S7712 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 1, 2017 would prefer to have the freedom to op- The question is on agreeing to the Feinstein Manchin Schumer erate as they see fit rather than have amendment. Franken Markey Shaheen Gillibrand McCaskill Stabenow to deal with Federal regulations, and I The amendment (No. 1618), as amend- Harris Menendez Tester suspect that is a big part of what the ed, was agreed to. Hassan Merkley Udall real problem is on the other side of the The amendment was ordered to be Heinrich Murphy Van Hollen Heitkamp Murray aisle. But, folks, I think it is a per- engrossed and the bill to be read a Warner Hirono Nelson Warren Kaine Peters fectly reasonable proposition that if a third time. Whitehouse King Reed college chooses to forgo the very sub- The bill was read the third time. Wyden Klobuchar Sanders stantial funds available to it from Fed- The PRESIDING OFFICER. There Leahy Schatz eral taxpayers, it is OK to say that it will now be 2 minutes of debate prior to will be exempt from this endowment. the vote on H.R. 1. The bill (H.R. 1), as amended, was So I urge my colleagues to vote no on The Senator from Oregon. passed. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Tax Cuts the amendment. Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, millions and Jobs Act, as amended, is passed. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The of Americans must be watching in (Applause, Senators rising.) question is on agreeing to the amend- stunned disbelief tonight as the Repub- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ment. lican Senate betrays the middle class PERDUE). The majority leader. Mr. MERKLEY. I ask for the yeas for the benefit of faceless, multi- and nays. national corporations. f The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a Colleagues, how many middle-class EXECUTIVE SESSION sufficient second? families need to see their hard-earned There appears to be a sufficient sec- pay snatched away in tax hikes before ond. these corporate handouts are no longer EXECUTIVE CALENDAR The clerk will call the roll. worth it? How many more Americans Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I The senior assistant legislative clerk need to see their jobs shipped overseas move to proceed to executive session to called the roll. before corporate paymasters no longer consider Calendar No. 495, Kirstjen The result was announced—yeas 52, call the shots? How many Americans Nielsen. nays 48, as follows: need to lose their healthcare or see The PRESIDING OFFICER. The [Rollcall Vote No. 302 Leg.] their premiums shoot sky-high before question is on agreeing to the motion. YEAS—52 this is stopped? The motion was agreed to. Baldwin Gillibrand Murray What is happening tonight is the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Bennet Harris Nelson worst of the U.S. Senate. There is a clerk will report the nomination. Blumenthal Hassan Peters trail of broken promises—broken prom- Booker Heinrich Reed The senior assistant legislative clerk Brown Heitkamp Sanders ises to working families in the mad read the nomination of Kirstjen Cantwell Hirono Schatz dash to pass this bill. The American Nielsen, of Virginia, to be Secretary of Cardin Kaine Schumer people understand this is the first step Homeland Security. Carper Kennedy Shaheen Casey King of continuing attacks on Medicare, on CLOTURE MOTION Stabenow Collins Klobuchar Tester Medicaid, and on Social Security. This Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Coons Leahy Udall vote will not be forgotten. Cortez Masto Manchin send a cloture motion to the desk. Donnelly Markey Van Hollen I yield the floor. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- Duckworth McCaskill Warner The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- ture motion having been presented Warren Durbin Menendez jority leader. under rule XXII, the Chair directs the Feinstein Merkley Whitehouse C Fischer Murkowski Wyden Mr. M CONNELL. Mr. President, I clerk to read the motion. Franken Murphy yield back the time on this side. The senior assistant legislative clerk The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill NAYS—48 read as follows: having been read the third time, the Alexander Flake Perdue CLOTURE MOTION Barrasso Gardner Portman question is, Shall the bill pass? We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- Blunt Graham Risch Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Boozman Grassley Roberts ask for the yeas and nays. Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby Burr Hatch Rounds The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- Capito Heller Rubio Cassidy Hoeven Sasse sufficient second? nation of Kirstjen Nielsen, of Virginia, to be Cochran Inhofe Scott There appears to be a sufficient sec- Secretary of Homeland Security. Corker Isakson Shelby ond. Mitch McConnell, Tom Cotton, Roy Cornyn Johnson Strange The clerk will call the roll. Blunt, Rob Portman, James E. Risch, Cotton Lankford Sullivan Lindsey Graham, Richard Burr, Mike Crapo Lee Thune The legislative clerk called the roll. Crapo, John Boozman, Roger F. Cruz McCain Tillis The result was announced—yeas 51, Wicker, Ron Johnson, John Thune, Daines McConnell Toomey Enzi Moran Wicker nays 49, as follows: John Hoeven, Steve Daines, Marco Ernst Paul Young [Rollcall Vote No. 303 Leg.] Rubio, John Cornyn, John Barrasso. The amendment (No. 1856) was agreed YEAS—51 Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I to. Alexander Flake Paul ask unanimous consent that the man- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- Barrasso Gardner Perdue datory quorum call for the cloture mo- Blunt Graham Portman tion be waived. jority leader. Boozman Grassley Risch Mr. MCCONNELL. Colleagues, we are Burr Hatch Roberts The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without moving now to final passage. Capito Heller Rounds objection, it is so ordered. I know of no further amendments to Cassidy Hoeven Rubio Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Cochran Inhofe Sasse ask unanimous consent that notwith- the bill. Collins Isakson Scott AMENDMENT NO. 1618, AS AMENDED Cornyn Johnson Shelby standing rule XXII, the Senate vote on The PRESIDING OFFICER. There Cotton Kennedy Strange this cloture motion at 5:30 p.m. on Crapo Lankford Sullivan Monday, December 4. will be 2 minutes of debate on amend- Cruz Lee Thune ment No. 1618, as amended. Daines McCain Tillis The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Enzi McConnell Toomey objection, it is so ordered. Ernst Moran Wicker The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- yield back our time. Fischer Murkowski Young The PRESIDING OFFICER. All time ator from Wyoming. is yielded back for the majority. NAYS—49 TAX CUTS AND JOBS BILL Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I yield Baldwin Cantwell Corker Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, earlier this back. Bennet Cardin Cortez Masto week, I said it was historic that we Blumenthal Carper Donnelly The PRESIDING OFFICER. All time Booker Casey Duckworth began the consideration of the Tax is yielded back. Brown Coons Durbin Cuts and Jobs Act. Today is even more VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:24 Dec 02, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01DE6.093 S01DEPT1 December 1, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7713 significant because we are one step that position. She has been in a num- to search through as they listen to closer to enacting that bill. ber of positions in the Senate that both sides make cases about what can The chairman of the Finance Com- trained her well to be able to do that, and can’t be in a budget reconciliation mittee, Senator HATCH, has called this and she did a marvelous job. bill. a once-in-a-generation opportunity. I I also want to thank her team: Matt There are also many other staffers agree. Giroux, Paul Vinovich, Becky Cole, who deserve to be thanked for their As an accountant, one of my goals Thomas Fuller, Elizabeth Keys, Joe work on this product, including the en- when I came to the Senate in 1996 was Brenckle, Jim Neill, Steve Robinson, tire Finance and Energy Committee to serve on the Finance Committee. Greg D’Angelo, Tom Borck, Rick staffs, but in the interest of time, I will When I joined the committee in 2009, I Berger, Jeremy Dalrymple, David just say that I appreciate them and said that positive, pro-growth changes Ditch, Susan Eckerly, Alison McGuire, look forward to working with all of to our tax policy could help us out of Will Morris, Steve Townsend, Kelsie them to help finish enacting this bill the economic downturn. I believe this Wendelberger, and Eric Ueland. that will benefit hard-working Ameri- bill makes those types of changes and I would like to thank my personal of- cans and make our economy and coun- will jump-start our economy. fice staff who worked hard on the tax try stronger. This week, 137 economists agreed provisions in this package and kept all Mr. President, I yield the floor. with that assessment. In a letter to of my other issues going at the same Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, with pas- Senators and Representatives, these time. Particularly, I want to thank sage of this bill, we are another step economists wrote: ‘‘Economic growth Bart Massey, who is a CPA and who has closer to providing real tax relief to will accelerate if the Tax Cuts and Jobs been my special person to work on the middle class and providing a much- Act passes, leading to more jobs, high- these finance issues with me for more needed boost to our economy. er wages, and a better standard of liv- than 3 years. Today’s events have been years in ing for the American people.’’ I also want to thank Tara Shaw, my the making. This has been my chief My colleagues on the other side of chief of staff, who had to put together legislative focus for many years, and it the aisle dispute that analysis.
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