B u c h a n a n R ecord. Look PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Having again engaged in the J T C X S G iT G K EZOI j&CES. TERMS. SI.SO PER YEAR PATAB1.E 137 ADYA37CB. VOLUME XXIII. BUCHANAN. BEBKIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 7, 1889. NUMBER 41. imaitsme rates made Ktiava on a p p l ic m , In Buchanan, (at Catbcart’s old Gallery), I will be pleased to see all my old OFFICE—Iu Record Building, Oak S t root Vacant Farms in Vermont. THE PENSIONER. ‘T il keep mum,” he thought, “and her eyes toward the window. “My friends at the above place. not let on that I mistrust anything is goodness 1” she ejaculated. “It looks A rather sad story is told by Mr. BY COL. JOIIK ATE1NSOK. out o f kilter.” . as if it was most night. Well, if 1 .Talent ne, a Vermont official, about Business directory.. A s he walked into the yard, Alex ap- I liad seen him onco before ain't beat!” the desertion of that beautiful state by peard at the1 door with the dish-pan. Moses thought her voice sounded In the stirring clays o f yore. its former iniiabitauts. Standing with SA1JBATU SERVICES. It was then “Dinner most ready, Alex?” Moses natural, and with hope rising in his other officials on a hill in Bennington SERVICES are held every Sabbatk at tO:SO inQuired, in the loud, gruff voice that heart lie fumbled vainly after the spoon, O o'clock a . M., at the Church of the “ larger We were fighting tor the slave county, and looking over the valley of dope also, Sabbtfth School services immediato- And the Union flag to save. be assumed when disposed to be es­ his hand unsteady, and Joan growing the West river a tributary of the Ci n- y after the aioniiug meeting. Prayer and confer- S?33IAL SALE Of BLANKETS He was then pecially agreeable. - wider awake every_second. necticnt, they counted flfteen contigu­ AT REASONABLE PBXCES. jace meeting every "JChnrsdny evening. A cordial “Sh-h! mother’s asleep!” whispered “ Yes, I’ m beat I Beat is no name lor uvitation ia extended to all. Very young and very thin, ous farms, of perhaps a hundred acres Alex, with an uneasy glance toward it,” she said, ns her eye was attracted each, all fenced, aud with dwelling And the bravest of brave men the bedroom door. O.O.P.—Buchanan Lodge So. holds its -AT- by a stylish bonnet perched on the bed houses and barns in at least tolerable 75 I n a fr n y : “Asleep, at this time o’ day! That’s post. “ Company here, and me in bed! L regular meeting, at Odd Fellows llall, on But a bullet struck bis leg condition, without a single inhabitant. ach Tuesday evening. a pretty how d’ye do! What in crea­ M y patience!” as the unusual clutter H. E. BRADLEY, It was where that wooden peg Beyond, toward the Connecticut, but tion is she asleep for—hey ?” „ drew her attention tothe corner. “ Who­ hidden by the maple groves in the val­ & A. 31.—Buchanan Lodge N o. 6S holds a Is to-day, “Why, the doctor gave her some ever it is must Le moving in, bag'and D . regular meeting Monday evening on orbef ore ley, were, as they knew, fifteen more, Industries of the States, h e f nil moon ia each month. He's a pensioner just now, medicine to bring her out of her baggage,” she whispered, hurriedly also deserted, yet all well situated and Alabama ranks fourth in cotton. And his bald, and wrinkled brow spasms, and it—” scrambling from the bed. “ That is, if still showing signs of their former-fer­ l ) OF 1L -Buchanan Grange So 40 meets on Says lie’s old. Arizona ranks second in silver. c - the second and fourth Saturday o f each . “ Spasms! has she had spasms?” I ’m myself, and not a new edit’ on. of tility. Statistics show that a similar nontli, at 2 o'clock r- a. Commencing WEDNESDAY, Oct. 30. Ilis coat is thin and worn “ Why, yes; that’s what he called ’em; Rip Van Winkle,” she laughed, “ I California Tanks first in barley, grape And thro’ places where it's torn cond tion prevails all over the state. culture, sheep, gold and Quicksilver. and he said if she waked up, she was wonder where the folks are.” In Windham county alone are more O .r. \V —Buchanan Lodge Eo- fSboldsits Blows the cold . liable to go right into them again. He Colorado ranks first in silver, , retili;. meeting the st and 3d Friday even­ “Here I am, now. Joan, right here. than forty thousand acres of land, once A 1 Connecticut ranks first in clocks. ing o f aeh month. What is fame to one like him. said that as soon as she began to nestle And here, now, I’ve found the spoon.” cultivated, but now deserted, and in Limping on a wooden limb around, and seemed to be .waking up, . “Why. Moses Eliphalet B,-own! You Delaware is way up in peaches. One of the special features o f our sale the whole state the numuer of aban­ .1 A. It. -Win. Perron Post No,22. Regular And a cane? to give her another dose as Quick as here? Why, how you scart me!” Dakota is (lie finest wheat-growing T . meeting on the ‘Urst and third Saturday will be that almost ail our blankets sold doned farms, complete with houses, state. -Tening ol each month. Visiting comrades al­ Will be all wool', botli in warp and. filling, I11 every step he takes, we could, and keep it up all day; and Moses watched a minute curiously. fences, barns, and outbuildings, must ways welcom e. In every move he makes. Elorida ranks third in Sugar and mo­ and at prices not one cent higher than half if anything happened, to send for him She seemed to he as well as ever. But be several thousand. Y et Vermont is lasses. ;tOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS,Vm.Perrottpost cotton and short wool filled blankets usu­ There is pain. again. But he said if she could be then it was best to obey the doctor’s one of tiie pleasantest, healthiest, most tlf No. SI. hteetlujs held regularly, in Grange POWDER Georgia ranks first in rice and sweet w ally purchased, kept asleep to day, the danger would orders, or she might have another at­ Jail, urst and third Saturday of each month. Treat him kindly, friend and foe, fertile, and most civilized states Absolutely Pure. • For his deeds of long ago, be over, and she’d be around in a few tack. potatoes, in the Union. In its river valleys is no Indiana ranks second in wheat. H. R ~iurnrr~Pltysiclan and Surgeon, For his truth. days.” “Here, Joan,” lie said .tenderly, “take malaria, while its bills are covered to ttraduute of the 1'niversrty of Buffalo. New "\Ve have sold a great many blankets this Thispowder never varies. A marvel o f purity "I’m blessed if this ain’t a scrape!” Illinois ranks first in oats, meat Troy, aiich. strength and vvholesomeness. More economical le t it stilL remembered be this and go back to bed.” holding the the summit with vegetation. This season and have n great many more to sell. than the ordinary kiede, and cannot be sold in packing, lumber traffic, malt and dis­ What lie gave to liberty muttered Moses, now thoroughly spoon toward her. “You aint able to reckless agriculture which has made R. LEWIS W. BAUER, Phjmclan and Sur­ We have 400 pair of scarlet all-wool blan­ competition with the multitude of low test,short tilled liquors and miles of railway. weightalum or pnosphate powders. S old on ly in In his youth. alarmed. be up yet.” portions of the South nearly barren Ogeon. Sight calls promptly attended to. kets, weighing from 4?j! to 5 lbs. a pair, Iowa ranks first in average intelli­ iffice in Kinyou's Work. ca n s. R o y a l B a k in g P o w d e r Co., IOC Wall St., “ She lias had a terrible time, father. Joan recognized tbe soft, tender tone, lias never been favored in Vermont; nice bright scarlet, our price will be §3.25 N .Y . 19-15 gence of population, first in production a pair. The doctor said her pulse was just fly­ and wondered what had brought about Avhere a century or more of stock farm­ RsTh e NDERSOXI t BRADLEY,Physicians of corn, and first In number of swine. and, Surgeons, Office m Opera House Block. ing. And when we got here, she look­ the Change as she answered,— ing has rather enriched t han exhaust­ Idaho ranks sixth in gold and silver. ■Residence NoliO Front St., onedoorW cstof Perry Mrs. Moses Brown’s Fit, ed awful. Her face was as red as fire, “ Why, you blessed old simpleton, I ed the soil; yet tbe people who once Fox's Calls answered all hours of day or night. Kansas ranks fifth in cattle, corn, At §2.50 will be sold a pair of white all- and her eyes, too. Her eyelids were don’t feel as tboi gh I should ever want found happy homes there, have crowd­ One always in the office, li. Henderson and IV. 3 . wool blankets, both warp and Ailing wool; BY LEONA IDA 3I0NTE.
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