BRITISH ARMY PEACE IS SIGNED Battle Reported Between WARTORNEUHOPE SLAV REVOLT BLEARING OUT BF VILLA AGENTS; Greek and Bulgar Armies PAUSES TO LAUGH IS REPORTED §ji Paris, Dec. 20.—Fighting between small detachments of Greek and Bulgarian troops is reported in a dispatch from Brindisi, ¦OF GALLIPOLI Italy, GENERAL TO FLEE to the Havas News agency. It is said several Greek offi- IN PROGRESS cers and soldiers were killed or wounded, and that the Greek gov- IT FORD CRUSADE m M f ernment hastily forwarding the ¦ > ¦OC&Otif Men Are Withdrawn is reinforcements to the scene of ' 'ii' Mexican Rebel fighting. Moscow and Even Petrogratf mb I Anzac and Suvla Re- Chieftain Now “Them Doggone Reporters,” a? Fraif In Juarez Waiting The dispatch says that the disturbance occurred in the prov- Have Taken By Rebels, pis After Months of Permis- ince of Epirus, at the western end of the Serbo-Greek border. Ring Lardner Would Say, Been sion A Bulgarian guard Heavy Battles. to Cross United advance is said to have penetrated Greek Cause of Miniature Riot Herman Bernstein Informs States territory after an encounter with Greek outposts, resulting in Paper. Border. lively fighting. Aboard Peace Ship. Jewish ¦E9WMKTION IS UNKNOWN ‘'The Greek press maintains silence in regard to the inci- PERMISSION IS GRANTED dents,'’ the dispatch continues, "but the government is disturbed. PART OF PARTY TO QUIT CENSOR IS HIDING FACTS a i H*roqg»3 May Be Sent to Salon- Greek detachments have been sent hastily to Koritza and Cogra- Not Certain That despi to reinforce the garrisons there." German Advices Also Indicate I —German Gas He Will Not Would Escape Before Making Be Prosecuted For Cattle There Have Been Berioas iro&c&s In France and Selves More Ridiculous, Is * Thefts—Era of Disturbances—Vigorous & Handera Fail. Tran- Report Divided Over Berlin Socialist Organ Measures Rumored. quility Seen. Wilson Defense Plan. ' I L.inden, Dec. 21.—The British troops rtw Awln and Anzac dlatricts of the El Paso. Tex.. Dec. 21.—An agree- Wants toKnow New York. Dec. 21.—The Day, a ¦ How Huge London, Dec. 21.—The correspondent ¦allipoM peninsula, hare been ment was reached and papers were be- Jewish daily, edited by the American with- the Daily Mall and the Dally Ex- ¦VML -B,f?ned at noon today whereby the of Journalist, Herman Bernstein, pub- ¦¦Tlip following official statement villa faction In northern Mexico con- press at Christiania make a great play special cable from its was cluded peace W or Debt Is To Be Paid lishes a edttaf, ¦awed tfdre today. All the troops terms with the defacto at government of the alleged difficulties on the Ford who is now visiting Copenhagen, tell- ¦ulva and Anzac together with their of Mexico. The confer- ing that he learned from a most re- ¦tins itnd stores, have ence was held between Mexican Con- Amsterdam, (via London), Dec. 21. was a peace ship. The Express says that when been success- sul source of anxiety to the govern- liable Russian authority in Copen- transferred with lnsignificent Garda and former lieutenants of Reviewing the recent speech on Ger- ment In 1 the Blh consulate #O9 taxation was increased newspaper men at Christiania went hagen that a new revolution, similar ¦uukiHuw to another sphere of ojiera- Gen. Francisco Villa at the many’s financial condition which Dr. by 500,000,000 marks, but the budget Russia. In El Paso. aboard. Ford’s manager made vig- to that of 1905 broke out in Karl Helfferich, secretary of the treas- did not balance. In 1913, the govern- Mr. Great anti-government demonstra- '¦ The Sulva bay and Anzac cove I Gen. Francisoo Villa is reported In ury. made before the reichstag, the so- ment adopted the extraordinary meas- effort to prevent them from signing of the peace orous tions are reported to have taben place ninsula P°*ltJona are on the north of Juarez. The cialist newspaper Vorwaerts, of Berlin, ure of wealth and a every city iV agreement him from Mexi- taxing levying meeting the American newspaper men, in almost principal of the ¦allipotl peninsula. Anzac Is about 16 eliminates asserts the time has come for the Ger- non-recurrent for empire, which were followed a gen- tip. can contribution arma- by -Hilea from the Suvla bay is five affairs. man government and the reichstag to ment in order to cover the deficit. but was unable to prevent the story of eral in Moscow and Petro- further. uprising As no mention is made Indicate in what way the money neces- Maintenance of the existing fiscal the voyage from being told and that, grad. British Washington, Dec. 20.—State depart- ; ‘the announcement of the al- sary for payment of interest on the na- system, the Vorwaerts continues, is After two weeks of terrible blood- ¦d position in the Seddul Bahr posi- ment officials have decided that Gen- tion’s gigantic war debts and to pro- impossible so im- after the Norwegians had gone ashore eral will asylum ac- far as taxation of shed, Moscow, acoording to bis in- at the tip of the peninsula it is not Villa receive the vide for their redemption, is to be ports Is raw lively of the happen- by corded a political refugee should he concerned. Provisions, with details all formant, was taken the revolu- ¦enr whether the withdrawal of troops raised. It says: many may enter United States. This materials and other articles ings, there was "A regular cat and dog tionist forces and a new republican ¦dicates a decision to abandon the the decision “With the new war credit of 10,000,- bo expected to price the was sent last night to General Funston rise in after government is now being installed in to force the Dardanelles or 000,000 marks, German debt if present fight” to oust the American Journalists by the war department, for the war war and the tariff were con- that city. Latest reports frem Rus- 'Beans merely a readjustment of the transmis- reaches 40,000,000,000 marks, which, ac- tinued it would lead to an in- from the ship, the main allegation dally bring news to Villa, or his representatives. artificial against being they tried sia to the Jewish forces. cording to Dr. Helfferich, should last crease of prices for Germany, which them that to fallen into the State department agents had re- wreck mission. that Petrograd has also May Go to Salonika until the end of March. Interest on 40,- would undermine the capability of Ger- the hands of the revolutionist forces. ported that alleged iptermedlarles had 000,000,000 marks amounts to 2,000,000,- man Norway. There have been no previous hints IBion arrest, industry to compete in world Blim Welcome In Recent B requested immunity from No War Reports. sttdh a move, although Villa’s 000 marks annually and for redemption, market. The correspondent of the Dally Mail ¦ the question saying that if this was given they be- On account of the great railway and Bis been raised in England whether, which is necessary in order to maintain ‘‘Therefore, the interests of consum- describes Mr. Ford and his “quarrel- lieved Villa would abandon the fight the credit of empire, 500,- ers surprised telegraph strike in Russia it Is impos- ¦ vidw of the failure of the allies to and retire to the another and producers,’’ the Vorwaerts con- some peace passengers” as with the in- appreciable headway against Carranza private 000.000 marks are needed.” cludes, abolition of these and disconcerted at the lack of even sible to communicate Bake at the Dar- life in the United States. “demand im- terior of Russia. No official war bul- Bandies and the urgent need for addi- j The Vorwaerts considers it essential port taxes after the war, which would a semblance of welcome to Norway, I Tha state department does not con- that the empire’s be more than disguising letins for the European press have ¦onal troops at Saloniki, the Darda- | ceal its desire Villa Income reduce Germany’s income considerably; and says that there is no govern- forces would be Two -1 to have eliminated. doubled to meet these obligations and and, therefore, the time for the fact that the majority of the pil- been issued by the Russian ¦clips withdrawn. him in has come ment for the last two weeks. Turkish communications | Without the revolution the the current expenses. Before war, the government grims realize they ¦tflctcft re- north certainly fall, be- the to declare what course that have embarked really has known today spoke of heavy firing will officials it says, the financial state of Germany It is steering.” on a foolish errand. The correspond- The outside world lieve. The Intermediaries also said says that least a dozen dele- but little of what has been transpir- land and sea by the allies, but that ent at the war the the plan was for the retirement gates to desert before they ing in “darkest Russia” since ¦entiooed no movements out of , Held of entire Villa army. intend make S»d inary. this bombardment. from the the themselves more ridiculous. Describing began. Strike disturbances, tabor although 1 trouble and other forms of internal : ; have been conducted to cover the Might Prosocuta Villa. the reception given the Scandinavian Bithdr&wafL Much interest is displayed by offi- newspaper reporters aboard the ship, dissension are known to have occurred There are two fields of operations in cials here as to whether Villa will ac- the Mail’s correspondent says: frequently. immunity as a po- IT HEAD was elaborately set in The czar several weeks ago pro- cept promise SOUGHT SCHMIDT stage ¦te near east to which British troops the of QUIETUDE “The litical refugee.
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