VOLUME 34 • NUMBER 130 • FALL 2011 ΟΡΓΑΝΟΝ ΤΩΝ ΑΠΑΝΤΑΧΟΥ ΙΚΑΡΙΩΝ OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE PAN-ICARIAN BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICA AND THE PAN-ICARIAN FOUNDATION 108th Supreme Convention Hosted by Oinoe Chapter #14 Beverly Hills, CA — September 2-5, 2011 CA — September Hills, Beverly Ikapia Magazine Page 1 IKARIA maGaZiNe iS a PUBLICATION oF the PAN-icariaN brotherhood oF america, “icaroS” PAN-ICARIAN BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICA NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 1756 Gross Ave, Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Telephone: 609-502-0524 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] 2011-2012 Supreme oFFicerS oF the PAN-icariaN brotherhood SUPREME PRESIDENT NIKOLAOS J. PASAMIHALIS 1756 Gross Ave, Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Cell: 609-502-0524 Work: 215-925-6565 Fax: 215-925-9257 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Supreme Vice preSideNt, GeorGe KoKlaNariS 22236 Harlan, Grosse Ile , MI 48138 Telephone: (w) 734-283-1277, (m) 313-929-2023 (h) 734-676-9307 Email: [email protected] Supreme Secretary, e. terry platiS 2745 N. Troy Chicago, IL 60647 Telephone: (h) 312-563-0036 (m) 917-941-4233 (w) 312-862-2044 Email: [email protected] Supreme treaSurer /databaSe mGr., GeorGe paralemoS 51 Meadow Ln, Roslyn Hts, NY 11577 Telephone: (m) 718-781-1491 Email: [email protected] couNSelor, aNthoNy horaiteS 212 S. Sixth Street, Alhambra, CA 91801 Telephone: (m) 626-755-7907 Email: [email protected] 2011-2012 FouNDATION oFFicerS: Chairman c.d. “Gus” yiakas, 1248 Via Coronel, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 310-378-3984 [email protected] Vice chairman pSp John a. lygizos, 1150 Griswold, Suite 2400 Detroit, MI 48226 313-921-7477 [email protected] Director pSp emmanuel aivaliotis, 721 Eighth Street Oakmont, PA 15139 [email protected] [email protected] Director dr. Nikitas tripodes, 2041 Le Droit Dr. South Pasadena, CA 91030 [email protected] Director Steve Stratakos, 9305 S. 85th Court, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 708-430-6439 [email protected] Foundation Secretary, Maria Vassilaros, P.O. Box 79037 Pittsburgh, PA 15216-0037 412-563-0547 [email protected] donations to the pan-icarian brotherhood must be sent directly to the Foundation: pan-icarian Foundation p.o. box 79037 pittsburgh, PA 15216-0037 diStrict 1- Governor Francesco portelos, 52 Wiman Place, Staten Island, NY 10305 Telephone: (m) 347-564-7597 Email: [email protected] diStrict 2- Governor cathy pandeladis, 42 Timberline Court, Pittsburgh, PA 15217 Telephone: (h) 412-521-3753 (m) 412-418-6954 Email: [email protected] diStrict 3- Governor paul (apostolos) collaros, 2406 Rolling Hills Dr, Dryer, IN 46311 Telephone: 708-269-1083 Email: [email protected] diStrict 4- Governor Stanley pardos, 34 Acacia St, Clearwater, FL 33767 Telephone: (m) 727-422-5355 Email: [email protected] diStrict 5- Governor Gus Frangos, 320 North Milpas Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93103 Telephone: (m) 805-403-1080 Email: [email protected] diStrict 6- Governor George N. Skaros, 5 Pauline Court, Lancaster, NY 14086 Telephone: (m) 716-406-7794 Email: [email protected] Scholarship chair - Georgia pandeladis 423 Fielding Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15235 [email protected] Web manager - dean S. tripodes CEO, Baywalk Web Dev. P.O. Box 486 Sierra Madre CA 91025 800-927-8841 [email protected] Ikaria Magazine editor - Niki plutis Salame, 1770 Douglas Ave. Dunedin, FL 34698 727-733-8401 [email protected] ikaros cover: artist unkown “icarus” Stone carving Page 2 Ikapia Magazine PAN-icariaN brotherhood oF america “icaroS” 1756 Gross Ave, Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Headquarters of the Supreme Lodge IKARIA Fall 2011 SUPREME PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Greeting Brothers and Sisters, Please be advised that the new $20 Per Capita rate is now in effect for dues collected for the 2012 year. What a quick month it has been since we parted from the Each Chapter of the Brotherhood should review this in- fantastic 108th Supreme Convention in Los Angeles. Con- crease with respect to the local dues collected in support of gratulations to all the volunteers of OINOE who made it a the Chapter. very enjoyable and memorable event. Bravo! The LA Con- vention and the forthcoming Supreme Convention by the chapter best practice Guide: THERMA Chapter in Myrtle Beach, SC are the bookends The Supreme Lodge received just eleven responses to the of a promising and challenging year ahead for our Brother- Chapter Best Practice Guide survey. We will be reconnect- hood. Below is a brief recap of our Convention outcomes. ing with the Chapters that have yet to respond in order to complete this effort. The Chapter Best Practice Guide will pan-icarian Foundation: allow us to share our best ideas and practices. It is impor- In LA, the 2011 Convention Delegates chose to address tant that we get full participation to collect useful incite on some key issues including the restructuring of the Pan-Icar- the state of our organization. The Supreme Lodge will com- ian Foundation Deed of Trust to enable us to break ties with municate these findings at the next Supreme Convention and PNC Bank. We are all dedicated to the goal of an improved through follow-up correspondence. situation that will foster better growth of your Foundation. New officers: ikarian Storm relief: I hope you will join me in welcoming five new officers The Delegates also authorized the PIB and PIF Officers to the 2011-2012 Supreme Lodge. They are Counselor to spearhead a collaborative effort with the Syllogo Kavo Anthony Horaites, D1 Gov. Francesco Portelos, D2 Gov. Papa in Ikaria to raise monies for the purchase one of three Cathy Pandeladis, D5 Gov. Constantino Frangos and D6 biological compact sewage treatment units seen as critical Gov. George N. Skaros. We all expect to visit with many to the restoration of communities that were damaged by last Chapters this year. Among our visits will be a trip to the October’s storms. The Foundation will match funds raised LEFKAS Chapter for the Youth Conference in Baltimore, by the Chapters. More information will be sent out on how MD. I encourage each Chapter to reach out to the Lodge to help. and District Governors with news on your upcoming events 2012 celebration: and happenings. It was agreed that the Brotherhood would participate in 2013 Supreme convention: festivities both here in the US and this summer in Ikaria for The concerning lack of interest in hosting a future Conven- the yearlong celebration of Ikarian Independence. For ex- tion was answered by the ATHERAS Chapter of Philadel- ample, through a suggestion by the members of the EIRINI phia. Though the Delegates turned down the proposed site, Chapter, we will be organizing the largest Ikariotiko dance they awarded the Chapter the 2013 Supreme Convention and for a Guinness World Record attempt. I ask that every- asked them to find an alternate location. The new Supreme one proudly spread the word about this historic time for Lodge will soon start its meetings with a review of the us. Make this celebration integral to all your dance events, ATHERAS Chapter’s 2013 Convention site selection. Since parade participation and dealings with the public. our departure from LA, they researched over 25 hotel/city New pib constitution update: destinations to bring you a great venue for the 2013! We are The Supreme Lodge presented a new update to the Pan-Icar- anticipating making the exciting announcement of the selec- ian Brotherhood’s Constitution and By-Laws. This update tion shortly. Please stay tuned! is structured in a new 8.5 x 11 format that will be easier to My best wishes to the entire Pan-Icarian Brotherhood for a read and reference. Each Chapter will be sent a computer very successful year! disk copy to allow them to print copies for the membership. The new Constitution will also be made available through the Pan-Icarian website. Fraternally yours, dues increase: Nikolaos J. Pasamihalis Also at the Convention in Los Angeles, the Delegates voted Supreme President to increase the Pan-Icarian Per Capita Dues that are paid to Pan-Icarian Brotherhood of America “ICAROS” the Supreme Lodge from $15 to a new rate of $20. This is [email protected] the first increase in Per Capita Dues in over 10 years. [email protected] Ikapia Magazine Page 3 PAN ICARIAN BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICA “ICAROS” SEPTEMBER 4, 2011 SUPREME PRESIDENT’S DELEGATES MESSAGE TO THE 108TH CONVENTION Dear Brothers and Sisters, PIB Projects: We have been hard at work on several projects this year. The most high profile has been the Icarian Cookbook Good afternoon fellow delegates, brothers and sisters of the Project begun by my predecessor PSP Sonja Stefanadis and Pan-Icarian Brotherhood of America “ICAROS”. I would Jackie Moraitis. The Brotherhood became a small cottage like to begin with a big thank you and congratulations to the business selling and shipping books to members all across the OINOE Chapter 14 for their wonderful work as our hosts for country. I am pleased to report that thanks to the efforts of the this 108th Supreme Convention of our Brotherhood. At every Foutrides Chapter, the Aivaliotis Chapter and entire Icarian turn there is someone greeting us with a bright California smile Cookbook team the project will be contributing approximately making us feel great and well cared for. $3,000 in profits towards the Pan-Icarian Foundation’s Schol- It my privilege to report to you on the busy and rewarding arship Fund. We still have books left so keep those orders year I have had as President of this Brotherhood. To begin, coming. The Supreme Lodge will be acknowledging Jackie I have been blessed with the most dedicated core of officers Moraitis with a plaque recognizing her efforts as Editor. anyone could have asked for.
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