For Distribution to CPs N Patterson 16 September 2011 ist Exhibit: "NP1-6" IN THE MATTER OF THE LEVESON INQUIRY EXHIBIT "NP6" This is the exhibit marked "NP6" referred to in the Witness Statement of Nicole Patterson dated this 16th day of September 2011 MOD100001700 For Distribution to CPs ¯ JANUARY 514543 ANSBRO.RAY 0000011411 2( 10 15 TAXI 2810112010 t5.00 t5.00 GBP 1.000O0O UK Taxi fare from Lancashire Cricket Club to home - Wayne Rooney Question and Answers Evening 514543 ANSBRC.RAY 0000011411 JANUARY 20!O 14 TAXI 2810112010 tO OO t0.00 GBP 100000O UK Taxi fare from Manchester Piccadill~ to Lancashire Crickef Ground - Wayne Rooney Question and Answers Evening 504513 BANKS.TONY 0000003074 Editorial Expenses 27 RAIL 2010612007 4.60 460 GaP 1.000000 UK Rail fare to Hurlingnam club PaI Cash int .... 002009 BARNETT GREGORY 0000015445 Expenses 1 LINEAGE 0310612011 2.788.89 2.788.89 GBP 1000000 UK Cash advance returned, 3 x amine tickets for Home and Away Bay Reporter (Grog Barnett, Anthony Lee and Joanna Ado nnka 124184 BATEMAN.COLIN 0000002189 Staff eXlOenses for March 2007 8 DINNER 3010312007 1738 600000 GYP 0.002896 GUY Dinner at hotel shored bill, aaid cash 124184 BATEMAN COLIN 0000002446 Staff exl:~en~es for Aedl 2007 5 STATION 28/04/2007 15.99 1599 GBP 1 000000 UK Purchase 3fcashcutumnsexercise bookfc cr~ckst records 2007 124184 BATEMAN.COLIN 0000004177 staff e×Den~es Oct 2007 17 DINNER 13/10/2007 6.13 ¯ 30800 LKR 0.004690 SRI dinner at Colombo hotel, paid cash 124184 BATEMAN.COLIN 0000007568 staff expenses for oct 2008 19 ENT 2911012008 70.00 28000 XCD 0250000 ANT Media Dinner with I mran Khan [Stanford Medic Maheger)shared bill. Paid Cash 124184 BATEMAN COLIN 0000014600 staff exaenses march 2011 11 BANK 08102120tl 34 76 34.76 GBP 1.000000 UK bank charges for cash withdrawal during Ashes tour see bank ststements~ 521841 BEGLEY KATE 0000007049 august expenses 14 PROPS 1110812008 18421 18421 GBP 1000000 UK Box and Luke Las Vegas 1dp * I had to pay $350 tn cash for hire of wedding chapel and priest for photo shoot They didn’t give n 328642 BLACKLOCK MARK 0000004621 NOV 07 23 LUNCH 28Ill/2007 8.70 870 GBP 1 00oo00 UK Labour cash row 328642 BLACKLOCK MARK 0000004821 NOV 07 22CAR 28/1112007 ~7 00 37.00 GBP 1.000000UK Simonbum, Bofdon. C~’amlington - Labour CaSh row 513938 BRADSHAW.WILLIAM 0000013565 Sports editor axes. October 10 58 FUEL 1911012010 5000 5000 GBP 1000000 UK additiona! fuel and oil for trip to Lancashire 515531 BRITTAIN TOMASINA 0000003347DSS PIC DESK 24 ENT 1010612007 5105 6942 AED 0.735348 UAE Photographers food & veverage 7-10106107DDPStd cash 515531 BRtTTAIN.TOMASINA 0000004028 Expenses 6 CARHIRE )110912007 45.00 45.00 GBP 1,000000 UK Insurance uhpaid by Media trevat BDIbize shoot- Debited lo photogrel)hers accobot~BDi oaid him cash 515531 BRITTAfN.TOMASINA 0000006560 Tomasina Brittain 25 MOD 2110512008 224.00 " 8O0.0O AED O.140OOO UK par cash payment 1o local make up artistDDD[35 days- 3 published shootsDEWictoda hawkins & Abi Clancy 515531 8RITTAIN TOMASINA 0000007194 Lotto photo shoot maIega 13 ENT 1610912008 990 9.90 GaP 1.000000 UK Ddnke & 8necks- !otto shbot[2 DNo receipt- paid in cash on board 506044 BROOKS,GIDEON 0000006604 JULY EXES 47 CAR 2710512008 2.34 234 GBP 1.000000 UK Lancashire Twenb/20 launch Flintoff interview Chig Factor Trafford 514292 BROSTER.PAUL 0000004838 january/feb2008 29 LINEAGE 0410212008 150.00 150,00 GBP f.O00000 cash fee to Winnie Johnson. Vioors Murder mum - agreed Grog Swift 514292 BROSTER PAUL 0000005458 expensesfeb6-march52008 30 CAR 2810212008 24.50 2450 GaP 1,000000 UKpreston crown court - sisters who blew banking error cash 522422 BROWN.JESSICA 0000012123 Expenses MarchJ April a TAXI 13t0412010 I5.00 15.00 GBP LO00000 UK Taxi from the Lowry hotel in Manchester 1o the Fashion Kicks Chadt, even1 at Lancashire County Cdcket Club 522422 BROWN.JESSICA 0000012123 Expenses MarchtAoril 3 TAX 1410412010 10,00 10.00 GaP 1.000000 UK Taxi from The Lowry Hotel to Manchester Piccadilly train station following The Fashion Kicks event at Lancashire County Cricke 001940 BUGIEL,LUCY 0000015399 Stebbart & Walking Dead 5 PROPS 001940 19/05/2011 25.00 25.00 GBP 1.000000 UK Crash mat hire for Cricket shoot - cash only accepted by May/air BUGIELLUCY 0000016534 Big Brother/Bachelor ex~s 12 TAXI 2110712011 2000 20.00 GaP 1.000000 UK Float cash given to Inn H Welkins Taler~ on BB shoot) For cab back from station - Llandudno to his house Aberconw~ after BB ! 518816 CARNEY NICK 0000007285 October Exoences 3 ENT 0510912008 20.70 20,70 GaP !.000000 UK Lunch meeting with Chris Amor and Jane Pu6ey - Paid for drinks with Cast~ so no card receipt 330612 CHAPMAN’ JOHN 0000001289 january expenses 42 LINEAGE 1811212006 5000 50,00 GSP 1.000000 sedst killer ineuirv - cash paid for information from workeratcustorePs in ipswich red tight district 330612 CHAPMAN,JOHh 0000001289 january expenses 43 LINEAGE 330612 19/12/2006 40.00 40.00 GBP 1.000000 suffolk ~edal killer ~inedea - cash paid to’,~Drker-s/customers in ipswich red light distdct for informaSon CHAPMAN,JOHN 0000001289 january expenses 44 LINEAGE 2011212006 5000 5000 GBP 1000000 suffolk Miler ctc - cash #aid to workers!customers in ipswich red light area in seach for personal details of stephen wdgb~ 330612 CHAPMAN.JOHN 0000002415 may expenses 69 SUNDR’~ 1110412007 151.68 60000 BaD 0,252796 UK prince harry inqpides in barbados - cash tips to informants re whereabouts of harry, girl friend chetsy davy apd boqyDuaros 330612 CHAPMAN.JOHN 0000002792 june expenses 50 SUNDRY 05/06/2007 30.00 3000 GaP 1.000000 UK blind date killer inauiries at central iondon council bloc ~ cash paid to neighbours for info 330612 CHAPMAN JOHN 0000003398 augus{expenses 20 LINEAGE 330612 1310812007 5000 50.00GBP 1,000000 mvesngstion into anarchists infiltrating besthrow climate camp - cash 3std for information CHAPMAN JOHN 0000003787 selDtemper e> ~enses 34 UNEAGE 11/09/2007 50.00 5000 GaP t O000OO caddy mssann mquides in liverpool - cash paid to inlormants 330612 CHAPMAN,JOHN 0000003787 september expenses 35 LtNBAGE 12/09/2007 5000 5000 GaP 1000000 maddy mccann induides * cash aaid to informants for info on kate healy backgrOunu 330612 CHAPMAN JOHN 0000003920 october expenses 33 LINEAGE 2610912007 10148 15000 BUR 0676551 casl~ paid to informants re medeleine sighting story 330612 CHAPMAN,JOHN 0000003920 October exoenses 34 LINEAGE 2610912007 5074 75 00 BUR 0676551 madeleine story in spain - cash #aid to helper/transistor 330612 CHAPMAN.JOHN 0000003920 october expenses 39 LINEAGE 1611012007 3000 30.00 GaP 1.000000 nursmg home story - cash pad to informant 330612 CHAPMAN.JOHN 0000004f98 november expenses 44 LINEAGE 08111/2007 104.83 150.00 EUR 0.698867 cas~ paid to perugie police univedsty contact re meredith kereher murder background 330612 CHAPMAN,JOHN 0000004586 december exoenses 34 LINEAGE 06/1212007 30.00 ~000 GSP 1000000 canoe man inquiries - cash paid to children associates in henls 330612 CHAPMAN,JOHN 0000005146 february expenses 24 LINEAGE 1410212008 ]500 35.00 GBP 1.000000 cash paid 1o informants re stephen lawrence memodst vandalism inquiries 330612 CHAPMAN JOHN 0000005420 mamn expenses 45 LINEAGE 19/0312008 30.00 30.00 GBP 000000 cash paid to informants re death of norwegian socialite 330612 CHAPMAN,JOHN 0000006233 june jufy expenses 44 LINEAGE 1810612008 30.00 ]000 GBP !.000000 madtn hale murdered wife nquMes - cash paid to informant for exclusive photo 330612 CHAPMAN,JOHN 0000006988 august/september 50 LINEAGE 0710812008 3948 50 O0 EUR 0.789591 meddy mccann aaecial in~luiries - cash paid to contacts re sighling in amsterdam 330612 CHAPMAN JOHN 0000006988 august/september 5! L1NEAGF 08/08/2008 47.38 80.00 EUR 0789591 maaay mccenn special inqutrie8 - caah paid 1o tipsters re sighting at brUSse!ls bank 330612 CHAPMAN,JOHN 0000007887 aeeemoere×penses 41 LINEAGE 2811112008 75,00 7500 GBP !.000000 mumum killer in~ndies in leeds and west ]orkshire- cash paid 1o informanls among pakistani communil 330612 CHAPMAN.JOHN OOOOO97887decemberexDenses 40 LINEAGE 12t12/2008 3000 30.00 GBP 1.000000 potilician apartment watch - casn paid for info on occupants 330612 CHAPMAN JOHN 000000839f february expenses 44 LINEAGE 12102/2009 35.00 ~500 GaP 1.000000 teenage gids aircraft deaths - cash paid to family friends re addresses 330612 CHAPMAN,JOHN 0000008609 march expenses 30 LINEAGE 1310312009 50.00 5000 GBP 1.000000 cash #aid for information re islamic exlreemists in lurch troubles 330612 CHAPMAN,JOHN 0000009067 abrg exDenSes 48 LINEAGE 0910412009 50.00 1.000000 terror arrests in liverpool - cash paid 1o liverpool informants re addresses 830612 CHAPMAN,JOHN 0000010795 novemDer expenses 50.00 GBP 330612 38 LINEAGE 11/11/2009 3000 30.00 GaP 1000000 koo stark inquiries - cash paid to informants CHAPMAN,JOHN 0000011144 january/february expenses 70 LINEAGE 1910112010 3500 35.00 GaP 1.000000 UK cash oaid for info re murdered shopgirl 330612 CHAPMAN.JOHN 00000116g2 marcn/april/may expenses 86 LINEAGE 330612 1310312010 50.00 5000 GBP 1000000 UK harold landry killer background - cash paid to informant re dead wife’s secret boyfriend CHAPMAN JOHN 0000012500 junefJuly expenses 85 LINEAGE 07/07/2010 50.00 50.00 GaP 1.000000 UK male 8tripper exclusive - cash paid to ctubl cordant for exclusive info 330612 CHAPMAN,JOHN 0000012918 aegusl/september expenses 67 LINEAGE 01/09t2010 3000 30.00 GaP 1,000000 UR Sbg revealed inmuiries - cash 1o top gear contact for into 330B12 CHAPMAN.JOHN 0000013490 october I november exoenses 59 LINEAGE 0411112010 3500 35.00 GSP 1,000000 UK cash paid to tipster re missing
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