^ o N a m * 0 P a g e s 7503-7532 REGISTER ^ 1934 ¿ f r VOLUME 29 NUMBER 114 < Wa n t e d ^ Washington, Thursday, June 11, 1964 Contents AGRICULTURAL MARKETING Proposed Rule Making FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION SERVICE Federal airways; alteration______ 7516 Rules and Regulations Transition area; alteration______ 7515 Rules and Regulations Prohibited trade practices: Plums grown in California; regu­ FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS Adams Dairy Co. et al_________ 7506 lation by size_____ __________*__ 7505 Pacific Molasses Co. et al______ 7507 COMMISSION Scott Paper Co__2____________ 7507 AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Notices Trade Advertising Associates, Inc., et al___________________ 7508 See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ Hearings, etc.: ice. ~ Bigbee Broadcasting Co________ 7523 Chronicle P u b lis h in g Co. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE ALIEN PROPERTY OFFICE (K RO N -TV) and American Rules and Regulations Notices Broadcasting - Paramount Migratory birds; -miscellaneous Theaters, Inc. (K G O -T V )__ 7523 amendments________ v__________ 7511 Katakura Corp.; dissolution Dover Broadcasting Co., Inc., order __.______________ ________ 7517 and Tuscarawas Broadcast­ HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND ing Co________ £•.________ ____ 7523 ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION New Horizon Studios (2 docu­ WELFARE DEPARTMENT Notices *- ments) __________________ 7524, 7525 See also Vocational Rehabilitation Radio Station KGVL, Inc. Administration. General Electric Co.; proposed (KGVL)_________ ___________ 7525 Notices issuance of construction'permit WSIV, Inc_______________________ 7525 and facility license amend­ Education Office; statement of ments. ---------- ---------- 1______ 7522 organization and delegation of FEDERAL HOUSING authority._________________ ____ 7520 CENSUS BUREAU ADMINISTRATION Notices Rules and Regulations HOUSING AND HOME Exports of manufactured products Miscellaneous amendments to FINANCE AGENCY 1963; notice of consideration.. 7520 chapter_______________________ 7508 See Federal Housing Administra­ tion. CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD FEDERAL MARITIME Notices COMMISSION INTERAGENCY TEXTILE International Air Transport Asso­ Notices ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE ciation; agreement relating to Agreements filed for approval: Notices specific commodity rates_____l 7523 American & Australian Line and Certain cotton textile products CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Port and Associated Lines._ 7526 produced or manufactured in States' Marine Lines and Alcoa the Philippines; entry and with­ Rules and Regulations Steamship Co., Inc____ 7526 drawal from warehouse for State Department; excepted serv- Machinery and tractors from consumption ________ ________ 7528 lce~ — ---------- 7505 United States Atlantic ports to ports in Puerto Rico; reduced INTERIOR DEPARTMENT rates, investigation.____.•____ ;__ 7526 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT See Fish and Wildlife Service; See Census Bureau; Maritime Ad­ Land Management Bureau. ministration. FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Notices INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE FEDERAL a v ia t io n a g e n c y Hearings, etc.: Proposed Rule Making Rules and Regulations Cumberland and Allegheny Gas - Co— ----------------—„ ----- 7527 Income tax; deductibility of ex­ 0Î r S e{? airspace; alteration penses for foreign travel______ 7513 ana designation________ 7505 Louisiana-Nevada Transit Co__ 7527 Montana-Dakota Utilities Co___ 7527 (Continued on next page) 7503 7504 CONTENTS California; partial termination of SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE INTERSTATE COMMERCE proposed withdrawal and reser­ COMMISSION vation of lands-------------------- 7518 COMMISSION Rules and Regulations Proposed withdrawals and reser­ Notices vations of lands: Commercial zones: Hearings, etc.: Alaska (2 documents)------ 7518,7519 Guardian Consultants and Chicago, 111------------------------- 7510 California_____________________ 7518 Washington, D.C-----------------— 7511 Management, Inc------------ 7528 N evada--------- 7519 Ohio Power Co------------------ 7529 Notices O regon----------- 7518 - Siltronics, Inc., et al_________ 7529 Fourth section application for Washington______.____________ 7520 relief____T_____________________ 7530 MARITIME ADMINISTRATION TREASURY DEPARTMENT JUSTICE DEPARTMENT Notices See Internal Revenue Service. See Alien Property Office. Valuation of vessels; exchange of C4 troopships______ - __;________ 7520 VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION Notices Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations • Arizona; amendment of small International. mail; miscellaneous Copyrightable or copyrighted ma­ tract classification_________ — 7517 amendments_________________ 7509 terial; license to use-------------- 7510 Codification Guide \ / The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Gode of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in today's issue. A cumulative list of parts affected, covering the current month to date, appears at the end of each issue beginning with the second issue of the month. A cumulative guide is published separately at the end of each month. The guide lists the parts and sections affected by documents published since January 1, 1964, and specifies how they are affected. 5 CFR 45 CFR Announcing first 213— _________________ÿ____1____ 7505 401— _____________ _______ — 7510 5-year Cumulation s 7 ÇFR 49 CFR 917— _____________ — _______ 7505 170 (2 documents)------------ 7510,7511 UNITED STATES 14 CFR 50 CFR STATUTES AT LARGE 71 [N ew ]____— ---------------------- 7505 10— _____________ ___1-.............7511 TABLES OF LAWS AFFECTED P roposed R u l e s : in Volumes 70—74 71 [New] (2 documents)____ 7515,7516 Lists all prior laws and other Federal instruments which were amended, 16 CFR repealed, or otherwise affected by 13 (4 documents)__________ 7506-7508 the provisions of public laws enacted during the years 1956—1960. In­ cludes index of popular name acts 24 CFR affected in Volumes 70—74. 203— _________ __________ — ____ 7508 231_______ _____________________ — 7508 Price: $1.50 Compiled by Office of the Federal Register, 26 CFR National Archives and Reeves Service, P roposed R u l e s : General Services Administration 1 _ — _______ — 7513 Order from Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office, 39 CFR Washington, D.C. 20402 168_____________________v— - ____ 7509 m i r D l I B C r i C T E B Published dally, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Monday J r l l r n / l | ^ » n r 4 l L l I U l i oncm the day after an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal Register, NaNa+ionai ■*. *,■ Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration (m ail address Nat Area Code 202 \ 0<»3 Phone 963-3261 ^ chives Building, Washington, D.C. 20408), pursuant to the authority contained m _ Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., ch. 8 B ), under regulations prescribed by dent istrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I), Distribution is made only by the Super of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. , nnvable in The F ederal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15.00 per yeax^Jp y oBey advance. The charge for individual copies (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to the size of the issue. Remit check order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. .’ pUr- The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code op F ederal R egulations, which is published, under 50 j. 0f suant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended. The Code op F ederal R egulations is sold-by the Superin Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements are listed in the first F ederal R egister issue of each month. ruLATioNS. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the F ederal R egister or the Code op F ederal re Rules and Regulations (2) It is hereby further found that Title 5— ADMINISTRATIVE it is impracticable, unnecessary, and Title 14-AERONAUTICS AND contrary to the public interest to give PERSONNEL preliminary notice, engage in public SPACE rule making procedure, and postpone the Chapter I— Civil Service Commission effective date of this amendment until Chapter I— Federal Aviation Agency PART 213— EXCEPTED SERVICE 30 days after publication thereof in the . [Airspace Docket No. 63-AIr-10] F ederal R egister (5 U.S.C. 1001-1011) Department of State in that the time intervening between PART 71— DESIGNATION OF FEDERAL the date when information upon which Section 213.3304(h) (4) is amended to AIRWAYS, CONTROLLED AIRSPACE, this amendment is based became avail­ AND REPORTING POINTS [NEW] show a change in title from One Special able and the time when this amendment Assistant to the Assistant Secretary (In­ must become effective in order to effec­ formation) to One Special Assistant to Alteration and Designation of tuate the declared policy of the act is Controlled Airspace the Assistant Secretary (Public Affairs). insufficient ; and this amendment re­ Effective upon publication in the F ederal lieves restrictions on the handling of On January 24j 1964, a notice of pro­ Register, subparagraph (4) of para­ Burmosa plums grown in California. posed rule making was published in the graph (h) of § 213.3304 is amended as I t is, therefore, orderedl, That the pro­ set out below. F ederal R egister (29 F.R. 614) stating visions of paragraph (b) (2) of § 917.337 that the Federal Aviation Agency pro­ § 213.3304 Department of State. (Plum
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