El Paso Is Rapidly Becoming a One Newspaper City The Times raX A KO FECttA. HETll, MARKET. O Pano Morning Time a al ante dhuHo qua Dec a todo el Copper, electrolytic M 4 3 ? 4 r 4 SO "urosata l miaiein M qua m publl-ead- dU Oliver, par ox. is standi. 111 n m far ha cad ...... dU .!,.!. par 100 Iba del aito. La padna 1 contlcne las M.MO.l filtim notlctas ul ma cn espanoi. Zln. par 100 lba ta.l5.I V - l.araeai K. na KMl raid Irculatlna tkWWW ar V.ir lb Sealkweat. 4 34TH YEAR. EL PASO. TEXAS. SUNDAY. JANUARY 18. 914. THIRTY-SI- PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS. MANY FEDERALS COMING TO El PASO NW MKMCO CONTRACTOR. to reload them when the troops leave I OA IH .It WITH l'ARCBL POST, General Villa haa spent the greater WILL BK RKIMRl'RftED part of his time since his return to GEN. SALAZAR Bp tar Attoctnttd Prrtt WOOL MEN Chihuahua at his office in the state Demlnir, N M Jan. 17. Having capltol attending to his duties as mili CONSTITUTIONALISTS ALARMED contracted to carry nail from Sliver tary governor of the state. City lo Magellan, C. W. Marriott, Due In Juarez Tonight. finding himself loaded with coal, su- Villa intends to leave Chihuahua FEARS VILLA ffer, hardware, grain, parcel posted, CONDEMN LAW Sunday morning on a special train for and competing with freighters, pro- and is due to arrive there Sun- tested lo postufflee department Juares 1 tbe day night. that tbla ass toe much to expect of him. Although the exact date for the de TKLLH SHKH1FF HK HOPM NEW MEASURE parture of the Chihuahua troops to END Fourth Assistant Gen- TARIFF PRO HUERTA'S II. I I.I. Postmaster announced, v AllTIIOHITIKH eral James I, niakeslee. arriving here VOKES RESOLUTIONS LIKE Torreon has not been the HAVE PROTESTED TO IIHIIIOH HIM DKI'ORTKD. REPUBLICANS IN CONVENTION general among officers today from Sliver City, N. M belief tho at on Is they orders from Washington, tbe military headquarters that will assured leave January 26. This date will give contractor that the departmeat would go to him for weights car- General Villa ample time to HE THROUGH. FIGHTING rrimltnrse extra MEETING HAS ADJOURNED to NOT FAR AWAY IS ried. Juares and tb return the city two if or three days before their departure. L BLISS AGIST IT IIIOI I.tKIOS IF KK10EU AT HKAHINC WH.li HOI, I) THE NEXT ANNFAIt PEDER14 I) QAMBOA IN ABOUT TO IN HK HK- - SOUTHWEST CITIES i i I l Villi WILL M lion CONVENTION ALSO IN SALT HK I.) AH H lilt Or TURN TO MBXIt'O. LAKE CITY. BURGLARS ARE THE FOREIGN OFFICE. They Fear That the Federals Are Being Permitted to Escape AID PLEA FOR BANK HAD IK JAIL LOCAL CONTROL OF LAND LEASES They United States Territory for the COMFORTABLE NIGHT NEW FINANCE MINISTER . and That Will Use Purpose of Organizing New Revolutions Which Will d Waadaraaa Depot aa Ftia- - CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RE- Pure Law, Also Indorsed Croat at CEIVES Fabric and AGAIN ACTIVE Interrupt the Era of Peace and Prevent the Renewal of oaer la Hat aa 'train- - lokea With ASSURANCES THAT ForHtry Service Thanked for FRIENDS OF lll'ERTA ARE EX- f'ltlaraa. OTHER BODIES Wil l, HELP. Assistance. ERTING THEMSELVES US' EF- Industrial Activity Throughout Chihuahua and Sonora FORT FOB HEt'OGNITION. TWO CAUGHT WHILE RANSACK - so Much Desired by Mexicans, as Well as by Americans Hy Ike Prr.Mn 7i ilN fit Time MUCH DATA HAS BEEN tmoriutnl OF W. A. l rli 17 COLLECTED Fol- IN. HOME Willi Development of Sanderson. Tex., Jan. "So lour Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan. 17. AND ARE ARRESTED. and Other Foreigners Interested in the an the Amrelcan authorities do not turn lowing the of all officers RESISTANCE TO REBELS WEAKENS Castaneda, Orozco's rne over to Pancho Villa, I don't care knd the selection of Salt Lake City a Those States Colonel Alfono ia me," aald General Local Committee Will Present Claims the place uf meeting again next year what dona with to Secretary McAdoo Comp- Chief of Staff, Arrested at Marfa Refuses to Say Joaa Ynez Salaxar, the Mexican fed and the fiftieth annual convention or the ALBERTS DETECTS THEM ticncrally Kcnllxct! Unit Villa and Car. aral commander, to Sheriff Farley thl troller Williams When Here. National Wool Growers' association rana 'a Move Against Mexico City If Where Chief Is. morning aa ha waa put aboard a South was adjourned here late today. No Longer Laughing Mutter. urn Pacific train to be taken to Marfa, The report of tho committee on res- Andrew Reeves, secretary of the SAW LIGHTS AND, KNOWING THE Tex., to appear before United States Chamber of Commerce, yesterday re- olution! brought forth a defense of "" Atoctal4 Prrtt Train arriving in El Pago last night over the G. H. tn S. A. Commissioner J. Miller on the charge the national Democratic administra FAMILY TO BE AWAY, GETS '' ceived telegrams from many commer HELP AND MAKES RAID. Mexico City, Jan. 17. Vadsrloo Ry. carried so many federal officers and other federal refugees late of conspiracy to violate the neutrality cial bodies In the southwest offering tion by James H. Moyle of Salt Lake Gumbos will be recalled to tho for- - law. Salaxar repeatedly asked the or their assistance to the Bl Paso Cham. City, who declared that the delibera Ign office ituii (Ji'erldn Moheno will of Ojinaga, Chih., Mex.. that the constitutionalist junta in El Paso fleers what they intended to do with ber of Commerce and the local bunk tions sounded "like those of Republi- be appointed minister of finance, suc It the United States OTHER ROBBERIES ARE REPORTED has become alarmed. professes to fear that him, and seemed to fear that he would ers In securing either the regional re cans in convention assembled." ceeding Adolfo de la Um, recently maintaining as be deported to Mexico. serve bank or a branch of one of them, Condemns Wool ttchcdulc. resigned because of General Hunrtu's military authorities at Presidio and Marfa are not am ever freed of the charges purilatlon of "It The telgrama also asked that the cities Mr. Moyle's speech resulted in the Interest payments, ac strict a guard over their prisoners as they should, and that all or saainst me in the United States, from which they came to be Included No Arrests Made Except In Case ot cording lo reports here tonight. menially to Mexico," he aald adoption of an amendment to the Supposed Found Baby A those who are strong financially pr are escaping and coming will never return in the reaerve district with El Paso. clause condemning the tariff act so Thief With a serious break between General to k Times Representative. "I bave These messages came In answers to Btigcy. Huerla and tha Catholic party Is to El Paao, or going to other points along the border, where they plenty fighting am tired that instead of protesting against the feared as the result of the summary had of and Invitations sent early In the week entire law only the wool schedule was will foment further strife and be a menace to the establishment of of the continuous turmoil in my ooun pf com- - treatment of the head of party, asking the banks, chambers referred to. "menial alertness of William th. - republic now under constitu- try." . etc., in f" TH' Gabriel Fernandas Homtnera. Som- peace throughout those portions of the merceTTXJarBI ol trade, this The resolution aa amended - Curtoas I rovrd at Depot. country Kl read: Alberts, a bookkeeper in the Com- merit was arrested, aent to Vera Crui section of tha to assist Paa.t "Resolved, That we, the National Han tionalist control. When Salaxar was brought to tha In getting one of the banks and to merclal National Bank, and the and Imprisoned today In Juan de or nearly Wool Growers' association, protest Finn fortress. Naclon, the Catho- So fearful are tbe representatives Sanderson depot the entire also furnish the local committee wltn pluckiness of George Klshsr, a mem It Villa In und population was tbera to see him. Tbe against the present tariff act aa being lic organ, has ben suppressed. General rTanrlauo Juaie watch upon the great humber of men, data to present to the national or unfair and sectionsl, as It affects ber of the scnooi board, caused the Kl rasn that when the "prisoner woman und cnildren they are asked curiosity of tbe people amused Salaxar ganisation committee when it comes End Not Ear Away. ut ft.- frequently Joking industry, and we hereby pledge thl capture of two burglars redhanded taken by Uncle Hum's men lo guard. The fact remains, however, and he made here February 7. All kinds of rumors arn current sldlo following General Villa's Victo escap- to tbe people. When the. train association to use all honorable means last night a:S0 o'clock while they thut many prisoners must be Much Data Ih Collected. to have this law changed so that it at One fact stands out, however, and rious assault upon OJlDgga reach ing or, If they are not, th many of- pulled out of the stations, he waved a Active work has been begun by the were prowling through the residence Is the friends of President Bliss they will be found tu number urmy good by from tbe window of the cbalr will provide equal Justice to all sec that lluerta ficers und men of tho federui Chamber of Commerce committee tions whether framed on a revenue or of W.
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