The Problem: Find the Happy Driver in This Photo Town Rushes Plans RARJTAE To Gain Low-Cost Housing Allotment Local Housing Authority VOL. XI—NO. 33 FORDS, N. J.., THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1949 PRICE, THREE CENTS To be Named Tuesday; 250-Unit Need is Seen WOODBRIDGE — Steps will '08 taken by the Township Committee Criticism Barrage \As Cops Dove? Grappled for Drowning Victims to introduce an ordinance Tuesday to create a Tovmship Housing Au- thority. ' May Halt Electric ' Township Attorney B. W. Vogel said today that the men who will be asked to serve on the housing Inspection Bureau authority will be selected af. to morrow night's regular caucus. Contractors Bitter over "I intend to recommend to ihs Proposal, See It as Township Committee,." Seuatm Vogel explained, '-that tiw selec- Means to Create Job tions be mads on a non-politics I basis, that upstanding citizens bf* WOODBRIDGE — From all 'in- asked to serve as a civic duty." dications, the proposed electric in- j The Township CoaimiUce ha? spection bureau for Woodbridge ! already made application for an Township has been abandoned for ! appropriation under the new Fcd- the present at least. j eral Housing Bill for permarK-r • An informal meeting called by ! low-cost housing. The ordinance Committeeman George JMroz, who 1 creating the Housing Authority. has been consistently behind the 1 is the first step necessary .should plan, was held Friday at the Me- 1 the money be alloted to the Town - morial Municipal -Building. The | ship. 5ession which lasted until mid- WoocJbridae's application ask1- night disclosed a complete agree- "for sufficient funds to construe? You would have to enjoy the ocean breezes visible at the top of the picture. Local police said ment by those in attendance that the proposed department was un- i at least 250 perm.mant units, if more than the ordinary person to join this bumper- the traffic was the heaviest this .summer over the : constructed, they will, accor^in? to-bumper caravan of cars to the shore. This pho- past weekend. A check of the license plates revealed necessary and would just be an- most of the cars were from New York, or other other added expense to the tax- ! to law. be rented to families in the tograph was§ taken Sunday from the bridge over New Jersey counties. The folks at home seemed to payers. jio\v-income brackets. The pro- Route 35 in the Hopelawn section. Note the road to have enough sense to stay home and enjoy their Approximately 50 electricians i posed project is similar to the New York is practically empty with a lone car back yards. and electrical contractors attended ! Dunlop Homes in Psrth Amboy. the meeting which was supposed ! Township officials point cu-" I there is a definite need for IOAV- to be addressed by Jay B. Franke, Our staff photographer look this picture just ihiei of the electrical bureau of of grappling irons. In the boat, using the irons, is cost housing in the municipalities. NJ. County Use ofhelin Sewer Creed is Forgotten before Sgt. Fret! Linn, fiivikg Into the Cutter Clay The Veterans Housing Committee. f •;he City of Perth Amboy. Mr. pit came up ivith the body of Robert 3. Campbell, Captain Eg-an, left. Rowing the boat is Patrolman Franke, however, did not show up Joseph -McLaughlin- and in the water at the ri^ht set up when the barracks vevs Kecoug-hton, Va. The body "of Benjamin J. Vausht, of th constructed in the old Mawbev and Mr. Mroz suggested that the 1700 Convery Boulevard, Woodbridgre, was recov- t e picture is Sgt. Linn. Campbell and Vausht Free Seen Cause of Local oes meeting be postponed. This did ered later br Captain John R. Ega.n with the use were drowned in. the pit Saturday morning. tract, reports there are sttil 3S0 not meet with the approval of the veteran applications on file for Sisters Make 229 Visits men in the audience who com- housing. Trainer, Urges Rental Fee, ivith Proceeds Going plained they had "come out on a „ Toward Repairs, Extension of Trunk Lines To Sick of All Faiths hot night co get this over with Peril of Swimming in Abandoned once and for all." Amboy Avc, Man WOODBRIDGE — Tax Collector Michael J. Trainer During First Quarter yesterday came .up with a solution to the Township's sewer Called 'Politics' WOODBRIDGE — The nursing Most of the objections centered Caught-and Jailed Clay Pit Emphasized by 2 Deaths Falls Down Stairs problem. sisters of the Mount Carmel Guild around the contention that the "I have noticed," said the collector, "that most of the made a total of 2,896 visits to 229 Discovered Ransacking patients during the first four post was only a political one "to Local Officials Point to Sudden Drop in Depth Steve Szeidi in Amboy objections to the construction of apartment houses in this months of their service, Rt. Rev.be set up to-give some party mem- Auto in Fords Park; To 20-25 Feet; Linn Diving Recovers Body Township seem to be based on the lack of sewer facilities. Msgr. Charles G. McCorristin, ,ber a job." Representatives of the Hospital; Sgroraolo * If the County and the State paid ' : -- larger electrical firms in the Admits Other Thefts moderator, made known in a report Township declared they had re- WOODBRIDGE—The bodies of Robert J. Campbell, Falls Througii Winrio'-v their debts to the Township we released today. The service is ceived prompt service from the WOODBRIDGE — Conrad Wil- 54, Kecoughton, Va./ and Benjamin J. Vaught, 49, 1700 would be.able to repair the old available without regard to re- inspectors of the Board of Fire son, 18, a former State Ward, was Convery Boulevard, brothers-in-law, who were drowned WOODBRIDGE — Three acci- Iselin trunk sewer or install a new ligious beliefs. Underwriters, who "certainly sentenced to the County Work- dents were recorded on the police one. Saturday morning while swimming in an abandoned clay Msgr. McCorristin, pastor of St. know their business." / house for 180 days yesterday when pit off the new highway in the former Cutter property, \blotter last night, one of which Mr. Trainer was referring to his For Municipality James' Church here, reported that If and when the bureau is cre- he was arraigned before Magi- : : nk "Egrgmore" Sgro- " old battle with the State and the | a total of $11,008.20 was subscribed ated, it is expected that Commit- strate Andrew D. Desmond on a were sent to Hazelwood, Ga., Tuesday for burial. !" moio, Amboy Avenue, who was County to force them to pay for by the public to support the work. teeman Mroz will boost Jacob complaint of larceny. , Local officials have • constantly ]— •—: i recently mixed up in a street sewer assessments for the State $111,000 Added In- Contributions were listed from the Schiavo, Port Reading, for the job. Wilson, who is unemployed and warned of the danger in swimming I brawl. Soldiers' Home at Menlo Park and come Due to Increase, parishes of ten churches in Perth However, a spokesman for the ad- said he had no home, was appre- at this site. Sgromolo, the report states, fell for Roosevelt Hospital. Amboy, Woodbridge and ' Fords ministration said yesterday that hended by two Fords residents who Campbell, a retired soldier, was | No Polio Reported, through a plate glass window at Somehow, some unknown person From State Taxes and "special gifts" of $750 from "we will do some more looking caught him looting their car at visiting his sister, Mrs. Lola Har- Kent Cleaners, at the corner OX gave permission to both Menlo outside these parishes were re- around and some more investigat- the swimming pond in Fords Park. ris, of the Convery Boulevard ad- Main and School Streets, and was I Park Home and Roosevelt Hospital RARITAN TOWNSHIP—An in- ported. The expenses of the four- ing before we go ahead with the Questioned by Captain John R. dress. He was. employed by - the But Caution taken to the Perth Amboy Gen or? 1 to hook into the Iselin trunk sew- crease in Township revenue of ap- | month operation aggregated $3,- machinery to set up the depart- Egan, the youth admitted a series Veterans Administration at the 1 HoK-oit.il in the Woodbridae Smer- er, which empties into the Railway proximately $111,000 over 1948 wasj 583.88, but this sum included an ment." of thefts from other .automobiles Kecoughton, Va., Soldiers' Home. Disease is 'All Around," gency Squad ambulance. He is ter-~ Valley Joint Sewer. Woodbridge announced at Tuesday's session of | expenditure of $1,844 fpr an auto- in recent weeks. However, he Saturday morning, accompanied ing treated for shock and severe Township is said - lo_Jie., oxer.J;he. the, Township. ..Coirj'nissioners. by ].mobile....." .;. .••'_-. COSTUME PARADE WINNERS would not admit stealing a wallet by Vaught arid. Edward ..Harris, Bailey .Warns; Prompt lacerations of the arms and hands. gallonaae alloted to the munici- Commissioner Walter C. christen- The nursing service is supplied WOODBRIDGE — Winners of from the car of Henry Zupko, Jr.. also of Convery Boulevard, he went Diagnosis -Important Police were still investigating, tlm pality by the Joint Sewer Com- sen, of the department of revenue I wherever the need exists, to all *the costume parade held Tuesday 23, 707 King George Road, Fords, to the clay pit. Vaught went into morning1, to determine whether mission. find finance. Mr. Christensen said I residents of the community who at the Strawberry Hill playground Monday. Zupko told Desk Ser- the water, despite repeated warn- WOODBRIDGE — Although no fell or was pushed the increase resulted from in- ' may request it.
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