THE LATIN-AMERICAN 'I COLLECTION OF THE MoMAExh_0224_MasterChecklist MUSEUM OF MODERN ART by Lincoln Kirstein ~ ..:w YORK t::AT.t\LOG i\.ND BIOGRAPHIES -e'\ Arrall.gelnent 4. EPiPHANY. (1940.) \'X'atercolor and India ink, 17% -I The artists are arranged by countries, alphabetically. x 16". Illustration for the book El Niiio Dios. Inter- For convenient reference a good many artists both of the American Fund. 639.42. past and present are listed with brief biographies even though AIJO book illestrations, see page 108. I their work is not included in the collection. Data about each "INk are listed in the following order: BASALDUA Hector Basaldua. Born 1900 Per gamine, Province of Buenos NUll/bel': if marked by an asterisk, * 163, item is illustrated. Aires. Studied at National Academy and in Paris under I Title Andre Lhote and Othon Friesz 1923-30. Since 1933 scenic Date: unless enclosed in parentheses the date given appears director, Colon Theater. Illustrations for books published in on the work itself. Paris, Buenos Aires. Numerous prizes, Buenos Aires, Rosario Medium etc. Size: dimensions are given in inches; height precedes width. 5. THE BALL. 1932. Tempera, 14x20". Inter-American Source oj acquisition Fund. 640.42. i'HlfJemn accession nmnber: the year in which the work was *6. EXPRESO VILLALONGA. 1937, Tempera, 121;4 x 18%". acquired is indicated by the two digits following the decimal Inter-American Fund. 641.42. Ill. p. 30. point. For example the number 149.37 means that the work Also book itlestrations, see page 108. MoMAExh_0224_MasterChecklist was the 149th item acquired in 1937. Pbotogmpbs or slides of any item may be obtained through BERNI the Museum's photograph clerk at a cost of $.50 (subject to Antonio Berni. Born 1905 Rosario. Studied drawing, at- change). Slides of an}' item may be rented from the Library; tended secondary school in Rosario. Awarded travel grant by some color slides are also available. Jockey Club of Rosario 1925. Traveled western Europe. Worked with D. A. Siqueiros 1934 on his mural Plastic Study, Buenos Aires. Professor at National Academy, Buenos ARGENTINA Aires. Stage designer for Teatro del Pueblo. Traveled Peru All artists live in Buenos Aires unless otherwise indicated. and Bolivia 1942. Murals (with Spilimbergo) for New York World's Fair 1939. Art schools are referred to in the following abbreviations: Sociedad Estlrnulc de Bellas Artes as Estimuio '::7. NEW CHICAGO ATHLETiC CLUB. (1937.) Oil on can- La Escuela Superior "Emesto de la Carcova" as Superior vas, 6'%" x 9'101;4". Inter-American Fund. 645.42. Ill. School p. 28. Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes as National Academy S. SEATED Boy. (1940-42.) Oil on canvas, 37 x 22%". Inter-American Fund. 646.42. BAD! '1 B d' B 4 B A' S d' d J E Two monorypes. Inter-American Fund: AqUI es a L om 189 uenos Ires. tu re In urope. Returned to Argentina 1909, enrolling in National Academy.t-Gt.LI.l'.l)9. RED HEAD. (1942.) 13 x 10%".648.42. In 1920 traveled throughout western Europe and Greece; 10. HEAD OF A GIRL ". < 1942.) 13 x 10V2". 647.42. exhibited in Milan. In Buenos Aires 1933-39. Traveled in Also book 1l11lstmtlo11J, see page 108. Brazil. last heard of in Italy (November, 1941); presumably interned as anti-Fascist. BlGATTI MOROCCAN CAFE, 1935 . Tempera, 12 x 15%". Inter- Alfredo Bigatti. Born 1898 Buenos Aires. Graduated from .ot American Fund. 637.42A. National Academy 1918. Worked under Bourdelle, Paris, .t.,J..IJ re. On Reverse: FiGURES. Pen and ink, 15% x 12". Inter- 1923-24. Traveled throughout Europe and in Bolivia. Menu- r.American Fund. 637.428. ment to General Roca at Choele-Choel 1940; to the National ,;,2. SCHOOLTABLEAU-SAN :r...fARTiN'S BIRTHDAY. (1935.) Flag, Rosario (with Fioravanti) 1942. Monument to Mitre, Tempera, uVs x 16V4". Inter-American Fund. 636.42. La Plata 1938. III. p. 30. Inter- 3. SPANISH CAFE. 1937. Tempera, 15% x 20Vs". BORGES DE TORRE American Fund. 635.42. Norah Borges de Torre. Born J903 Buenos Aires. Studied in Switzerland and Spain. Several one-man shows in Buenos BALLESTER PENA Aires since 1926, in Madrid 1933. Illustrated many books. Juan Antonio Ballester Pefin. Born 1895 San Nicolas, Prov- Stage decorations and applique textiles. ince of Buenos Aires. Predominantly painter of religious subjects. Active in Catholic Artists Guild Taller Sail Cristo- 11. CHiLDREN, 1933. Tempera, 19x 19". Inter-American r bal, Stage d~signer for Colon Theater. Book illustrator. Fund. 798.42. 87 :::12. HOLY WEEK. 1935. Tempera, 20 x 15%". Inter-Ameri- FORNER can Fund. 797.42. Ill. p. 25. Raquel Forner. Born 1902 Buenos Aires. Studied at National Aho book illustrations, 'see j)(/ge 108. Academy, where she now teaches drawing, and in Paris under Othon Friesz. Returned to Buenos Aires 1932. Ex- hibited extensively in Europe and the Americas. Several im- BUTLER portant prizes in Argentina 1940, '41, '42. Horacia A. Butler. Born 1897 Buenos Aires. Studied at :::19. DESOLATION. 1942. Oil on canvas, 36Ys x 28Ys". Inter- National Academy and in Paris under Andre Lhote and American fund. 697.42. III. p. 25. Othon Friesz. Traveled in central Europe. Returned to Buenos Aires 1937. Retrospective exhibition at Los Amigos del Arte 1941. Scenic designer for Theater. Colon GOMEZ CORNET l'oi a.th'J.) 13. ORPHEUS. (1939.) Design for scenery for the play by Ramon Gomez Cornet. Born 1898 Santiago del Estero. Stud- Jean Cocteau at La Cortina Theater, Buenos Aires. ied at Academy in Cordoba, Argentina. Europe 1914-1919. Gouache, 11% x 17%". Gift of Lincoln Kirstein. 9.43. One-man show at Los Amigos del Arte, Buenos Aires 1935. *14. It C'l.MELOTE: TIGRE. (1941.) Oil on canvas, 32 x Specializes in portraits of children. Exhibition of pencil 29". Inter-American Fund. 653.42. llI. p. 26. drawings in New York 1942 (Wildenstein Gallery). IlItIS- (, ..18.1J...1J.) 15. ESTANCIA. (1941.) Series of 27 designs for the ballet. rrator. Unproduced. Watercolor, various sizes, 233/Li x 18VS" >::20. HEAD OF A Boy. 1942. Oil on canvas, 21Ys x 17%". to 3% x 5". Extended loan from American Ballet Cara- Inter-American Fund. 698.42. Ill. p. 29. van. £.L.42.464.1-.27. Al.TO book illlls!ra/iOlIJ, see page ]09. Also book ill usrratians, see page 108. MoMAExh_0224_MasterChecklist CARRIE GUIDO Alfredo Guido. Bam 1892 Rosario de Santa Fe. Studied Clara Carrie. Studied under Alfredo Guido at the Superior there under the Italian, Mateo Casali a, and later at the School. National Academy, Buenos Aires, under Pia Collivadinc. *16. THE ANGEL MUSICIAN. 1938. Aquatint, 21Vs x 15%". In 1915 sent on State Prize to Europe. In 1916 decorated Inter-American Fund. 658.42. ut. p. 32. Argentine Pavilion in Seville Exposition. In 1939 started painting murals in true fresco. In 1939 painted large mural CASTAGNA Battle of Caseros in Town Hall, Seis de Septiembre, Province of Buenos Aires. Since 1932 Director of Superior School. RodoHo V. Castagna. Born 1910 Buenos Aires. Studied at Illustrated many books. National School of Decorative Arts, graduating as professor 1933. Graduated Superior School 1938. Many prizes and :::21. STEVEDORES RESl'lNG. (1938.) Tempera, 21 ~/sx 181/s". represented in several European and American museums and Inter-American Fund, 702.42. llI. p. 22. private collections. Two litbograpbs. Inter-American Fund: 17. WOMEN BY THE SEA. Drypoint, 19% x 131;4". Inter- 22. BRUNO 1'fARCI-l101U, THE BUFFOON OF S,\NTA Fn. American Fund. 659.42. (1941.) 191;4 x 15%". 701.42 . 23. DEATH ON THE HIGHWAY. (1941.) 17Ys x 14". 703.42. CORNET .TN' GOMEZ CORNET One d1·ypoint. Gift of.Lincoln Kirstein: ol~Q....,qbr"-¢l,,g ~I!!" 24. TllEH611T HlT8 <G-¥P-T-. ( 1942") 19]/2 x 19%". 617.42. DEMICHELIS Nelida Demicheli s Studied under Alfredo Guido at the Superior School. LASANSKY ::<t8. HEADS. (1942.) Lithograph, 21Vz x 17Ys". Inter-Ameri- Mauricio Lasansky. Studied under Alfredo Guido at the can Fund. 686.42. 1Il. p. 32. Superior School. Works in C6rdoba. Numerous Prizes. 25. FrGURES. 1938. Etching and drypoint, 14,% x 1LY4". FIORAVANTI Inter-American Fund. 711.42. Jose Fioravanti. Born 1896 Buenos Aires, the son of a mason. Exhibited in the National Salon from 1912. First one-man show 1924. Thereafter traveled throughout _Europe, Greece LOPEZ ANAYA and Egypt. One- man show feu de Palone, Paris, of taille Fernando Lopez Anaya. Studied under Alfredo Guido at the directe carving in stone 1935. Important monuments: Roque Superior School. Saenz Pefia 1932-34; Avellaneda 1930"33, Bolivar 1940-42; all in Buenos Aires. Monument to National Flag Rosario >::z6. MERMAID. 1942. Aquatint and etching, 231/2 x 14%". (with Bigatti) 1942. Inter-American' Fund. 716.42. Ill. p. 32. "88 MELGAREJO MUNOZ Fine Arts, La Plata 1930. To the United States 1942-43. \\Taldimiro Melgarejo ~{Ui10Z. Born 1908 Buenos Aires. One-man shows: Florence 1914; Milan 1919; Buenos Aires Studied National Academy and Superior School, specializing 1924; retrospective, Buenos Aires (Los Ainigos del Arte) in decorative and graphic arts. 1940; San Francisco Museum of Art 1942; New York (National Academy) 1943. '(..IIII,'J)27. IN THE'RJNG. 1933. Color etching, 12% x 121/2". Inter- American Fund. 722.42. *35. THE VERDIGJUS GOBLET. 1934. Oil on canvas, 21% x l" • )28. EL PERlCON. (1933.) Color etching, 13V2 x 12Vs". l8Ya". Inter-American Fund. 4.43. IfI. i). 24. I Inter-American Fund. 723.42. PUEYRREDON ORT1Z Pnlidiano Pueyrredon. Born 1823 Buenos .Aires. Son of Manuel Angeles Ortiz. Born in Spain 1897. Worked with General Juan Martfn de Pueyrredon, early head of the nation. Picasso in Paris 1930-32.
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