IVOR MAIRANTS* FMIER, Songs Andsomehowbolter

IVOR MAIRANTS* FMIER, Songs Andsomehowbolter

1067-PNIC 15 MELODYMAKER,April 1, GUITARS PROPER M SW obrns 16 gr. II, porhalWOW° 0.11 Selena 111.10.S... PPR. (Kenn. Mans rowOS , r 111000 20.6 Gar.Own EU00 Wan. an, L130 00 41,k WEI Wow.II GPM es rt. MM./ lad gla. CONN gailittak Ohm Niel.Model 76 gm 10 .100 awn. Selmer MP Fora. 29 pi MM. ton par. 4 OwenCad 00 0130 00 "t,.46.-''i-r NMI WPM BMX MR1 owl Kr.3 11ease Opt , LOOK! 110111111.pdoN Iml,pedell Willi. owl cows 030 0 0 CUR LESLANCG law oltt Musical ps 61.1201 anyapoo, not. Ipari LAS 0.0 700 Meow tot Pah,' HEN 1.14. Peri, v\\%, "t..-itilli.' Instruments lain Viva 1W,3 Whom WI 00 mesa CIS00 Ws IN tr Of wad O0ant WRAP* weed Paw. ear RON. C.a..anew EFIR 11111117 EON, dsmonrrieron CO IWO' ROOSIY 620. Ltd MOWN 751v,boehnew. n.. .7ere 1111011ES 170'1 BOOS. 10.10Sash., thf WM, Whir 7/ fiNED CHM 76 _ 1110110111..on pi VtVAT/ 75 gni PRON. 701 Wawa. LP -1C. 1111111 Dosbl. Ice,good 10161101 79 gm L12010 0 AtIOS.RUPP Sow0,.- SELMER eons ea Owns.. Model PRIM.. mon. art AdaSi, F0 Om. 114011 last red 7Olh one of BASS OBIPAPAI Nor NW/ cn 00 ROA. ...orry a, ,... 719. WINS 1101 IN, 3 pill. upmodel 19 gos Davu MaLOnIs CIEFOl bark Ncecb W100 4.410. Xit . Uncle SOAKAna.. PREMIER bru poen BISON E.I.0 lopMono al too 95 gni thegreatfoundingIa.'s of 'RANDS CowerI L35.I00 we 4.100 U... IN Conn.. .0 -.. traek, . 'as lo, musk, of Sr.. Mkyr. loo news. LIBOR 1160/M000 95 pm Americancountry GERMAN Gm 0.1f Lai 00 ...,......, SS a byeveryoneIsom GERMAN Soon 4-drurn M. 8111011 rowel LI,.1111 play. 100 gm respectful, W. ELIO 00 TOmes.Maga W.VI. a C111 PREMIER bre. aid Seeger ID Men roe, b171 rarely POULMANN 5.0 BUESOLER Sawa.. Sae- .,,, IS40. 0111101 hamINN Iran III gm 0.004 agoras LP.00 CONN Ng11...onoas 45 A,ele cymNah. etc heard.Now,suddenly. FAUN atWAwe.. 01../. Oa. eta available *hole 069.100 GIPSON 331 ?DC beavau, co. 143 ens havemade WAR 0 PAN Amman.....pod CAS 00 Schc, el Sat Oennn Ou n AMPLIFIERS setOf mastersofUncle Oro 11160. A_ annow gge. 7,1191 recordedbythe It OPSONES. la /URNS Vibroslim 2rd., 1E. t115100.bra11 70.02/1IA BP. ethisbest, m1 maw, LP IRO HOLTON mon.. ...ANN os .0 110 Pa, 10050)1 Ondo or Iwo Bpi Vocation companybetween1926 FRAM. Bora114. EIS 00 Strada.a. 0001790 Soprano Sasrher PI gns 1929. ConsideringUncle XING SEINERPlAtonono and anenter-. are Clip 00 card raw was caw. msh HOW. 0,111. 00..Guam end WWI only 45 ps Dave.correctly,as CONN Caws'00 coo 45 pm ASR.. 901 EP lop, appeal Isbroad, go. sea PPM Apr.,tornglor. 10 get talner whose talkie.,Recta PREM IER OM 00 IN),N, good tondra 75 pi thanjustthe 1RUMP05 COU11701; KING Sawa 26. 160 la- 140.11 174ws Goa 25 gm IUDS Double he putout"UNCLE DAVE or A.A.. EN, ...I. caN.abAeb.11,, 1.011 ANN..Oa /0,01,01 1100 FIRST FEATURED RUMS war US 0. Mg" MACON,9 OLE MASSON 1140 01 NN 751/^1 GIMP. g O. km SoWs al,1000in tam» (MI PionsPohl OF THE GRAND LAS. 0.0 11 gns STAR D RUM US,wei raw WE 61115(10 MAAmelia shop soihd Miler" on their LUDW IG 031.15.0 CONN Gswrollerwe Inseams FENDER Snow...W... mg. 110 gns_, 1351.ACE usualOFly RUGG ,.,,.us LS7. SO cacao,... ono mocha 122 ann HOU loodoosterMOM, ported HEARTS label(AN MATON 2 Prop rah... 119011 ktlirnailtl, 01 ne 150 gm reserved for low -ernepops 10610 PI ?aka Nam. ...gal, .Pa. It'sarnseing how. 40 years of the OPEN SATURDAYS later.thepersonality T. 5P.V. BLIESCNER 400 Two, mo, Woo WATKINS Raw mcaor ma HAVE ORGANS off therecord, Stins. OWL awe, ewe.. 20 ens RUINS Win, nor.dum sad only Mem manblazes thatcracking milt caw 16Dp. soiled only bard 275 gni backedupby CHAS. E coonLTD.. 20 DENMANST. W IGER 1811 HON. Gola. solid Vol.. as pu. FAIFISA 1,111/I. Moo 5 -strongbanjo.Heisagreat Anut.Vaa n N lute...seem,.20p. folkartist,that's for sure.but .0610.01.4 Bass. 0 1100*..'uonere THE ECHOS heisfantasticallyenjoyable to sop. lit Ta r........+, WV.. War (nob., good.04*,,, 1) gm 9ooteIta,o OANFIECTRO 2Itioo on. ooh SO a II gm people who quate ! WRNS Boor Gunn, eht06n.6 os 00000) (NAM surprise "ha:: rn000"drirnom". 1'S 7"400.1000090, IllimEmmmmtEST. 1/^' SEPAER THUNDERBIRD30 Amps. ofthe songsarehumor. 47 YEARS MEWS man Caw, easar BEST DRUMS ous,with spokenIntroductions it 11 7tom, Mend which betrey teem, ao REP, SEINERrowac30 Ara. an room. 90)0111 M. Nod, 12 nterpolation 9 gm origins on20 rpm discs SELMER Boo 30 0.1, 32 II. G01113 DUANE EDP/. 0//i.. Ilur hurl kilt DOM. Mond we1941, h at weresoldby mall order TERRY WALSH& BOBBYKEVIN 160 a SEINER Echo 200, no.nth leen. hroughoul. thecountrydistricts VALUE MOB 111111, shop soll. only Myst lealso Guitar and 02200 of America.But there Drum Specialists BM. TeX x41.9* maw 70 ant WILSON Noon. Amp- wk. a spiritedrendering athe old EASY TERMS pet song."Shall We Gather LUNE ND WEIX11113 I SNONITT RISTEUSS 110113110PS SlealtDCIARStra R1110111.-K.O. GENUINE BARGAINS ran rtitCHAD - PART EXCHANGES AROUND! PART EXCHANGE A'At The e.30- w..... ., Mdo 01111061 Marc. 160a. S/N FUME* Prot 114-11. Closing Cabe.. W.C.2 DM POE 0,5 Is a brilliant ENNIO. 111..1. Nada ftladom ea1 goo dee 6 p.a..* rowan WO wLorin RossalS. have WRNS 102 as 1131. S/91 AUTOCRAT rend Gam naveritertalents 63.0 PH CAMP. Gehl Gal CID been somewhatneglected by the RMONY 1.5. P SMOtwaPIC 001.051 gyp LTD. GRIA.HAW air .13A.LEJWIN-BURNS revival becausehis songs have Gasp. 54 fassia EDGWARE reser 7.441 eerylittletodo withfall- 1.0511102 lora AJAX ova Gat 050 hough theryIsa strongnur. HOMER 13.0 Ansa,. ROpos. Gm rap* ow HIGH STREET,CHARING CROSS ery rhymeinfluence that crops MAN. SS WW2. mr.1 20-21 ST. GILES pallthe time,asIt do. In ENPRONt ..210.rawOL.p. getthe Phone TEM1000 Work of SydneyCarter. But NOOK. Isma FP.. Tao.. 1170e. -you ROAD, LONDON,W.C.2 the not EXO Ana. vOX A.C.-30 Playsafe now thefont movementh. SflAaElleGoorr va. N. a at 010 enoughtoIncludeseveral OPEN ALLDAY SATURDAY I differentstreams, a growing CA, 1026.0 REALBARTCHENSGAINS number of writersand prf ono- 42 Upper Tooting Road, S.W.17. BAL 3997 t'eginni'sthill:00IP9a0ctlVyr: 0-4- K wee .0too the unlque blendof poetry and wit that is theFrench chanson SECONDHAND DRUM KITS In fact, there Is anactual c ha n SECONDHAND GUITAR BARGAINS Hawn M M NM. tat roar.. 20. INSURANCE 7 Bost Ono. 14 St ndo drum, 12 .* on on Leon's new record. MAURICE QUALITY INSTRUMENTS 'SONGS FOR SCEPTICAL IArl. per word Senator Boss,55 2200, Nnware. Ea ON. CIRCLES" on ELENTRASlow. FREDERICKS INSURANCE Bro Sanaa Bass 25 gm. Ad. Om. Mend, /1.-INI plot. 2 cymbal PA W.I TEL 01.739 7654 (EY 6029). 33/37 WARDOUR STREET, LONDON. prIce BOUNTY label PLACQUET tees. vans,instruments, oo, ponds, pd.1,1 to oar ran.. 1 Pr 01-63) 1570 Oaf.", DWIG 11.011A CLASSIC CHO can, Sums Se, Sem,ea"e' SO gm. oast, nal 101 ode NW.. roanond (Above flamingo Jon Club) ItisBoris P.n.s "Le mortgages. etc - 11333. orEvenings 01 -WOO 0653 Lir". made to sound somuch n1/01111UDE OR GUT Plelel End 0375.15 Glory Road. Epiphone 0,2011 Brio IS gm. POO. oick and NINIe complele (2ord Floor( powerfulthat whenre EllOION. UDE WIMI Pinner. Iltdds 07.7000. Talon Arrnbo 90 gas me al fi. an. andWin..c.11.nt con. more in con. Pon L110.00 GUITARS LEAD AND BASS orded by Peter Yarrow CARRION. Sivas DOTI. 00i14 Mu. Gress Jambe 95 gm. - crt with PPAPI year or two 100 gm. Smondhand Meow. Kir in WNW Pool OR 05.11mn .....,n,nocubleClIS FENDER 'maw, wed noun C75 g o. Allthaother songsare EDGWARE. GREEN S H Feeder Palomino Moho moan. 20 PiIS ...an.14.5We EI20 IPINIONE Bvall Wm from CRS PELSON ISO USS INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE 0.3.11 War trody, afro. Leon's. ranging from thelight- fonder Jen Boss 110 Dn. doarn. 12 11 own eon, (doable hood!. boss REYS.. Annanor..^9, CRS hearted Rachelor'sComplain t.. *PIPPO. 1.01.1.SS I:, perword Fender Stroh:Nod. 614110066 dm r. a Ca von. ISpat MINDER R«i4on Bela,,mm« CSS to the savage "DeadNen Newer A.. SI. SASS IA.11,-Aav cymbal. 10- W. moron+. s1hOn CSO bit Gano WANE Da CAPITAL GIBSON, epiphany Eprphon Casino, 5 6 120 gm. W runnel 002.0 0 Die", and even Including 130 gns. FENDER Stratecall, No<A 05 WRNS Villa Sank. os Ibawdry"It's A VilaPIO.. 041111.1 TINNESSEAN guitar_ Canna.snotacousUc. tickenberla. 1990 011150N Saw, cherry- 4,.1y n0. C1110 NOFNFR Cmnsitle Sop 125 ram COMICAL finlan.AbSoltstrly lion", though I couldn'ttoulle Sunburst Gibson Pea. 5 8 200 gro GIBSON 130, Nand, unuNNI Et 10 WATKINS tolvhanded Rau CRS takehiseXploltollon Of the Mem ..1.3 SololerNbecked. Y.R.London L30 nee, Terms -Exchanges -Lists L. ERA/1105 515, 2 7,7. Hied phallicsIgninctneofguider:I COMPANION MOAN 456-41O9. EISPHONE Cane. sunburst. peed C100 EFUNONF 1.11-11andeal Is what DOUR. MANUAL FOR SALE. The mearoment Oa missiles.Perhaps this vox SASE, .30-walTS KITCHENS OF LEEDS MOORES 6001310RD heintended.forLeon.s greet Barge Harrison and Ravi Shan, C.1,1% VICTORIA SIIII:CEE, 2.111...1 21.

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