DOCUMENT DEMME ED- 159 580 C6 012 916 - AUTHOR Long, Nicholas TITLE Information 6 Referral Services; 'Research Findings. _Volume1 of the InterStudy cf the Information and Referral Study. Appendix,2. 4 - SPONS. AGENCY Administration on Aging (MEW); Washingto9, 'D.C. REPORT NO DHEW-OHDS-77-20412 PUB DATE 75 GRANT 93-P-75051/5-06 NOTE . 159p.; For related documents, see ED 154 281-283; Best copy available EDRS PRICE mp-$0.83 Plus. Postage. HC Nct Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS. *Community Resources; 4Information Needs; *Information Services; *Older Adults; Outreach. Programs; Program Descriptions; ,Program Development; *Program Evaluation; *Referral; Resorrce Guides; Senior CitizensA Training 'ABSTRACT This appendix accompanies Volume 1of the Information -and Referral Center Study, and the Evalaution of Information and Referral Services for the Elderly, and contains job descriptions for the Wisconsin Information Services (WIS) project staff, guidelines for proposals for project participation, the interview used for proposed I and R Center sites, descriptions cf areas served by each center, public reaction to HIS, forms used in data collection, - program objectives, and summary of publicity activities of 12 of the centers. (CJ) 31glIg#*#*###################*#######*2014#4***31g#444446####*44##*##**#######40/yy * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the-original document. *\ **4444######*#########*****4446#44**##**44***31,44*##*##*###D14444(**###*444*#* INFORMATIN&REFERRAL SERVICES:Research Findings VOLUME 1 )f I n ter St tdy INFORMATION AND REFERI4AL. CENTER STUDY . APPENDI X 2 1,JARIE , "cot ,00 U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDFROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATIONORIGIN ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OROPINIONS. STATED DO NOT NECESSARILYREPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTEOF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE OFFICE .OF HUMAN DEVENPMENT. ADMINISTRATION ON AGING NATIONAL CLEARINGHOUSE ON AGING , , 7INFORMATION8i:RgFERRAL SERVICES:ResearchFindings VOLUME 1 °tithe.' Inter Study. INFORMATION AND REFERRAL CENTER STUDY APPENDIX2 DHEW Publication No..(OHDS) 77 -20412 Prepared for U. S. Department of Health, Education,and Welfare Office of Human Development Administration on Aging in fulfillment of a Title IV grant 93-P-75051/5-06 . ' Copyright 1975 by Nicholas Long and Inter Study . The res'earchtePorrd herein was performed pui'Suant to a grant from the. Administrationon Aging,;U. S. Department ofHealth, Education, and Welfare. Those undertakingsuchprojectsrunder Government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their profesiional judgement in the conthict of the project.Points of view stated do. not, therefore, necessarily represent:0cial Administration'pn Aging.position or policy. , r. Table of Contents 1 Appendix A: Job and Position Descriptions for WIS Project Staff 3 Project Director. 4 Information Systems Manager 5 Field Supervisor 6 Research Aide 7 &R Specialist 9 Appendix B: Guidelines for Submitting Proposals to Participate in the WIS Demonstration 4 31 Appendix C: Structured Interview for Proposed I & R Center Sites 37 . Appendix D: Description of Area Served by Eich Center 39 Summary 40 Madison Center (01) 44 Beloit Center;(02) 46 Reedsburg Center' (03) 50 Cashton Center (04) 54 Eau Claire Center (05) -, 59 Ashland Center (06) 65 .0conto Center (07) 70 Green Bay Center (08) 72 Manitowoc Center (09) 74 Fond du Lac Center (10) n Waukesha Center (11)_ 80 Wisconsin RaPids Center (12) 84 Milwaukee Center (13) .86 WISNetwork 87 Appendix E: Public Reaction to WIS 91 Appendix F: Forms Used for Data Collection for the Evaluation 92 Facility File Fon& 94 J-Sheet 95 Summary of Resource File Development 96 Resource File DevelopmentTime Breakdown Sheet 98 Caller InterView Form 102 Referral Form 105 l&R User Survey 107 Telephone Follow-Up Card 108 Biographical Summary Sheet 109 - l&R Worker Report 111 Grant Expenditures '112 Escort and Transportation Reimbursement Ticket 114 'Publicity Report Form 115 Planners Request Form, 117 Appendix G: Program Objectives and Evaluation Criteria - for the Wisconsin information Service 131 Appendix. H: Letter Used to Accompany I & R, User Survey an Instructions for Telephone FollowUp 136 Appendix I: Summaries of Publicity Activities of. Centers 'I Through December, 1973 135 Madison Center 136 Beloit Center, ' 138 Reedsburg Center 139 Cashion Center 140 Eau Claire Center 141 Ashland Center 1-,. 142 Oconto Center 143 Green Bay Center 144 Manitowoc Center 146 Fond du Lac Center 147 Waukesha Center 148 Wisconsin Rapids R Appendix A: Job and Position Descriptions for WIS Project Staff Cl ° t 14 3 4ppendixA: JobDeOriptions Job Title: ' Information and Referral Project Iiirector , Location: . ision on-Aging, Departmgnt of Healih'and Social Servibes, Madison, VVisconsin. his is a federally funded ptoject, annually. renewable.. Salary: (Effective June 25; 1972) Miniimum startinglalai-y ,25 a month. An aPplica with more than the minimum qualifications may be appoirited at arrappropriatelyh het", salary of up to $1,375. Earn $50 rase after six Months. Further merit raises, to $1, Biweekly safety. range: $563.22 to $734.72., Job Description: An exciting position enabling a person to be responsible for the developmdntand implementation of a Federally fundecReseal^ch andDemonstration Projectfor the This project will provide a broad range of information and r'eferral servicesat shirt separate information andreterral centers throughout Wisconsin. The objective of project is twofold.: to increase the accessibility of ,huran services for older Mieri an'`d-to maximize the utility of informationand referi-al center data for the planni g of human services. Under the general' supervision of the Administrator of theWiscons State Division on Aging, the Project Director will have overall responsibility forthe developmeot and implementation of the projectincluding supervision, administratio planning, consultation, and evaluation. The Director will coordinatea State Project Task Force composed of representatives of state agencies and organizations.The a. Project Director will alsobe responsible for developing adrninittrati,k policiesand procedures for the project and providing liaison between the project and related Feder agencies. dgalifications: Training & Masters degree in,social gerontology, public health, clinicalor counseling psychology, Experience: social work; or public administration and four years of professional experiencein one of the above fields. Two of the years must have been.inan administrative capacity which involved the development of social servicesprograms and included at least two of the following components: professional staff suPervision,.Federal grant application and reporting prcedures, fiscal administration of human serviceprograms and planning and evaluation of programs. An equivalent combination of trainingand experience may be considered. Experience in information referral systems is highly desirable. Essential Skills. Some knowledge of research and planning techniques and procedures,group dynamics & Knowledge: and human relations, and ptinciples and procedure's of officemanagement. Knowledge of the general field .of aging and in particular, the variousprograms, services and needs of the elderly. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationshipswith representatives of public and private agencies and the general public; abilityto secure, analyze, and evaluate data and to organize and present written informationto be used as the basis forNadininistrative decisions. Ekamination: One of the first steps in the examination processmay be the reviewtof applicationso identify those applicants who appear best qualified by experience and achievements.' In or with your application, include information regarding yciurpast experience and achievements as they relate to thik position and the essential skills and knowledges listed. This information shouldblearand specific in terms of exact responsibilities and functions of your present or'relevant past positions to enable the application revie panel .to accurately evaluate your applications. 8 i &R Services: Research Findings as a Job Title: . Information Systems Manager `". - , P i 4 4. Location: N. Division on Aging, Department of Health and Social Services, Madison, Wisconsin. - t This is a Federally funded 'project, annually renewable._ c ' , Salary: Effective June 25, 1972. Minimum starting salary is $1,020 i month (An applicant wa more than the minimum qualifications maybe appointed atan Appropriately her starting salary of up tq $1,165) Earn/$45 raise after six Months. ,tUrther merit ,:,. ; , raises to $1441. Biweekly salary range:$473.57, to $616.56. ,,;. , . t Job Desoription: ° The Information Systems Manager is responsible 'for.th0 development and implerneniatibn of the project infokrletion,systeth of a Federallysfur-ided Fleieirch -and Oes-monstration Project for the elcielli-of Wisconsin. Beedse a majpr goal of this-project isto gather -,, ) and interpret impovant geipaph,data, the Information Systems Manager will have. ...." bfoad responsibilities. throughout theentire project. of prirrheryrimportance will be, the development of the entireinformakon system ofiWe project:17.0s include ' phases of of data gathering, Propessinn, and e aluatirig informatibn elate o ojt, # and providing information -on comm nitysources for.each of to areas served he - 1 informatiOn
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