ArviZ a unified library for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models in Python Ravin Kumar4, Colin Carroll1, Ari Hartikainen2, and Osvaldo Martin3 1 Freebird Inc., United States 2 Aalto University, Department of Civil Engineering, Espoo, Finland 3 Instituto de Matemática Aplicada San Luis, UNSL-CONICET. Ejército de los Andes 950, 5700 San Luis, Argentina 4 Carbon IT LLC, United States DOI: 10.21105/joss.01143 Software • Review Summary • Repository • Archive While conceptually simple, Bayesian methods can be mathematically and numerically Submitted: 23 December 2018 challenging. Probabilistic programming languages (PPLs) implement functions to easily Published: 15 January 2019 build Bayesian models together with efficient automatic inference methods. This helps License separate the model building from the inference, allowing practitioners to focus on their Authors of papers retain copy- specific problems and leaving PPLs to handle the computational details for them (Bessiere, right and release the work un- Mazer, Ahuactzin, & Mekhnacha, 2013; Daniel Roy, 2015; Ghahramani, 2015). The der a Creative Commons Attri- inference process generates a posterior distribution — which has a central role in Bayesian bution 4.0 International License statistics — together with other distributions like the posterior predictive distribution and (CC-BY). the prior predictive distribution. The correct visualization, analysis, and interpretation of these distributions is key to properly answer the questions that motivate the inference process. When working with Bayesian models there are a series of related tasks that need to be addressed besides inference itself: • Diagnoses of the quality of the inference • Model criticism, including evaluations of both model assumptions and model pre- dictions • Comparison of models, including model selection or model averaging • Preparation of the results for a particular audience Successfully performing such tasks are central to the iterative and interactive modeling process. These tasks require both numerical and visual summaries to help statisticians or practitioners analyze visual summaries. In the words of Persi Diaconis (Diaconis, 2011) “Exploratory data analysis seeks to reveal structure, or simple descriptions in data. We look at numbers or graphs and try to find patterns. We pursue leads suggested by background information, imagination, patterns perceived, and experience with other data analyses”. For these reasons we introduce ArviZ, a Python package for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models. ArviZ aims to be a package that integrates seamlessly with estab- lished probabilistic programming languages like PyStan (“Stan,” n.d.), PyMC (Salvatier, Wiecki, & Fonnesbeck, 2016), Edward (Tran et al., 2017, 2016), emcee (Foreman-Mackey, Hogg, Lang, & Goodman, 2013), Pyro (Bingham et al., 2018), and easily integrated with novel or bespoke Bayesian analyses. Where the aim of the probabilistic programming languages is to make it easy to build and solve Bayesian models, the aim of the ArviZ library is to make it easy to process and analyze the results from the Bayesian models. We Kumar et al., (2019). ArviZ a unified library for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models in Python. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(33), 1 1143. https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.01143 Figure 1: Relationship between netCDF, az.InferenceData, and xarray hope ArviZ will become a key Python tool for Bayesian data analysis by allowing users to focus on problems from their domain knowledge and not on computational details. Bayesian inference produces naturally high dimensional data. By storing each type of data resulting from PPLs as an xarray (Hoyer & Hamman, 2017) dataset, ArviZ provides labeled querying of the data, efficient algorithms, and persistent metadata. These datasets are stored together on disk and in code using netCDF4 (Brown, Folk, Goucher, Rew, & Dubois, 1993; R. Rew & Davis, 1990) groups, which are themselves built with HDF5, and allows for well supported serialization. This functionality is implemented in the InferenceData class (see Figure 1). In addition to the listed benefits of using netCDF and xarray, by using a single data structure all statistical and visualization functions need to be implemented only once. In addition to common plots for Bayesian analysis including a trace plot and forest plot, ArviZ implements other visualizations such as a plot for posterior predictive checks, a pair plot, and a parallel coordinate plot (Gabry, Simpson, Vehtari, Betancourt, & Gelman, 2017). Additionally, it supports a number of statistical checks, such as calculating the effective sample size, the r-hat statistic, Pareto-smoothed importance sampling leave- one-out cross validation (PSIS-LOO-CV) (Vehtari, Gelman, & Gabry, 2015), and widely applicable information criterion (WAIC) (Watanabe, 2013). Funding Work by Osvaldo Martin was supported by CONICET-Argentina and ANPCyT- Argentina (PICT-0218). Acknowledgments We thank the PyMC3 Community — especially Adrian Seyboldt, Junpeng Lao, and Thomas Wiecki — as well as the Stan community — especially Allen Riddell . We also would like to extend thanks to all the ArviZ contributors, and the contributors of the libraries used to build ArviZ — particularly xarray, matplotlib, pandas, and numpy. Example Plots Examples of ArviZ’s plotting functionality are shown in Figure 2 through Figure 5. Ad- ditional examples can be found in the ArviZ documentation. Kumar et al., (2019). ArviZ a unified library for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models in Python. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(33), 2 1143. https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.01143 Figure 2: Bivariate Hexbin Plot with marginal distributions Figure 3: 2D Kernel Density Estimation Kumar et al., (2019). ArviZ a unified library for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models in Python. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(33), 3 1143. https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.01143 Figure 4: Markov Chain Monte Carlo Trace Figure 5: John Kruschke styled Posterior Distribution Kumar et al., (2019). ArviZ a unified library for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models in Python. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(33), 4 1143. https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.01143 References Bessiere, P., Mazer, E., Ahuactzin, J. M., & Mekhnacha, K. (2013). Bayesian Program- ming (1 edition.). Boca Raton: Chapman and Hall/CRC. Bingham, E., Chen, J. P., Jankowiak, M., Obermeyer, F., Pradhan, N., Karaletsos, T., Singh, R., et al. (2018). Pyro: Deep Universal Probabilistic Programming. Journal of Machine Learning Research. Retrieved from http://arxiv.org/abs/1810.09538 Brown, S. A., Folk, M., Goucher, G., Rew, R., & Dubois, P. F. (1993). Software for portable scientific data management. Computers in Physics, 7(3), 304–308. doi:10.1063/1.4823180 Daniel Roy. (2015). 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