigon said. process. at the playground at Swift Junior High School.—Times Photo, Valuckas For example, instead of dial- "There will be considerable ing 274-5411 to reach the Plan- savings," Mr Frigon says, ex- ning and Zoning department, one plaining that the new system will would dial 945-5266 and tbe cost $140,000 to purchase, phone will be answered in the whereas the old system isaleased Code Modifications Approved Planning and Zoning offices. system which requires monthly Once the number is dialed, it Fire District Holds Off on Drescher Decision will take a shorter time to reach [Continued on page A12] The Watertown Fire District's section regarding signs and made workshops that got underway last revised zoning regulations unani- some adjustments. The commit- fall and offered comments. Only Landfill Cover Funded mously were approved Monday tee decided that real estate signs, a handful of district citizens at- night by the District Committee not exceeding six-square-feet in tended the June 30 hearing on the The Town Council approved a transfer of funds Monday that with little fanfare. The revisions area, must be removed from a code proposals. would foot the bill for enough sand to cover hazardous material will go into effect August 21. residential lot 30 days after a sale The revisions to the WFD's stored at the town landfill on Old Baird Road. Although the three-man com- or lease of the property is com- regulations are the first major "We underestimated the amount of sand we needed," said Public mittee spent more than an hour pleted. overhauls in about 20 years. Works Director Philip Deleppo Tuesday. "We used the material up." with consultant Robert Bryan The committee also agreed Among the other areas scruti- An additional 1,550 cubic yards of sand is required to finish the reviewing notes and minutes from that signs that are two-sided and nized were professional office- closure project, according to Mr Deleppo, who asked Town Man- a June 30 public hearing on the attached to the ground only will home occupations in dwellings; ager John Salomone to request that the council approve an additional proposed codes, few changes have one face counted for square definitions; off-street parking and $21,000. were made before the massive footage area. loading; site development plans; Mr Deleppo based his request on the low bidder's unit price of document formally was ap- Commissioner John Robb special use permits; child day proved. publicly thanked the residents care; bed and breakfast facilities; [Continued on page A12] The group did zero in on a who had attended the revision zoning documents, administra- tion and fees; flood prone areas; administrative policies; soil ero- sion and sediment control; and Psychic Fair Offers New Insights administrative policy fees. The committee reached no Into the Metaphysical verdict on the dilemma over John T. Drescher, DDS, and his den- From crystals to tarot cards, up vibes. tistry business at the corner of a plethora of New Age products Numerologist and Water- Woodruff and Hillcrest avenues, and services were served up at town resident Jean Ray was the Psychic Fair held Saturday one of those readers present. [Continued on page A12] in the Watertown VFW Hall. From your birth name, and date Organized by Watertown of birth, Ms Ray is able to de- resident Dee Randis, an as- termine many things, such as Council Sets trologer, the fair featured ven- your karma, or destiny in life, dors offering a wide range of personality traits, problems you New Tax Rate goods such as books, crystals, may encounter if you aren't fol- The Town Council set a new herbs, incense, small sculpture, lowing your destiny and much mill rate of 18.44 Monday night, jewelry, and music, all relating more. following passage of a $32.6 to the metaphysical. "Numerology is a tool to un- million budget plan last week. In addition, workshops were derstand ourselves, and learn The new rate—up0.86from offered on such subjects as nu- our soul's purpose. If you don't last year — means property merology, astrology, channel- follow that purpose, you can owners will pay $1,844 in taxes ing and past lives. run into some serious prob- for every $100,000 of assessed But perhaps the biggest at- lems," says Ms Ray. property. traction at the Psychic Fair This weekend's psychic fan- Tax bills are expected to be were the psychics themselves, was considered quite a success, mailed out by the end of this using methods of divination and Ms Randis says she plans week, and will be due within 30 such as tarot card reading, nu- to continue the fairs on a days of receipt, according to A vendor sells her metaphysical wares, including incense, crys- merology and just plain picking monthly basis. Town Manager John Salomone. tals and boots, at the Psychic Fair held Saturday at the Water- town VFW. —Times Photo, Guarnieri. [Continued on page A12] A-2 -Property Town Times, August 6,199 of2 the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.orgDelicious, Economical, Nutritional OWatertowrTyv* MeatCenter PWIRIKI! Center Cut IEMINWAY PL PORK 485 Main Street, Watertown, Connecticut PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 5 - AUGUST 11, 1992 CHOPS WED THURS FBI SAT SUN MON TUES 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:00 pm 2:00 pm 6:00 on: 6:00 pm $ Loin PORK ROAST :£. 1.39 Ib. Country Style $ SPARE RIBS.>.....•*..« 1.49 Ib. Great On The Grill S PORK STEAK 1.49 Ib. ITALIAN SAUSAGE $ Hot or Sweet, Links or Patties .. lb. HUMMEL HOT DOG SALE Porterhouse STEAK $3«79 3 lb. Box SKINLESS Shoulder 3 lb. Box W/CASING $7«75 LONDON BROIL I«99 $ $ 5 lb. Box RED HOTS 9»95 Top Blade STEAK 1«79 Ib. POULTRY $ Boneless CHUCK STEAK 1«79 'Ib. ««• «* Cookin Good Chicken LEGS. •O3 » BEEF K-BOBS w/skewers.*Z«7 w9 "» r> tn A xmruc * oCookir n Good THIGH S s _ (j^EEEIHHISB^BI DRUMSTICKS .o3 ». SIRLOIN TIP ROAST $Z«19 «». Perdue Chicken WINGS $«69 * CLOD ROAST $1«89 GROCERY CORNER Martins Potato Rolls FROM OUR DELI DEPARTMENT Hamburg or Hotdog - 8 pack $ $ Ocean Spray Refreshers 48OZbti X Kahn HONEY HAM 2«99 lb. Chock Full Of Nuts Coffee $« Hansel & Gretel 13ozcan l $ TURKEY BREAST 2*39 *. Fruit By The Foot 41/2 <* box 2/$3»00 Wunderbar BOLOGNA $«99 »» Wesson Vegetable Oil 24o2bottic .$«99 Hansel & Gretel Hi Dri Paper Towels -90 <* roii ..2/$«99 $ P & P or OLIVE LOAF... 1.89 *. Kleenex Facial Tissue i75ctbox....$»o9 Right reserved to limit quantities • Not responsible for typographical errors. Property of the Watertown HistoricalTow Societyn Times, August 6,199 2 - A-3 watertownhistoricalsociety.org Friendly Neighbors Index Name: Donna Darsh Anniversaries A15 Town Phone Residence: Waterlown Occupation: Business Center Births A15 Directory Manager AO Donna Darsh has been man- Calendar A18 Ay ager at the Depot Square Busi- ness Center the pastfive years. A Churches A16 Women Waterbury native, she graduated from Wilby High School and Classifieds B9-11 Entrepreneurs worked as an executive secretary A10 at the White Supply Company. Editorials A4 She and her husband Al, married Engagements A17 in 1950, relocated to New York Schaap state for six years before buying Fire Log A12 a home in Watertown in 1963. Talk Donna has been very active the Letters A5-6 B2 past 15 years, holding several positions, with the Nutmeg Chap- Obituaries A16 ter of the American Business- Summertime women's Association, and is on Real Estate B13-20 Sports Reading the board for the area's hospice: Project Care, Inc.
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