i,1 at reinain ic oo > j> i\i . —• Ul —) 03 f\J O • H ii 'O . >- 3 ** •—* -4 ^ C< < -t- «3TJ •O 2 .2 -J . > i= — •O >• —i -fc> A < o oo m x> -o So " County Leader *few»paper§ ~ J* o SPRINGRELD, N.J., THURSDAY, Ootpber 6, |988—2* _,, Two section* O O. sbestos plan on ta o By DOMINIC3MINICK CRINCOLI JR. and comprehensive plan of attack," The federal dleierrrunauon1 initiated The Board of Education will hire Friedland said. a change in policy, which became an asbestos refnoval firm to inspect Alternative Ways of Belmar and effective in December 1987, that the schools, remove asbestos if Fort Lee based Asbestos Concepts established - the current mandatory necessary, and submit the district's submitted estimates of $27,775 and inspection and management plan for mandated Asbestos Management $17,000 respectively to perform the the removal of both friable and non- Plan To the state Department of requisite asbestos sampling, and friablc building material from all Health, it was announced at a meet- Enviresponse submitted a proposal public school districts. ing Mondayjyght for$14,700. •••,-• :. The asbestos removal plan has four "The mandate is preventative and components: inspection, laboratory The superintendent said that •1 . precautionary rather than reactionary testing, management, and training of Enviresponse sent a chemical engi- and remedial in nature. There is not personnel, Friedland said. TTje per- neer to Springfield who spent two necessarily any harmful material in sonnel training aspect of the plan, not days digging through district files in the buildings," said Superintendent of factored into the price quotation, will on effort to unearth and evaluate the Schools Dr Gary Fnedland cost an additional $800. history of asbestos management in "The tests are basically to satisfy Substantial amounts of friable >/•" the four schools — surveying the the state's monitoring needs," he buildings and submitting a written, asbestos have been removed from, the said. plan of action as well. ' boiler, room and basement areas Of The board is expected to contract the four buildings in the past five . with Enviresponsc, a Livingston- During 1987 the .district hired an years, Friedland said. Nonrfriable based group, when a vote is taken at asbestos company to remove only the asbestos is harder to detect because it Photo Bj JM Long the next meeting, Oct 17 Three "visibly friable" asbestos material tends to become part of whatever it firms submitted proposals for the job from the district's four school build- inhabits —parrof the floor tile for of removing asbestos from the dis- ings Gaudineer, Sandrhcier, Cald- example, and this is why a complete- trict's four buildings well and Walton. Federal chemical ly new inspection needs to occur. "There should he no contest about engineers established, however, that The state has set a May 9, 1989, Enviresponso getting the contract, asbestos, a cancer-causing agent, con deadline for submission of the nterested in the lunch program can contact considering their low bid, dedication, also bo harmful in its "non-friable" reports. Implementation of the plan is coordinator^ Maureen Meixner at 912-2206. close physical location to Springfield form. scheduled for July 1,1989. Oct 9-15 is fire safety week In the news... By DOMINICK CRINCOLI JR. from fire in their own homes.2Jotion-_ homojs one_of the most important nance-of the smoke detectors and, if By DOMINICK CRINCOLI JR. In observance of Fire~Prevention" " wide, roughly "80 percent of all fire firo protection steps you can take," necessary, visit personally to check it Tlic Springfield First Aid Squad may be forced to curtail medical Week, Oct 9-15, the Springfield Fire deaths occur in the home, according said Gras, '"but it's not enough You out; Department will emphasize one of to the National Fire Protection Asso- service during the day because of a dangerously'low volunteer staff, need to take good care of your smoke Local activities sponsored by the the most basic fire safety practices, ciation. Very young children and the said Squad Capt. Liz Fritzen. detector, so |t con take good care of Springfield Firo Deportment include namely, detecting a fire early and elderly are at special risk. And the The captain said that Springfield residents may have to rely on neigh- you — and foal is what Fire Preven- child fire education at elementary reducing the risk of serious injury or majority of fatal home fires occur at boring first aid squads in times of emergency. Fritzen recently tion Week ihk year is all about." schools where firefighters will dealto. ~~" night, when families are asleep and addressed the Township Committee and "put them on notice" that such "Proper installation, regular main- explain Safety tips, sho\y a fire pre JWed, smoke ^elector protection tht a situation could arise. '.... r's therr* is~"A Sound tenance and testing are critical," he venudn film and illustrate firefight- .1. rtiiMtd -T * Fntzen said that just six volunteers currently man the daytime shift; .zi^jnrr •-*•••—«~—»r^ ua.-- . ing tecbiuques-u'iing the fire pumper 1 S wp, said Fire-Capt The entire squad consists of 25 people,'a far cry,from tho 60 members '- ter-wayne -The -Spnngfield-^ire_D£poilmerUA_mLfflheLflppaxatus_Kinder£artcn clas^ William Gras. "And, Springfield fire- Masiello, the Fire Departmenn"rtml>"ht fi« detector .program wilL help resi- ses from Caldwell, Sandmeicr and St fighters have some .special activities "Relying on neighboring towns for transport and needed care during responded to some 600 calls last dents take pare oflhejjLsjnoke detec- James School will visit the fire house planned to make sure all Springfield year, and the only ihrce~<frath~s~wKich health emergencies is shaky;business," said Fritzen, who added that tors. Households should be registered for a guided tour. response time could be seriously delayed, meaning the difference homes are protected by smoke occurred in town during the past two with the Fire Department and resi- "We tell the kids, the kids tell their between life and death. - - detectors " years involved residents in their dents will receive a phone call every parents and hopefully the community "If the people feel they can pick up the phone during a crisis or Year after year, across the United homes, asleep at night. six months, at which time a firefigh- is a little better off in terms of fire emergency situation and have the first aid squad respond in record time States, people are af the most risk "Having a smoke detector in your ter WlH inquire about the mainte- prevention," Masiello said — they, should 'know that it may not be so if membership docs not increase very soon," said the captain. First Aid Squad Open Houses arc being planned for later this month nn attempt to recruit new members. Details about the events will Supervisor of English appointed follow in next week's Leader. By DOMINICK CRINCOLI JR. High School in 1960 She received a for the district, presented his annual Director of Curriculum Dr. Martin Springfield renewed its annual contract with the county-operated Inter- local Services Agreement at a recent township'committee meeting. The Union County Regional Board bachelor's degree from Rutgers Uni- report on equal opportunity and affir- Siegcl addressed the school and of Education voted unanimously versity m 1964, a master's degree mative action and said that the dis- classroom aspects of affirmative Intcrlocal Services, now cplebrating its 14th year in Springfield, Tuesday mghl to approve the from Rutgers in 1975, and an Educa- trict was getting ready for the moni- action. involves the application and eventual earmarking of funds to Union Coun- appointment of a new English tional Specialist Degree, also from toring process that is to bo performed ty municipalities for purposes of community development "Every library book, new tex- Department supervisor for David Rutgers, last year. by the state Department of Education Bob Johnson, a representative from the Community Development tbook, film or audiovisual that is used Brearley High School Poss replaces Robert Whelan, who midway through the 1989-1990 Block Grant Program, attended last week's Township Committee meet- for instruction in the classroom by resigned i school year. ing. He said competition for 1988-89 funding is stiff between the county's Steffi Poss, currently an English regional students must first be In other school business, the reg- Bauman's responsibilities include 21 municipalities, and Springfield probably would not receive the full teacher at Columbia High School in screened using the non ional body was informed by officials supervising an in-service training $73,000 it applied for. .'' . Maple wood, hopes to begin her discriminatory affirmative action that the district is doing its part to program for staff teachers at the four Johnson and the committee were in agreement that the funding would employment with the district on Dec. criteria," Siegcl said 5. maintain federal demands of equal regional high schools where consul- go, as it did last year, to needed repairs in the sanitary sewer system, to the Poss'has been employed with the opportunity and affirmative action in tants from Rutgers University con- Siegel said that the law regarding Becky Seal Nutrition Program for the elderly, and to the building of hand- South Orange-Maplewood School the four regional high schools, duct workshops on educational stan- affirmative action demands objecuvi icapped access ramps on curbs, near recreation areas and near the District for the past, 15
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