Annex Table of Constant Speed Reductions in the Train

Annex Table of Constant Speed Reductions in the Train

ANNEX INFORMATION ON CONSTANT SPEED REDUCTIONS IN THE TRAIN TIMETABLE 2021/2022 TRAC POSITION SPEED Railway FRONT No FROM STATION TO STATION K reductio REASONS FOR REDUCTION section from km to km (m) KR No n І railway line Kalotina Zapad - Svilengrad 1 Sf Sofia Voluyak 1 0+000 0+800 800 60 25 Switches at Sofia station 2 Sf Sofia Voluyak 2 0+000 0+800 800 60 25 Switches at Sofia station 3 Sf Voluyak station 8+348 8+448 100 40 5 Poor technical condition of the rail-sleeper grid and Poor technical condition by axle and level 4 Sf Dragoman station 42+050 42+540 490 70 25 Poor technical condition of the permanent way of tracks No 1, 2, 3 (main), 4, 5 and of the switches 5 Sf Dragoman station 42+100 42+620 520 40 15 Poor technical condition of the permanent way of track No 6 and switches 6 Sf Sofia Poduyane 1 0+000 1+100 1 100 60 25 Switches at Sofia station 7 Sf Sofia Poduyane 2 0+000 1+100 1 100 60 25 Switches at Sofia station 8 Sf Iskar station 8+275 9+560 1 285 40 25 Worsened technical condition of the permanent way of tracks NN 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13 9 Sf Elin Pelin Stop Pobit Kamak 2 26+100 29+400 3 300 80 60 Weak subgrade 10 Sf Elin Pelin Stop Pobit Kamak 1 29+300 30+200 900 80 60 Inchanged switch sleepers at stop Pobit Kamak 11 Sf Vakarel Verinsko 1 47+728 48+153 425 100 60 Poor technical condition of the permanent way at Verinsko station 12 Sf Vakarel Verinsko 2 47+728 48+153 425 100 60 Poor technical condition of the permanent way at Verinsko station 13 Sf Verinsko Ihtiman 1 55+623 56+514 891 60 50 Poor technical condition of the permanent way at Ihtiman station 14 Sf Verinsko Ihtiman 2 55+740 56+514 774 60 50 Poor technical condition of the permanent way at Ihtiman station 15 Sf Ihtiman Stop Nemirovo 1 56+514 57+845 1 331 60 50 Poor technical condition of the permanent way at Ihtiman station 16 Sf Ihtiman Stop Nemirovo 2 56+514 57+845 1 331 60 50 Poor technical condition of the permanent way at Ihtiman station 17 Sf Stop Nemirovo Kostenets 1 74+000 74+349 349 60 40 Worsen technical condition of the permanent way of I track at Kostenets station 18 Sf Kostenets Stop Sestrimo 1 74+349 75+100 751 60 40 Worsen technical condition of the permanent way of I track at Kostenets station 19 Po Todor Kableshkov Plovdiv 1 154+560 155+574 1 014 160 40 Switches at Plovdiv station (new km 154+302=old km 154+560) 20 Po Todor Kableshkov Plovdiv 2 154+600 155+574 974 160 40 Switches at Plovdiv station (new km 154+340=old km 154+600) 21 Po Plovdiv POR Iztok 1 155+574 156+000 426 80 40 Switches at Plovdiv station 22 Po Plovdiv POR Iztok 2 155+574 156+000 426 80 40 Switches at Plovdiv station 23 Po Plovdiv POR Iztok 2 158+400 159+100 700 80 60 Polluted ballast section, failed point and normal sleepers at POR Iztok station 24 Po POR Iztok Krumovo 1 159+100 160+100 1 000 100 60 Polluted ballast section, failed point and normal sleepers at POR Iztok station 25 Po POR Iztok Krumovo 2 159+100 160+100 1 000 100 60 Polluted ballast section, failed point and normal sleepers at POR Iztok station 26 Po Krumovo station 163+746 164+578 832 160 100 Krumovo station switches 27 Po Nova Nadezhda Simeonovgrad 253+781 254+986 1 205 160 130 Curve with R=800 m and R=950 m for V=130 km/h 28 Po Harmanly station 0+092 1+532 1 440 160 65 Permanent way parameters for speed V=65 km/h (new km 0+092=old km 266+624), track 22 Permanent way parameters for speed V=80 km/h (new km 5+010=old km 271+189) tracks 2 and 29 Po Harmanly station 1+532 5+010 3 478 160 80 21 30 Po Svilengrad station 295+350 295+400 50 160 15 Detector installation at Svilengrad station 31 Po Svilengrad Kapıkule 297+590 297+660 70 160 15 Detector installation at Svilengrad station 32 Po Svilengrad Kapıkule 297+819 298+543 724 160 130 Curve with R=800 m for V=130 km/h design speed (new kilometric location) 33 Po Svilengrad Kapıkule 315+554 315+650 96 130 25 Border signalling according to an instruction by RAEA 11 railway line Kalotina - Stanyantsi 1 Sf Kalotina Stanyantsi 0+000 0+300 300 25 15 Dangerous falling rocks and a landslide 2 Sf Kalotina Stanyantsi 6+090 6+110 20 25 15 Discontinued operation of automatic level crossing signalling 1/12 TRAC POSITION SPEED Railway FRONT No FROM STATION TO STATION K reductio REASONS FOR REDUCTION section from km to km (m) KR No n 12 railway line Aldomirovtsi - Beli Breg 1 Sf Aldomirovtsi Beli Breg 39+120 39+145 25 40 15 Stolen TT line, broken automatic level crossing signalling 2 Sf Aldomirovtsi Beli Breg 39+900 40+250 350 40 15 Poor technical condition of the permanent way 3 Sf Aldomirovtsi Beli Breg 42+320 42+345 25 40 15 Stolen TT line, broken automatic level crossing signalling 4 Sf Aldomirovtsi Beli Breg 43+430 43+445 15 40 15 Stolen TT line, broken automatic level crossing signalling 5 Sf Aldomirovtsi Beli Breg 45+605 46+700 1 095 40 15 Destination station Beli Breg OI 13 railway line Sofia - Bankya 1 Sf Voluyak Bankya 16+500 16+520 20 60 15 Problem with ALCD at the level crossing 2 Sf Voluyak Bankya 18+390 18+490 100 60 25 Switches without signalling equipment 16 railway line Septemvri - Dobrinishte Curve with R=80 m with short transition curves and switches, non-included in the signalling 1 Po Septemvri Varvara 0+100 0+600 500 50 25 equipment 2 Po Septemvri Varvara 5+500 5+655 155 50 25 Curve R=60 m and switches, not included in the signalling equipment 3 Po Varvara Dolene 5+940 5+980 40 30 25 Switches, not included in the signalling equipment of Varvara station 4 Po Varvara Dolene 14+600 14+700 100 30 15 Danger of landslide of earth and rock 5 Po Varvara Dolene 20+375 20+410 35 30 25 Switches, not included in the signalling equipment of Dolene station 6 Po Dolene Kostandovo 20+735 20+755 20 30 25 Switches, not included in the signalling equipment of Dolene station 7 Po Dolene Kostandovo 31+290 31+310 20 30 25 Switches, not included in the signalling equipment of Kostandovo station 8 Po Kostandovo Velingrad 31+630 31+670 40 40 25 Switches, not included in the signalling equipment of Kostandovo station 9 Po Kostandovo Velingrad 38+085 38+170 85 40 25 Switches, not included in the signalling equipment of Velingrad station 10 Po Velingrad Velingrad Yug 38+570 38+635 65 40 25 Switches, not included in the signalling equipment of Velingrad station 11 Po Velingrad Yug Tsvetino 54+110 54+130 20 35 25 Switches, not included in the signalling equipment 12 Po Tsvetino Avramovo 54+370 54+405 35 35 25 Switches, not included in the signalling equipment of Tsvetino station 13 Po Tsvetino Avramovo 68+245 68+270 25 30 25 Switches, not included in the signalling equipment of Avramovo station 14 Po Avramovo Stop Cherna Mesta 68+510 68+535 25 35 25 Switches, not included in the signalling equipment of Avramovo station 15 Po Avramovo Stop Cherna Mesta 75+260 76+170 910 35 30 Curves with small radius 16 Po Avramovo Stop Cherna Mesta 77+500 78+100 600 35 30 Curves with small radius 17 Po Avramovo Stop Cherna Mesta 78+990 79+020 30 35 15 Unequipped level-crossing at km 79+005 18 Po Stop Cherna Mesta Yakoruda 81+250 81+280 30 40 15 Unequipped level-crossing at km 81+285 19 Po Stop Cherna Mesta Yakoruda 84+735 84+775 40 40 25 Switches, not included in the signalling equipment of Yakoruda station 20 Po Yakoruda Belitsa 85+075 85+115 40 35 25 Switches, not included in the signalling equipment of Yakoruda station 21 Po Yakoruda Belitsa 97+950 98+330 380 35 30 Weak subgrade 22 Po Yakoruda Belitsa 100+060 100+115 55 35 25 Switches, not included in the installation equipment of Belitsa station 23 Po Belitsa Razlog 100+450 100+490 40 40 25 Switches, not included in the installation equipment of Belitsa station 24 Po Belitsa Razlog 103+430 105+710 2 280 40 30 Curve R=60 m with short transition curves and rockfalls 25 Po Belitsa Razlog 107+000 107+350 350 40 25 Rockfalls 26 Po Belitsa Razlog 113+650 113+695 45 40 25 Switches, not included in the signalling equipment of Razlog station 27 Po Razlog Bansko 114+165 114+205 40 45 25 Switches, not included in the signalling equipment of Razlog station 28 Po Razlog Bansko 118+230 118+250 20 45 25 Switches, not included in the signalling equipment of Bansko station 29 Po Bansko Dobrinishte 118+570 118+590 20 45 25 Switches, not included in the signalling equipment of Bansko station 30 Po Bansko Dobrinishte 124+830 124+850 20 45 25 Switches, not included in the signalling equipment of Dobrinishte station 18 railway line Stamboliyski - Peshtera 1 Po Stamboliyski Stop Kurtovo Konare 0+440 1+300 860 70 50 Curve with R=215 m and failed sleepers 2 Po Stop Kurtovo Konare Krichim 6+940 6+970 30 70 60 Speed supervision V=60 km/h 3 Po Stop Kurtovo Konare Krichim 8+050 8+100 50 70 60 SOR 4 Po Stop Kurtovo Konare Krichim 10+270 10+698 428 70 40 Switches in curve with a cant in a branch Krichim station and failed wooden sleepers in the track 2/12 TRAC POSITION SPEED Railway FRONT No FROM STATION TO STATION K reductio REASONS FOR REDUCTION section from km to km (m) KR No n 5 Po Krichim Bratsigovo 10+698 10+860 162 70 40 Switches in curve with a cant in a branch Krichim station and failed wooden sleepers in the track 6 Po Krichim Bratsigovo 12+250 12+280 30 80 60 Unequipped level crossing at km 12+267 (only for Desiro) 7 Po Krichim Bratsigovo 14+500 15+500 1 000 80 60 Parameters of permanent way for 60 km/h (for Desiro) 19 railway line Krumovo - Asenovgrad 1 Po Krumovo Asenovgrad 0+280 0+730 450 80 40 Curve R=300 m 2 Po Krumovo Asenovgrad 2+960 3+000 40 80 60 SOR 3 Po Krumovo Asenovgrad 4+600 7+600 3 000 80 60 Polluted ballast section and worsening of the level of the permanent way 4 Po Krumovo Asenovgrad 8+200 8+300 100 80 60 SOR 5 Po Krumovo Asenovgrad

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