AUSTRALIAN CENTRE FOR MICROSCOPY & ACMM MICROANALYSIS Newsletter ISSUE 29 MARCH–APRIL 2011 IN THIS ISSUE FAREWELL TO PROF. 01 FaREWELL TO PROF. COCKAYNE 04 aDDITIONAL SEM MICROSCOPES DAVID J. H. COCKAYNE HITacHI S-4500 FEG SEM ZEISS AURIGA FIB-SEM BY ALLAN JONES 05 NEW MULTIPHOTON MICROSCOPE LEICA SP5 II Earlier this year, we were all saddened to hear 06 ACMM INTRODUCTORY COURSES of the passing of the iconic former director the Electron Microscope Unit (EMU), which was 07 ALEXANDRE La FONTAINE IN SOUTH AMERIca renamed the ACMM in 2010. 08 PLANT SCIENCE BLOSSOMS 09 DR MANASA GUDHETI VISITING RESEARCH FELLOW 10 MICROSCOPY AND MacROSCOPY IN say, moves on and there are THE USA new generations of young and energetic microscopists who now must find their way to discoveries in microscopy without David’s great per- FEATURED MICROGRAPH sonal insight and guidance. It is thus timely that, in this issue of the ACMM Newslet- ter, we pause to reflect on David’s contributions to microscopy in general, but more particularly on his for- mative role in creating what is now arguably recognised as one of world’s great For those of us who worked and microscopy centres—the studied with David and remember ACMM or Electron Microscope Unit him well, there are not enough (EMU) as it was known in David’s words to express our respect for time—here at the University of one of the giants of microscopy or Sydney. our sadness that he is no longer here to guide and nurture our It certainly is hard to imagine the Confocal micrograph of ondontoblasts; green shows nestin, learning in the fields of knowledge EMU here at Sydney without Da- an intermediate-filament protein, and blue shows nuclei. The scale bar is 20 µm. Image by Ramin M. Z. Farahani from the that he was so passionate about all vid’s strong leadership, which drove Institute of Dental Research, Westmead Millennium Institute. his academic life. But life, as they it forward to achieve a world-class 1 Staff of the EMU, Key Centre and NWG Macintosh Centre, 1999. Professor Cockayne is in the centre of the back row, fourth from left. reputation over the 26 years that he was its director. David The weak-beam method was a new TEM technique devel- Cockayne became director of the EMU in 1974, after the oped to allow more accurate imaging of small defects, such first director, Dr Drummond, retired. In the many years that as dislocations, in crystalline materials. The innovation of followed, he led the EMU – which had been established David’s approach was to orient the crystal so that its planes in 1958 – from its adolescence, through a variety of suc- of atoms were not strongly reflecting, which was exactly cesses and through occasional trials and tribulations as the the opposite approach to normal TEM imaging of crystals. face of the higher-education sector changed radically, until Then a dark-field image of the crystal formed from a Bragg- the unit attained a confident maturity as a respected and reflected beam has extremely low background brightness important part of the University of Sydney. so that the image appears dark. However – and here’s the clever bit – the lattice distortion around the dislocation David was born in London, England, and lived there until brings the neighbouring atomic planes close to the Bragg- aged eight when his family migrated to Australia. The reflecting condition and, therefore, these parts of the middle of three children born to John Cockayne and his image are bright on the dark background of the surrounding wife, Ivy (nee Hatton), David soon found himself adjusting crystal. In this way, the weak-beam technique allowed the to the new climate and lifestyle in seaside Ocean Grove and position of dislocations and other defects to be accurately then suburban Geelong, near Melbourne. David’s natural determined to within approximately 1 nm and provided an inclination to scholarship eventually led him to studies in image that was usually simple to interpret without resorting physics at the University of Melbourne where he received to guesses at the defect structure or without requiring a Bachelor of Science in 1965 and a Master of Science image simulations. Having invented this promising new in 1966. Both degrees were conferred with First Class technique in his doctoral research – a significant achieve- Honours and he received a number of scholarships and ment in itself – David set out to put weak-beam imaging on awards along the way, including the Daniel Curdie Scholar- a firm practical and theoretical footing during a subsequent ship in Physical Sciences, the Professor Kernot Scholarship, research fellowship at Oxford. He further developed the the Dixon Research Scholarship and a Commonwealth electron-scattering theory underlying the method and Postgraduate Award. In 1965, he was awarded a Com- finessed the experimental approaches to producing optimal monwealth Scholarship, which allowed for him to read for a images under weak-beam conditions. doctorate at Magdalen College in the University of Oxford, UK. He was followed to Oxford by his fiancée, Jean, whom Shortly after this period of great achievement, in 1974 in he married in the UK in 1967. From 1966 to 1969, he was a fact, David Cockayne took up the directorship of the EMU postgraduate student in Oxford’s Department of Metallurgy, at the University of Sydney, and so began the transforma- working with the celebrated electron microscopists Dr tion of the fledgling service unit, which at that point was (now Professor) Mike Whelan and Professor (now Sir) tucked away under the stairs in what is now the Pharmacy Peter Hirsch. It was during this time that David, with fellow Building, into a major research hub that is one of the jewels student Ian Ray, invented the ‘weak-beam’ technique, in the crown of Sydney’s research infrastructure. David the crowning achievement of his doctoral research (DJH oversaw many momentous changes in the EMU, beginning Cockayne, ILF Ray & MJ Whelan, 1969. “Investigations of with the move of the unit to new rooms in the Madsen dislocation strain fields using weak beams”, Philosophical Building in 1981, which dramatically expanded the space Magazine, 20, pp. 1265–1270). available. Later, with support under the ARC ‘Key Centres’ 2 scheme, the research side of the EMU was formally split the layers reach a critical thickness. His team quantified off, in partnership with researchers from the School of critical thicknesses in different systems, and explored the Physics, as the Australian Key Centre for Microscopy and geometries and motion of the misfit dislocations, providing Microanalysis; but both entities occupied the same space vital understanding for designers of semiconductor in Madsen and David was director of both. At this time, heterostructures. From there, they began to explore small he also introduced a formal coursework program so that semiconductor islands or ‘quantum dots’ in which the students could take a diploma or master’s degree through electrons are confined by the small dimensions of the struc- the Key Centre. This program continues even today, well ture so that the dot behaves very much like a single large after the ARC seed funds have been exhausted, and it grew atom, with the corresponding quantisation of energy levels. from David’s belief that anyone could learn to use electron Quantum dots are of considerable scientific interest because microscopes and, with appropriate training, could generate of their potential use in optical electronics (‘optoelectronics’) world-class research outcomes. This degree program had grown from a seed that David had planted early in his Throughout his time in Sydney, tenure as director. David blended world-class Very early on, David believed and sup- ported the idea that, as far as possible, science with a genuine service users should do their own work, and that the previous approach, in which ethos as director of the EMU. users sat by while the unit’s staff operated the instruments, was costly in staff resources and as well as in putative quantum computers. David and the did not give the training appropriate to research degrees. He team used a variety of electron microscopy techniques to emphasised that, with correct training, there should be no characterise the shapes, stability and strain-relief behaviour concern that instruments might be damaged by users, and of quantum dots. this proved to be the case. Indeed, this major theme of the EMU – providing sound training to produce safe, indepen- Throughout his time in Sydney, David blended world-class dent self-operators – has spread into the wider Australian science with a genuine service ethos as director of the electron microscopy community, and, perhaps with even EMU. He argued that the role of every staff member was more impact, into Asian facilities where the unit’s staff unique, and that each had an important role to play in have run training programs over many years. To achieve achieving the overall success of the unit. In the same this, David made the EMU’s internal training programs more way, he argued that the EMU should not try to emulate a structured and focussed, with emphasis on the training of department, but should identify its role in the research and users to become skilled and independent practitioners. This teaching activity of the University, and should then deliver approach made it possible for the EMU to support more excellence. This paradigm had a profound impact on the users, because they were less reliant upon the availability of EMU, in keeping user support in the forefront of the unit’s staff support, but it also drove the EMU courses inexorably activities while maintaining a strong research program that towards becoming not just training courses but true was the envy of many a department head.
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