Return to the American Fern Society Home Page. AFS Spore Exchange List as of 1-Jan-2020 If you wish to request or donate spores, please visit the spore exchange page of the American Fern Society: AFS spore exchange page Listed below is a snapshot of the entire spore bank inventory as of the date at the top of the page. It is arranged alphabetically by botanical name and includes unique order numbers to simplify requesting and processing orders. Key to column headings: pic: Link to donor supplied picture(s) of the fern the spores were collected from. Most rcnt mo / yr - donor : For the most recently donated spores, the month and year of spore collection and the donor initials. Packets rcnt (tot): The number of spore packets available of the most recent donation and the total number of packets available including past donations. Each packet contains approximately 3 to 10 cubic millimeters of spores (several thousand spores). Those marked as “Small qnty” in the notes column contain less than 3 cubic millimeters. Fr SZ: Approximate maximum frond size. Very Small = less than 4 inches, Small = 4 inches to 1 foot, Medium = 1 to 3 feet, Large = 3 to 6 feet, Very Large = greater than 6 feet. USDA Zone: Minimum and maximum growing zones based on various books and the internet. Notes: Common synonyms and miscellaneous notes. Viability Test: Spores sown on sterilized Pro-Mix HP soil and maintained for 16 weeks at room temperature 11 inches below two 20W cool white fluorescent tubes (or equivalent) illuminated 14 hours per day. ++ = Most spores germinated, + = partial germination, +? = few spores germinated, (blank) = not tested. The following donors contributed spores to this list: (AL) Andrzej Leśniewski, (AV) Albertus Jan-Willem Vos of Botanical Garden Château Pérouse, (BA) Brian Aikins, (BH) Bart Hendrikx, (BJH) Barbara Joe Hoshizaki, (BT) Brian Torreano, (CHB) Charles Boulanger, (DE) Denia Mandt, (DE2) Doug Eckel, (DJ) David E.V. Jones, (DY) Daniel Yansura, (EM2) Edgardo Malacara, (FW) Frank Wolpert, (GFW) Geoffrey Finance-Winterspoon, (GR) Giles Reed, (JC) James Cheshire, (JK) John Knouse, (KD) K Demott, (MG) Michèle Gonzy, (PW) Persephanie Westervelt, (RB2) Remko Beuving, (RG) Robert Gamlin, (RJ) Riccardo Jesu, (RW) Ro Walraven, (SM2) Sue Mandeville, (TR) Tom Richardson, (WB) Wayne "Bubba" Baxter, (WN) Werner Neumueller. (2170) Asplenium hypomelas (DY) New (1603) Polypodium pellucidum var. pellucidum (BA) Changes in availability since last Refreshed (1853) Pyrrosia subfurfuracea (BA) month's list supply (1997) Woodwardia fimbriata (BA) No longer available or Pyrrosia longifolia viable Packet Viability Test Order Fr USDA Most recent pkts mo count sown date, Genus species variant / yr - donor SZ Zone Notes Num rcnt (tot) result 6 Adiantum aethiopicum 10 / 2004 - JM 5 (5) SM 8-- 3/17/2018 + 7 Adiantum aleuticum 8 / 2019 - MS 19 (60) SM 4--8 From 57 degree northern latitude. 12 Adiantum aleuticum subpumilum pic 8 / 2018 - BA 5 (27) S 6--8 12/18/2018 ++ 14 Adiantum anceps 8 / 2018 - RB2 4 (4) M 9-- 12/11/2018 + 20 Adiantum caudatum 5 / 2019 - WN 3 (14) S 9-- 25 Adiantum diaphanum 8 / 2018 - BA 5 (5) S 8-- 28 Adiantum formosum 6 / 2016 - DY 11 (11) ML 8--11 3/10/2018 + 32 Adiantum hispidulum 6 / 2019 - BT 2 (6) S 8--11 4/20/2019 + 39 Adiantum pedatum 8 / 2014 - JK 1 (1) SM 3--8 12/18/2018 ++ 50 Adiantum raddianum pic 12 / 2018 - BA 8 (8) SM 9-- 2154 Adiantum raddianum Margaretta pic 11 / 2018 - LF 12 (12) SM 9-- 5/26/2019 ++ 77 Adiantum raddianum Pacific Maid pic 11 / 2018 - LF 79 (79) SM 9-- 5/26/2019 ++ 100 Adiantum tenerum Scutum Roseum pic 11 / 2018 - LF 23 (23) SM 10-- 5/26/2019 ++ 104 Adiantum trapeziforme pic 2 / 2019 - LF 3 (3) ML 11-- 5/26/2019 + 106 Adiantum venustum pic 9 / 2018 - BA 15 (42) S 5--8 128 Anemia phyllitidis 9 / 2019 - BA 25 (50) SM 9-- 129 Anemia phyllitidis large form pic 8 / 2014 - BA 12 (27) M 9-- 4/5/2018 ++ 131 Anemia tomentosa 2010 - * 4 (4) SM 8--9 * Donation by Cal. State Univ. 12/18/2018 ++ 139 Arachniodes aristata 8 / 2017 - BA 12 (12) M 6--8 Syn: Polystichum aristatum 12/18/2018 + 151 Arachniodes simplicior variegata pic 8 / 2015 - BA 34 (108) M 7-- 12/18/2018 + 2100 Araiostegia perdurans 6 / 2016 - DJ 8 (8) SM 8b*-- * Survived Zn 8a UK winters last several years. 12/23/2018 + 159 Arthropteris orientalis 8 / 2013 - MK 12 (12) SM 8-- 12/18/2018 ++ 162 Aspidotis densa pic 10 / 2019 - BA 3 (4) S 5-- Chielanthes siliquosa. Small qnty per packet. 165 Asplenium adiantum-nigrum pic 8 / 2017 - BA 8 (50) SM 7--9 12/18/2018 ++ 173 Asplenium antiquum pic 1 / 2017 - EM2 1 (8) M 10?-- 12/18/2018 + 2117 Asplenium antiquum Osaka 11 / 2016 - EM2 4 (4) M 10?-- 12/26/2018 + 186 Asplenium bulbiferum pic 1 / 2019 - BA 3 (3) ML 6-- 204 Asplenium ebenoides 7 / 2018 - BA 4 (4) S 5-- Syn: Asplenosorus ebenoides 208 Asplenium flabellifolium pic 9 / 2018 - BA 7 (22) S 9-- Zone 8 with protection. 212 Asplenium fontanum pic 9 / 2019 - KD 5 (5) S 5--8 10/19/2019 ++ 220 Asplenium hemionitis pic 6 / 2019 - BA 7 (13) S 9-- 2170 Asplenium hypomelas 12 / 2019 - DY 15 (15) ML -- 225 Asplenium incisum pic 8 / 2018 - BA 1 (21) S *-- * Survived 16°F. From Yantai China. 229 Asplenium juglandifolium pic 10 / 2018 - BA 2 (34) M 12?-- 2/14/2016 + 253 Asplenium nidus 2 / 2015 - KT 14 (14) ML 9--11 12/18/2018 ++ 264 Asplenium ocoense pic 9 / 2018 - BA 4 (9) M 12?-- Origin: Puerto Rico. 10/19/2019 ++ 267 Asplenium pekinense pic 8 / 2018 - BA 4 (9) S 6--9 Originally from Kunming China. 270 Asplenium platyneuron pic 11 / 2015 - RS2 5 (11) SM 4--8 Was positively identified by university. 12/18/2018 ++ 274 Asplenium polyodon pic 8 / 2014 - BA 4 (11) M 11?-- Wild coll in Kauai. Syn: Asplenium falcatum. 12/18/2018 +? 1462 Asplenium sagittatum 6 / 2019 - BA 3 (7) S 9-- Syn: Phyllitis sagittatum 1463 Asplenium scolopendrium pic 8 / 2019 - BA 19 (60) M 4--9 Syn: Phyllitis scolopendrium 1473 Asplenium scolopendrium Cristatum 11 / 2012 - GFW 1 (1) 4--10 12/21/2018 ++ 2161 Asplenium scolopendrium Fimbriata pic 7 / 2019 - SM2 12 (12) SM 4?-- 10/19/2019 ++ 1481 Asplenium scolopendrium Kaye's Lacerated 8 / 2017 - BA 11 (26) S 4?-- 12/21/2018 ++ 2135 Asplenium scolopendrium Lacerated group pic 8 / 2018 - SM2 2 (2) S 4?-- 9/1/2018 ++ 2089 Asplenium scolopendrium Laceratum 2 pic 7 / 2016 - BA 8 (11) S 4?-- 12/23/2018 ++ 1487 Asplenium scolopendrium Muricatum pic 7 / 2019 - SM2 5 (5) SM 4?-- Variable when grown from spores. 10/19/2019 ++ 2136 Asplenium scolopendrium Peraferens pic 8 / 2018 - SM2 4 (4) S 4?-- 9/1/2018 ++ 2137 Asplenium scolopendrium Sagittata group pic 8 / 2018 - SM2 8 (8) SM 4?-- 9/1/2018 ++ 2091 Asplenium scolopendrium Spirale pic 8 / 2019 - BA 7 (7) S 5-- 1494 Asplenium scolopendrium Undulata pic 8 / 2018 - SM2 7 (7) SM 4?-- 12/21/2018 ++ 295 Asplenium septentrionale 7 / 2013 - BA 1 (1) S 4--8 12/18/2018 ++ 301 Asplenium sp. 1 pic 11 / 2019 - BA 25 (39) S -- Possibly A. flaccidum. 2094 Asplenium sp. 2 pic 2014 - AL 10 (10) S *-- * Tropical origin. 12/23/2018 ++ 302 Asplenium sphenotomum pic 8 / 2014 - BA 1 (1) M 11-- Wild collected in Kauai. Small qnty per pkt. 12/18/2018 + 307 Asplenium trichomanes pic 6 / 2016 - BA 10 (36) S 3--9 12/18/2018 ++ 2027 Asplenium trichomanes Ramo-cristatum pic 7 / 2017 - BA 5 (8) VS 3--9 12/23/2018 ++ 332 Astrolepis integerrima pic 4 / 2018 - BA 2 (5) S -- Syn: Cheilanthes integerrima 333 Astrolepis sinuata 11 / 2019 - BA 7 (7) SM 8--9 Syn: Cheilanthes sinuata Small qnty/packet. 336 Athyrium angustum 2004 - KB 7 (7) M 2--9 Syn: Athyrium filix-femina var. angustum 12/18/2018 +? 337 Athyrium angustum Lady In Red 7 / 2018 - BA 18 (38) M 4-- Syn: A. filix-femina cv. Lady In Red 340 Athyrium asplenioides 5 / 2014 - JK 1 (1) M 4--8 Syn: A. filix-femina subsp. Asplenioides 12/18/2018 + 2167 Athyrium atkinsonii 8 / 2019 - BH 4 (4) M -- 343 Athyrium cyclosorum 8 / 2019 - MS 39 (101) ML 5--8 Syn: Athyrium filix-femina var. cyclosorum 349 Athyrium filix-femina 4 / 2005 - KB 6 (6) M 4--8 12/18/2018 ++ 2162 Athyrium filix-femina Cristatum group pic 7 / 2019 - SM2 5 (5) M 5--8 367 Athyrium filix-femina Frizelliae pic 8 / 2019 - BA 24 (45) S 4--8 394 Athyrium x ' Ghost ' 8 / 2006 - BJH 16 (31) ML 4-- A. niponicum cv. Pictum x A. filix-femina 12/18/2018 ++ 2160 Athyrium niponicum Apple Court pic 7 / 2019 - SM2 7 (7) M 4--9 408 Athyrium niponicum Pictum pic 8 / 2016 - BA 3 (19) M 4-- 12/18/2018 ++ 422 Athyrium sp. 1 Zhejiang China pic 8 / 2018 - BA 9 (59) L *-- * Survived 12°F. 2144 Athyrium tripinnatum 2016 - BH 2 (2) M 9-- Taiwan origin. Small qnty per packet. 12/11/2018 + 432 Belvisia mucronata 8 / 2013 - MK 1 (1) S 10-- 12/19/2018 + 2021 Belvisia validinervis pic 4 / 2013 - OE 2 (2) SM -- 12/23/2018 + 440 Blechnum australe pic 9 / 2018 - BA 39 (86) SM 8--9 441 Blechnum australe Red Form 2006 - BJH 10 (10) SM 8--9 9/1/2018 ++ 453 Blechnum cordatum pic 11 / 2016 - BA 20 (20) M 8--9 12/19/2018 + 458 Blechnum falciforme 11 / 2018 - DY 15 (27) L 9-- 2101 Blechnum hastatum 6 / 2016 - DJ 2 (2) S 8b*-- * Survived Zn 8a UK winters last 3 years.
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