Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1963-1964 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1964 Eastern Progress - 01 May 1964 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1963-64/28 _- Coaches' Success Peace Corps Serves Formula OQRZSS Pafce 2 Pafce 4 >> "Setting The Pace In A Progressive Era - ■'»•■ Friday, May 1. 1964 Student Publication of Eastern Sta*e College. Richmond. Kentucky 41st Year Number 27 Eastern Will Give Two Honorary Degrees College Adopts New Admissions Policies At The 57th Spring Commencement Developed, Approved By Faculty I Potential To Succeed In College Work Dr. Norman Vincent Peak, Rep. Carl Perk'ns Must Be Shown Before Admission Will Become Ninth, Tenth Recipients Eastern has adopted new ad- smallest number of any state be admitted to the fall Mm«»- Born in Hlndman, he, re- missions policies that will per- school. No estimate was read-1 ter with restricted status with Eastern will award honorary University, end Iowa Wesley- ilv available as to the number the provision that their credit an College. ceived his elementary, secon- mit only students with de- doctorate degrees to Dr. Nor- dary, end coUege education in monstrated potential to suc- that would have been affected load be limited to three hours man Vincent Peale and U.S. He has served as minister below the normal load. 0t the Marble Collegiate Kentucky schools. ceed In college to enroll, Presi- by the new policy. Representative Carl Perkins at dent Robert R. Martin an- Transfer Student Condition* Normal Load Listed the 57th annual spring com- Church since 1932, where he He served two terms as The normal load for students speaks twice each Sunday Khott County Attorney; a nounced this week. Graduates of Kentucky high mencement June S. The new policies, most of schools will continue to be ac- was defined by the report as Dr. Peale, minister of Mar- morning to 4,000 people. Each member of the Kentucky Gen- 16 semester hours; but depart- month his printed sermons go eral Assembly; was a member which go Into effect immedia- cepted, in accordance with ble Collegiate Church of New of the armed forces In the tely, affects both out-of-state state practice, but those gra- mental chairmen may permit York, and author of best-sel- to more than 360,000 people duates with less than average students in good standing to throughout the world. ] European theatre In World and in-state students. Ad- lers Including "The Power of War H; elected In 1948 to the mission of transfer students high school records will be ad- enroll for one semester hour Positive Thinking," will be the Edits "OaMeposto" 81st Congress and has been re- will also be limited by the new mitted conditionally for one above the normal load. speaker at the graduation ex- A graduate of Ohio Wesley-1 elected for seven succeeding program. semester. Normal load for freshmen Is ercises in Alumni Coliseum. a maximum of 17 semester an University, he received the. terms. - Developed by a faculty com- Previously, all students who This will mark the second MA. degree from Boston Unl-, mittee and approved by the fell below average standards hours, Including military appearance for Peale on the As ranking majority member were given one semester, of science, which Is mandatory verslty end the degree of of the House Education and college faculty, the admissions Eastern campus this year. Last Bachelor of Sacred Theology program calls for the accep- academic probation to raise for all able-bodied male stu- September, 7,000 persons heard Labor Committee, he Is chair- dents, physical education and from Boston University School man of the subcommittee on tance of only those out-of-state their grades. This will con- him deliver the keynote ad- of Theology. , freshmen who are In the upper tinue to be the policy for stu- orientation, the latter two re- dress for the Central Kentucky education. In this position, he quired of all freshmen. He Is the editor-in-chief of sponsored the federal aid for ' 50 per cent of their graduat- dents who are admitted un- Education Association meet- ing classes and who present conditionally. Students on academic pro- ing held at Eastern. "Guideposts," popular inspira- education in impacted areas, Transfer students will be ac- bation will be limited on load tional magazine, and his the ruaal library services bill, acceptable scores, comparable President Robert R. Martin to the national norm, on either cepted only if they are eligible to three hours less than the said that the degree recipients weekly column, "Confidant and the vocational' education normal class load. Living," appears in move than CAMPBELL DYKES the ACT or CEEB tests. to return to the Institutions were both approved by the bill. Eastern's fall semester en- from which they are tarnsfer- It was also stated that stu- 200 newspapers. During his entire service in college faculty and Board of Makes The Grade In Mathematics rollment of 4,713 Included 609 ring. dents will be permitted to car- Regents. He appears on NBC radio's Congress, he has supported a out-of-state students, the Beginning with the 1966-66 ry not more than three semes- Dr. Peale will be awarded devotional program, "The Art' program for general federal school year, Incoming fresh- ter hours in excess of the nor- the honorary degree of doctor of Living," and a thrity min- men with below-average high mal load if they have a cum- of letters, while Perkins, from ute film, featuring Dr. Peale, school standings will be urged ulative 3.0 (B) average and the Seventh Congressional Dis- entitled "How to Be a Real to attend the summer session can Justify their requests suf- trict of Kentucky, will receive Salesman," U - used by many immediately preceding the fall ficiently to secure permission the honorary doctor of law de- firms for their sales forces. Dykes Is Of Fame Member semester for which admittance from the dean of instruction gree. They will become the A motion picture, based on is sought. Successful comple- and departmental chairmen. Dr. Peale's life, "One Man's Very active during his four Eastern to get more teachers called a "slide-rule whiz" or Also Included In the new ad- ninth, and tenth persons to re- By DOUG WWTLOCK tion of the summer session ceive honorary degrees by Way," was produced by Frank years here. Dykes was presi- like Dr. Aughtum Howard and a "space brain," since his maj- would be accepted as evidence missions program are Improv- Progress Managing Editor iMr. Clifton Bayse, who he Eastern. Ross and released by United i dent of the Mathematics Club, or field of study Is math as an of the student's acadeirtie po- ed and expanded programs of Artists in mid-March. , ,'[ Donald Campbell Dykes, a said, "have had a great in- freshman orientation and Otter Degree Holders abstract science, not In Its ap- tential to succeed In the re- Others who have received A member of Who's Who In I January mathematics gra- secretary of Omicron. Alpha fluence upon me." gular session. freshmen counselling. America, he is president of the duate, was named as the third Kappa. President of Kappa Dykes says he hates to be plied fields. President Martin called the honorary degrees front Eastern intmber of the Milestones Students will be required to are: President Lyndon B. American Foundation of rer Delta Pi, and was listed this take courses which are design- more selective admissions pol- Johnson, who was awarded ligion and psychiatry, ■ He Hall of Fame at the annuals year in Who's Who JB Ameri- ated by the dean of Instruction icy "one of the most important the first degree when he de- holds membership in the Ro- banquet Saturday night. can Colleges' and . Universities. as being beneficial to both the steps in the history of th* in- livered the sp— Club of N«w York, the Dykes lists, reading >• JjNft student andOhe college in de- wftttoor „jLi*«*l» Chin., the Metro- favorite: *«*-«* mmtam Crowning To Highlight term»ng the student's eligibili- "We are committed to pro- ! pdHtan Cltto, tic Advert**** and includes on his list of read- ty to enroll for the fail semes- grams of quality Instruction John tMrWan Ceebir; dob of New York, Phi Gamma ing works some of the more ter. here at Eastern and these new L. Donovan, former president Delta Fraternity, the Sons ,of affairs, and Miss Barbara Sow- famous philosophers. Students who do not enroll policies enable us to move for- of Eastern and president- the American Revolution, and dera, now teaching in Lexing- Hie advice to the college stu- for the summer program may ward." emeritus of the University of S>e Ohio Society of New York ton. Both Mrs. Gassaway and dent Is to get as much out of Annual Military Ball Kentucky;. Dr. W. P. O'Don- e is a thirty-third degree Miss Sowders were English school as you can. The most nell, president-emeritus of Mason, former Grand Chaplain majors, and Richmond stu- important thing about educa- Eastern; Dr. Henry H. Hill; of the Grand Lodge of New dents. __, tion to him is the attitude of Highlighting the Military The Billy May Band has been Dr. Homer W. Carpenter, and York, and Is a Past Imperial Started in 1962 by the Mile- the student. He also urged Ball next Friday from 8:30 to, described as "a tidal-wave of former governor Bert, T. Chaplain of the Shrine. stone, the Hall of Fame hon- 12:30 am., will be the crown- fresh, musical expression." Progress Gets First Place Combs.
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