Volume 12 Article 3 Number 4 The Iowa Homemaker vol.12, no.4 1932 For Tough Meat Try a Marinade... Thelma Larkin Iowa State College Follow this and additional works at: http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/homemaker Part of the Home Economics Commons Recommended Citation Larkin, Thelma (1932) "For Tough Meat Try a Marinade...," The Iowa Homemaker: Vol. 12 : No. 4 , Article 3. Available at: http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/homemaker/vol12/iss4/3 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Publications at Iowa State University Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oI wa Homemaker by an authorized editor of Iowa State University Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 4 THE IOWA HOMEMAKER self." She was obliged to by connective tissue. The make her ambition known to difference between tender the active members in some and less tender cuts is in the novel way. 'rhen she was amount of this connective considered for Jack 0 'Lan­ tiswe present. When heated tern membership. in water or steam it is con­ Now a girl waits for the verted in to gelatin. The Jack 0 'Lantern members to change takes place rapidly invite her to join. Of course, if the meat is from a young she makes herself eligible by animal and more slowly if entering into activities and from an old one. Gravies maintaining high scholar­ and soup stocks jelly be­ ship. cause they have been made Pledging at the Campanile from cuts containing conn Ec­ is a tradition of Jack tive tissues. But it has been 0 'Lantern. The active mem­ discovered that connective hers come across the cam­ tissue is soluble in acid. For pus from Alumni Hall in this reason it is possible to their black and orange capes, make meat more tender by carrying Jack O'Lanterns soaking it in or rubbing into and singing the Jack O'Lan- J ack O'Lantern and M(}rtar Board Pledge it a marinade which contains tern ong. Then the pledg- acid (usually in the form ing occurs, and the new pledges return MICRON NU is an honorary so­ of vinega1·) without the loss of flavor to the Y. W . C. A. with the members for O ciety recognizing scholarship, lead­ which accompanies long cooking. a formal ceremony. ership, and research in home Less tender cuts which are excellent After pledging follows a period of pro­ . economics. Members are chosen from the in flavor require a different method of bation, during which the pledges carry upper one-fourth of the senior class, and cooking than the tender cuts. More time largo Jack 0 'Lanterns to classes. Initia­ from the upper one-fifth of the junior i& needed for their preparation, hence, tion occurs in the spring. class. there is not as great a demand for them The officers of Jack 0 'Lantern this Joyce Marquart is this year 's pi·esi­ as for the so-called select cuts. The year are: Louise Mohr, president; Phoebe clent; Josephine Mishler is vice-president; lack of demand for the tough cuts is re­ Lett, vice-p1·esiclent; Maxine Dane, secre­ Alice Agg, secretary; and Edith Darling flected in their prices, which are much tary-treasurer; and Regina Kilclce, re­ is treasurer. Jane Heynen holds the office lower. Consequently if by marinating corder. of editor for the organization. meat we can produce a tender product and one which reaches a state of ''clone­ ness'' in less time we will more readily purchase those cuts whose prices and fla­ vor we like, but whose toughness we ab­ ForTough Meat Try a Marinade ... hor. Beef, mutton and lamb are meats which seem to be most improved by a By Thelma Larkin marinade. The characteristic tallowy fl a­ Former Instructor, Foods and Nutrition vor and dryness of mutton is clon e away with. A flavor which seems to neutralize I O DOUBT you have often bemoaned tics of good carcasses often appear on the to a certain extent the ''mutton'' flavor N the fact that tender cuts of meat market at considerably lower prices tl1 an is introduced by using a marinade. Wild are always expensive and cause the the choice cuts. game and venison are also improved if meat bill to mount far beyond your It is interesting to browse through old marinated before being cooked. Tho dry­ budget allowance. Then to be economical cook books, French, German, Scandinav­ ness which so many people object to in you have tried the less expensive cuts ian, and even our own old American both game and venison is eliminated. and found them invariably tough and not one.s, there to discover ancl read recipes The beef cuts most generally marinated made tender and palatable by the usual for marinated meats. Such variety is are the less tender ones uch as rump, methods ·Of cooking. Often you have found that one realizes that marinated round, brisket, neck, and ch uck. Even found yourself getting into the proverb­ meats must have been at one time very tho more select cuts from old and poorly ial "housewife's rut "-that of always popular. From such recipes ·we can eas­ conditioned animals are made more ten­ preparing meats in the same few ways. ily see that omi of the most significant der and acquire a bettm· flavor through Consider then the marinade, a mix­ reasons for the continued existence of the the use of a marinade. ture of oil, acid, and seasonings, as one marinaclo is that it imparts to meat a Experimental work has proved that the of your best aids in making tough cuts delicious and unusual flavor. proportion of acid to oil most suitable tender, in keeping the meat bill clown, To ''marinate'' meat means to allow and in bringing variety into the meal. it to stand for a time in acid and oil or Marinades seem to have come clown to acid and water. The ''marinade'' is then Marinade us from the clays when the meat packing 2. combination of ingredients such as oil, cup oil tsp. thyme industry clicln 't exist and when animals acid, and seasonings, which is rubbed % % 1.4 cup vinegar 1.4 tsp. sage were not studied in relation to character- into the meat or in which the meat is al- tsp. salt 1h onion, minced isticu desi1·able for tender and palatable lowed to stand in order to improve fla­ 72 1.4 tsp. pepper '12 tsp. celery seed cuts of meat as they aTe today and when vor and texture. a& a I'esult meat was seldom tender. The marinade remains with us because W HAT constitutes the difference be­ some parts of an animal are less tender tween the tender and less tender from the :flavor standpoint is three parts as a result of muscular development and (tough) cuts, you ask; and how does of oil to one part of acid. Any common because cuts from old animals and ani­ marinating make meats more tenclpr ~ cooking oil is suitable. For the acid, mals which do not have the characteris- Fib rs of all muscle& are bound together (Continued on page 15) THE IOWA HOMEMAKER 15 she's been introduced to each of the meat using 011e teaspoon of salt per guests. Don't cany on a conversation pound of meat. If salt is used in mari­ with the waiter. He's serving, not talk­ nade this need not be aone. Next, brown ing-supposedly ! Make l1 er feel as if it in a hot receptacle using only a small you've enjoyed having her for your amount of fat and then simmer in juices Sportwear guest, that it hasn't interrupted your from tlle meat or in added liquid in a plans. Most of all, let her see that covered utensil. The liquid may be wa­ you're perfectly at ease. ' ' ter, milk, sour c1·eam or juices f rom ''Thanks a lot, Peg. I'll try to remem­ vegetables. Tomato juice serves very well for Fall ... ber all that-but goodness, I must hurry especially with lamb. Left over marinade, and take a shower before the ordeal! '' if not too oily, may be used as a part or Made of lovely sheer "That's just it-don't you cla1·e think all of the liquid in simmering. of it as an ordeal,'' I called after her as Sauerbraten is a very popular German woolens, fine jersey she seized a towel and mn clown the hall. dish. 'l.'he meat is marinatecl in a vine- ''If you do the party will be an ordeal! '' and ostrich cloth. From the shower-room I heard a gay '' tra-la-la, silver outside-in, la-cle-cla, BROOKER DRUG sta11d up when she comes in, dada de cla, '' In two and three piece styles. aJJd the splash of the shower drowned 225 Main Ames, Iowa tho rest of the song. But I had a hunch. Betty would get Phone 91 through the evening very successfully, and Mrs. Tiberly would fall completely PRICED REASONABLY in love with her. How could she help it~ Ask your grocer fo,r Try t:he Marinade J. B. SLICED BREAD HANNUMS (Continued from page 4) the only sliced bread that is made vinegar, lemon, o1· tomato juice can be in Ames used. 'l'ho propo1·tion may vary some­ BATES BAKING CO. Women's Ready to Wear Pho,ne 206 407-409 Duff what, depending on the strength of the acid. Seasonings should always include salt and pepper.
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