4494 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1981, 104, 4494-4496 of the 2Hj1H ratios is by complete combustion of the organic resonance lines to specific molecular sites was accomplished from matter to C02 and H20 and rcduction to H 2 in a uranium fumace analysis of the corresponding 500-MHz proton spectra or from and mass spcctroscopic analysis of the isotropic ratio of the whole associating the protons with a specific carbon peak by using compound without any indication of isotopic ratios as a function selective proton decoupling. of site within the molecule. Some effort has been made to be more selective in analysis of 2Hj1H ratios. In particular, work has been Acknowledgment. This work was supported in part by the done on tbe nonexchangable hydrogens of cellulose."J While these National Institutes of Health under Grant GM 08521 from the studies focused on one type of sitc by eliminating the hydroxyl Institute of General Medical Sciences. Spectra were obtained hydrogens, the 2Hj1H ratios were not site specific for the C-H at the Southern California Regional NMR Facility, supported hydrogens. Rauschenbach et al.6 compared 2H/1H ratios for by the National Science Foundation on Grant CHE 79-16324. synthetic and fennented ethanols and also detcnnined the isotopic Reaistry No. Methylcyclohexane, 108-87-2; 1,1 ,3-trimethylcyclo­ ratio in the mcthyl group of the ethanol by oxidation to acetic hexane, 3073-66-3; d-camphor, 464-49-3. acid and analysis of the corresponding acetate salt. Martin and Martin7•8 recently have used 2H NMR to show that the isotopic distribution of 2H in ethyl and vinyl groups varies from molecule to molecule. The full significance of observing site-specific isotopic effects Tricyclo[ S.l.O.Ol.l]octa-3,5-diene ( Octavalene) upon the 2Hj1H ratio is emphasized when it is realized that such information is not readily available from the traditional mass Manfred Christi* and Reinhard Lang spectrometric methods of measuring isotope ratios. Although mass spectral methods are much more sensitive than NMR techniques Institut für Organische Chemie and have a much larger dynamic rangc, such methods can only der Universität Würzburg, Am Hubland measure the averagc molecule 2H/1H isotope ratio because of the D-8700 Würzburg, Federal Republic of Germany 1 2 facile scrambling of the molecular hydrogens (both H and H) Received April 22, 1982 in the typical mass spectrometric ion. Futhennore, these hydrogen 5 rearrangements can be isotopic selectivities as large as 10 in somc 1 9 The unique properties of the (CH)8 hydrocarbons have at­ instanccs. Such large isotope effects would completely mask tracted the attention of many organic chemists. As a member thc significant but still smaller intramolecular ratios that we have of this series the title compound (8) enjoys special interest. Tbc been recently observing. Thus, high-field deuterium magnetic 2 butadiene bridge should substantially widen the dihedral angle resonance, H NMR, techniques provide a unique method for of the bicyclo[ 1.1.0] butane system from the normal value of about detcrmining this potentially valuable information. 122 o, 2 resulting in an increased strain energy. T~is, as weil as Site-specific isotopic ratios have the potential for more complete the electronic interaction of the 'II" system and the stramed " system, characterization of the rate-controlling processes in rather complex Ieads one to anticipate that 8 will exhibit unusual chemical and chemical and biosynthesis processes. Detailed information on 2 1 spectroscopic properties. Furthermore, the Woodward-Hoffmann mechanistic steps should be available from variations in the H/ H rules allow a thermally induced [1,5] carbon shift. Repetition ratio as a function of molecular site. This technique, applicable of this degenerate rearrangement would finally equilibrate all CH at natural abundance, allows analysis without destruction of the groups. Thus, 8 could be te bullvalene equivalent of the (CH)s sample and removes the possibility of artifical inhibition of a family. metabolic system by excess deuterium present in Iabel~ ~om­ Interested in such prospects, several research groups have un­ pounds. Finally, as found in our two camphors, one may anttCJpate dertaken to synthesize 8. When 8,8-dibromobicyclo[S.l.O]octa- the opportunity of observ!ng the chemical history of !w~ ide~tical 2 4-diene was treated with methyllithium, the resulting carbene molecules derived from dtfferent precursors from vanattons m the 3 4 2 1 r~rranged to a dihydropentalene • instead of inserting into the intramolecular Hf H ratios stampled into the molecule by al­ syn-6-CH bondas intended. Likewise, the tricarbonyl iron com­ ternative synthetic pathways. With improved sensitivity and 2 plex of the dibromide with methyllithium failed ~o give the desired spectral dispersion at very high fields, proton-decoupled H NMR 5 1 insertion product. In analogy to the preparatton of benzvalene can now realize its full potential. The significant isotope effects 6 2 via cyclopentadienylcarbene the intramolecular [~ + 1] or [6 + observed herein further enhance the importance of H NMR 1) cycloaddition of cycloheptatrienylcarbene to gtve 8 has been techniques. 2 attempted. However, only cyclooctatetraene, heptafulvene, Experimental Section. Tbc 76.77-MHz H spectra were re­ benzene, and acetylene could be identified as reaction products.' corded on a Bruker WM500 spectrometer operating in Fourier Also, the disrotatory opening of the cyclobutene portion in tet­ transform mode. Methylcyclohexanc and 1,1,3-trimethylcyclo­ racyclo[•4.03.s]oct-7-ene, which shoul~ produce 8, could hexane were run as neat liquids, and d-camphor was prepared as not be achieved without rearrangement of the btcyclo[l.l.O]butane a nearly saturated solution in chloroform. Each sample contained system.8 In addition, a Straightforward route to prepare ~­ 1O% tetramethylsilane as a chemical shift reference. Spectra bromooctavalene by cyclopropane ring enlargement of the dt­ requiring about 400 scans were acquired at 8-s intervals by utilizing bromocarbene adduct of homobenzvalene and subsequent hy­ a 90° pulse and a 2-s data aquisition of 2048 points. Broad-band drogen bromide elimination failed because under all conditions decoupling at 5 W of power was used with the power reduced to tried a trans-bis(homobenzene) derivative was formed in the first 0.4 W during the interval between accumulations to allow the step,9· 10 most probably in an acid-catalyzed process. 10 Here, we nuclear magnetization of the sample to recover under redu~ed dielectric heating. Free induction decays were filtered by usmg a Lorentzian to Gaussian line-shape transformation and zero ftlled (1) Smith, L. R. J. Chem. Educ. 1978, 55, 569-510 and Iiterature cited to 8192 points before Fourier transformation. Assignment of ~~ . (2) Cox, K. W.; Harmony, M. 0.; Nelson, G.; Waberg, K. 8. J. Chem. Phys. 1969, 50, 1976-1980. (3) Smitb, B. N.; Jacoblen, B. S. plant Cell PhyJtol. 19'76, 17, 1089-1092. (3) Van Vuurcn, P. J. Ph.O. Thesis Cornell Univenity, Ithaca, NY, 1970; (4) Epstcin, S.; Yapp, 0. J.; Hall, J. N. Earth Planet Sei. Lm. 1976, 30, Diss. Abstr. B 1971, 31B, 7201. 241-251. (4) Baird, M. S.; Reese, C. 8. Tetrahedron Lett. 1976, 2895-2898. (5) Epstcin, S.; Tbornaon, P.; Yapp, C. J. Science (Washington, D.C.) (5) Van Vuuren, P. J.; Fletterick, R. J.; Mcinwald, J.; Hughes, R. E. J. 1977, 198, 1209-1215. Am. Chem. Soc. 1971, 93, 4394-4399. (6) RaUJChenbach, P.; Simon, H.; Stichler, W.; Maser, H. Z. Naturforsch, (6) Katz, T. J.; Wang, E. J.; Acton, N. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1971, 93, C 1979, 34C, 1-4. 3782-3783. (7) Marti.n, G. J.; Martin, M. L. Telrahedran Lett. 1981, 22, 3525-3528. (7) Zimmerman, H. E.; Sousa, L. R. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1972, 94, (8) Martin, G. J.; Martin, M. L. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sei., Ser. 1/1981, 834-842. 293, 31-33. (8) Smith, L. R.; Gream, G. E.; Meinwald, J. J. Org. Chem. 1977, 42, (9) Futrell, J. H., private consultation. 927-936. 0002-7863/82/1504-4494$01.25/0 <e> 1982 American Chemical Society Communications to the Editor J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 104, No. 16, 1982 4495 19 22 Scheme I the tribromides 419·21 and 5 · in a ratio of 2:1, from which 4 Br was isolated in 54% yield as a crystalline solid after treatment with methanol. On the basis of the size of the coupling constants ~~H+ in bridged cyclobutanes23 the stereochemistry of C-7 and C-8 in 4 and 5 follows unambiguously from the 1H NMR spectra. &;Y Although mechanistic investigations have not been carried out, 2 3 the stereochemical outcome appears to support a radical pathway for the bromination of 1 and 3. We assume that a bromine atom is added to C-3 from the sterically less bindered side with inversion, parallel with the reaction between thiophenol and bicyclo­ [I.l.O]butane derivatives. 24 The resulting cyclobutyl radicat may eH Br accept the second bromine atom in principle from both sides. Starting from 2, however, the endo-bromine atom at the cyclo­ 1 c propane ring interferes, thus allowing only the formation of 4. The H 6 SJ+-- Jj7 H ~ L-----I- cyclobutyl radicat originating from 3 experiences tess steric hin­ Br drance because the cyclopropane ring carries its bromine sub­ 4 stituent in the exo position. Then the second bromine enters to produce the cis-dibrominated cyclobutane derivative 5 in accord with the preferred stereochemical course in halogenations of bicyclo[ 1.1.0] butadiene derivatives.ll·13·15 For well-known stereoelectronic reasons, 4 thermolyzed smoothly to the ring-enlarged tribromide 619·25 (81% yield) at 100 °C in acetonitrile, while 5 decomposed above 1SO °C to un­ identified products.
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