.ftumb. 22. 405 SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 011 THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1940. WELLINGTON, MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1940. INLAND MAIL - SERV.JCES, NORTH ISLAND {NORTHERN PORTION, 1939 .. ,u. SOUmERN PORTION, 1940 .. 42. SOUTH ISLAND, 1938-40. 406 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 22 Inland Mail-services. Post ancl Telegraph Department, General Post Office, Wellington, 15th March, 1940. THE following list of mail-services within the Dominion in operation as on the 1st January, 1940, is pubHshed for general information. ---· J. G. YOUNG, Director-General. POSTAL DISTRICT OF AUCKLAND. Service. Frequency. Mode of Name of Contractor. Annual it~ ~ 13~ ~i I Conveyance. _,I Subsidy. 1Te~~a1fonof Contract. _o"-'------------------·.-'---~'--·------~---~------ --c---·----'--------1.---- £ s. d. 1 Albany ancl Paremoremo (rural delivery) 9{ Thrice weekly Motor-car G. Gon<la 20 3 0 2 Albany and Red Vale (rural delivery) 28! Thrice weekly :Motor-car G. Gonda 29 18 0 I Auckland and Bayswater .. 4 I 3 ~ Auckland and Devonport .. 5 ~ As required Steam -ferry Devonport Steam 180 0 0 LAuckland, Northcote, and Birkenhead 5 j Ferry Co., Ltd. 4 Auckland and Iluckland's Beach 34 Daily Motor-bus .. T. IL Hadfield 28 0 0 5 Auckland : Clearing receivers within a As required Motor-vans (Deptl. officer) radius of 7 miles of Chief Post-office I Auckland : Delivery of parcels in Twice daily in city ; daily '1 6 ~ city and suburbs in suburbs ),-Motor-va.ns (Deptl. officer) l Delivery of postmen's overflow bags As required j 7 Auckland, Awaroa, and Cowes 46 Weekly Launch A. T. Day (Gratuity bag rate) 8 Auckland, Surfdalc, Rocky Bay, Awa­ 46 Surfdale, thrice weekly ; Steamer Northern Steam- (Gratuity roa, and Cowes Rocky Bay, thrice ship Co., Ltd. bag rate) weekly summer, twice weekly winter; Awaroa, Cowes, twice weekly summer, weekly winter 9 Auckland and Hicks Bay 450 Weekly Steamer Watkin and Wallis (Gratuity bag rate) IO Auckland, Panmure, Pakuranga, and 29 Twice daily (additional Motor-bus H. and J. Crawford 140 0 0 31/12/41 Howick trip free of cost to Howick, Mon. to Fri.) I Auckland and Leigh- I (a) Auckland,Jnc.CoatesvilleRoad, 122 Daily ; rural boxes, thrice I Dairy Flat, Silverdale, Orewa, weekly 11 i Waiwera, Puhoi, vVarkworth, l Matakana, ancl Leigh (part rural ), Motor-van .. A. T. Davies 571 0 0 31/12/41 delivery) (b) Warkworth and Auckland (one Daily l bag one way only) J 12 Auckland, Whitford, Beachlands, and 64 Daily Motor-van S. Griffiths 220 0 0 31/12/41 Maraetai (part rural delivery) 13 Auckland and Maramarua .• 94 Daily Motor-bus W. White and Sons, 77 0 0 :n;12;41 Ltd. 14 Auckland, Mullet Point, and Matakana 74 Weekly Steamer Northern Steam- (Gratuity · Lower ship Co., Ltd. bag rate) 15 Auckland and Motuihi 20 Weekly Launch N. ,T. Inglis (Gratuity bag rate) 16 Auckland and Pakatoa 48 Twice weekly .. Steamer S. Strongman (Gratuity bag rate) 17 Auckland and Parakai 76 Twice daily except Thurs­ Motor-bus Auckland Bus Co .. 65 10 0 31/12/41 day when one trip only Ltd. 18 Auckland and Piha 52 Daily 20 Dec. to 28 Feb. ; Omnibus G. M. McFarlane 26 0 0 four times weekly, 1 Mar. to 19 Dec. 19 Auckland, Tryphcna, Okupu, Whanga­ 120 Weekly Steamer Northern Steam­ 300 0 0 31/12/41 para, and Port Fitzroy ship Co., Ltd. 20 Auckland and Public Trust Office Thrice daily Motor-van ( Dept!. officer) .. (private-bag delivery) 21 Auckland and Putiki 30 Thrice weekly summer ; Steamer J. H. Bradney and (Gratuity twice weekly winter Sons bag rate) 22 Auckland and Rangitoto 10 Twice weekly Launch N. J. Inglis (Gratuity bag rate) 23 Auckland and St. Heliers 13 Twice daily Omnibus L. J. Keys, Ltd. 104 0 0 31/12/41 24 Auckland and Whangapoua (parcels 52 Weekly Launch H. Carey (Gratuity one way only) bag rate) 25 Auckland, Greenhithe, and Whenuapai 24 Daily; Whenuapai five Launch J. Pringle (Gratuity times weekly bag rate) 26 Auckland Railway-station, Wharves, As required Motor-lorry (Dept!. officer) and Chief Post-office 27 Auckland suburban post-offices and As required .. Electric tram- Auckland Trans- 553 16 0 C h i e £ Post-office ( Avondale, car port Board Dominion Road, Epsom, Green Lane, Greenwood's Corner, Grey Lynn, Kingsland, Mout Albert, Mount Eden, Newmarket, Newton, Onehunga, Parnell, Point Chevalier, Ponsonby, Remuera, and Royal Oak) 28 Avondale and Avondale South (one way 2 As required Omnibus The Transport Bus 6d. per bag only) · Serviees MAR. 18.} THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 407 POSTAL DISTRICT OF AUCKLAND-continued. Service. Mode of Annual Te~,::r:,.~on Frequency. Conveyance. I Name of Contractor. , Subsidy. Iof Contract. £ s. d. 29 Avondale Railway-station and Post­ 600 yd As required Handcart .. (Deptl. officer) .. office 30 Awanui and Rangiputa . 26 Weekly .. .. Launch .. G. J. W. Thirkettle 13 0 0 31 Awanui, Waipapakaud, Wailiarara, 97 Daily; 1 Sept. to 31 Mar.; Motor-lorry .. Tokerau District 199 0 0 Pukenui, Houhora, vVaihopo, Nga­ thrice weekly, 1 April Maori Land taki, and Te Kao to 31 Aug. Board 32* Awaroa Wharf and Post-office .. 2 As required .. Foot Miss S. E. Gordon 33 Awarua Store and Tokawhero Road 10 Twice weekly Motor-van .. A. H. Luxmoore 26 0 0 (rural delivery) 34 Awhitu Central and Manukau Heads .. 12 Weekly . Horse F. Hall 13 0 0 35 Bayswater Wharf, Bayswater, Taka­ 7 Bayswater daily; thrice Motor-van .. North Shore Trans­ 275 0 0 31/12/1 puna South, and Takapuna daily from, twice daily port Co., Ltd. to, Takapuna South and Takapuna 36 Birkenhead : Delivery of postmen's As required .. Omnibus Birkenhead Trans­ 6d. per bag overflow bags port, Ltd. 37 Birkenhead, Glenfield, and Albany 18 Daily Omnibus Ingham and Dona­ llO O 0 31/12/4 (part rural delivery) hoe 38 Birkenhead Wharf and Post-office .. 1 As required Motor-bus .. Birkenhead Trans- 28 0 0 port, Ltd. 3!) Bombay and Paparata (rural delivery) 15 Daily Motor-lorry G. Wyatt Ill O 0 31;12/41 1Broadwood and Pawarcnga (part rural 1 l 40 delivcry)- ~Motor-car M. J. Enright 160 0 0 31/12/4 1 (tt) Broadwood, and Pawarenga .. 45 Thrice weekly (b) Panguru and Kohe Roads .. 13 Twice weekly :: J 41 * Buckland Railway-station and Post­ 300 yd As required Foot Mrs. M. H. Key office 42 Clcvedon and J\faraetai Road ( rural 16 Thrice weekly Motor-truck F. E. Smith 35 0 0 delivery) 43 Clevedon, Ness Valley, and l\foumoukai 22 Thrice weekly Motor-car .. A. V. Smith 93 12 0 31/12/41 (rural delivery) 44 CI eve don and Orere Point (rural 41! Thrice weekly Motor-truck A. V. Smith 77 8 0 31/12/4 delivery) 45* Cowes steamer and Post-office .. 800 yd As rcquired . Foot A. E. Insley .. 46 DargavilleandArapohue (rural delivery) 391 Thrice weekly .. Motor-car .. H.P. Davey .. 14!) 0 0 31/12;41 47 Dargaville and Aratapu (rural delivery) 9! Thrice weekly .. Cart E. J. Lang .. 40 0 0 48 Dargaville and Babylon (rural delivery) II Thrice weekly, 1 Aug. to Motor-lorry Northern Wairoa 30 0 0 31 May ; twice weekly, Co-op. Dairy Co., 1 June to 31 July Ltd. 49 Dargaville and Hoanga (rural delivery) 18 Thrice weekly .. Motor-car .. H.P. Davey 56 16 0 31/12/41 50 Dargaville, Mamaranui, Maropiu, and 50 Twice weekly (during Motor-bus .. C.R. Dent 5s. per trip Kaihu period train not run- ning daily) 51 Dargaville and Kirikopuni ( one way 16 Daily Motor-car .. Dalbeth Bros. 39 10 0 only) 52 Dargavilk, Aranga, Waimamaku, and ll2 Thrice weekly Service-car W. S. Jones 55 18 0 31/12/41 Opononi (lotter-mail only except to Aranga) 53 Dargaville and Rehutai (rural delivery) 20 Thrice weekly, 1 Aug. to Motor-lorry Northern W airoa 40 0 0 31 May ; twice weekly, Co-op. Dairy Co., I June to 31 July Ltd. 54 Dargaville, l'Yiangawhare, Aratapn, and 16 Daily .. Omnibus Te Kopuru-Darga­ 90 0 0 31/12/41 Te Kopuru ville Bus Co., Ltd. 55 Dargaville and Waihue (rural delivery) Thrice weekly, 1 Sept. to Motor-lorry Northern Wairoa 35 10 0 31 May ; twice weekly, Co-op. Dairy Co., I ,June to 31 Aug. Ltd. 56 Dargavillc and Whangarei (one bag 78 Daily .. Motor-car .. Dalbeth Bros. 34 0 0 each way) 57 Darga ville Railway-station, Wharf, and 500 yd As required Handcart .. (Deptl. officer) .. Post-office 58 Devonport Wharf and Post-office .. t As required Handcart .. (Deptl. officer) .. 59 Donnelly's Crossing and Oranoa (rural 10! Thrice weekly Motor-lorry W. J. A. Gorrie .. 50 0 0 31/12/41 delivery) 60 Donnelly's Crossing and Tutamoe .. 19 Thrice weekly 1 Oct. to Motor-lorry W. J. A. Gorrie 52 IO 0 31/12/41 30 April; twice weekly I May to 30 Sept. 61 Drury Railway-station, Runciman, 14! Twice daily Mon. to Fri. ; Motor-car .. J. H. Carter 230 0 0 31/12/41 Itamarama, and Bombay daily Sat. 62* Drury Railway-station and Post-office 1,000 As required .. Foot Miss K. S. Cossey yd. 63* Drury Railway-station and Runoiman ! Daily . .. Foot Miss M. Handley 64 Ellcrslie Railway-station and Post-office 600 yd As required . Handcart .. (Dept!. officer) .. 65 Glen Eden and Karekare . 32 Thrice weekly ( two trips Motor-car .. E. D. C. Badham 15 0 0 free of cost) 66 Glen Eden and Nihotupu (rural delivery) 13 Thrice weekly Motor-car .. E. D. C. Badham 48 0 0 31/12/41 67 Glen Eden and Oratia . 5 Daily .• Foot .. Mrs. E. M. Marchant 18 0 0 68 Glen Murray and Waikaretu (part 25 Thrice weekly Motor-truck H.
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