Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive Institutional Publications The Classmate 1984-05 The Classmate / Vol.25, no.4 (May 1984) http://hdl.handle.net/10945/47053 Ihe classmatt?~...... VOL __ UME2__ 5 ' NO..... 3 ~_ March/April 1984 VOLUME 25, NO.4 May 1984 LlITHER'S CHARLIE'S a: WI1TMANN"S Santa C ruz Mid-Cannel Valley - O' MEI SZECHUAN CUISINE &ALEEN'S RUSTIC ROOSTER (2 locations) Santa Cruz Monterey ANTON .. Mi.' H.'L OLD ROW CAFE THE CEDAR HOUSE Carmel by the Sea Cannery Row. Monterey Capllola REDWOOD GROVE FANNY'S SANCHO PANZA of CAM GUTIERREZ Aptos Monterey Monterey JOSE'S MEXICAN RESTAURANTE EL PALOMAR MEXICAN CUISINE THE fULTON INN RESORT Monterey Santa Cruz Monterey TROUT FARM INN GENOVESE'S HARBOR INN SEBASTIAN'S f elton Moss landing Boulder Creek LOS LAURELES LODGE ZANZIBAR Cannel Valley Santa Cruz SrooIO THEATRE RESTAURANT DIGGER DAN'S Cannel by the Sea Gilroy THE FABULOUS TOOTS LAGOON BONAPARTE'S RETREAT Carmel by the Sea Fellon GENO'S FAMOUS SEAFOODS THE FOUR SEASONS Fisherman's Wha rf. Monterey Monterey FRANKLIN ST. BAR &: GRILLE THE WAY STATION Monterey Gilroy BONAPPETIT BELLY LANDING Ben Lo mond Wa tsonville MT. MADONNA INN THE COOK HOUSE Wa lsonvill e Capitola CROSSROADS CAFE THE WHOLESCHMAGOLA Cannel Wa tsonville THE PUB PRIME RIB CAPTAIN'S GIG Saltnas Flshennan's Wha rf, Monterey NELSON'S lNTERNATIONAL SEAFOODS THE CHINESE SEAFOOD RESTAURANT Carmel Valley Monterey PASATIEMPO INN Santa C ruz Admissions & Lodgings GREENERY RESTAURANT &: BAKERY TH.E WHARF TH.EATRE Scon s Valley Monterey CAT'S INCREDIBLE CAFE SrooIO THEATRE RESTAURANT Aptos Cannel by the Sea THE HARBINGER THE KILTON INN RESORT Cannel by the Sea Monterey LUClALODGE COMMODORE HOTEL Big S ur San Francisco THE NEW BLACKSMITH SHERATON HOTEL Santa Cruz Concord FOX KILL/CARMEL VALLEY INN HOTEL EL RANCHO Carmel Valley Sacramento THE TAVERN/CARMEL VALLEY INN BROADWAY HOTEL Cannel Valley J ackson PAlOLO'S FINE ITALIAN DINNERS STATION HOUSE INN Aptos Lake Tahoe MARGOT'S CAFE BALTHAZAR THE SPICE RACK ORMSBY HOUSE HOTEL-CASINO Paclnc Crovt" Monterey a nd Cannel Ca rson C ity 2525 MAIN STREET SEA FOOD CAFE GRAND MOTOR LODGE Soquel Capitola Reno SOUTHSIDE JOHNNY'S SQUID HOUSE SANDBAR &: GRILL SANDS HOTEL &: CASINO Paclnc G rove Monterey HellO PERRY HOUSE THETINNERY PRINCETON INN Monterey Paclnc Crove PrlncelOn by the Sea PETER B'S/ DOUBLETREE INN CAPTAIN'S GALLEY STRAWBERRY LODGE Monterey Cannery Row, Monterey Kybu rz THE SUMMERHOUSE PEKING LE CORDON BLEU Valley Soquel Lake Tahoe It happens every time! How do you like your dining? Gracioljs and - it's that good. No small percentage or dollar elegant? Relaxed and comfortable? Cozy discounts. no pre-selected dinners. no gim­ and intimate? Informal, with the family? It's micks, no tricks! Prestige, savings and ALL yours. with a Membership in The romance are yours to enjoy with America's Towne & Country Dinner Club. As a Mem­ finest dinner club. Call or write today for ber, you may order anything on the restau­ complete details. Corporate a nd group rates rant's regular menu and when the check are available upon request. arrives. one dinner is FREE! It's that simple TOWNE &: COUNTRY Member DINNER CLUB 1:.\1.11'011:\"1.\ 71 Pearl St .. P.O. 170 I IIt:ST.\I·II.\:\"T Monterey. CA 93942 .\SSIII:I .\TIll:\" (4081646-0476 TABLE OF CONTENTS the classmate FOCUS OF THE MONTH 75th ANNIVERSARY OF N.P.S. 75 Years of Heritage .......................................... 21 Editor-in-Chief Hotel Del Monte - First 100 Years .. .... .... .....•..... 25 Billi J. Parus 649-6586 Ghostly Guests . ..... ........ ..•...... ...... .....•..... 31 SMC 2330 The NPS Student .......................• •. ... .. .. • . .... 33 Advisors In Loving Memory ...•• . ..... .....•. .....• . ........ .. .. .. 34 Lolita Shaw 646-8410 Did You Know? . ........... • . ... • •......•............. .... 35 Nancy Johnson 646-1133 On The Trail .......... .. • .. ... • .. .•.. ....• . ... 36 Editor Emeritus Postgraduate Peacocks . ..... .. ..• . ...... • •....... .....• . 38 Victoria W. Brown 373-8743 Editor-in-Training Debbie Allender-Barker 375-0492 Assistant-to-Editor OSWC NEWS Kathy Stoeberl ....... 373-7814 President's Message . ... .. .. • . .............• . ... .. ... .. 3 Production Editor OSWC Activities .......•..... • ....•• . .. • . .. .. .......•.. 4 Ginger Werz-Pelricka 384-4612 Military Ball .... .... .. .. •.. .....•........ ......... 5 Copy Editor Jeannine Cotner 375-5302 Advertising Directors Joanne Owens .. 375-6318 COMMUNITY NEWS Pam Bonsper ..... 624-7921 Navy Relief Volunteer of the Month ... .• . ............. • ... 6 Circulation Manager School Information ... ........... •.......••. .. .......... ... 7 Where It's Happening .. ................. • •.. .•. .. ....•.... Laurie Givens ..... 373-51 34 13 Festival Fun ... .......... ......... .... .•.......... .. • ... 14 Artists/Photographers NRS Guaranteed Student Loan Program ....... .... .•. .. .•• . ... 15 Kathy Reed 375-9817 Regatta ......... ... ........... .. .................•. ... Donna Randall 646-9861 19 Publicity Bev Ritacco 373-5925 Staff CLASSMATE FEATURES Linda K. Connelly 646-0418 Maureen Deutermann 646-8264 New Kids On The Block .......... ......•._. : .. •. .•••... 8 Martha Gorris . ...... 649·6082 Fleet Market .................. • • . .... •. ...... ............ 9 Nancy Willis ........ 649·3413 In Our Midst: Dr. David Schrady . ....•....... ........... •••... 11 Brenda Uyak ..... .. 384·3510 Shopper's Guide . ."............. .. .. ... ... .. ........ ... 12 Debbie Greene 624·6059 A Slim Success Story . ........ ... .•.......•........... •• . .. 16 Lynn Tungett 373·3710 Does It Ever Change ................. .. .• . .. .. .... ... 16 Marie Johnson 375·3905 The Peripatetic Palate ................ ........... .......... • . ... 18 Mary Small .. 646·9216 Professor In Profile: Abraham Scheingold .... .•.. .. ~ : .. .• _• ... 20 Sally O'Dwyer ... 372-5492 Being Thankful From A To Z .. ................... •. ..... •. .. 24 Joanne Langan ...... 373·8840 Navy Bleu ..... ..... ........... ........ • . .... .. ... .. ... 43 The monthly cluelline tor ALL. copy to th' Edllot, SMC Eagle's Eye View .. .. .. .. .•. .• .. ... • . .............•... 45 2330, I. the hI 01 Ihe month prior 10 the mc.nth of publication (November 111 to get Inlo the December IlIue). The d,.dlln, lor ai:fverUllng copy Istha Sih ollh, month prior to Ihe month 01 publlcalion. Published a' no co.t the the U.S. Government by Herald Ptinlera, 201 Foam St., Monterey, CA. The CLASSMATE wa. originated and previously edited by the wiv •• 01 the student. of the G..... r.' Une and Navel Science School. It I, now .pon,oree! by Iha OHlcer Stu­ dent,' Wlv.,' Club 01 the Nava' Postgraduate School. Ma'arialand opinion. contllned herein Ir. tho .. of the publlsherl 1M Irl not to b. conlJdered In offlclll ex­ pr.I.lon of the o.p8rtment of the NIVY. Bee.u.. 01 It. function ••• In unoftlcl.1 medium lor the Officer Stu­ On the Cover: d.nl.' Wlv •• ' Club, edvertlument. In the publication The NPS Proud Peacocks do not con.tltute an endorMment by the o.pa~t 01 the NIVY of ..rvice. advertlMd. Written ~rml"lon (Photographer unknown) I. nec.... ry to r.prlnl Iny mlterlll herein. "do it all"! As a result of this realization, the Classmate has undergone a comprehensive structural reorgani­ zation. We have spread out the EDITOR'S MESSAGE: IN TRANSITION respo nsibilities, thus creating a by Billi Parus more realistic position of Editor. We have formed an Editorial Board to aid the Editor in decision making , created a position of Editor-in­ Training, and defined job descrip­ tions for staff members. We have In December of 1960, the first two editors. Michelle Rigterink and Sue developed clearer guidelines for the issue of Classmate magazine was Dorin . These ladies found the entire magazine. In short, we have a created by a four member staff. The magazine to require far more more workable approach at every issue had 12 pages and was paid for involvement than what they believed level of production. by 19 advertisers. Last month, the it would when they volunteered to We feel good about our new Marc h/ Ap ri l issue o f Class mate be co-editors. It was very difficult for structure, but we regret losing Michelle broke all prior records. Its 108 pages them to maintain their professional, & Sue before we could make their job were bound like a book and were educational, and family commit­ easier. The Staff is enthusiastically paid fo r by 160 advertisers. That mag­ ments and continue to create the looking ahead to the magazine's con­ nificent vol ume was created by 20 vol­ high-quality publication that we've tinued success and growth. However, unteer staff members who put a lot of grown accustomed to reading . Their to make Classmate grow we need your effort, love, and professionalism into resig nations made us all stop for a support and contributions of ideas, creating th at issue for you pleasure. moment and look where our time, and the written word. We all The entire staff is very proud of our magazine was, and more impor­ grow from what we receive from latest double issue of Classmate and tantly, where it was headed!! We had others, and Classmate is no hope you have taken the time to enjoy to question why these qualified different. Each of our contributors is all it offered . ladies were frustrated to the point of a unique individual, and they bring The phenominal growth from a resignation. their uniqueness to the Classmate. newsletter which printed social news We found our answer quickly. As from each of th e curriculums, to a com­ stated before,
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