TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD No. 1402 Public Transit Public Transit:. Current Research in Planning, Marketing, Operations, and Technology A peer-reviewed publication of the Transportation Research Board TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL NATIONAL ACADEMY PRESS WASHINGTON, D.C. 1993 Transportation Research Record 1402 Committee on Public Transportation Marketing and Fare Policy ISSN 0361-1981 Chairman: William R. Loudon, JHK & Associates ISBN 0-309-05473-7 Carol J. Ambruso, Stephen J. Andrle, Jitendra N. Bajpai, Beth F. Price: $28.00 Beach, A. Jeff Becker, Daniel K. Boyle, Rita Brogan, Roslyn A. Carter-Phillips, Daniel M. Fleishman, Thomas]. Higgins, J. David Jordan, Janet E. Kraus, Sarah J. LaBelle, Pierre Laconte, Robert Subscriber Category R. Lockhart, Gail Murray, Thomas E. Parody, Marilyn M. VI public transit Reynolds, Peter M. Schauer, Kenneth 0. Stanley, Cy Ulberg, William S. Vickrey, Donna L. Vlasak, Linda M. Zemotel TRB Publications Staff Director of Reports and Editorial Services: Nancy A. Ackerman Committee on Commuter Rail Transportation Associate Editor/Supervisor: Luanne Crayton Chairman: Donald 0. Eisele, New Jersey Transit Associate Editors: Naomi Kassabian, Alison G. Tobias James W. Burcham, George Edward Gray, Emmanuel S. Assistant Editors: Susan E. G. Brown, Norman Solomon Horowitz, Jack M. Kanarek, Eugene K. Skoropowski, James Graphics Specialist: Terri Wayne Stoetzel, Edson L. Tennyson, John F. Tucker Ill, Walter E. Office Manager: Phyllis D. Barber Zullig, Jr. Production Coordinator: Sharada Gilkey Senior Production Assistant: Betty L. Hawkins Committee on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation Chairman: Pam Ward, Ottumwa Transit Authority John S. Andrews, Tara Bartee, Kenneth S. Bock, Simpson J. Clark, Lawrence F. Cunningham, David J. Cyra, Richard A. Printed in the United States of America Evans, Frederic D. Fravel, Mary R. Kihl, Theodore C. Knappen, National Research Council. Transportation Research Board. Robert L. Kuehne, William Luckerson, Jr., James H. Miller, Harold E. Morgan, Jeffrey P. Nokes, William S. Parkin, Alvin H. Pearson, Susan Perry, Susan B. Petty, Edward L. Ramsdell, Lynn Sponsorship of Transportation Research Record 1402 Sahaj, Patricia Saindon, Suzanne R. Scanlon, Michael H. Sharf/, Eileen S. Stommes, Michael W. Swartz, Roger Tate, Donald N. GROUP I-TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS PLANNING AND Tudor, Erskine S. Walther, Patricia Weaver, Jeffrey Dennis ADMINISTRATION Webster, Linda A. Wilson Chairman: Sally Hill Cooper, Virginia Department of Transportation Committee on New Transportation Systems and Technology Chairman: Rolland D. King Public Transportation Section Murthy V. A. Bondada, Daniel Brand, Salvatore Castronovo, Ovi Chairman: Subhash R. Mundie, Mundie & Associates, Inc. M. S. Colavincenzo, Chester E. Colby, G. Bruce Douglas III, Lawrence J: Fabian, Franz K. Gimm/er, M. D. Harmelink, Shinya Committee on Public Transportation Planning and Development Kikuchi, Thomas J. McGean, Richard M. Michaels, Edward S. Chairman: Michael A. Kemp, Charles River Assoeiates, Inc. Neumann, William J. Sproule Secretary: David R. Miller, Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade & Douglas Task Force on Transit Safety Paul J. Ballard, Anne P. Canby, Chester E. Colby, Stephen Chairman: David J. Mitchell, Battelle Gordon, George Edward Gray, S. Olof Gunnarsson, Brendon Alan J. Bing, Salvatore Castronovo, Ralph Alan Dusseau, Charles Hemi/y, Nathan L. Jaschik, Hermann Knoflacher, Daniel R. P. Elms, Franz K. Gimm/er, William Hathaway, Ronald-Kangas, Leffers, Perry J. Maull, Patricia V. McLaughlin, Robert L. Peskin, Alex E. Lutkus, Judy Z. Meade, Harry Saporta, Ralph S. Weule Patti Post, James P. Redeker, Jacques P. Roulet, Dennis H. Ryan, George M. Smerk, Samuel L. Zimmerman Peter L. Shaw, Richard F. Pain, Transportation Research Board staff Committee on Intermodal Transfer Facilities Chairman: Gregory P. Benz, Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade & Sponsorship is indicated by a footnote at the end of each paper. Douglas The organizational units, officers, and members are as of Charles F. Arndt, Frank F. Baron III, Howard P. Benn, Ilona V. December 31, 1992. Czinkota, Donald L. Dean, Benita H. Gray, Thomas R. Hickey, Jerome M. Lutin, Gerald J. Pachucki, Richard R. Sarles, Jerry B. Schneider, Joerg Schoenharting, Alexander Young Committee on Transit Management and Performance Chairman: Littleton C. MacDorman, MacDorman & Associates, Inc. Colin H. Alter, H. Scott Baker, Darold T. Barnum, A. Jeff Becker, Douglas W. Carter, Susan G. Clark, John A. Cline, Ronald J. Fisher, Dennis J. Fitzgerald, Gerald T. Haugh, Louisa Ho, David A. Lee, William M. Lyons, Joel E. Markowitz, Roy Nakadegawa, Sharon Neely, Lynn Ritter Otte, Steven Si/kunas, Cheryl Y. Spicer, Nigel H. M. Wilson, Eve Morton Wyatt· Transportation Rese·arch Record 1402 Contents Foreword v Part 1-Planning and Marketing Factors of Successful Private-Sector Reverse Commute Services 3 Z. Andrew Farkas Funding Methods for Urban Railroad Construction and 9 Improvements in Japan Derek Dylan Bell Transit Privatization in Denver: Experience in the Second Year 17 Robert L. Peskin, Subhash R. Mundie, and P. K. Varma Strategic Planning for Transit Agencies in Small Urbanized Areas 25 Daniel K. Boyle and Paul E. Ouderkirk Method for Optimizing Transit Service Coverage 28 Lazar N. Spasovic and Paul M. Schonfeld Ridership Forecasting for Chicago Transit Authority's West 40 Corridor Project Ronald Eash, Kenneth Dallmeyer, and Richard Cook Cost-Effectiveness of Direct Mail Marketing to New Residents 43 Carol Pedersen Ambruso Marketing Theory and Urban Transportation Policy 51 Peter B. Everett and Lucie K. Ozanne Part 2-0perations and Technology Transit-Generated Crime: Perception Versus Reality- 59 A Sociogeographic Study of Neighborhoods Adjacent to Section B of Baltimore Metro Stephen L. Plano Guidelines for Development of Passenger, Vehicle, and Facility 63 System Security Program Plans John N. Balog, R. Benjamin Gribbon, Larrine Watson, William Hathaway, Anne N. Schwarz, and Bernard C. Doyle Computer-Assisted Optimization of Train Crew Size for On-Board 74 Fare Collection · Ronald J. F. Yee Development of Cost-Effective Sampling Plans for Section 15 and 82 Operational Planning Ride Checks: Case Study for Madison, Wisconsin Wen-Jing Huang and Robert L. Smith, Jr. Ridership Sampling for Barrier-Free Light Rail 90 Peter G. Furth and Ashok Kumar Strategic Transit Work Force Planning Model Incorporating 98 Overtime, Absence, and Reliability Relationships Yoram Shiftan and Nigel Wilson Development of Ideal Model for Identification of Rural Public 107 Transit Needs William R. Black Design and Analysis of Advanced Transit Systems Using Interactive 110 Computer Animation Alan L. Erera and Alain L. Kornhauser Foreword This volume highlights the expansion of research interest in the technical side of transit. The subjects discussed represent almost all facets of the field in a variety of transit settings. The papers are based on presentations at TRB's 1993 Annual Meeting, and each has been reviewed by peers in the field of transit, both practitioners and academics. In Part 1, eight areas of current research interest are addressed. Farkas discusses reverse commuting, a need that reflects today's reality that new jobs are in the suburbs and many workers are in the city. Bell describes transit funding in Japan, and Peskin et al. show how privatization in the United States has helped relieve financial pressures in Denver, Colorado. More agencies are applying strategic planning, service coverage optimization, and corridor ridership forecasting, subjects addressed by Boyle and Ouderkirk, Spasovic and Schonfeld, and Eash et al., respectively. Ambruso investigates the cost-effectiveness of marketing transit by direct mail, and Everett and Ozanne relate the impact of transportation demand man­ agement techniques on marketing. Part 2 reviews eight subjects that investigate the delivery of transit to the customer. Two basic matters of growing concern are the role of transit in the spread of crime, examined by Plano, and system guidelines for transit security, presented by Balog et al. Yee uses a computer model to determine the optimal crew size for fare collection, Huang and Smith report on a case study to develop cost-effective ride check procedures, and Furth and Kumar study ways to sample bariier-free ridership. Finding the optimal size of an operating work force is part of the desire to determine labor needs, and Shiftan and Wilson discuss the effects of overtime on such a model. Finally, Black attempts to identify rural public transit needs, and Erera and Kornhauser apply computer technology to the design of advanced transit systems. These papers strongly suggest that transit research is pushing at the boundaries of current knowledge. The ideas, models, and techniques presented in this Record have real-world transit application. Transit policy makers, executives, managers, and staff, along with transit researchers, will find valuable material here. The information sets the stage for further exploration and analysis. v PARTl Planning and Marketing TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD 1402 3 Factors of Successful Private-Sector Reverse Commute Services z. ANDREW FARKAS The suburbanization of employment in metropolitan areas has mote the development of entrepreneurial services that use opened up new markets for private-sector reverse commute ser­ little or no subsidy to supplement mass transit systems. ESP vices. FTA initiated the Entrepreneurial SerV'ices Challenge Grant grants
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