_ Public S"I'VJc~ Adw_ Donated bV Cost-plUS lma,,".,'" How Apartment Owners Stand- DICK oil owan GREGORY 2 of 5 Councilmen Serving the State Univer8ity of Iowa and the People of Iowa City Local Land lords 10 Ceota Per CopJ Iowa City, Iowa - Tuesday, May U. 1964 * 8y JOHN BORNHOLDT town which "bold a bunch of feLiers going to the (Sixth of a Series) University. " Improvements on these buildings, to make An I writer has labeled the ag- DICK them more livable, is done periodically by Yo­ gr gate, commonly known as land10rds, as cum, "I've got a lot of property in town and it's 87 Military Personnel ;: a "race of twisted pe ple living in Iowa hard for me to keep up with it aU the time," he REGORY Cit)'." said. The writ 'f, Calvin Kenlfield, was a Yocum said he rents to 65 students, most of them living at 310 S. Capiloi St .• 133 S. Ave .• ]949 I graduate whose article about the and 1 Ernest SI. • University and Iowa City. Yocum has moved a second house behind appeared in the November 310 S. Capitol St. and is using the ame address * 1963 is'll(' of II oliday. for botb houses. , A city housing code or­ Arnold Zajicek. of 12 E. Burlington St., be­ Killed In lieves it is not the city's job to enforce any kind 3 Ai~ 'rashes' DICK dinance, specifying the min­ of building code ordinance. When ..ed why, imum requirements to be he aid, "1 don't see any reason for it. U's Just adopted by eily landlords a way of stirring up trouble. The way things are REGORY for the prolection of the going in the world today, we don't need any SUI Student heallh, welfar and afcty of more trouble here in Iowa City." Zajicek shares his house with six tudents, t:1 occupants as well as the who are each paying him $32.50. The four boys Critically Hurt community, has never been passed by lhe living on the second fioor are &baring one baUi. City Council. Two of them are living in a room no larger than * Three of the five Iowa City Council­ 12 by 15 feet. In Car Wreck men are currently renting to students. IRA GLASSMAN, owner o[ Wbiteway SUper· Other Accidents Claim market on South Clinton St .. renls 10 apartment Another . SUlowan DICK AS THE UNIVERSITY population in­ above his store. Students living there have only 10 Navy Crewmen, creases each year, more native Iowa Citians one compillint. They say the place is infested In Fair Condition with cockroaches. 2 Student Paratroopers are buying "close to campus" buildings and John E. Hartsaw, M, Coralville, REGORY are converting them into monthly paying gold W hen asked about this, Glassman said, was listed in critical condition ill Iy THE ASSOCIATED PUSS mines. Rent [or a student Jiving in Iowa City "Everything is undet control and is comlna Mercy Hospital in Cedar RapidS seven along all right. .. Eighty - U.S. milItary ranges from $35 to $110. late Mooday night after a one-car men were reported killed and "Although SUlowans are living in these Wayne Housel, who work. at Jackson's Elec· accident two miles southwest of houses. all or them are over 21. Most of this trical supply. manages the {our studio-apartments Walford. in Benton County. 19 others injured in three plane housing is not approved by the University," said above the store at 11~ E. Walilington St. The The driver of the car. Norman crashes Monday. James Rhatigan. hOllsing adviser Cor the Of­ apartments are owned by Clarence Beck. Mark Kaminsky, G. Iowa City, was At Manila in the Philippines, HOllsel said he has not bothered to make any * fice of Student Affairs. listed In fairly good condition. a U,S. jet transport canying Improvements in these apartments durlng the DICK Most of the buildings were constructed prior The State Highway Patrol Oence past 'lear. Thls can be exemplified by a can of In Cedar Rapids reported that the 'We Shall Overcome' military personnel plunged to to the passage of the State Housing Code. which spray located at the top of the landing, sitting on Kaminsky car was traveling on ground and burned short became applicable to Iowa City in 1925. the a bench. This spray is supposed to be the Clre Highway 149 when it went out of The Frttdom Singers will apPear .t 6:30 .nd , Ch.rl .. N.bl.tt, Emory H.rril, M.rth.1I J_s, of the runway at ClarIt Air REGORY Mayor Richard Burger. who owns the build· extinguisher for the outside balls. It contains 16 control and left the road on a curve .... ,ght In Macbrld. Auditorlu", wIth Dick Gr.,. M.tthew JOlla ••nd R.I.. I a.nth."" Force Base. ing at 503 S. Clinton St., rents single, double and ounces of liquid. near Walford, which is about 15 tory, Negro comedian, Plc:tvr.ct, from left, .... -Photo by Jot lippincott triple·room apartmenls from $38.50 to $47.50 Located at 103'-\ S. Clinton Is an apartment miles northwest of Cedar Rapids. The Air Force said 73 of the each. Twenty·two coeds live in this house, which house managed by Mrs. A ron Braverman. The accident occurred at about 5;45 83 persons aboard the plane were Is no! approved by the University, according to "Every summer," she said, "we paint our apart· Monday afternoon . Gregory, Freedom Singers- killed on impact. Another died iD Rhatigan. ments and put new tiles In the bathrooms." This Hartsaw, 2:1, suffered brain dam· a hospital later. A man in a taxi· * Mrs. William Hubbard. wife oC Councilman age, sk ull and jaw fractures and cab hit by the crashing plaDe was has failed, however, to exterminate the cock· William Hubbard, is the owner and operator or numerous internal Injuries accord· also kiUed. roaches which share the apartments with tbe Ing to the Highway Patrol report. three graduatc houses located at D. 11 and 13 E. present renters. Reported officially missing were DICK Kamin ky. 'rl, received sovere Concerts 'Spread the Word' the daughter and the lister of Io­ Burlington St. The three buildings arc now oc· "Installing new plugs and chains in the kit· scalp lacerations. cupied by 36 ~udenls, Mrs. Hubbard said. wans. The Defense Department chen sinks." Is the major improvement accom· There was no report available on said those missing Inc Iud e d RENTS RANGE FROM $25 Cor an attic com· plished in the past year by E. R. Handy in keep­ Cmng of charges in the accident. Dorothy R. L. Buck. an airman REGORY parlment with practically no ventilation, to $45 ing up his 55·year-old apartment house on North Hartsaw lives at the Carol Anll first class, daughter of Mrs. Marla for two rooms on the ground [\oor. The latter Clinton St . The building is known to the sludents Apartments in Coralville and Kam­ Of, Civil Rights with Music K. Gordon oC Davenport, and Capt. apartment has a separate entrance and a back who live there as the "Brownstones." insky's address is 310 E. Blooming· 8y STeve cltWOlF Things and Things and ThiDgs and "We just started practicing sing. Dorothy A. Gifford. sister of Wu. porch, about five feet square. HANDY OWNS 25 apartments located in thc ton, Iowa City. St.H Wrlt.r lit Cost Plus. liam G. Gifford of Cbarles Cit.J. Students living in these buildings share the long bulldlng which starts at 103 N. Clinton St. ing together and seein" what we a USN avy t I ' b The music Dick Gregory and Students and faculty wUl have cOIIld do ," Jones recalled.0 "We just ed.. t ....20 IIpa roU planeth eras.. t -I * dining room and cooking facilllies in the base· and extends toward Burge Hall. Handy collects The Freedom Singers will present the opportunity to meet DIck a sea meso e coa.. 0 seemed to get better and beUer." C di Sid Its of , .. ment of all three houses. There is also a com· $100 per month per unit when the unit is shared in two cOncerts al 6:30 p.m. and Gregory and The Freedom Singers a. z, pa n, an crew .. munal recreation room available. by two udents. Units In which three students McNamara 9 p.m. tonight in Macbride Audi. (rom 2 to 4 p.m. today at a coffee After Th. Freedom Singers bad .... as believed lost wntte an AIr DICK JOE MERI, G, Chicago, remembers the Sun· are living are rented [or $114 per month. torlum comes from dIngy southern in the Congregational Church, SO given a concert in Carnegie Hall Force plane carrying a student jail cells, picket Lines and demon. N. Clinton SI. and bad appeared on televJslon paratroopers made a crash landing day afternoons last winter in which it was so Several of the students living in the build­ ing say they bave periodically complained about Arrives Safely ,trations. When performed It will "WE TRY to represent the reel. several times, they were joined In at Seale, Ala. Monday, killin, two cold in this basement recreation room, that win­ be a mixture of rock 'n' roll, ings of th e Southern Negroes In their tours last February by Dick and Injuring 11. REGOR ter coats had to be worn by those watching the "rats in the wall. bats In the hailways and the rhythm and blue and spiritual OUr music," Mathew Jones. 26, one Gregory, nationally.known come- The four-engine C1S5, wblch Chicago Bears' football games.
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