Canadian Union MESSENGER Volume XXXIX, No. 7 Oshawa, Ontario March 23, 1970 Maracle Press and Kingsway Publishing Merge With Pacific Press By J. W. BOTHE, President Canadian Union Conference During recent weeks, some important decisions were made cility. This industry is highly competitive, and requires equip- regarding our publishing work in Canada. Maracle Press Lim- ment that can do volume work. For example, all The Bible ited, Kingsway Publishing Association and Pacific Press have Stories that our Canadian literature evangelists can sell in two entered upon a merger agreement that unites the efforts of these years can be produced in our plant in approximately two weeks. three organizations. So it can be easily seen that a great volume of work is required This imporant move was made after much careful study by from some source. various committees and helpful counsel and approval from the Pacific Merger Will Gradually General Conference. Because of serious financial difficulties, it Diminish Commercial Work became advisable to join with one of our senior publishing houses in the United States. We are grateful for the willingness of the Pacific Press to share their financial, technical and personnel resources to help Large Volume of Work Needed us work to the end of gradually minimizing the acceptance of To Keep Canadian House Going commercial work, and enlarging the placement of denomina- tional printing. The Pacific Press was selected for a number of reasons. It is Several large orders for denominational printing have already this publishing house that is charged with the responsibility of been assigned to our Canadian plant. Without a doubt, this supplying literature to the various countries of Inter-America. merger will greatly strengthen and open up new horizons for It is well known that Canada can export merchandise to these the distribution of our truth-filled literature in Canada. countries as easily as the U.S. Thus, immediately, it has become possible for us to produce more denominational literature. For History of Canadian Publishing Work many years the hope was entertained that we might produce Perhaps a brief history of our publishing work in our Union more denominational literature in our Canadian printing fa- might be of interest to our members. The establishment of the Shown above is the building which, through the years, has housed the operations of Maracle Press Limited and Kingsway Publishing Association Canadian Watchman Press in the year 1920, through the gener- cepted by the governing board, and the operation proved to be osity of the Review and Herald Publishing Association in the quite successful. In the year 1940, the business which had been furnishing of both personnel and financial assistance, came to built up under private management was returned to the control pass. The purpose, of course, was to print, and otherwise supply of the Canadian Watchman Press Board, but operated under the need for gospel literature in the Canadian field. However, the name of Maracle Printing Company. This continued to it soon became evident that the demand for our literature was function in this manner until the end of the year 1952. not nearly sufficient to employ even one-half of the total ca- Illegal Operation of Commercial Business pacity which the house was built to accommodate. After a series of financial reverses, and changes in key personnel, it was It was at this time that attention was called to the fact that finally decided by the governing board to take in a selective the operation of the large commercial business under the class of high quality commercial work to supplement the work existing charter was illegal. It was finally decided a separate which was already being done. It was during the middle twen- legal entity under the name of Maracle Press Limited should ties that the Review and Herald turned over the management be organized, and that the commercial business should operate of the institution to the Canadian Union. under a separate name from that of the denominational The implementation of the programme in commercial work publishing house. It was at this time also that the name of helped to temporarily relieve the financial pressure. However, Canadian Watchman Press was changed to Kingsway Publish- the depression of the '30's along with other problems, created ing Association. almost insuperable burdens. The General Conference studied A Blessing Through the Years the situation on several occasions, and finally recommended, in Through the years our Canadian printing facility has been the year 1938, that the institution be closed. a real blessing. A certain amount of literature has always been produced in Canada, and many of our members have been Leased to C. G. Maracle able to secure employment in this industry. It is sincerely hoped It was at this time that Elder C. G. Maracle offered to lease that our publishing house and printing plant will continue to and operate the manufacturing division of the publishing house function so that we might be prepared to produce and supply under his own private management. This offer to lease was ac- literature to our Canadian field, as well as countries abroad. * * * Evidence of the Flood Being Sought Attention All Former NEAL C. WILSON, President North American Division Student Missionaries Seventh-day Adventists and many are not involved in any promotion nor On Sabbath afternoon, June 13, there others are genuinely enthusiastic about any active participation. will be a colourful mission pageant at the any activity designed to provide archeo- While it is certainly the privilege of General Conference session in Conven- logical or scientific evidence that will sub- any individual to encourage this unique tion Hall at Atlantic City, New Jersey. stantiate the authenticity of the Bible. An type of endeavour, it should be made For the first time we would like to have area of the sacred record which has come clear that the denomination is not respon- student missionaries who have served in under special attack is in connection with sible for statements that are made, con- our overseas mission programme take the story of the Flood. Because of this, clusions that are reached, nor for the part. In order to know how to prepare there seems to be unusual interest in financing of such ventures. for this pageant we need to know who seeking for evidence that will further among the student missionary group will confirm the Biblical and Spirit of Proph- * * * be present. No financial assistance can be ecy description of what transpired during given from the General Conference, but and after the Flood. those student missionaries in attendance at the session are asked to participate in Many are aware of the fact that vari- Association ous groups in different parts of the world this pageant. Please write immediately to have been organized for the purpose of of Seventh-day Adventist John Hancock, 6840 Eastern Avenue doing research and exploration on Mt. Nurses NW, Washington, D.C., 20012, if you Ararat in Turkey. The objectives are to plan to be present. find traces of the Flood and, hopefully, May 1-3, 1970, is the weekend for the * to uncover the remains of the Ark. third annual retreat and business meet- Many inquiries in recent weeks have ing of the Association of Seventh-day come to us asking for information with Adventist Nurses. Our meetings imme- Kingsway College regard to these activities and organiza- diately precede the convention of the tions. Since they are privately sponsored ANA in Miami, Florida. ASDAN mem- Alumni and financed, the General Conference has bers, you're urged to attend! If you are taken no official position and has made not a member, please come and get ac- April 3-5 no formal statement concerning these quainted. Watch for more details in a groups. Several leaders in the General later issue of CANADIAN UNION MESSEN- Important discussion Conference have been kept apprised of GER. happenings and developments, but they THE NEW DORMITORY Official Organ of the CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE of Seventh-day Adventists, Carl Klam, Canadian Uulou Editor; Pearl I. Browning, Associate Editor. President, J. W. Bothe; Secretary-treasurer, Carl Klam. Departmental Secretaries: Publishing, 0. A. Botimer; Sabbath School and Lay Activities, W. E. Kuester; Missionary Volunteer, Educational and Temperance, M. E. Erickson; Public Affairs, D. L. Michael; Medical, E. A. Crawford, M.D. Issued biweekly. Subscription price $2.00 a year. MESSENGER Second class mail registration number 0912. Printed by Maracle Press Limited, Oshawa, Ont. 122 CANADIAN UNION MESSENGER A Soul-Winning Partner New Chairman In September of 1874, our first over- of Education Department seas missionary, J. N. Andrews, left the Attention shores of North America, heading for Andrews University Europe. It was in the same year, in June of 1874, that another great missionary, Canadian Union College Signs of the Times, started its mission Alumni work in the United States by entering the homes of the people. Today there are 300,000 copies of the Signs of the Times Home-coming Weekend rolling off the press monthly, and then moving out into the highways and by- April 17-19 ways, bringing the light of truth to those who are longing for a better way of life. Sabbath morning speaker No other journal published by the church can claim more converts than the PASTOR M. K. PHILBRICK Signs. Many hundreds are rejoicing in (class of 1920) the truth as the result of this message- filled missionary journal. The other day Dr. T. S. Geraty See April 6 MESSENGER for further I took a brief look at just a few letters Dr. Thomas S. Geraty will assume his details. coming from the readers, and I gleaned new duties as chairman of the education the following sentences: "I gave a dona- department at Andrews University near tion to a blind lady on the street, and she the end of April.
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