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Record Group 226, Box 4, Office of Strategic Services Entry 119A; London X-2 PTS Files; London X-2 PTS-3 Files Bovensiepen PF 602.627 Record Group 226, Box 24 Office of Strategic Services Entry 119A, London X-2 PTS Files 320 ArchiVEs, LibrariEs, and PriVatE COllEctiOns LONDON X-2-PTS FILES WRE/18 CSDIC Miscellaneous Reports THRU W.R.E Monthly Reports Record Group 226, Box 33 Office of Strategic Services Entry 119A; London X-2 PTS Files; London X-2 PTS-3 Files Thran, Friedrich THRU Ulrich, Wolfgang Record Group 226, Box 48 Office of Strategic Services Entry 119A, London X-2 PTS Files, LONDON X-2-PTS FILES (ILLEG) THRU Medele Record Group 226, Box 83 Office of Strategic Services Entry 119A, London X-2 PTS Files London X-2 PTS-3 Files Hardouin, Roger THRU 2012-SA Record Group 226, Box 87 Office of Strategic Services Entry 119A, London X-2 PTS Files, LONDON X-2-PTS-69 Folder 64 THRU London X-2-Pts69 Folder 70 Record Group 260 BOX 3 Records of United States Occupation Headquarters, WWII, Office of Military Government for Germany (US) OMGUS; Records of functional Offices and Divisions; The Office of the Director of Intelligence: General Corresp of the Analysis and Research Branch. 1945a–1949; 000.9-2 Scientists, German, IOA Evacuees thru 004. 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SCC Minutes 1947–1949 Thru Russian Zone Record Group 260 BOX 163 Records of United States Occupation Headquarters, WWII, Office of Military Government for Germany (US) OMGUS, Records of the Office of Military Government, Bavaria, Records of the Intelligence Division: General Intelligence Recs. 1946–1948 Ammunition Dumps THRU Jewish Record Group 260 BOX 581 Records of United States Occupation Headquarters, WWII; Office of Military Government for Germany (US) OMGUS Records of the Berlin Sector. Records of the Communications Branch: General Records, 1945b–1949. Newspaper clippings 1949 (6) thru Action Sheets. Record Group 260 BOX 590 Records of United States Occupation Headquarters, WWII, Office of Military Government for Germany (US) OMGUS; Records of Office of Military Government, Bremen; Rcs of Bremerhaven Liaison & ArchiVEs, LibrariEs, and PriVatE COllEctiOns 321 Security Detachment: Records of Clubs And Youth Activities, 1947–1949; Volksbund “Deutsche Kriegsgräberfursorge E.V.” Thru Y Viii. Playgrounds Record Group 260 BOX 795 Records of United States Occupation Headquarters, WWII, Office of Military Government for Germany (US) OMGUS, Records of the Executive Office, TheO ffice of the Adjutant General: formerly Security Classified Intelligence Reports, 1945–1949 Record Group 260 BOX 968 Records of United States Occupation Headquarters, WWII, Office of Military Government for Germany (US) OMGUS, Office of Military Government, Wuerttemberg-Baden.­ Records of the Education and Cultural Relations Division: Community Active Branch Chief: Corresp & Rel Recs. 1945–1949: Amateur Radio thru K9 American-­French Zone Merger. Record Group 260 BOX 1067 Records of United States Occupation Headquarters, WWII, Records of the U.S. Element of Inter-Allied Organizations, The Communications Group Record Group 260 BOX 1297 Records of United States Occupation Headquarters, WWII, Office of Military Government for Germany (US) OMGUS, Records of the Office of Military Government, Wuerttemberg-Baden, Records of the Intelligence Division: Intelligence Reports, 1945-1949, INTELLIGENCE AND CONFIDENTIL ANNEXES thru WEEKLY INTELLIGENCE REPORT NUMBER 7 WIENER DOKUMENTATIONSARCHIV ZUR ERFORSCHUNG DER GESCHICHTE DES FUNKWESENS UND DER ELEKTRONISCHEN MEDIEN – INTERNATIONALES
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