Bibliography of Map Projections Editors of first edition: John P. Snyder*and Harry Steward *Editor of revisions 1st edition: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1856, 1988 2nd edition: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1856, 1997 Also two on-line editions installed at Ohio State University, 1994, 1996 under supervision of Eric John Miller and Duane F. Marble First printed edition by USGS, 1988 On-line editions at Ohio State University, 1994, 1996 Second printed edition, by USGS, 1997 This edition is printed using Word 6.0 for Windows 3.1 and using the following True Type fonts: Times New Roman, Century Gothic, Symbol, Cyrillic, and /HHGV%LW (XUR(DVW, (XUR1RUWK, (XUR:HVW, (XUR6RXWK, and ExtraChars 1. ii PREFACE [Although Harry Steward has not published by the Library of Congress in 1973 participated in the revisions of this bibliography, with a supplement in 1980 and an unpublished he contributed in a major manner to the first second supplement still in the process of edition and to this preface. Therefore, a assembly. Similar in significance are the near- separate preface has not been prepared for the annual listings of Bibliotheca Cartographica revisions. The numbers and some comments in (1957-1972) and its successor, Bibliographia the original preface have been updated. − JPS.] Cartographica (1974 to present), both published The discipline of cartography has a rich and in Germany but compiled from international complex history and a lengthy literature to contributions. accompany it. Cartographers have not only Additional valuable material has been made maps; they have written about them in derived from the published bibliography of the great detail. One of the foremost of these topics American Geographical Society, the periodic has been that of map projections. compilations of Geographisches Jahrbuch, the The fascination, however, attendant upon card index of the Royal Geographical Society in the problems of getting “the round Earth on flat London, the annual listings of Zeitschrift für paper,” to use a title by Chamberlin (1947), has Vermessungswesen, the relevant sections of captured the imagination of many others beyond Geographical Abstracts and Geo-Abstracts, the the realm of practical mapmaking. The writings French Bibliographie Géographique of cartographers, surveyors, and geodesists are Internationale, the International Catalogue of thus accompanied not only by those of Scientific Literature, and the Russian geographers, mathematicians, engineers, publication, Referativnyy Zhurnal − Geografiya astronomers, and other physical scientists, but [+WDWKIQEG\VT HK\IN − 8WMXKIDE]]. also by contributions from political scientists, Also of assistance have been the current- artists, sociologists, school teachers, architects, literature sections of a number of journals such and a host of others. Amateurs and as The American Cartographer (now professionals alike have been involved. Cartography and Geographic Information The result is a body of literature, covering Systems), The Cartographic Journal, The theory and practice, description and criticism, Geographical Journal, Kartographische commentary and advocacy, that can lay good Nachrichten and others, and dozens of minor claim to being the most extensively discussed sources which provided many contributions not subtopic within the confines of cartography. An captured by the major compilations. accounting of the many articles written not only The editors’ intention has been to compile a delineates the considerable extent of these bibliography that is the most comprehensive yet outpourings but also indicates that there are in its subject area. They are confident that with many lines of research yet to be explored. It is almost 3,000 entries they have done so (there to assist the pursuit of such research, rather than were some 900 entries through the planned but to compile a mere inventory, that this abandoned supplement of the Bibliography of bibliography has been assembled. Cartography which comprise the most complete The work itself has its origins in the earlier previous undertaking). Nevertheless, in the concerns of both editors, one having an literal sense, they are well aware that this work accumulation of references deriving from a is not complete. The nature of bibliographical decade or more of active research in projection work of such magnitude clearly prevents such an theory and practice, the other with involvement ideal from being attained; to check all journals, in a previous bibliographic project and many all references, all libraries, all sources, and all years of interest in the literature of cartography. languages in an exhaustive manner is The present compilation is preceded by impossible without the provision of unlimited other bibliographies, but apart from the resources and time. numerous brief attachments to papers and books The number of substantial references that these have, for the most part, been sections of have escaped, however, can be few. Others have larger, more general, works. Chief among these been excluded deliberately on a basis of has been the Bibliography of Cartography subjective evaluation, such as newspaper articles iii of insignificance, reviews unless deemed to add Portuguese at 13. Lastly, there is a minor important information, many of the computer category of 11 languages totaling only 37 entries programs, and many minor and routine accounts among them, while 6 bibliographies, not in, for example, geography, navigation, or assigned to a particular language, complete the engineering texts. A few unpublished papers picture. are included if they have been significantly English, however, has been broken down a referenced elsewhere. This bibliography still little further into 684 of United States origin, contains articles of lesser significance, but there 337 emanating from Great Britain, and 228 is usually something special about them, or they from miscellaneous other sources. These figures bear the recommendation of other workers in are based mainly on the national origin of the this field. sources, such as the journals, assisted by some Because of the interrelation of map judicious interpretation on the part of the projections with other disciplines, especially editors. They are meant to be no more than a geography and mathematics, somewhat arbitrary general guide; writers publish outside their own lines of separation have been drawn by the country, English is used commonly as an editors. A prominent example is the field of international medium, some changes in conformal mapping, a branch of mathematics nationality have been noted, and there is the often used for the mapping of physical general difficulty of identifying the native home phenomena having nothing to do with the shape of every individual. They are useful, however, of the Earth or its graticule of meridians and along with the other language totals in seeing parallels. Therefore, with a few exceptions, how the subject of map projections has varied conformal mapping is included in this worldwide over time. bibliography strictly in a geographical (or The chronology is summarized in tables 2 celestial) context. and 3 and needs only a few additional remarks. A very quick appreciation of the growth and The earliest reference in the bibliography is to form of the literature may be obtained by a the classical work of Ptolemy, which is circa 150 simple breakdown of the figures involved (see A.D. and has been translated from the original tables 1, 2, and 3). The 2,996 citations listed Greek via Arabic and Latin to many modern herein (treated for simplicity with equal European languages. There then occurs the weighting of the primary listing only) represent familiar literature gap of the Dark Ages, marked some 28 languages which can be conveniently only by the ca. 1265 work of Roger Bacon, arranged in 4 arbitrary groups. Of the total, before the scattered writings of the Renaissance 2,544 (some 85 percent) come from an initial period appear. group of 4: English, German, Russian, French, There are only 51 references, in 8 and Chinese (table 1). Within these, English languages, before 1800, and it is somewhat of a citations dominate, having over half the entries surprise to find that only 19 are in Latin, the (1,249). German is a solid second with 636 (21 common language of classically based European percent), while Russian and French follow, each scholarship. Similarly unexpected is the with substantial totals, but having a combined appearance of 3 citations in Swedish in the figure less than that of German. The editors 1700s. English, German, and French lead the recognize that no matter how thoroughly these way with little difference among them in these references have been sought without regard to early years, but it was German that pulled geographical origin and date, there is a built-in steadily ahead in the first decade of the 19th bias tending to favor modern Western century. It retained this dominance throughout publications. This has been substantially the 1800s, providing 131 out of 298 recorded overcome in the current printing, but it is still entries; French at 72 and English at 60 made up present, but it does not alter the qualitative most of the rest. aspect of the conclusions reached. French was steadily overtaken by English in The 446 remaining citations fall into some the early 20th century, but it was German that smaller groupings. Italian, Polish, Hungarian, continued to predominate until the cataclysm of Spanish, and Czech amount to 266 or some 9 the First World War. Germany recovered this percent of the overall total; a smaller number, leadership briefly during the 1930’s, but from 143, results from a group of 7 languages, 1940 the majority position has been occupied by ranging from Bulgarian with 28 entries to the United States with, from 1950, an increasing iv number of contributions from Russian sources. Wuhan, both of the People’s Republic of China, That the subject is healthy and thriving is and with Yang Cheng, formerly of China, and indicated by the fact that over 2,000 of the now at Oak Ridge National Laboratories, entries in this bibliography have been published Tennessee.
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