an r.9M WeekofFeb 14-20,2002 SANIBEL & CAPTIVA, FLORIDA VOLUME 29, NUMBER 7, 75 CENTS Out for a $ 1,000 uoss postpones reward! City of Sanibel's city managers office and Congressman decides to run once more police dcpmtment puts up leward to catch a thief By Anna Liakas foi political turnouts aiound the state Staff writer and fed the initial lundraising cam- —See page 3 paigns foi possible contendeis includ- There was a biiel moment Friday ing Lee County Commissionei Andy Extra! Exfra! morning, sometime aiound daybiealc, Coy, State Senator Burt Saunders, and when U S Rep Poitei Goss woke in his Commissioner John Albion, were at the The Beacon Sanibel Island home and looked out time, veiy sinceie over the peaceful wateis of the back bay Have you read what youi "I was ready to step down I believed childicn wiotc tod IJ > and asked himself, "Why am I going to that it was time lor somebody else to I atest edition horn tliL do this toi two moie yeais?" take my seat in Congiess," he said loaming icpoitus ut Foi Goss making the decision lo "Aftei all, I've been almost 30 yeais m Sambcl Elemental y announce his bid toi re-election lo public seivice " Congtess last week, did not come easy Goss went on to say that he had spo- —See page 19 "I've decided to postpone my letne- ken to those who expressed mteiest in ment," Goss told membeis oi the tunning loi his seat and ofleied them a media his hands clasped quietly in iront full apology lor any inconvenience that of his daik giey blazer Then turning his decision may have caused and looking ovei his left shoulder and "I know that some ol them have smiling a bit sheepishly at his wife aheady raised thousands ol doll at s (oi Manel and son Mason, he added Ihen campaign and I apologized toi any But my wile and I aie anxious to inconvenience' Public ic\ icw pciiod lelire heic to Southwest Honda and Swayed by the piesidenl to continue exit nded for pioposcd ui|oy some time togethei out ol (he with his woik as chairman ol the House c\p uiMon ol iIK I N potliirhl ol public hie Then. , sonic Select Committee on lntelli^i nee Goss Oni" D.iihu > Relu 'L lish wi hiunl iambi \U sonii »oll sud it w t ilie event ol Sept II \\\ \\ \ h n i i pi \ (l inn i In i_ il nn\i it t \ lh h n n hi \ I !i i in m 1 li i \ h u m \ > ' I M i 1 il in p\ in cciiis about the eoiyie siaaii using the I lie piesidcni has committed to speculation over hu, bid for re->e>fe6tioji rebuilding our intelligence Capabilities," as a strategy for political gam, Goss the representative said, undescoring Im affrimed that his plans to retire fiom See GOSS, public office, which became the fodder Anna Liaha The children page 2 Porter Goss will run again benefit Islandeis go all out for City leaders forget The unwelcome comeback kid childien's benefit, and paients have a little iun while they're at it public input for review Red Tide returns to island beaches —See page 7 By Erik Burriss Staff writer By Anna Liakas recent bloom of karenia unusual waim water tem- Staff Writer brevis, the microscopic peratures that have caused Public mput will be vital to any comprehensive review ot oiganism that causes red a bit ot confusion in the the Sanibel Plan and Land Development Code, the City The waters may be tide mammalian world the last Council and Planning Commission concluded last week looking particularly beau- Scientists at MOTE few weeks, by trrcking tiful off Lighthouse Beach heids of local sea-cows to Speaking out The two bodies met in a joint workshop Feb 6 to discuss maime lab in Sarasota say a draft proposal tequest for consultants to review the city's this week in the light ot that rt's not at all unusual head back North, has Some things never planning documents Planning Duector Bruce Rogers pre- the naked eye, but the this trme of year for algae caused the recent out- change nose knows blooms to linger, paiticu- break m algae populatron, pared the draft based on a similar workshop on Oct 25 a jump from a few cells While membeis of the two groups agreed the communi- If youi breathing is a larly in the winter months, —See page 9 bit heavier than usual, or even as this one hat., to per htei of watei to thou- ty needed to be involved, theie were a dozen ideas of what sands and millions of cells that meant Group consensus was to amend the draft to say your eyes are scratchy and make a sudden comeback the consultants would solicit ideas of the "community" and your nose is itchin', it But determining See RED TIDE, not just "the city" of Sanibel could be a reaction to a whether or not the same page 3 "You look to the quality of the comment," Councilman Dick Walsh said Island Rogers and City Attorney Doug Wyckoff recommended the request be as vague as possible, regarding how the work Gardening was to be done in order foi consultants to show what they had it's Mardi Banana trees turn as far as ideas and keep from predisposing whoever is hired landscapes lush towards certain conclusions For example, references to Gras at —See page 14 beach preservation, maintaining diversity and traffic man- agement as potential priority issues were removed fiom the the Pork draft Tuesday, Feb. 12 An analysis and results of the public participation would was not only be one of the things the consultant would be required to Lincoln's birthday, report on, according to the draft request Other required it was the Chinese • BUSINESS page 7 reports include proposals to deal with the priority issues, New Year, and 8 evaluating how they relate to the Sanibel Plan and possible most importantly, OPINION page 9 revisions to the Sanibel Plan including changes to zoning and Mardi Gras. It was land development celebrated in fine • LOOKING BACK.... page 18 The results of the study would also be used to help in the style at •OBITS page 12 state-mandated review of the plan Periwinkle Park Rogers will likely have anothei draft ot the request foi by young and old • DATLLINE page 21 proposals ready in March The city should have a consultant and in between. under contiact by summei to allow them to gather the gener- •TV LISTINGS .. .page 24 al public's ideas next winter, Rogers said •ClASSinros . ..page 28 See also Planning Commission on Page 2 2 Q Week of Feb. 14-20, 2002 • ISLAND REPORTER as not only Southwest Florida's "voice Goss explained that his retirement in Washington" but, also an advocate for was postponed once before, early on in GOSS From page 1 making the desires of the electorate his political carreer when he retired heard all the way to Tallahassee, chal- from his seat on Sanibel's City Council. lengers seeking to rework the current Almost six years after the tiny barri- own ongoing support for expanding and Dick Cheny and U.S. Senator Bob lines of Goss's 14th Congressional er island became a city, its foundation strengthening the systems that provide Giaham, Goss went on to say, "The District face an uphill battle. was nearly shaken by a referendum that for national security. president has asked me to continue to "The redistricting piece has been o1 questioned the whole idea oi incorpora- "I'm convinced that there's a job to help fiom the Hill. When the president gieat inteiest to me," stated Goss, mak- tion. be done," said Goss. "That I can do asks you to help in a time of war, how ing it clear that this issue was not what "I got dragged out of the woodwork something for our countiy and do it in a can you say no?" deterred him from a long overdue retire- again," said Goss. unique way and with the support of the Goss said that although he had ment. "This is about my fifth retirement highest leaders in our country." expressed interest, he had not been "I didn't want the district to be frac- that's been postponed." Alluding to stated support and piomised any special administrative tured, and a recumbent could have For now, Goss and his wife, Mariel, encouragement from not only President government positions. allowed for this to happen," said Goss. will divide their time between the Bush but in addition, Vice President With Goss committed to remaining "I'm committed to keeping it as a House offices in Washington, their reflective representative political gov- country farm in Virginia, where Mariel VACATION RENTALS ernment lather than busting this area up is raising a breed of "low-fat" cow Furnished 2 and 3 bedroom Gulf-front properties. for partisan reasons." called a Piedmontese, and their Sanibel home. Available weekly /monthly life Planning Commission warned about code conflicts Rental Accommodations • Rental Property Management By Erik Burriss Unlike planned redevelopment when Local: (941) 472-5050 • Toll Free: (877) 388-5050 Staff writer a lot is treated as vacant for the purpos- Web: sanibelcaptivavacation.com * Email: rental5@sanibelcapHvavacation com es of building, disaster buildback is The Big One had better come after more convoluted. The city's code says in the city's consultants for reviewing the one section that a nonconforming struc- PRESTIGIOUS GULFSIDE PLACE Sanibel Plan do their job and City ture can be rebuilt on its predisaster Magnificent Gulf Views Council can act on their recommenda- footprint, but in another the setback tions.
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