AFRICA Jomo Kenyatta Must Protest Against Marder | Be Our Prime Minister, demand Kenya Africans Of Socialist Leader ^ H E Kenya African Na- crease in intensity. The British had tional Union (KANU), hoped that by granting fairly rapid extension of democratic rights to ^ >4 = which is expected to win the the people of Kenya a docile pro- largest number of seats in the British African Government could elections due to be held in be formed. Kenya next year, is demanding Although some of the leaders that Jomo Kenyatta be might initially have given the allowed to take up office as Colonial Office hope that these the country’s Chief Minister. plans would meet with success, the demand of the African masses for Kenyatta was the leader of the full democracy, the right to choose Kenya African Union, which led their own leaders, and indepen­ the campaign for democracy in dence soon, has altered the picture Kenya until it was banned during considerably. Kenyatta symbolises to the African people the uncompro­ mising struggle for full free­ dom. # That is why 50,000 people cheered Tom Mboya, secretary- general of KANU, when he de­ clared at a meeting at Thika re- cently that the party intended to make Kenyatta Chief Minister I I FOUR MILLION JAPANESE WORKERS STAGE GENERAL STRIKE. | when it formed a government. = Four million Japanese workers in eight hundred places throughout Japan staged a nationwide = = general strike recently in protest against the assassination of the Chairman of the Japanese Socialist = And that is why they cheered = Party, Inejiro Asanuma. The workers declared that the assassination, the work of a fascist fanatic, = Oginga Odinga, vice-president of = was plotted by Japanese and American reactionaries. They also demanded the abrogation of the = the party, when he stated: “Jomo = Japan-U.S. Security Treaty (which provides for the rearmament by America of Japan) and the resig- = Kenyatta was your leader in the E nation of the Ikeda Cabinet. ^ ^ = emergency. Even today he con­ = The above picture shows a view of the striking workers demonstrating in Tokyo. = tinues to be your leader.” ^iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiMiiuiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Jomo Kenyatta—prison to Prime Minister? Ghana-Guinea-Mali Union Gives Impetus the Emergency declared in the territory in 1952. Kenyatta was tried for ^allegedly managing the as Guinea. “Mau Mau,” a charge which he To African Liberation Struggle ‘But the ruling ideas in Senegal, the persistently denied. Although his Sudan’s partner in the Mali sentence of 7 years imprisonment ^ H E recent announcement by dence in West Africa, makes the problems and social structure. Federation, were different , . Ghana’s President, Dr. following comments: ‘In 1958 the nationalists of the Senegal has no great impetus to­ expired last year, and although the “In the past two years the whole Sudan wanted to campaign for wards radical change. By the chief witness against him retracted Kwame N k r u m a h , that framework of French colonial political independence, but were middle of the year it was obvious his allegations (for which he was Ghana and Mali are to set up control in West Africa has fallen not strong enough to do so. In that compromise was no longer convicted of perjury), Kenyatta apart: all the territories have, in possible.” was not allowed to return to his a common parliament, high­ the event they won their political lights the degree to which the ones and twos, slithered by now independence by way of the Mali people, but has been kept in into varying degrees of political banishment in a remote area. three most go-ahead states in Federation. They used 1959 to ^ It was in the middle of the independence. complete the Africanisation of year that Senegal broke away West Africa are determined “But Guinea was, and has re­ Both the leading African politi­ the country’s administrative sys­ from the Mali Federation, cal organisations in Kenya, KANU to stand together in the strug­ mained the pacemaker. There is tem, to deprive the chiefs nomi­ and the Kenya African Democra­ gle for the full liberation of nated by the French of their and Sudan, which continues tic Union have campaigned strong­ Africa. political power, and to assure to call itself Mali, began to ly for Kenyatta’s release. themselves of majority support move even closer to the Two years ago Ghana and Guinea for their party, the Union Sou- Although in the early years of announced the formation of a dainaise. By the summer they Ghana-Guinea union, which their rise to political prominence political union between the two were pushing along the same lines it now has in effect joined. leaders such as Tom Mboya failed countries which would form the to press for Kenyatta’s liberation, nucleus of an eventual union of they now realise that the old all West African states. leader’s popularity, based on his Although practical unity between many years of struggle on behalf the two countries has not been U.S. ABMED TO DESTBOY of the African people of Kenya, achieved (they have no common far exceeds their own. border, being separated by the pro-de Gaulle Ivory Coast, as BUSSIA 60 TIMES OVEB SOON FREE? well as by Liberia and Sierra Leone) the two countries have The British Colonial Office displayed great unity of purpose Pauling Urges Halt to Bombs realises that the demand for Ken­ when it came to questions of ^ H E United States could radio-active waste to cause here­ African affairs. yatta’s release will grow and be­ safely stop its build-up of dity defects and diseases “for come irresistible, and accordingly Liberia, which is ruled by a pro- thousands of years to come” he is already dropping hints to the U.S. Government, subsequently nuclear weapons. Dr. Linus told the Press. effect that he will soon be set free. declared its intentmn of support­ Pauling, Nobel Prize-winning But even while he was si>eaking ing the proposed West African chemist, said recently. a new demand for early resump­ But if he is released the demand Union, but the constant support that he become the first African He told a Press conference at tion of American H-tests was which the Liberian Government Kwgme Nknimah—prison to made by Mr. John McCone, Prime Minister in Kenya will in- has given to the Americans in Rochester, New York State, that President. it was his “guess” that the U.S. chairman of the U.S. Atomic Africa has resulted in that coun­ Energy Commission. try straying from the common nothing more interesting in had already stock-piled 20,000 Africa, I think, than the single- nuclear bombs in the megaton NEW POLARIS anti-imperialist path which Ghana Speaking at Hot Springs, Vir­ and Guinea have followed. minded skill and determination class—each equivalent to a million with which the men who govern tons of TNT. ginia, Mr. McCone claimed the Now, largely as a result of this exception^ly poor and un­ Three hundred of these would Soviet Union was “filibustering” Guinea’s successful piditical derdeveloped country are chan­ be enough to destroy the Soviet at the Geneva test-ban talks, and and economic progress, Mali nelling its energies into construc­ Union, so America already had alleged the Soviet Union might be has decided to join with tive growth.” more than 60 times the number of carrying out “clandestine tests.” Ghana (and, presumably, Davidson then describes the tri­ bombs it would take for that. A decision on American re­ umphant manner in which Guinea HEREDITY DEFECTS sumption of underground tests with Guinea). has overcome the French block­ The 59-year-oId American scien­ must be made in the next few GUINEA “PACEMAKER” ade and adds: tist has refused to be intimidated weeks he declared. Basil Davidson in a recent article MALI SIMILAR by the Senate Internal Security American Service and missile in the London New Statesman in “These events have had their big­ sub-committee investigating a pe­ chiefs have been pressing for which he deals with the growing gest impact on Mali (ex-French tition he organised anumg scien­ immths to resume tests, which they struggle for economic indepen­ Sudan), Guinea’s neighbour in tists to halt nuclear test,. need to develop warheads for new “Any of you gentlemen know dence which is follovdng the the distant Niger plains and a Nuclear testing had already pol­ versions of the Polaris missile and how to make dough?’* struggle for political indepen­ country with much the same luted the atmosphere with enough for the projected Skybolt missile. South West Spokesmen Call For U.N. Intervention \\ Our People Are Treated the documents which Mr. Fortune f/ produced before the United Nations. A memorandum from the Ovam­ boland People’s Organisation to Like Slaves UNO says the people are being treated like slaves by the Union “^^HE time is long overdue for Michael Scott, Mr. Mburumba Ke- Government which authorised a United Nations interven­ rina, Mr. Oliver Tambo (Deputy labour recruiting organisation “to President of the African National sell our young men to white settlers tion,” said Mr. Jariretundu Ko- Congress), Mr. Sam Nujoma (Presi in the police zone as contract cheap zonguizi, President of the South dent of the Ovamboland People’s labourers. All Ovambos, Ovaka- West Africa National Union Organisation), Mr. Jacob Kuhangua vangos and Ovahimbas of Okoao- and leading spokesman on (Secretary of O.P.O.), the Rev. Mar­ veld are not allowed to enter the This is the last picture taken of trade union leader Mr. Loftus South West Africa, giving evi­ cus Kooper and Mr. Ismael For­ police zone to seek work unless Mdinga, seen on the extreme right with Mrs, Violet Hashe and tune.
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