Church of St. Peter 2600 N. Margaret St. North St. Paul, MN 55109 651-777-8304 The Nativity of The Lord December 25, 2019 (Caravaggio, Adoration of the Shepherds) “CHRISTMAS IS AN EVENT OF LIGHT, IT IS THE FEAST OF LIGHT: IN THE CHILD OF BETHLEHEM THE PRIMORDIAL LIGHT ONCE MORE SHINES IN HUMANITY’S HEAVEN AND DISSIPATES THE CLOUDS OF SIN. THE RADIANCE OF GOD’S DEFINITIVE TRIUMPH APPEARS ON THE HORIZON OF HISTORY IN ORDER TO OFFER A NEW FUTURE OF HOPE TO A PILGRIM PEOPLE.” -SAINT JOHN PAUL II Dear parishioners and visitors, Have a blessed Christmas! May the Lord, the Savior of the world, remain with you always. -The priests and staff of Saint Peter’s catholic community. V:`]:`1.1QJV`5 V``7.`1 I: :JR:]]7V1V:` * 1` Q`:CC5QJGV.:C`Q` .V `: V`J1 7Q`:1J .:`CVQ``QIVQ51Q%CRC1@V Q .:J@7Q%`Q`7Q%`]`:7V`5 ``1VJR.1]:JR$VJ%1JVH.:`1 7 .`Q%$.Q% .V]: 1Q7V:`:JR:.:C`7V:`8 As we embark on this Holy Christmas season and onto the New Year 2020, I connue to be evermore amazed by 7Q%`H.:`1 7:JRHQII1 IVJ 1JV0V`7:]VH Q`Q%`I11QJ: 8 V V`;.%`H.8.:J@7Q%* ".:J@ Q .V]VQ]CV1.Q :` VR .1QH1:C7V:`8V1J$]:` Q` .1JV1:R0VJ %`V:VcV V` QJ1J .V`QCVQ`.1V`Q`! :c5V`01J$::$QGV 1VVJ`Q` .V : Q`11 .VI]CQ7VV:JR]:`1.1QJV` QVJ%`V:CC 1%V:`V:RR`VVR]`Q]V`C7:JRV H1VJ C78`1H1:VJ$VI%.CV1.Q QQ@QJ:JV1C7H`V: VR`QCVQ`&1J:JHV :JR':J:$V`as well as working/direcng the work of1@V&VCC`: .5Q%`(HHQ%J :J 8QJJ1V'QV`1J$1: :@VR Q :@VQJ:JV1`QCV:1VCC8$V`JV1`QCV5( 1 :J Q .V: Q`will allow her to beer support Father Eore and assist in the Sacramental preparaon for all the clergy. Not to be forgoen, VCQR77C@Q1 @1Q%` front desk receponist for all of her reless hours of creang the weekly bullen, assisng other staff members :JR:JR:J1V`1J$].QJV8 &: .V` *:J1VCV : ]:` Q` Q%` I11QJ : V V` 1: JQI1J: VR ]:`QH.1:C 01H:` 1J H.:`$V Q` Q%` &:1 . Formaon and Youth Ministry8Q`@1J$11 . : .V`:J1VCV:`VVJJ1`V`+`V$V`:JR,:`G:CRQ``8&VJJ1`V` Greger coordinang Faith Formaon’s needs :JR ,:`G:CRQ``Q0V`VV1J$ .V +! ]`Q$`:I8 Q . Q` .VI have been long me parishioners and have been acve volunteers in the parish for many years. We have a great team working in communion connuing the great faith filled legacy of the Wagenbach. 1IQ .7'Q7:JRPa Teachout.:0VGVVJ.1`VR Q.:JRCV .Vmusic and liturgy coordinaon`Q` .V]:`1.8 Timothy is working with the choirs and cantors and Pay has been very busy working closely with the clergy and CV:R1J$ .V1Q`@11 . .V! V1:`R .1]:7Q`/1`Viniaves and melines. ".:J@ Q :CC .V IVIGV` Q` .V Stewardship Commiee :JR .V1` 1Q`@ 1J R1HQ0V`1J$ : :J V7V 11 JV .V:G%JR:J CQ0VQ`&V%.`1 `Q` .QV1.Q`1@ Q')"*'** Sco Windeyis working around the parish offices, church and school during the a ernoon and evening hours under the direcon of (C,V0V`%]]Q` VRG7'QJ:$V`:JR:`@1JJ Our parish staff, with daily dedicaon and unring work, makes sure that the mission of our parish is carried on 11 .CQ0V:JR$VJV`Q1 78 I would like to thank the extraordinary Eucharisc ministers, sacristans, ushers, environmental 0QC%J VV` 5 1VRR1J$ :JR `%JV`:C V`0V` RHQQ`R1J: Q` RC%JH.VQJ 0QC%J VV` 5 :CC .V ]:`1 . 0QC%J VV` ; groups and choir members who help with different tasks in our church’s liturgy/acvies and building facilies during this year and help fulfill the vision of a parish with dignity and beauty. As for our parish school, Fr. Pietro and I have connued to aend the astounding Socrac Seminars held V0V`7VRJVR:7IQ`J1J$8, .VGV$1JJ1J$Q` .V7V:`5%]QJ .V Invitaon of our school’s principal Mrs. Dahlman, we had a retreat focused on catholic educaon with Q%` V:H.V`:JRH.QQC :cIVIGV`8,CQJ$11 . .VH.QQC V:H.V`:JR :cQ%`]`1Q`1 71 Q]`VV`0V:JR implement the catholic identy of our parish school. I am also spending me teaching Religion to the 7 .$`:RV` :JR .graders as also confirmaon class to the 8 .$`:RV`8V .:J@/`8:.CI:J5:CCQ` .V V:H.V`:JR H.QQC :c8 V .:J@ V]VH1:CC7 /`8 0V$:J 1.Q ]`QI1VR R%`1J$ .V C: H.QQC ':C:5 /:`H. JR 5 : $ 55 donaon to the school for Financial Aid upon a creaon of a new Foundaon. Kae Regan Nath, Alison Dahlman myself have been working on the bylaws and other important steps on the new Foundaon which is almost at the conclusion of this new beginning. Thanks Kae and Alison for your reless works. ".V IVIGV` Q` .V `% VV5 &1J:JH1:C :JR : Q`:C Q%JH1C :`V 11V :JR .:`R1Q`@1J$ IVJ :JR 1QIVJ RVR1H: VR Q .VI11QJQ` .1]:`1.:JR Q .V `% .Q` .V: .QC1H`:1 .8 7 `:H1J$ QIV IQ%`J1J$ IQIVJ 1J : ]1`1 Q` .V /1 VJ1J$ .%`H. 1V :7 .:J@ `Q` .V $QQR CV:RV`.1]1JQ%`,`H.R1QHVVQ` :%CRMinneapolis in these moments of healing and restoraon in Christ. VHVIGV`I:`@ .VVJRQ`Q%`'V=Q1HV:JR+10V.:J@ :]1 :C:I]:1$J8,CCQ`%:`VQ0V`1.VCIVR with gratude at the generosity of our anonymous family, and 1V1:J Q`QCCQ1 .V 1$J Q` .VQC7!]1`1 :JR .V V6:I]CVQ` %H. CQ0V `Q` .V .%`H.8 I personally hope that parishioners already commied with pledges for the reducon of Rejoice and Give Thanks Capital Campaign, will be fulfilling their pledges inspired :JRGVIQ0VRG7 .VV6:I]CVQ`H.:`1 7:JR`:1 .`%CJV ``QI QI:J7]:`1 .1QJV` 8 We offer our hearelt thanks to the many parishioners who made donaons through the years to reduce this debt and for those parishioners who connue to honor their pledge with monthly donaons. :7+QR`%CCC7Q%`.V:` 8 Your pastor Fr. Eore Ferrario, F.S.C.B R Dear Parishioners and visitors, Beginning January 1, 2020, deacon Bob will transition to a new schedule, in order to accommodate his desire to move to a part-time position. Deacon Bob has filled many Pastoral Ministry roles over the last several years at the Church of St. Peter. I still remember, with great joy, the first time I met deacon Bob along with Fr. Deziel. We, priests of the Fraternity of Saint Charles, were visiting the parish and deacon Bob was so helpful in introducing us to the parishioners and the history of this vibrant community. Deacon Bob has been such a great help to get to know better the culture here in Minnesota too. He lives his diaconate vocation in a generous and loving way, and he is full of zeal for the concerns of the Kingdom of God. During the last few months I had many beautiful conversations with Deacon Bob that brought me to acknowledge his desire to work less hours starting in January 2020. He will work approximately 28 hours per week. Deacon Bob will be in his office o Monday-Tuesday- Thursday of every week to still performing his duties as Pastoral Ministry, plus 10 hours monthly of diaconal service as the archdiocese asks to do for each deacon assigned at the parish decided in communion with the pastor. Deacon Bob will continue to focus on the Homebound, Visiting the Sick, Word and Communication Liturgies. Baptisms, classes and the Diakonia Fund will continue going through Deacon Bob. As we move forward Connie Roering will be the central contact for all funerals. She will be responsible for setting up the family meetings and working with all the clergy to communicate the appropriate information to the respective parties. Connie will be in charge of preparing a draft of a year span of Sunday second collections and activities from various groups in the parish. Fr. Pietro will be the contact person for the Sacrament of Marriage and be working closely with others for the preparation and work with assigning the mentor couples. Deacon Bob will still be accessible, just not as often. He will still serve Mass here with our clergy occasionally and will still be here in the office Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week. May God bless abundantly deacon Bob and his wife Anne Bisciglia for all the hours of great services performed for the Glory of God here at St. Peter. Blessings Fr. Ettore Ferrario, F.S.C.B. MASS INTENTIONS SACRIFICIAL GIVING As of December 15 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020 Week of December 24, 2019 - January 5, 2020 Tuesday: 4:00 PM Church of St. Peter Parishioners Collected for Week: Envelopes & Plate $23,404. 6:00 PM †Jeffry Trumble Wednesday: 12:00 AM †Gary Jungmann and Collected for Week: Electronic Giving $1,806. †Richard & Rosemary Hill 8:00 AM Church of St. Peter Parishioners Total Amount Collected for Week $25,209. 10:30 AM †Maria & Dieter Ballack Thursday: 8:00 AM †Peg Turcotte Amount Budgeted for Week $25,712. Friday: 8:00 AM †Agnes Banick 9:30 AM No School Mass Saturday: 8:00 AM †Wayne Coleman Collected to Date: Stocks & Special Gifts $537,198. 4:00 PM †George Huss and Budgeted to Date: Stocks & Special Gifts $513,471. Antonio & Enedina Meija Sunday: 8:00 AM †Robert Schloesser Percentage Above (or Below) Budget 4.62% 10:30 AM †Weber Family 6:00 PM Church of St.
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