Monday Boycott action seen as key Sugar Ray Leonard's Specials to MCEA vote results: A2 future in doubt: Sports The Daily Register Itlonmouth County's Great Home Newspaper VOL.104 NO. 269 SHREWSBURY.N.J. MONDAY, MAY 10,1982 25 CENTS Nuclear missile cut urged By BARRY SCHWEID "But I believe that it will be possible to at Eureka a half century ago during the Depres- Party daily newspaper. reduce the risks of war by removing the in- sion and blinked back tears when he joined the "The Soviet Union will not allow the existing CHICAGO (AP) — President Reagan's bold stabilities that now exist and by dismantling the graduating class in singing the school song. balance of forces to be disrupted," Ustinov and sweeping arms control proposal seeks to nuclear menace." As the day drew to a close, the president wrote. neutralize the Soviet Union's commanding lead The U.S. goal Is a treaty setting equal ceil- declared: "I have spent the day in a warm flood Reagan was shown a news account of In powerful land-based missiles while the two ings on U.S. and Soviet strategic nuclear forces of nostalgia." Ustinov's remarks after his speech and had no superpowers slash their arsenals of nuclear and. Reagan told the Mothers' Day commence- Probing for a Soviet reaction, the president reaction, said Larry Speakes, the White House warheads by one-third. ment ceremony he h . ea negotiations can begin had told President Leonid I. Brezhnev in a letter spokesman. Speakes said the Soviet official's "The momumental task of reducing and by June. Friday what he would say in yesterday's speech. article was not considered a response to Re- reshaping our strategic forces to enhance stabll- The arms control proposal came on a day of While there was no direct Soviet response, agan's proposal. | iUty will take many ye. » of concentrated ef- high emotion for Reagan. Defense Minister Dimitri F. Ustinov accused An authoritative reply would have to come fort," Reagan said in outlining his proposal He was flooded with personal reminders of the United States of "openly hostile policies" in from Brezhnev directly, said U.S. officials. yesterday at Eureka College, his alma mater. the four years he spent as a scholarship student an article yesterday in Pravda, the Communist See Nuclear, page A3 PRESIDENT REAGAN Nominee's credentials Britain attacks questioned Argentines as NEWARK (AP) - New Jersey officials say they will carefully consider evidence that Ronald H. Lewis, the would-be state education commissioner, may have plagiarized large portions of his doctoral dissertation ' talks progress nine years ago. At least 66 of the 111 pages of Lewis' paper were By The Associated Press A spokesman said the 25 crewmen abandoned copied virtually verbatim ship and surrendered, and the ship was also and without acknowl- Britain put new pressure on Argentina with a taken into custody. One Argentine sailor was edgement from books and resumption of attacks in the South At'antic war reported killed, one seriously injured and 12 state studies, The Star- zone, and a U.N. spokesman reported "substan- others slightly hurt. Ledger of Newark re- tial progress" in negotiations to get peace talks . Press Association, Britain's domestic news ported in yesterday's edl- started. agency, said the ship's crew included an Argen- Lewl> tions. Roalilor photo by Jimll J. Connolly The British said their ships and aircraft tine naval officer, Lt. Cmdr. Gonzales Llanos. The nomination of Lewis, deputy education SILENT VIGIL —Mothers, fathers and children witness for peace on Riverside Avenue in bombarded Argentine military targets around The agency's correspondent aboard the Hermes, secretary of Pennsylvania, is scheduled to be Red Bank Yesterday, carrying placards asking for nucJear disarmament in the world. the airfield at Stanley, the Falklands capital; an Peter Archer, said the Narwal had been ordered formally submitted to the state Senate today. Argentine helicopter was shot down, and an out of the 200-mile "total exclusion zone" last The job, which carries with it a five-year term, Argentine fishing factory ship that appeared to week by a British frigate. Cmdr. Gonzales would pay $70,000 a year. be spying was captured in the British blockade Llanos. But Carl Golden, a spokesman for Gov. zone around the islands. Argentina claimed the Narwal was sunk in Thomas H. Kean, said the governor's office Mothers spend day After four days without a military attack, the British air attack and British jets machine- would study the thesis, adding, "If there is any ships from the British battle fleet moved close gunned the ship's lifeboats, forcing the crewmen substance to the allegations, we'll have to take a to shore to bombard the Stanley airfield area, a into the frigid South Atlantic. look and see what we'll do." British correpondent reported from the task The British said the Argentines were lying. Golden said the governor's staff hoped to force flagship Hermes. "The Ministry of Defense deplores these receive a copy of the dissertation as early as in a vigil for peace At the same time, Britain said its Sea Har- allegations which are, of course, completely today. rier jets strafed the Argentine positions from without foundation," said spokesman Ian "Once we take a look at It, there could be a the air. British correspondents with the battle McDonald. RED BANK - Nearly 90 members and visible signs of encouragement for the 1-3 p.m. meeting between Lewis and the governor or the fleet reported a missile fired by a British war- As the fighting resumed around the friends of the Shrewsbury Witness for Peace vigil. governor's staff,'' he said. ship shot down an Argentine helicopter engaged Falklands, U.N. Secretary-General Javier spent Mother's Day quietly but visibly in a "Our signs spoke louder than words," Schaf- Golden would not directly answer whether in "air combat" over the Stanley airfield. Perez de Cuellar reported "progress" in his sidewalk march for peace. fel said. The signs carried by witnesses included the governor would reconsider his nomination of Argentina reported a 50-mlnute British at- efforts to bring the two nations to the peace, The witnesses hoped to direct their appeal ones which read: "Mothers Unite For Peace," Lewis if the doctorate was in fact plagiarised. tack on Stanley and the nearby town of Darwin. table. A spokesman for the secretary-general for an end to the arms race at women whose "Mothers Want An End To The Arms Race" "We'd prefer to see for ourselves the ac- The Argentine account gave no word of casual- described the progress as "substantial." children might suffer its consequences — all and "A-Bombs Are Bad For The Health Of curacy of the allegations," he said. ties. Britain said its jets returned safely. "We have made progress on some points, mothers. John P. Rusao, chairman of the Senate Judi- Mothers And Children." and on others I need some more clarification," Grace Schaffel, spokesman for the group, It was the first fighting reported in the South ciary Committee, which must approve the nomi- "If the mothers of the world aren't con- Perez de Cuellar told reporters last night after said the purpose of yesterday's march along Atlantic since an Argentine warplane hit the nation if it Is to be passed on to the full Senate cerned about peace for their children, then I his second day of separate meetings at U.N. Riverside Avenue between Allen and Morford British destroyer Sheffield last Tuesday with a for consideration, said yesterday "there Is guess no one is," Schaffel declared. headquarters in New York with Sir Anthony places was to state by silence that everyone can French-built missile, killing 20 crewmen, and a going to be some considerable scrutiny" of But, she added, peaceful supporters here Parsons, Britain's ambassador to the United works toward an end to the arms race. British jet was downed attacking the Stanley Lewis' credentials. yesterday covered a "broad spectrum" of peo- Nations, and Argentine Deputy Foreign Min- The persons In the vigil passed, ironically, in airfield. "I don't want to prejudge the man, but it ple — including one man who carried a sign ister Enrique Ros. More talks were set for front of a funeral home during their walk. causes me some concern, said Russo, D- Identifying himself as a "Father For A Nuclear The attack followed reports that the Argen- today. The group, which was an outgrowth of the Ocean. "It is something we are going to look Freese." tines had repaired the runway at Stanley, re- Shrewsbury Friends Meeting, held their witness "We had a discussion of a number of de- Into quite throughly and get some answers to." There were other Mother's Day peace dem- portedly knocked out in two previous British across the street from the Molly Pitcher Inn, tailed points and on a number of points a con- Judiciary Committee hearings are expected raids, and was airlifting supplies to the Island Schaffel said, in hopes that families celebrating onstrations around the nationyesterday, includ- siderable amount of progress has been made, to open later this month. garrison in defiance of a British blockade. But Mother's Day there would respond to the ing ones in Boston, Minneapolis and Terre but there are still some very important issues to State Sen. John P. Gallagher, R-Monmouth correspondents with the British fleet said Har- message. Haute, Ind. be resolved," Parsons said. and Middlesex, a member of the Judiciary Com- rier jets had turned back Argentine C-130 mili- mittee, said Usuflght that, "if the story is true, "Some mothers even joined us," Schaffel In Boston, approximately 1,500 persons tary transports escorted by Mirage jet fighters.
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