SOUTH SUDAN 2016 COMMON HUMANITARIAN FUND: FIRST ROUND STANDARD ALLOCATION RECOMMENDED PROJECTS FOR FUNDING TOTAL AMOUNT: USD 4,747,751.41 1 NAMES OF INGOs and NGOs FUNDED Organization Project title Duration Budget Location Beneficiaries CCM (Comitato Improve the 6 months $199,562.52 Lakes -> Awerial 69248 Collaborazione quality of Medica) essential health service delivery (safety nets) and strengthen the emergency response to the humanitarian needs, including obstetric services and supportive care to GBV victims in Mingkamann and underserved area of selected counties of Lakes. CMA (Christian Strengthening 6 months $199,999.91 Jonglei -> Fangak 96196 Mission Aid) the capacity of primary health care facilities to deliver life saving emergency health services integrated with nutrition services in Fangak county of Jonglei State 2 CUAMM Improving host 6 months $276,978.21 Western Equatoria - 45375 (Collegio and displaced > Mundri East Universitario population and Aspirante e other Medici vulnerable Missionari) groups’ access to and utilization of quality essential and emergency health services in Mundri East County (Western Equatoria State) GOAL (GOAL) Provision of 6 months $300,000.00 Warrap -> Twic; 64782 integrated and Upper Nile -> Melut; lifesaving Upper Nile -> Primary Health Maiwut; Upper Nile Care (PHC) -> Ulang; Warrap services for conflict affected and vulnerable populations and strengthening emergency responses in Baliet, Melut, Maiwut and Ulang Counties, Upper Nile State (UNS), Twic, Warrap State and Agok: Abyei Administrative Area (AAA). 3 HLSS (Health Increasing 4 months $221,000.05 Jonglei -> Bor South; 98578 Link South access to Lakes -> Awerial Sudan) quality essential and emergency Primary Health Care services to women, girls, boys and men in conflict affected and vulnerable communities in Upper Nile, Unity, Lakes and Jongolei States in order to reduce, protect and save lives from the excess mortality IMC UK Provision of 5 months $472,000.01 Central Equatoria -> 100116 (International emergency Juba; Jonglei -> Medical Corps health Akobo; Upper Nile - UK) assistance to > Malakal IDPs and conflict affected persons in South Sudan IOM Sustaining Life- 6 months $509,000.01 Jonglei; Unity; 81591 (International saving Primary Upper Nile Organization Health Care for Migration) Services and Provision of Rapid Response and Psychosocial Support for Vulnerable IDPs, Returnees and Affected Host Communities in Upper Nile, Unity, and Jonglei States 4 IRC Provision of 6 months $416,000.00 Unity -> Rubkona 45000 (International quality life Rescue saving primary Committee) and reproductive health care services in Unity State, South Sudan. MEDAIR Emergency 6 months $300,000.00 Upper Nile -> Renk; 80000 (MEDAIR) response to Upper Nile; Jonglei; acute and Unity chronic complex health emergencies and increased access to health care for vulnerable populations in South Sudan Nile Hope (Nile Provision of 5 months $100,000.06 Jonglei -> Fangak; 56190 Hope) emergency Unity -> Leer lifesaving and gender sensitive high impact health services for hard to reach, underserved and conflict affected IDPs and vulnerable communities in Leer County of Unity state and Fangak County of Jonglei state. SMC (Sudan Improve Health 5 months $100,000.00 Jonglei -> Duk 45366 Medical Care) status of the communities of returness and internally displaced in Duk County of Jonglei state 5 UNIDO Improve the 6 months $405,018.75 Unity -> Mayendit; 65000 (Universal quality and Unity -> Leer; Unity Intervention availability of -> Panyijiar and comprehensive Development basic Organization) emergency primary healthcare services including Basic Emergency Obstetric & Neonatal Care at the facilities and community levels in Mayendit, Leer counties and Greater Nyal in Panyijiar county of Unity state 6 NAMES OF UN AGENCIES FUNDED Organization Project title Duration Budget Date Submitted Location Beneficiaries UNICEF (United Primary health 12 months $614,995.85 05/01/2016 Central Equatoria -> 125000 Nations care and vaccine Juba; Jonglei -> Children's core pipeline Akobo; Jonglei -> Fund) supplies provision Ayod; Jonglei -> Bor and management South; Jonglei -> for timely Duk; Jonglei -> emergency Fangak; Jonglei -> preparedness and Nyirol; Jonglei -> response in South Pochalla; Jonglei -> Sudan Twic East; Unity -> Guit; Unity -> Koch; Unity -> Leer; Unity -> Mayendit; Unity - > Mayom; Unity -> Panyijiar; Unity -> Pariang; Unity -> Rubkona; Upper Nile -> Fashoda; Upper Nile -> Maban; Upper Nile -> Maiwut; Upper Nile; Upper Nile -> Malakal; Upper Nile -> Manyo; Upper Nile -> Panyikang; Upper Nile -> Renk; Upper Nile -> Ulang 7 WHO (World Provision of 6 months $633,196.04 07/01/2016 Lakes; Unity -> 150000 Health quality lifesaving Koch; Upper Nile -> Organization) health services Malakal; Western including Equatoria -> responding to Mundri East; health related Jonglei -> Bor emergencies(Core South; Central pipeline supplies, Equatoria -> Juba enhancing outbreak preparedness and response) affecting the vulnerable populations of South Sudan 8 .
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