Estate of Joseph Epler Wednesday, April 1st, 2015 at 9:00am www.hassingercourtney.com 11. CllCollection i off 19 HllHalloween PdPostcards. TkTuck, IilInternational AArt PbPub CCo. TkTuck, SS. GGarre. 2. Album of (315) Horse Postcards. 33. Album of (411) Cows and Other Animals PostcardsPostcards. 4. Album of (560) Boats, Steamboats, & Military Postcards. 55. Album of (238) PhotocardsPhotocards, Photographs & Postcards of Foreign Trains & RailroadsRailroads. EnglandEngland, ScotlandScotland, DkDenmark,, ThThailand, il d, FFrance,, MiMexico. 6. Album of (462) City Halls & Municipal Buildings Postcards from all over the US. 77. Album of (186) State Map Postcards & OthersOthers. 8. Album of (283) Post Office Postcards from all over the US. 99. Album of (173) Philadelphia Related PostcardsPostcards, Including BPEO Elks ConventionConvention, Odd FellowsFellows, University of Pennsylvaniayli & OhOthers. 10. Album of (124) State College & Penn State Postcards & Photo Postcards: Including: Cider Scrap?, Street Scene of Civil EngineersEngineers, Freshman Games? 19061906, Glee ClubClub. 11. Album of (142) Religious Postcards. Lords Prayer, 10 Commandments, Souvenir Postcards of Beaches. 1212. Album of (124) BlimpsBlimps, SpaceshipsSpaceships, & Planes PostcardsPostcards. Including: NaziNazi, Charles Lindburgh and Spirit of StSt. LouisLouis, AiAirports, CilCommercial AiAirlines, li AllApollo SSpace ShShuttles, l MMoon LdiLanding, RilRailroads, d andd OhOthers. 13. Album of (108) Cat Postcards. 1414. Album of (69) Military Related Postcards Including GettysburgGettysburg, ComedicComedic, RomanceRomance, and OthersOthers. 15. Album of (144)() Worlds Fairs & Expositionsp Postcards. Includingg 1904 St. Louis,, Jamestown Expop 1907,, World Columbian Exposition, Panama Pacific Exposition 1915, Chicago Worlds Fair 1933, New York 1939 & More. 1616. Album of (115) Birthday & Holiday Postcards with Black BackgroundsBackgrounds. 17. Album of (300) Agricultural Postcards. Including Flowers California, Hemp Kentucky, Watermelons, Grapes, Tomatoes New JerseyJersey, TobaccoTobacco, PineapplesPineapples, Orchards & GrovesGroves, SugarSugar, CottonCotton, CowsCows, BarnsBarns. Album cover and pagespg are lloose. 18. Album of (82) Postcards of Manufacturing Plants, Boston, Deleval Cream Separator, Fashion, Sing Fat Co, Oriental Bizarre San FranciscoFrancisco, Electrolux VacuumsVacuums, & MoreMore. 19. Album of (114) Greeting Postcards Featuring Hands Including: Birthday, Valentines Day, & Foreign. 2020. Album of (71) Patriotic PostcardsPostcards. Including: FlagsFlags, PresidentsPresidents, 4th of JulyJuly, Decoration DayDay, Theodore RooseveltRoosevelt. 221. Albumlb off ((108)() 08) SState Flowersl & Birdsid Postcardsd andd SSet off Lordsd Prayery Postcards.d 22. (7) F. Earl Christy College Pennant Girl Postcards. Kentucky Wesleyan College, Arkansas, Army, Notre Dame, WisconsinWisconsin, IndianaIndiana, Williston SeminarySeminary. 23. (7) F. Earl Christy College Pennant Girl Postcards with Velvet Dresses Postcards. Princeton, Columbia, Harvard, Yale. 2424. (3) FF. Earl Christy College Cheer PostcardsPostcards. ChicagoChicago, YaleYale, CornellCornell. 25. (9)() F. Earl Christyy Collegeg Girl,, Pennant & Seal Postcards. De Pauw,, Cornell,, Harvard,, Syracuse,y, Michigan,g, IndianaIndiana, ChicagoChicago, MinnesotaMinnesota. 2626. (9) CllCollege SlSeal PtPostcards d bby FF. ElEarl ChChristy, i t PP. GdGordon 19071907, SS. BBoros 19071907. ClColumbia, bi UU. PliPennsylvania, YlYale, Cornell, Harvard, Michigan, St. Lawrence. 2727. (10) Fold Out College Girl Series Pennant PostcardsPostcards. VassarVassar, ColumbiaColumbia, YaleYale, HarvardHarvard. 28.8. (9)() Collegeg Pennant Girl Postcards. Byy F. Earl Christyy & Franz Huld. Tilton Seminary,y, Vassar,, Princeton,, Columbia. 2929. (13) College Girl Series PostcardsPostcards. 1905 Souvenir Postcard CoCo. SyracuseSyracuse, YaleYale, FordhamFordham, CornellCornell, OberlinOberlin. 3030. (15) UiUniversity it SiSeries CllCollege GiGirl l PtPostcards. d CllCornell, PliPennsylvania, MiMichigan, hi ChiChicago, YlYale, HdHarvard, PiPrinceton. t 31. (12) College Pennant Girl Postcards. Leland Stanford, Yale, Cornell, Tilton Seminary, Harvard, Chicago. 3232. (14) College Pennant Girl PostcardsPostcards. YaleYale, PennsylvaniaPennsylvania, PrincetonPrinceton, HarvardHarvard. 33. (41)() Collegeg & Highg School Pennant Girl Postcards. Michigan,g, Alabama,, Columbia,, Culver,, Cornell & More. 34. (8) Leather College Pennant Girl Postcards. Yale, Irving, Harvard. 3535. (2) Albums of Assorted PostcardsPostcards. (89+‐) PostcardsPostcards. 36. Album of (149) Covered Bridges in US & Foreign Countries Postcards. 3737. Album of (18) Thanksgiving PostcardsPostcards. 3838. AlbAlbum off (103)() GGerman, BliBelgian,g andd SiSwitzerland l d PdPostcards. 39. Album of (83) Thanksgiving Postcards. Thanksgiving Series #29, J. Herman, Tuck, S. Garre, Clapsaddle, R. WealthyWealthy, LRL.R. ConwellConwell, John WinschWinsch, SWS.W. GuestGuest, PP. SandersSanders, International ArtArt. 40. Album of (170) Notable Gravesites. Also Caskets Advertising Cards. 4141. (2) Albums of Birds & Flowers PostcardsPostcards. 4242. EiExtensive AlbAlbum off (246) MMortuary / UdUndertaker k PdPostcards & PhPhoto PdPostcards. IldiIncluding PhPhoto PdPostcards off BilBurial off Opera House Fire Victims 1908 Boyertown, Kennedy, Sailors Burial at Sea, Horse Drawn Cuban Hearses, Chinese FuneralsFunerals, CasketsCaskets. Also Burial of King EdwardEdward, Military FuneralsFunerals, Funeral of Meiji TennoTenno, Eskimo GravesGraves, Hindu CiCremations, Funerall HHomes, IdiIndian Burialil SiSites, Remainsi off McLauryL y‐Earpp Feudd Tombstoneb AiArizona, Militaryili y Funerall at Tex‐Mex Border, 60+ Photo Postcards. 4343. Set of 150 Unused Dressed Animals Postcards by Alfred MainzerMainzer. 44. Album of ()(173) Assorted Postcards Including:g WWI Soldier Photocard,, Photocards of Train wrecks,, Earlyy Car Photocards & Several other PhotographsPhotographs. 4545. AlbAlbum off (172) AtdAssorted PtPostcards. d SiSouvenir AtlAtlantic ti CitCity, FiForeign, PRR StStation, ti MilitMilitary. 46. Album of (228) German Wine & Beer Labels, Some Postcards, Several Trade Cards. 4747. Album of (130) Railroad Postcards & Several Winter Railroad Photo PostcardsPostcards. Also Postcards of Giant Produce on Railcars. 4848. Album of (202) StSt. Patrick'sPatrick s Day PostcardsPostcards. John WinschWinsch, NashNash, SS. GarreGarre, Wolf & Co New YorkYork, JJ. HermanHerman, StSt. PtikPatricks SiSeries 11, 22, 44, FiFrancis SSeymour DldDonaldson, GtthlkGottschalk, IInternational t ti l AtArt. 48A. Album of (198) St. Patrick'sPatrick s Day Postcards. Most by Tuck & International Art, Clapsaddle, S. Garre, Wolf & Co, BB London Series #2#2, FF. SanderSander, Tucks Series 157157, 169169, 172172, 106106, 184184, 194194. 49. Album of (330)() Easter Postcards. HWB Germany,y, Nash,, Easter Series #1,, Embossed & Airbrushed,, Tucks #112,, International ArtArt, Easter Series #26#26, John WinschWinsch, AustriaAustria, Ullman Mfg CoCo. 5050. AlbAlbum off (175) EtEaster RltdRelated PtPostcards, d TdTrade CdCards, & OthOthers. IInternational t ti l AtArt, NhNash, MMany ClClapsaddle, ddl ClCouple Humanized Rabbits, Leather, Embossed and Airbrushed, Tucks #100, Easter Series #1. 5151. Album of (86) Thanksgiving PostcardsPostcards. International ArtArt, MW TaggertTaggert, Julius BienBien, Thanksgiving Series #3#3, P SdSander,, TkTuck,, J HHerman,, JhJohn WiWinsch, h, LW CllConwell. 52. Album of (328) Covered Bridges throughout US Postcards. 5353. Album of (328) Covered Bridges throughout US PostcardsPostcards. 54. Album of (256) Towers & Buildings Postcards. 5555. Album of (464) Souvenir State & Cities PostcardsPostcards. 56. Albumlb off ()(264) Citiesii & Buildingsildi g Postcards.d 57. Album of (397) Cities & Buildings Postcards. 57A57A. (6) Easter Postcards with HumaniHumanized ed RabbitsRabbits. All GermanyGermany: 4 by ASBA.S.B. 57B. (6) Easter Postcards with Humanized Rabbits. (2) Stecher 86A, (2) Tuck'sTuck s Easter Series 112, (2) Germany. 57C57C. (7) Easter Postcards with Humanized RabbitsRabbits. Unusual Rabbit smoking a long pipe by GAG.A Novelty Art SeriesSeries, Phila.hl Post Cardd Co,, B.W,, A.S.B & other.h 58. (177) Easter Postcards by International Art. 5959. (144) EtEaster PtPostcards. d BW 305305, StStecher h 504E504E. 60. (89) Easter Postcards. United Art Publishing, Germany, PFB. 6161. (184) Easter PostcardsPostcards. Approx Half made by WhitneyWhitney. 62. ()(281) Easter Postcards with Crosses. BB London,, Easter Cross Series,, JB & Co. 6363. (196) Easter PostcardsPostcards. John WinschWinsch, GottschalkGottschalk, and Others UnsignedUnsigned. All with Similar BacksBacks. 6464. (90) EtEaster PtPostcards d bby S&LS&L, DidDavidson, & OthOthers. SSome withith ClCloth th FlFlowers 65. (141) Christmas Postcards. Approx Half Whitney, The Pink of Perfection, Midland Publishing Co, Gibson. 66. (163) Christmas Postcards. Most Airbrushed & Embossed. 6767. (151) Christmas PostcardsPostcards. Davidson BrosBros, FA OwenOwen, GibsonGibson, StecherStecher, GottschalkGottschalk, WhitneyWhitney, Some with Red Cross Seals 1919, 1921, 1922, 1924 Tied On. 6868. Album of (107) Unused Dressed Animal Postcards by Alfred MainzerMainzer. 6969. AlbAlbum off (378)() US CiCities i SiSouvenir PdPostcards. 70. Album of (549) Planes, Airports, Military, Space Shuttles Postcards. 7171. Album of (384) United States Libraries PostcardsPostcards. 72. Album of (162) Postcards. (33)Santa Claus, Christmas, New Years
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