THE KEEPINGAfrican THE AFRICAN WOMEN’S Women’s DECADE ALIVE! JournalIssue VII January-June 2014 Shaping Our Collective Futures - The Africa We Want Shaping Our Collective Futures - The Africa We Want Director: Dinah Musindarwezo Editor: Nebila Abdulmelik Associate Editor: Rachel Kagoiya Editorial Advisors: Pamela Mhlanga Nada Mustafa Ali Wandia Njoya *Views and or opinions expressed in the African Women’s Journal do not necessarily reflect the views of FEMNET. 1 Shaping Our Collective Futures - The Africa We Want The African Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET) aims to strengthen the role and contribution of African NGO’s focusing on women’s development equality and other human rights through communication, networking, training and advocacy. Copyright © FEMNET 2014 KUSCCO Centre, Upper Hill Kilimanjaro Road, Off Mara Road P.O. Box 54562 - 00200 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 20 2712971/2 Fax: +254 20 2712974 Cell: +254 725 766 932 Engage with us and send your feedback: [email protected] [email protected] www.femnet.co FEMNET Secretariat @femnetprog femnet.wordpress.com FEMNET1 FEMNET Secretariat Design & Layout: James Chunguli Published with support from Swedish International Development Printing: Pafido Enterprises Cooperation Agency (Sida) 2 Table of Content Editorial Foreword The Silent Struggles 100 Years On: Women in South African History The Future We Want: A Gender-Sensitive Press Umzimba Wami! Women’s Bodies & Struggles in Zimbabwe Inclusive Education using ICTs for Children with Disabilities in Nigeria: Myth or Reality? Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Indigenous Women in Camer- oon Pour Une Afrique Intégrée, Prospéré et Influente en 2063 Moving Towards Greater Accountability for Gender Post 2015 3 Shaping Our Collective Futures - The Africa We Want Editorial # The Africa We Want uch of the global develop- ebrations of 50+ years of indepen- ment in the past decade dence, pan-Africanism and the Afri- Mand a half has been pegged can Renaissance. In 50 years, what on the Millennium Development kind of Africa can we envision, and Goals that came to be in 2000 with then proceed to achieve? an expiry date of 2015. As 2015 ap- proaches, efforts are underway to What is the world that we want? Not shape a global development agenda only for ourselves, but for our chil- - the Post 2015 agenda – one meant dren, and their children’s children (if to be inclusive, consultative and par- we choose to have them). What are ticipatory. This agenda also encom- our non-negotiables? What agenda Nebila Abdulmelik passes work around the proposed will see us truly transforming the Editor Sustainable Development Goals, worlds in which we live? What would which emerged from Rio+20. As the it take to realize our visions? What world deliberates on these agen- factors will enable us not simply to das, Africa is keen to shape her own survive, but to thrive? The seventh – dubbed Agenda 2063. It comes edition of the African Women’s Jour- at an opportune time with cel- nal will seek to address such issues. We’re told that we cannot know In our individual and collective capacities, where we’re going if we do not un- we must do everything possible to ensure that Africa emerges stronger.... Let this be derstand where we have come from. our legacy. It is apt then that we start the jour- 4 The Africa Women’s Journal nal off with a historical account by Camalita who be on strengthening accountability for gender ob- takes us back 100 years – to the Silent struggles ligations asserting that if human development is of South African women that still persist today. not engendered, it is endangered. Kizito makes the case for the critical importance of a free, gender-sensitive media to advance In our individual and collective capacities, we gender equality and human and social develop- must do everything possible to ensure that Africa ment. Sian explores the body as political and as emerges stronger, that we put in motion struc- a weapon in the struggle for women’s rights in tures and systems that enable every citizen of our Zimbabwe. She argues that repression of women beloved continent to lead and live dignified lives and their rights has ironically led to alternative for generations to come. Let this be our legacy. social movements or resistance. Gbenga takes a Weigh in and join us online to engage in the discus- look at whether or not inclusive education using sions - #TheAfricaWeWant. n information, communication technologies (ICTs) is a reality or a myth for students with disabilities in Nigeria. Nelly takes a look at Agenda 2063 and what factors would ensure that it lays the ground- Nebila Abdulmelik work for an integrated, prosperous and influen- Head of Communications, FEMNET tial Africa. Botlhalhe argues that the focus of the [email protected] emerging Post 2015 development agenda should @aliben86 5 Shaping Our Collective Futures - The Africa We Want Foreword This is placeholder text ernatiant laboratur modit et nus mod et liquata niam fugiate lam, et volupta spelique pari- nobis doloreiur, occae velenimporro Fbusciis unt audit, qui aspere con te alicae nate quias est, et aped ea nisimus asperspis as ad quaes con- ipsanis ario to con nam aut harum sequidunt omnis dolut aut verferu dolesto exerspite sit as nulpa dita mquibus et molorehent. dolupis consequ untionsecus ipi- etus moluptati ommolestis et qui Henimaximet et, que nulpa dolup- alitist in pero volorro rporior asperit taes ea se et qui audam qui cuscimus fugiaec testis moluptaquate minvell qui ditae vel ius accuptatus eosame aborum explab il eumquias corere secusa el maio doluptatio. Secaepudi voluptatur reicat ut etus que porum Dinah Musindarwezo beatusdae mo eossinc turenit eum acea sinversperio int. Executive Director, et laboribus es vid exces eumet qui FEMNET sunt. Ut maxim sum quam, cus, officitate isimus, exerchit vellitat everum aut Res si ne plitass iminus doluptatur? eiciatia nem facesto eos voloriti tem Tet il incte non cor sequam ex et seque reperib eatur? molorem dolupientis aut dit la cus Ur saes aute sedi odi is nime si do- lupti quae pro tem non peris delicim- Res si ne plitass iminus doluptatur? Tet il incte por sint as nus que perae. Lam, sedis non cor sequam ex et molorem dolupientis aut si dolupta intum quunt, alibus res dit la cus nus mod et liquata niam fugiatporum acea sinversperio int. iusda quibuscillor ma dent autem as- sequam volore moluptae pos ipicip- 6 The Africa Women’s Journal sa sum aut etureperspis autesenti aboremp orest, il eumquias corere voluptatur reicat ut etus que nostia ped qui reperatur ma net que porporissit, porum acea sinversperio int. omnisit et audit vellorro quassitat eatis susdae doluptatinis maion res sequuntiis eum in et quo Ut maxim sum quam, cus, officitate isimus, exer- disciendam, num que id qui omnis Fernatiant chit vellitat everum aut eiciatia nem facesto eos laboratur modit et lam, et volupta spelique pari- voloriti tem seque reperib eatur? busciis unt audit, qui aspere con nisimus asperspis Ur saes aute sedi odi is nime si dolupti quae pro as ad quaes consequidunt omnis dolut aut verferu tem non peris delicimpor sint as nus que perae. mquibus et molorehent. Lam, sedis si dolupta intum quunt, alibus res ius- Henimaximet et, que nulpa doluptaes ea se et qui da quibuscillor ma dent autem assequam volore audam qui cuscimus qui ditae vel ius accuptatus moluptae pos ipicipsa sum aut etureperspis au- eosame secusa el maio doluptatio. Secaepudi tesenti aboremp orest, nostia ped qui reperatur beatusdae mo eossinc turenit eum et laboribus es ma net que porporissit, omnisit et audit vellorro vid exces eumet qui sunt. quassitat eatis susdae doluptatinis maion res se- quuntiis eum in et quo disciendam, num que id Res si ne plitass iminus doluptatur? Tet il incte qui omnis. non cor sequam ex et molorem dolupientis aut dit la cus nus mod et liquata niam fugiate nobis doloreiur, occae velenimporro te alicae nate quias Dinah Msundarwezo est, et aped ea ipsanis ario to con nam aut harum Executive Director, FEMNET dolesto exerspite sit as nulpa dita dolupis con- [email protected] sequ untionsecus ipietus moluptati ommolestis et qui alitist in pero volorro rporior asperit fugi- @DinahRwiza aec testis moluptaquate minvell aborum explab 7 Shaping Our Collective Futures - The Africa We Want # The Africa We Want Recognizes the care economy and unpaid care work, a Ensures burden often carried by decent work women and girls. and living wages Provides for universal Ensures women & girls access to sexual and access, control and own reproductive health and resources – land, energy, rights information, technology. Practices zero Fully implements the tolerance on all Maputo Protocol, forms of sexual ensuring women and girls & gender based are able to realize their violence rights 8 The Africa Women’s Journal # The Africa We Want Ensures gender parity in all decision- making spaces. Reflects and responds to the realities, aspirations and ambitions of all Africans – particularly the most marginalized. Calls for an end to all harmful practices such as Female Genital Mutilation and child, early and forced marriage 9 Shaping Our Collective Futures - The Africa We Want The Silent Struggles 100 Years On: Women in South African History By Camalita Naicker hen we ask what kind of Africa we want For instance, over 100 years have passed since the today, it is impossible to do this without passing of South Africa’s historic Native Land Act of Wcritically reflecting on our long history of 1913. This act fundamentally changed the landscape colonialism and exploitation by Europe. In South Af- of South Africa’s human settlements. The colonial de- rica, for instance, a long period of colonialism was marcations persist and little of the land annexed by followed by 46 years of Afrikaner Apartheid.
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