June 2, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 6 8547 of violations. There are operators who Mr. Speaker, we must never forget I believe that the University of Mary- do not make deviant behavior a part of the bravery of our men and women in land could not have chosen a more their corporate culture. We want these uniform that continue to serve our qualified leader to take our university mine operators to join us to rework the country and continue to serve it in into this century. Throughout his di- rules that govern this industry. harm’s way. These are true American verse career, President Loh has built a In the end, though, getting mine re- heroes—so many who have died, so strong track record of creating aca- form done depends upon Congress. The many continue in the battlefield, so demic excellence at every stop. What responsibility rests squarely here. many that are injured. But today, I ask an extraordinary background Wallace These disasters are preventable. This this Chamber and America to recognize Loh has for this increasingly inte- report is a very clear warning. We Seth Blevin’s family and pray for them grated world, particularly as it relates should not—we must not—wait for an- so that they can endure this heartache to our relations with China, one of the other tragedy before Congress owns up and find a way to overcome it. world’s largest nations both in terms of to its responsibility. Mr. Speaker, may Seth Blevins rest people and its economy. f in peace, and may his family find In his inaugural address, President peace. Loh reflected on Barack Obama’s state- b 1010 f ment that America has reached a ‘‘sputnik moment,’’ a moment when IN MEMORY OF PRIVATE FIRST WELCOMING PRESIDENT WALLACE our place as a world economic and in- CLASS WILLIAM ‘‘SETH’’ BLEVINS LOH TO UNIVERSITY OF MARY- novative leader is increasingly chal- LAND The SPEAKER pro tempore. The lenged. Institutions like the University Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from The SPEAKER pro tempore. The of Maryland are critical to our contin- Ohio (Mrs. SCHMIDT) for 5 minutes. Chair recognizes the gentleman from ued leadership in the world. As Presi- Mrs. SCHMIDT. Mr. Speaker, it is a Maryland (Mr. HOYER) for 5 minutes. dent Loh said, and I quote, ‘‘The Amer- sad day for my district because today Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, as you ican research university—a crowning we’re going to lay an American hero to know, I am a very proud alumnus of achievement of American civilization— rest, Private First Class William the University of Maryland. For more must respond to this sputnik moment. ‘‘Seth’’ Blevins. He was only 21. than a century and a half, the Univer- We are a premier research univer- Just before Christmas in 1989, on De- sity of Maryland has represented the sity’’—speaking of the University of cember 22, Steven and Trish Wagnoner best of American ideals of public edu- Maryland. He went on to say that ‘‘we Blevins got the best gift of all—a beau- cation. Now I am very proud to say must also become a premier innovation tiful, healthy little boy. They lived in that the University of Maryland tradi- and entrepreneurial university.’’ rural America, Sardinia, Brown Coun- tion is in the capable hands of our new I have no doubt, Mr. Speaker, that ty, Ohio. They were small business President, Dr. Wallace Loh, who was the University of Maryland is well- owners, working hard to make a living inaugurated this spring. equipped to fill that role and do its and working harder to make sure that Wallace Loh came to the United part for our State and our Nation. And their children achieve the American States at the age of 15, alone, without I have no doubt that Wallace Loh was Dream. And they did their job with family, with $300 in his pocket, his par- exactly the right person to choose to Seth. You see, Seth was a wonderful ents life savings. Wallace Loh was born lead the university at this time. young man, a young man who loved our in Shanghai, China. His father, a dip- I want to wish Dr. Loh and the uni- country so much he put the cloth of his lomat, fled the Communist regime to versity the very best as it works with country, a uniform, on and decided to Lima, Peru when Wallace was a very so many other extraordinary univer- protect our freedom no matter what young man. He grew up in Lima until sities and colleges and educational in- cost or peril it was to him. the age of 15, but it was here in this stitutions in the United States of In 2008, he graduated from Eastern country that he pursued the education America to make sure that we ‘‘make High School in Brown County. He that would ultimately make him one of it in America.’’ That is to say that we played soccer, basketball, participated our most respected academic leaders. out-educate, we out-build, we out-inno- in the band, and was a member of the President Loh comes to College Park vate our competitors so that we can Eastern High School chapter of the Na- from the University of Iowa, where he provide the kind of quality of life, the tional Honor Society, clearly a winning served as Provost and Executive Vice jobs that our people need, a growing individual. He attended Ohio Univer- President. He brings to the University economy for the future, for our chil- sity and took courses at the University of Maryland more than three decades dren. of Cincinnati prior to enlisting in the of hard work and accomplishment in f Army. He was a member of the Peace higher education. His successful career Lutheran Church in Arnheim. as a scholar and administrator has THANKING 26 REPUBLICANS WHO His parents now feel an unbearable taken him to Seattle University, the VOTED FOR MCGOVERN-JONES sorrow with the loss of their wonderful University of Washington, the Univer- AMENDMENT son, Seth, but so does his sister, Paige sity of Colorado-Boulder, Beijing Uni- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Blevins, his mother’s fiance, Brandon versity in China, and more. He also Chair recognizes the gentleman from Black, his maternal grandparents, Will served as a top policy adviser to Gov- North Carolina (Mr. JONES) for 5 min- and Shirley Wagoner, and all of the ernor Gary Locke, who will be our am- utes. aunts and uncles and cousins and bassador in China. Gary Locke, of Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, like most friends, everyone in the community. course, was the Governor of Wash- of my colleagues in the House, on Me- Seth was a member of the U.S. Army, ington State. In that capacity, he led morial Day I had the privilege to speak 2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment, the State’s effort to expand access to to two different groups down in the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infan- higher education for low- and middle- Third District of North Carolina, which try Division, Schofield Barracks in Ha- income students. I represent. One of the events comes to waii—commonly referred to as the As a leading scholar in the legal mind down in Beaufort, North Caro- Wolfhounds—and he loved what he did. field, Dr. Loh has also been elected lina. There were well over 150 people Unfortunately, on May 23, 2011, while President of the Association of Amer- there—most of them obviously were so many Americans were planning ican Law Schools. Wallace Loh holds a veterans or family of veterans, and a their celebrations for Memorial Day, law degree from Yale University, a couple of families whose loved ones he was the victim of an improvised ex- Ph.D from the University of Michigan, didn’t come home from previous wars. plosive device in Kunar Province, Af- a master’s from Cornell University, That brings me to the point that last ghanistan, participating in Operation and a bachelor’s from Grinnell College week JIM MCGOVERN and I offered an Enduring Freedom. in Iowa. amendment to create a formula to VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:10 Jul 11, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR11\H02JN1.000 H02JN1 wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 8548 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 6 June 2, 2011 bring our troops home from Afghani- eyes of God for His people in this great American is that despite having a med- stan, and I want to thank the 26 Repub- Nation. I will ask God to give wisdom, ical condition known as systemic lupus licans who voted for that amendment. strength, and courage to Mr. Obama erythematosus for more than 40 years, We came within six votes of creating a that he will do what is right in the including many surgeries and hos- formula for the President to bring our eyes of God for this great Nation. pitalizations, she lived a productive troops home before 2015. And I will ask three times: God life that cannot be surpassed by any- Mr. Speaker, at these two events please, God please, God please continue one. She was a good wife, mother, down in my district, I had veterans line to bless America. grandmother, sister, aunt, cousin, pas- up when I finished to come up to say, f tor, and friend. Dr. Johnson distin- guished herself in so many ways and ‘‘We agree with you on your position to TRIBUTE TO REVEREND DR.
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