2010 ANNUAL REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Message from the President 5 II. Mission Statement 6 III. The General Committee 8 IV FCI staff 10 V. Executive Director’s report 11 VI. FCI 100 anniversary 15 VII. Outstanding Conformation Dogs of the Year 16 VIII. Our commissions 19 IX. Financial Report 40 X. Figures and Charts 49 XI. 2011 events 60 XII. List of members 68 XIII. List of Clubs With an FCI Contract 77 3 CHAPTER I MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT In economic life, financial reports serve to inform the own - ers of the companies, mostly the shareholders, about their company’s business developments. The picture is very sim - ilar for the group of non-profit associations, to which the FCI belongs. In our case, too, we endeavour to inform the members and partners in the 86 countries in which we are represented, as well as other interested groups about our activities and financial matters. We dispense in this regard with reports on meetings and the resolutions adopted in them on account of notification of the same being given to the countries via the Internet and the sending of minutes on a regular basis. The Executive Director’s report provides information on administrative matters. After the end of yet another year, we can state that is has become even more difficult to keep dogs in various coun - tries, with politics appearing to exert influence on our sphere of activity ever more frequently. This causes us con - cern, as do the increasingly noticeable efforts of animal protection organisations directed against dog owners. Although such measures may be justified in many cases and we can then hardly protest against them, such actions are, however, not justified in a large number of instances and are often politically motivated to an excessive extent. We cannot allow political discussions and decrees to be carried out to the detriment of dogs and their owners. We thank the management of the European section for its con - stant endeavour to improve the relationship with the European Union in an ongoing way and, in this way, gain influence in individual cases as laws emerge. Establishing a proper pro-dog lobby is, however, extremely difficult. So what can we do? I feel we must make an effort to be hon - in close cooperation between the FCI and the Société est and transparent in our “hobby”, especially with regard Royale Saint-Hubert. The FCI General Committee expects to breeding. The pedigrees issued by our members should great involvement on the part of the member and partner not only show the origin and descent of the animals; they countries in this regard. also need to constitute a quality document. It must be en - sured in absolute terms that dogs with hereditary defects We are delighted to be able to present you with a good fi - are not, insofar as these are recognisable, used for breed - nancial result once again, knowing fully well that this can ing. It is also necessary to pay sufficient attention to the mainly be ascribed, in terms of revenue, to the good levels behavioural tendencies of the animals. Hyper-type must of participation in our CACIB shows and the contributions be avoided in any case. This call is particularly directed at received from sponsors. An analysis of the CACIB statistics breeding officials, breeders and judges. does not show a positive trend in all cases, however, with The year under review (2010) was the last year before the various organisers suffering somewhat from declining reg - big centenary year of the FCI and the work at the office was istrations, which can be mainly ascribed to the increasing therefore strongly oriented towards this occasion during number of double shows (2 CACIB shows at the same place the period. We have undertaken everything possible to en - on the same weekend). Nonetheless, we make the transi - sure that the different centenary events be conducted in a tion into the second century of the FCI with confidence and successful and memorable way in 2011. In the case of the great expectations. three big shows in Dortmund, Paris and Leeuwarden, most With kind regards, of the work will fall on the shoulders of the organising countries, in contrast to the “FCI Cynological Days” from 11- 14 November 2011, which will be managed by the FCI, the Hans W. Müller FCI Centenary World Champion of Champions being run FCI President 5 MISSION STATEMENT CHAPTER II MISSION STATEMENT INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION IIn accordance with the celebration of the 100 Anniversary Dans le cadre du futur 100e anniversaire de la Fédération of the Federation Cynologique Internationale, the General Cynologique Internationale, le Comité Général de la FCI a Committee of the FCI reviewed its Mission and Vision revu la mission, les visions et les valeurs de la FCI afin de Statements and Values to maintain our leadership world - maintenir notre position de leader mondial. wide. MISSION DE LA FCI MISSION STATEMENT La FEDERATION CYNOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE (FCI) est The FEDERATION CYNOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE (FCI) l’autorité cynophile mondiale. Elle est responsable de la is the supreme authority of the canine culture worldwide. préservation de la santé des chiens et des activités canines The FCI is responsible for safeguarding canine health and internationales dont le but est de promouvoir les relations international dog activities to enhance the relations be - entre le chien et l’homme. La FCI a été fondée en 1911 et tween dogs and humans. Established in 1911 the FCI compte 84 membres et partenaires sous contrat (un mem - includes 84 members and contract partners (one member bre par pays). Chaque membre émet ses propres pedigrees per country). Each member issues their own pedigrees and et forme des juges de manifestations canines hautement train highly qualified judges. The FCI makes sure that the qualifiés. La FCI garantit la reconnaissance des pedigrees pedigrees and judges are mutually recognized by all the et des juges par tous ses membres, partenaires sous con - FCI members, contract partners and any person involved trat, ainsi que par toute personne active sur leur scène in their domestic canine scene. canine nationale. VISION STATEMENT VISION DE LA FCI The FCI supports, via its members and contract partners, Par l’intermédiaire de ses membres et partenaires sous the well-being of all dogs Worldwide. contrat, la FCI soutient le bien-être de tous les chiens dans le monde entier. FCI VALUES • THE FCI cares about all dogs worldwide. VALEURS DE LA FCI • THE FCI considers the health, temperament and be - • La FCI se préoccupe du bien-être de tous les chiens dans haviour as the most important matters in dogs and le monde. their Breed Standards. • La FCI considère la santé, le caractère et le comporte - • THE FCI promotes dog activities and dog sports world - ment comme les points essentiels pour les chiens et leur standard de race. wide, which it considers beneficial to the dogs. • La FCI soutient, dans le monde, les activités canines et • THE FCI entrusts its commissions to make recommen - les disciplines canines sportives qu’elle considère béné - dations about other important matters. fiques pour les chiens. • THE FCI divides geographically the world of dogs • La FCI charge ses commissions d’émettre des recom- through its five sections. mandations sur d’autres thèmes importants. • THE FCI trusts its members and contract partners to • La FCI divise le monde canin en cinq sections géo - protect the integrity of their National Registries. graphiques. • THE FCI recognizes and respects agreements with non- • La FCI exprime toute sa confiance dans la capacité de member national organizations. ses membres et partenaires sous contrat à se porter garants de l’intégrité de leurs livres des origines. • THE FCI sets the highest standards for its headquarters. • La FCI respecte et reconnaît les accords qui ont été con - • THE FCI ensures the regular celebration of World and clus avec des organisations nationales non-membres. Section Championship events. • La FCI établit des normes de la plus haute qualité pour son siège social. • La FCI veille à l’organisation régulière de championnats du monde et de section. 6 CHAPTER II MISSION STATEMENT INTRODUCCIÓN EINLEITUNG En el marco del 100º aniversario de la Fédération Im Rahmen des 100-jährigen Jubiläums der Fédération Cynologique Internationale, el Comité General de la FCI ha Cynologique Internationale hat der FCI-Vorstand das revisado y modificado su Declaración de Misión y su Mission-Statement und das Vision-Statement sowie die Declaración de Visión, así como los Valores de la FCI, a fin „Werte“ der FCI überarbeitet, um die weltweite de mantener nuestra posición de liderazgo mundial. Führungsposition in der Kynologie zu erhalten. DECLARACIÓN DE MISIÓN MISSION-STATEMENT La FEDERATION CYNOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE (FCI) es Die FEDERATION CYNOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE (FCI) la autoridad máxima a nivel mundial para la cinofilia. La ist die oberste Autorität für Hundekultur weltweit. Die FCI FCI es responsable del aseguramiento de la salud de los ist für die Sicherstellung der Gesundheit von Hunden und perros y de las actividades caninas internacionales para fo - für internationale Hundeaktivitäten zur Förderung der mentar las relaciones entre los perros y las personas. La FCI Beziehungen zwischen Hunden und Menschen verant - fue fundada en 1911 y tiene 84 miembros y países con - wortlich. tratantes (un miembro por cada país). Cada miembro expide sus propios pedigríes y forma a jueces altamente Die FCI wurde 1911 gegründet und hat 83 Mitglieder und cualificados. La FCI se asegura de que todos los miembros, Vertragspartner (ein Mitglied pro Land). Jedes Mitglied er - países contratantes y personas que en cada país se dedi - stellt seine eigenen Ahnentafeln und bildet can al mundo del perro reconozcan y acepten los pedigríes hochqualifizierte Richter aus.
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