FRIDAY, F E B gU -^ Y 24, 1967! PAGE TWENTY Average Daily Net PreM Run For the Week Ended The Weather Is n member of the- Manchester The Rev. James W. Bottoms Members of the Manchester ^ 1 . gvf Febmafy 4, I8e7 Partly sunny, windy, veiy of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Gilbert and Sullivan Workshop l^nOlCe Of UemOCTQlS Oountfy d u b . He and his. wife cold tbtey, high near 20; clear About Town will conduct a service Sunday will * appear on "Perception” have two Liarry, 18, and windy and very cold toniidit, . Gene, 11. , StWIHeCONN.5IHCtl93t low 0 to 10 above; fair and lit Anne Marie Donofrio, at 8 :Ui a.m. on radio station Sunday at 9:30 a.m. and Moi.- 15,069 cold agalit tomorrow.^< daugliter o(<Mr. and Mra. Dan­ WINF. The prog^m is spon-, day at 7:30 a.m. on WTTC-TV, . CUnqmings, In announcing the Pietrantonip Pick Mmehe$tef^A City of VUUige Charm iel Donofrio of 44 Orandvlew sored by the Manchester Minis­ channel 3. 'selection in letters, to each of Bt. recently completed a course terial Association.. the. 70 membem o f the Deinb- In anethesiology for IJISAF nurs­ Mark Abraitls, son of Mr. and oratlo Town Committee, ex- VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 124 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, t e R U A R Y 25, 1967 (Classified Advertfains on Face U ) PRICE SEVEN CENTS es' at WBford Hctll, USAF Hos­ World War I Veterans and Mrs. Custon Abraltis of 68 To Succeed................... Ellis, , plained why the executive board pital, Lackland A ^ , Tex. She Auxiliary ■will meet Sunday at Doane«St., returned home yes­ A n th o n y -F. Pietyantonio of 226 Parker St. ha6 been authorized him aiid the two lias been transferred to Liong- 2 p.m. at the VBW Home, Cen­ terday from a six-month ■visit chosen by local Democratic leaders to fill the vacancy DemocraUc dlreotom to make ley APB, Vo. ter S t I in Australia. on the board of directors) existing since Feb. 1, when the choice, Raymond Ellis resigned becaase ot the press of his per- "They did this,” he wrote, "tb 1 Chinese There will be on open house Eighth District Fire Depart­ sorial business. --------------r--------- ------------ -- facilitate the action, knowing Sunday at 2 p.m. to celebrate ment will have a department Pletrantonlo, 35, will be nom- aposIUon With Pratt and Whit- the 50th wedding anniversary meeting tonight at 8 at fire inotoH ot fhP March 1 hnant ” *7 “ a test engineer in ,U»e on a day-to-day basis with each Peasants .er’s BIFT ITEMS of Mr. and Mrs. William Leon­ headquarters. Main and Hilliard mated at the March 7 board E ^ p g ^ j^ ta l Department, and other and to avoid Indecision ard o f 867 E. Middle Tpke. The Sts. meeting. , moved his family to Man- wid bickering,! both of which NOW IS THE TIME TO REMODEL YOUR KITOHEN event will be held at Veterans He was chosen by Democratic Chester. A t present, he is an as- weaken an ^ ({rganizatlon and Designers, lutaUers and Complete Alteration Servteo ICOUNTRY DRUB Memorial, Sunset Ridge, East Aldo J. Saporitl of 470 Center Directors Francis Mahoney and sistant project e n ^ e e r at the which, by the way, is charac- In Revolt Hartford, for relatives and St, owner of the Saporiti Me­ Wllliam FitzGerald and Demo- A ircraft • terisUc of the Republican Party BD1 Ntw Park Ava. 2 3 2 -4 4 0 7 Waal Hartfari friends o f the couple. TOKYO (AP) — Peas­ morial Co., has been elected a cratic Town Chairman Ted Pietrantonio is a communl- in the current selecti<m of a Opes Thuftdsyt IH Y F.M.—Sehirdsyt HI 4 F jj;________ ants in Communist China’s Held for Aiding in Escape director of the Connecticut Mon­ Cummings, Who hsd been au- . cant at St Bridget Church. He state chairman." Kweichow Province, where ument Builders Guild. James party chairman Mao Tse- P. Daley of Hartford is new president of the organization. tung’s "revolutionary reb­ What Variety, Ifs Summertime on Oakland St. els” claimed victory Feb. DEWY FRESH: Stravriierries, Nectarines, Pineapples, 14, have swarmed into the Watermelons, Honeydews, Bed, Blue Grapes, Calif, and cities and attacked pro- Justice Deptr Eyes Ontario Seen Florida Navel Oranges, Indian River Seedless Grapefruit, Public Records Cider, Grapefruit and APPLES from the Coolers: Macs, Maoist forces, a provincial Biddwlns, Delicious, Northern Spies and Winesaps. Warrantee Deeds radio broadcast reported Destination GARDEN FRESH: Asparagus, Beet Greens, Dandelions, ■ Leon Cieszynski to Robert C. today. Powell Prosecution Sptnadh, Watercress, Boston Lettuce, Endive, Rhubarb, and Marie S. Moreau, property It said army units were called committee’s rec­ Green, Yellow Beans, Chinese, Savoy Cabbage, Brussel on Westfield St. out belatedly to guard ware­ WASHINGTON (AP) — The Part ;Of the O f DeSalvo to the House is Sprouts, Black Radishes, White Sweet Potatoes, Red Onions, Harold R. and Elethea M. houses holding seed for spring Justice Department plans a ommendation that Miss Huff be fired from the Turnips, Leeks, Shalots. Cranberries, Acorn, Butternut Harvell to Robert E. Peary HI, planting, but the peasants al­ prompt probe of eiddence in the BOSTON (AP) — Two congressional payroll on Squash, Cherry Tomatoes, Peas, Broccoli, Chives, CauU- property at 365-367 Adams St. ready had seized the stock, sold Adam Clayton Powell case with brothers of Albert De- grounds she is not performing iflower. Alfred K. Enstrom to Karola it and split the profits. The an eye toward possible prosecu­ any official duties In either Salvo, 35, self-styled Bos­ A. Schadomski and Reginald J. broadcast gave no details of tion, congressional sources said POTATOES............................................................50 lbs. $1.99 Washin^on or New York where ton Strangler, were arrest­ Paradis, property at 72 Devon fighting. today. TOMATOES, CeUo P a ck ...................................................... 23c the Harlem Democrat’s district ed today as accessories in YELLOW SQU ASH.............................................................. 28c Dr. The Yugoslav news agency Although the case file has not is located. their brother’s escape Fri­ Ricn DELICIOUS APPLES ..........................20 lb. avg. $1.50 ■! Certificates of Condemnation Tanjug, in a report from Pac­ "been transmitted yet to the de­ One committee member said day from a mental hospital. LIBBY’S FRUIT COCKTAIL.............. 3 2'/j Size Cans 9.5c Highway Commissioner How-, ing, said pro-Mao authorities partment, ' the sources said mem'bers of the select commit- Huff Bhiterprlses seems to pay Richard DeSal-vo, 32, and his EXTRA LARGE TEMPLES....................................... doz. 69c ard S. Ives for State of Connec­ and the army command in tee that Investigated Powell most of Powell’s bills in Bimini, brother, Joseph, were accused Buy 1 or 12 Of Any Item You’d Like To Buy! ticut against John J. and Mar­ Kweichow published an urgent 5 "so itihniCFt have some income.’ by Massachusetts authorities of jorie C. Joy, property on north announcement describing Uie have recrived assurances at the Open Daily 6 AJ>t to 9 P.M,—Sundays 7 A.M. to 8 P.M. highest levels that all leads ■will aiding in Albert’s escape. side of Overland St. situation as serious and blaming Anthony F. Pietrantonio be checked which suggest either (See Page Thirteen) Circumstances of the broth­ Building Permit anti-Mao reactionaries and rich congressional indiscretion or ers’ arrests were not immedi­ Ansaldi Heights Inc., new peasants for sending the farm­ "T H ^ K IN G thorized by the 22-member ex­ law violations, ^ » ■ ■ ‘ ately available. Richard lives la dwelling at 21 Cobb HUl Rd., ers into the cities. ecutive board of the town com­ the Boston suburb of Chelsea $14,000. The agency said the provin­ Powell remains at his Bimini mittee to select the replace­ Judge Proposes and Joseph in the adjoining sub­ cial revolutionary committee fishing retreat in the Bahamas- 'I PRODUCE!" ment. urb of Everett. issued an order which stated His lawyers are expected to Additional Gag ; 276 OAKLAND STREET, MANCHESTER s 643-6384 Pietrantonio and his wife, meet over the weekend to The arrests were disclosed as the former Dolores DeFlore, are,- that "men in authority and oUi-^ OPEN ALL DAY er monsters’’ would be severely decide how he should react to a nationwide hunt was on for natives of Iron Moimtain, Mich.,^ the committee’s recommenda­ On Arrest News Albert DeSalvo. There was a SUNDAY a town of about 10,000 popula-' puntehed if they continued such tion that he be seated with- a IX)q ANGELE3S (AP)_K belief by Massachusetts officials tlon, 300 mUes north of Chicago.'. actlviUes and demanded that 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. severe censure Iots of wniorlty perf^r court Judge says he irtU that he is armed aqd hitchhik­ His father is an active partici­ the peaeanU return to the farms as "the agricultural production'’ smd assessment of $40,(X)0 from oider police w d prosecirtors not ing toward Williamsburg, On­ ARTHUR DRUG pant in Michigan politics and 1^ his salary. tario. serving his 20th year as chair­ will be Jeopardized.” • to give ne'wsmen certain in­ ONLY An unconfirmed report in ■ Considerable material not formation between the arrest of Asst. Atty. Gen. Donald Conn, man cf the Dlckiison County . Rock‘Like Chute in Vietnam contained in the committee’s coordinator of the search, said, Democratic Committee., Hong Kong said that the mili­ a person and his arraignment. tary commander of Sinkiang hearing record and report ■will Judge Alfred ' Gitelson said “For the first time .we are iwt Pietrantonio served three Loolking like a gigantic rock formation, a billowing 9:O0 A .M .
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