Phase diagram of liquid 3He/4He mixtures T = 2.17 K Periodic Table of Elements Helium-3 isotope 2.0 λ 2 3.0 1.5 Normal 3He/4He Superfluid 1 Selected Phase Transition Temperatures He 1.0 3He/4He 1 1.008 (K) Temperature 0.5 2 4.003 TBP = 3.19 K Two-phase region TSF = 0.0025 K Atomic Atomic 0 H 0 0.5 1.0 He number 55.85 weight Superconductivity 4 3 26 (100% He) 3 (100% He) TS = Critical temperature He fraction TBP = 20.3 K Element TBP = 4.21 K Color Gaseous elements phase TMP = 13.8 K 2 symbol Fe change at 1 bar pressure 12345Tλ = 2.17 K 3 6.941 4 9.012 21 GPa code Ferromagnetism 5 10.81 6 12.01 7 14.01 8 16.00 9 19.00 10 20.18 2.1 K TC = Curie temperature Transition Tλ = Helium-4 superfluidity 100 GPa TC = 1043 K 0.6 K Li Be temperature T = Helium-3 superfluidity B C N F Ne SF Antiferromagnetism TBP = 90.2 K 30 GPa Superconductivity under pressure T = Néel temperature 250 GPa 14 K N 11 K T = 77.4 K TMP = 54.4 K T = 85.0 K T = 27.1 K TBP = Boiling point BP BP BP TS = 0.0004 K TS = 0.026 K pressure to achieve max. T Carbon TMP = 63.3 K OTγβ = 43 K TMP = 53.5 K TMP = 24.6 K 21 gigapascal S T = Melting point 22.99 24.31 No known ordering MP 26.98 28.09 30.97 32.07 35.45 39.95 11 12 max. TS 2.1 kelvin 13 14 15 16 17 18 Na Mg 273.15 K = 0 ˚C 1 GPa = 10 kbar Al Si P S Cl Ar 15.2 GPa 30 GPa 190 GPa 8.2 K 13 K 17.3 K TBP = 239.1 K TBP = 87.3 K Sodium Magnesium 12345678910TS = 1.14 K TMP = 171.7 K TMP = 83.8 K 19 39.10 20 40.08 21 44.96 22 47.87 23 50.94 24 52.00 25 54.94 26 55.85 27 58.93 28 58.69 29 63.55 30 65.41 31 69.72 32 72.64 33 74.92 34 78.96 35 79.90 36 83.80 K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr 216 GPa 106 GPa 56.0 GPa 120 GPa 21 GPa 1.4 GPa 11.5 GPa 32 GPa 150 GPa 100 GPa 29 K 19.6 K 3.35 K 16.5 K 2.1 K 7 K 5.35 K 2.4 K 8 K 1.4 K TBP = 119.9 K Potassium TS = 0.39 K TS = 5.38 K TN = 311 K (α) TN = 100 K TC = 1043 K TC = 1388 K TC = 627 K Copper TS = 0.875 K TS = 1.091 K TMP = 115.8 K 37 85.47 38 87.62 39 88.91 40 91.22 41 92.91 42 95.94 43 (98) 44 101.1 45 102.9 46 106.4 47 107.9 48 112.4 49 114.8 50 118.7 51 121.8 52 127.6 53 126.9 54 131.3 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe 50 GPa 115 GPa 30 GPa 10 GPa 11.3 GPa 25 GPa 35 GPa 25 GPa 7 K 19.5 K 11 K 9.9 K 5.3 K 3.9 K 7.5 K 1.2 K TBP = 165.0 K Rubidium TS = 0.546 K TS = 9.20 K TS = 0.92 K TS = 7.77 K TS = 0.51 K TS = 0.00033 K Palladium Silver TS = 0.52 K TS = 3.404 K TS = 3.722 K TMP = 161.3 K 55 132.9 56 137.3 72 178.5 73 180.9 74 183.8 75 186.2 76 190.2 77 192.2 78 195.1 79 197.0 80 200.6 81 204.4 82 207.2 83 209.0 84 (209) 85 (210) 86 (222) Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn 12 GPa 18 GPa 62 GPa 43 GPa 9.1 GPa 1.3 K 5 K 8.6 K 4.5 K 8.5 K TBP = 211.5 K TS = 0.12 K TS = 4.483 K TS = 0.012 K TS = 1.4 K TS = 0.655 K TS = 0.14 K Platinum Gold (α) TS = 4.153 K TS = 2.39 K TS = 7.193 K Polonium Astatine TMP = 202.2 K (223) (226) (261) (262) (266) (264) (277) 87 88 104 105 106 107 108 Magnetic standard reference materials Acknowledgements: M. Brian Maple, University of California, San Diego χ –6 Fr Ra Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Platinum DC(297 K) = 1.01 x 10 emu/g·Oe (NIST SRM #764a) J. S. Schilling, Washington University, St. Louis χ –6 Palladium DC(298 K) = 5.25 x 10 emu/g·Oe (Quantum Design part #C210A) Compilation date: July 2019 (rev. 5) © 2019 Quantum Design, Inc. Francium Radium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Nickel Msat(298 K, 5000 Oe) = 54.9 emu/g (NIST SRM #772a) Dedicated to the memory of Bernd Matthias References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314 CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 84th Edition, 57 138.9 58 140.1 59 140.9 60 144.2 61 (145) 62 150.4 63 152.0 64 157.3 65 158.9 66 162.5 67 164.9 68 167.3 69 168.9 70 173.0 71 175.0 David R. Lide (Ed.) (2002) Matter and Methods at Low Temperatures, 2nd Edition, F. Pobell (1996) nd La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Introduction to Magnetic Materials, 2 Edition, B. D. Cullity and C. D. Graham (2008) 15 GPa 5 GPa 142 GPa 174 GPa M. Debessai, T. 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Gregory, Physical Review Letters 40, 723 (1978) (α) 2.4 K 2.2 K www.nist.gov/srm/ Actinium TS = 1.368 K TS = 1.4 K (β) TS = 0.8 K Neptunium Plutonium TS = 0.79 K TN = 64 K TN = 34 K TC = 51 K Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium ATL160 MPMS®3 EverCool® PPMS® DynaCool™ OptiCool™ PPMS® EverCool®II VersaLab™ Liquefaction Rate: 22 Liters / day Base: 1.8 K - 400 K Base: 1.8 K - 400 K Base: 1.7 K - 350 K Base: 1.9 K - 400 K Base: 50 K - 400 K Capacity: 160 Liters Oven: 300 K - 1000 K Oven: 300 K - 1000 K 7 T Split-coil Magnet Oven: 300 K - 1000 K Oven: 300 K - 1000 K A complete line of Dilution Refrigerator: 0.050 K - 4.0 K 8 Optical Ports Helium-3: 0.350 K - 350 K cryogen-free products.
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