MASONIC TOKEN. WHEREBY ONE BROTHER MAY KNOW ANOTHER. VOLUME 3. PORTLAND, JULY 15, 1889. Ng. 9. was dedicated by Grand Master Chase, July Diamond Island, where Commander Farring- Published quarterly by Stephen Berry, 10th, in the presence of a large assembly. ton has his summer cottage, and had a very No. 37 Plum Street, Portland. pleasant day. Corner Stone. Twelve cts. per year in advance. Postage prepaid. Maj’ 80th, Memorial Day, Grand Master To those who ask what connection Tem- Chase laid the corner stone of the Soldiers’ plary has with Craft Masonry it is sufficient Advertisements $4.00 per inch, or $3.00 for half an inch for one year. Monument in Monument Square Portland. to answer that for nearly a century the Or­ No advertisement received unless the advertiser, Most of the officers of the Grand Lodge were ders of Knighthood were given in craft or some member of the firm, is a Freemason in good standing. present, and the Grand Lodge was escorted lodges, and that the oldest templar in Maine, to the square by Portland and St. Alban William Wilson, of Red Beach, received the Commanderies. There was a large military orders in Killiniche Lodge, Belfast, Ireland, CASCO BAY. and civic procession also, but the masons did as late as 1824. If e’er you sail on Casco Bay not join that. The services were very im­ When fields are green and skies are .sweet, In Ireland the Red Cross order is given And watch the foam-capped waves at play pressively rendered. Interesting masonic Where land and sea touch hands and greet. after that of the Temple and Malta. As friend with friend, in rude delight, documents were placed beneath the stone. Your soul, like birds at break of day, Will rise for many a joyous flight festivities. The Grand Commandery of Kentucky has ’Midst summer isles of Casco Bay : 1,563 members in 23 subordinates. The Of Casco Bay ! Sweet Casco Bay 1 On June 11th, Payson Tucker, General Where life is joy and love at play Manager of the Maine Central Railroad, in­ Grand Commander is John G. Montgomery ’Midst summer isles of Casco Bay. vited Portland Commandery to dine with of Cynthiana, and the Grand Recorder Oh, wild and glad and circling far, Lorenzo D. Croninger of Covington. The ripples sparkle from your prow him at the Mount Pleasant House in the As silvery laughter from a star White Mountains. The commandery re­ When Venus decks the evening’s brow : Rev. Comp. Frederick S. Fisher, of St. Ami where the islands stand apart sponded 120 strong, and a delightful day was The ocean waves roll in to pay Johnsbury, Vermont, favors us with a copy Sonic tribute from the sea’s great heart passed. After the dinner they were taken 1.0 gentle, queenly Casco Bay : of his chapter report on correspondence for To Casco Bay ! Dear Casco Bay ! by train to the Twin Mountain House, and 1889. Your soul imbibes the salt sea-spray, returning the whole party were taken in And sings with lovely Casco Bay. mountain wagons back to Fabyans over the James H. Price, Recorder of St. John’s Down smiling channels shadows run And shimmer on the green-blue tides ; stage road, so as to see the work on the Commandery of Wilmington, Delaware, has Ana,, booming like a far-off gun, Where Harpswell sea from sea divides, Ogdensburg extension which Bro. Tucker is kindly sent us a sermon preached before that You hear the breakers’ sullen roar, rushing through so rapidly. There was a commandery Good Friday, 1889, by Frater And watch the waves ascend in sprav. While all around, behind, before, very large attendance of old members, many Leighton Coleman, Bishop of Delaware. The white sails swell on Casco Bay : .coming from distant points. The ride On Casco Bay ! Fair Casco Bay ! The charter of Hiram Lodge of New The white sails fill and bear away through the wild scenery of the Notch is al­ The happy ships on Casco Bay. Haven was restored to 200 of its former —Benjamin S. Parker in the Century. ways charming, and it was especially grati­ members May 23d, and it is once more i® fying to realize that Bro. Tucker is still as good standing. MASONRY IN MAINE. fond of his old commandery as they are of him. From Past Grand Master W. T. Boyd Lodge Elections. Oxford Lodge of Norway made an excur­ come the proceedings of the Colored Grand Naval, 184, Kittery. F E Ro.well, m; J sion to Portland and the islands of Casco Lodge of Ohio for 1888. There are 45 lodges II Gatchell, sw; I N Hurd, Jr jw; L L Goodrich, sec. Bay, eighty-five strong, June 21st. with 1,115 members. A general table shows Palestine Commandery at Belfast enter- 34 colored Grand Lodges, with 1,055 lodges Chapter Elections. and 21,674 members. tained Dunlap Commandery of Bath, St. Washington, 16, Machias. G Harris Foster, John’s Day, and on the 25th gave them a up ; Henry II Smith, k ; Herbert Harris, s ; Eastern Star Lodge of Perfection at Ban­ Henry R Taylor, sec. clam bake at Searsport. gor seems to be doing good work. Twenty On June 24th, St.John’s Day, Portland Constitution. candidates at the April meeting. Commandery made an excursion to Boston, Euclid Lodge at Madison, was constituted where they were received by St. Omer Com­ It appears that a meeting of the Life-Gov­ by Grand Master Chase July 1st. The cere­ mandery of South Boston, and taken to ernors of the Boys’ Masonic School in Eng- mony was private. Plymouth by boat. After the return a ban­ land June 1st, was so disorderly that it was New Halls. quet was given them at the Parker House, considered scandalous by several writers in the Freemason. The new masonic hall at Auburn was which was pronounced the finest they had dedicated June 24th by Grand Master Chase ever partaken of. Many excellent speeches A United Grand Lodge of Victoria was in the presence of a large assembly. There were made, and they kept at the table until organized at Melbourne, March 20th, Lord was some fine music, vocal and instrumental, a late hour. On the 25th they returned Carrington, Grand Master of New South and an excellent address by the Rev. C. A. home, arriving at eight in the evening. Wales, presiding. Hayden, the whole followed by a banquet. On St. John’s Day, St. Alban Command­ A Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter A new hall for Harwood Lodge, Machias, ery of Portland, made an excursion to Little for the Colony was formed at the same time. 66 MASONIC TOKEN, JULY 15, 1889. The Grand Commandery of Kentucky has lisher sends specimen pages free to any appli­ Harrison’s “ The Republican Court,” in proposed amendments to the Grand Encamp­ cant, or specimen volumes, which may be re- which she gives portraits and charming little ment statutes providing that the language turned if not wanted, for 60 cents for cloth biographies of eighteen of the prominent of rituals need not be rigidly adhered to. binding, 75 cents for half Morocco, post-paid; young society women who were in General Many Grand Commanderies seem to hold the better binding is particularly commended. Washington’s circle of friends, Mrs. Wash­ that view, and the Tennessee proposition to John B. Allen, Publisher, 393 Pearl Street, ington herself leading the train. “ Mademoi­ prescribe only the essentials will probably New York, 218 Clark Street, Chicago. selle Papa ” is a touching little tale from the be adopted. —Mr. W. J. Stillman, the art critic, writes French, translated by Miss Virginia Champ­ lin, who, it will be remembered, met a fate to the New York Evening Post that M. He- Books, Papers, etc. bert, Director of the Academie Fran^aise at quite as sudden and terrible as death from —The Tyler of Grand Rapids, Mich., issued Rome, “one of the most thoughtful of mod- an explosion in the mines described in this a memorial edition of 76 pages on the occa- ern French painters, and perhaps the best story. There is a thrilling story of another sion of laying the corner stone of the new representative still living of the great poetic French child in this number, “ The Child- masonic home at Grand Rapids, May 21st. French school of art, ” says of Mr. Cole’s en- Knight of Bouffiers,” written by Madame It will be observed that the Tyler has been gravings now appearing in the Century, that Cramer Bernhard, a niece of General Grant. removed from Detroit to Grand Rapids. “he had never seen such work on wood, and “How Patty earned her Salt,” by Walter Colby, is quite a perfect little story. Wide —The Masonic Review of Cincinnati was did not suppose wood-engraving to be capable Awake is $2.40 a year. D. Lothrop Com­ established in 1845 and is consequently for- of it.” pany, Publishers, Boston, Mass. ty-four years old, not thirty-five as we stated As was stated in the announcement of this in May. series, the appearance of the engravings is in On November 14, 1888, the corner-stone —The Masonic Constellation is a new month­ chronological order. Specimens of the work was laid with masonic ceremonies for a of such pre-Raphaelites as Cimabue, Giotto, monument in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, ly of 16 pp., published by the Valley Publish- to the memory of Wolfgang von Goethe, the ing Co., St. Louis, and edited by W.
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