California State Library Sacramento 9, Califcrnia Pa daft VOL 44 SAN JOSE; CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1957 AR'Y NO 106 Low Averages To Disqualify Student Union 0 iuyed Seven Seekers Seven officer hopefuls were dis- qualified from the April 30-May 1 Six Students Finance Committee *Address Will all-school election yesterday for grade point deficiencies, accord- Highlightp SJS ing to Gary Clarke, Student Court To Speak On chief justice. The disqualifications Approves $650,000 an-Am Week narrowed to 58 the number of stu- Segregation The Senate Finance Committee constituted a new legislative pol- An address by Dr. Russell H. dents running for the 26 offices at Six student speakers in Sacramento today approved a icy to provide student activity Fitzgibbon, UCLA authority on stake. will tell CENTENNIAL DISPLAIS Rowe Me( lelland (right). president of personal exprien es involving $650,000 appropriation for a new buildings at all state colleges Central and South America, will of the San Jose Merchants Assn., checks with Jerry (ioldstien (left), Candidate hopefuls eliminated discrimination, tomorrow evening Student Activities Building for needing structures to house stu- be the featured event of the Social sophomore engineering major, and Shirley Ann Duarte, junior edu- by the 2.25 grade point average at 7:30 o'clock in the Student Y San Jose State. dent organizations. Science Division's week-long ob- cation major. about Spartan materials available for Centennial requirement are Bruce Bush, ASS window displays. SJS pennants, punt punts, athletic equipment, in an effort to help interested The budget item won unanimous President John T. Wahlquist servance of Pan American Week, treasurer; Mike Donovan, junior stu- photographs, Centennial brochures, and other materials will be dents analyze the problem of approval of the Senate Finance was in Sacramento at the time of Dr. Fitzgibbon will speak on loaned to merchants of the San Jose area for special displays. Many representative; Herb Effron, male housing discrimination at SJS. Committee yesterday, but it still the bill's passage, as was Dr. J. "If Monroe Came Back" In the firms plan to devote at least an entire section or more to recognize senior justice; Eleanor Gabler, The Rev. Jim Martin will conduct must be approved on the floor of Burton Vasche, associate superin- Concert Hall of the Music Build- the college Centennial celebration. These firms are cooperating with junior secretary; Bob Levin, jun- the college in the anniversary of our pioneer educational institution. the meeting. the Senate and the Assembly. tendent of public instruction, who ing tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. He ior justice; Dave Towle, male rep- The eshibits will he on display from April 29-May 11. This virtually assures that it Is in charge of the Division of will trace the recent developments Photo by French resentative at large; and Carol "We hope students will take will remain on the state budget State Colleges. and possible future of Inter-Amer- Young, sophomore secretary. advantage of this opportunity to for 1957-58. Plans call for the new Student ican relations and problems. Official candidates are Don make an evaluation of the hous- The appropriation had already Union to be erected on the east In addition to being chairman of Ryan and Dick Sandretto, ASB ing problem and to discuss with been approved by the Assembly's side of 7th street. straddling what the committee on Latin-American president; Cal Callaway, Ted Ter- other concerned students possible Will Ways and Means Committee. is now San Antonio street. studies at UCLA, Dr. Fitzgibbon Sellers Not courses of action," Mel Powell of zakis and Al Walburg, vice presi- which is the assembly's budget - The present Union is the former Is a member of the American Pol- dent; Liz Bell and Joan Oeser, re- the Student Y Social Action Com- cutting group. Carnegie Library of the city of itical Science Amen., Western Pol- cording secretary; Kay Collins, mittee, said. Sen. John F. (Jack) Thompson San Jose. It is about 45 years itical Science Assn., American So- Appear in Court Marjorie Jackson, Masako Kawa- Powell indicated that group rec- ill-Evergreen) backed the bill by old. ciety for International Law, and uchi, Joan Malloy and Jeanne Mc- ommendations would be presented Senior Justice John Sellers, in a letter to Chief Justice Gary presenting arguments before the When the college library is ex- Board of Editors for the Inter. Henry, corresponding secretary; to the Student Council committee Clarke, yesterday indicated that he would not appear before the Senate group. lie explained that, panded northward, as planned for American Economics Affairs, and Chuck Miller and Grant Salzman. studying discrimination. "We wish court today on charges of non-feasance because he had not properly although San Jose State will be in the 1958-59 budget, the present the National Advisory Committee treasurer; Ginger Buss, Carol to help the committee," Powell received a summons. In addition, Sellers asserted that he had no the first state college to get a Student Union will have to be of the Hispanic American Report, Crisler and Alice Kunz, female said, "instead of working against intention of resigning his office." student activities building under a razed. Dr. Fitzgibbon writes for the representative at large; and Bob it." Sellers was ordered before the Court at the suggestion of the new state building program, a According to F.xecutive Dean editorial feature page of the Los Hosfeldt, and Bill Sturgeon, male The housing discussion is open Student Council for a hearing involving failure to carry out his duties. five-year master plan calls for C. Grant Burton, the new Student Angeles Times and is author of representative at. large. to any interested student, Powell The Council pointed out Wednes-4 similar structures at all college Activities Building will consist of the book, "Uruguay: Portrait of Court candidates are Claire Gill said. All campus organizations, day that Sellers had missed four campuses. student offices, committee rooms, Democracy." In addition he is OKI- court meetings WACs Seek F our and Suzanne Slater, female senior this semester. His church groups and living groups The approval of the building and one lounge. thor of "Cuba and the United justice; Ron Ortland and Welvin absence at one of the meetings have been notified of the meet- State." "Latin America, Past and Stroud, male senior_ justices; Dee .caused the Court to be without a June Graduates ing. Present." He was the editor of Williams, Chris Richards and Bar- quorum, causing the Alpha Phi "William Allen White's First For- bara C. Johnson, female junior Omega fraternity mixdp last AFROTC Detachment ty Years," a compilation of the For Commissions justice; Bill Bjorge, junior male week, according to Clarke. Kansans famous editorials. at least four graduating seniors justice. Clarke, who wished to resign Seniors Sign He received his A.B. degree are being sought to apply for com- Class officer candidates include after today's session, agreed last To Be Competiton Host from Hanover College, Indiana. missions in the Women's Army Carrot Perkins and Jerry Siebes, week to remain as Chief Justice He obtained his M A. degree in Corps, according to an announce- senior president; Alicia Cardona, Les Brown's SJS's AFROTC detachment will is scheduled to begin at 1:15 p.m. until after Sellers' hearing. Clarke political science from the Univer- ment released yesterday by Col. senior vice president; Vivienne play host. Friday, to the annual The winning drill team will par- submitted a letter of resignation sity of Wisconsin, where he also John E. Rogers, professor of mil- Andres, senior secretary; June Band for Ball Bay Area drill competition. ticipate in the Area "J" finals to last week, stating that he was received his Ph.D. degree. itary science and tactics. Bibb, senior treasurer; Betty Rob- In addition to the campus drill be held at Cal on Friday, May overworked with student teaching The Seniors iiesterday an- The eleolal -Science celebration The women must be between the erts, Ed Kindred and Penne Mc- 20 to 30-1han squads from 17. observations, heavy study sched- nounced the signing of Les Brown teani, commemorates the first 11.8. -La- ages of 20-33, have a college-level Clenahan, senior representative. Stanford, California, San Francis- team, tinder the ule, and 40 hours a week outside for their Ball and the other SJS's 20 -man tin America conference in 1390. education and be of reputable Bill Douglas, junior president; co State and Fresno State will co-direcllon of cadet drillmasters work. classes' discussed money-making and is part of San Jose State's background. Nev Griffin, junior vice president; take part in the competition which Dave Pierker and Richard Alber, In his letter, Sellers asserted porjects during their meetings. series of Centennial activities. SJS has been given openings for Jerry Reith, junior secretary; La- is coached by senior cadet An- that he learned of his possible ex- SENIORS NAME BAND Week long Latin-American exhib- at least four women for the two- vonne Gomes, junior treasurer; thony Cook. In last year's sub- pulsion via the second-hand source Les Brown and his "Band of its will be displayed by the school's year program. On being commis- Bev Crawford, Marshall Gibson, area competition, the SJS drillers of the SPARTAN DAILY. He Renown" have officially been departments of Natural Science sioned second lieutenants in the Lee Sorg, junior representative. liamann To Speak placed second. claims that he will not leave his named to provide the musical en- and Home Economics, and by the WACs, the women will receleve Sophomore candidates are Jerry justiceship because he feels that tertainment for the Senior Ball.
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