Hoofprints A bi-monthly publication for local history groups May/June 2018 Volume 22, Issue 5 For more information contact: Jeff Mammenga, South Dakota State Historical Society, 900 Governors Dr., Pierre, SD 57501 Phone — (605) 773-6000; Fax — (605) 773-6041; Email — [email protected]; Website — www.history.sd.gov Field Reports Trail of Governors statues tell historical stories of state The City of Fort Pierre, Fort Pierre Development Corporation and the Fort Pierre Tourism and On Friday, June 15, the Trail of Promotion Council have an excit- Governors Foundation unveiled their ing lineup of Fort Pierre summer latest three statues in Pierre— events, 56 to be exact! From rodeos Governors William McMaster, Merrill to farmer’s markets and concerts to Q. Sharpe, and Ralph Herseth. Seven paddleboat cruises, the summer years ago, the Foundation announced months are going to be jam packed their ambitious plan to commission with something for everyone of all statues of all our former governors of ages in Fort Pierre! the state and purposefully place them The Silver Spur is sponsoring to form a trail around the Capitol a concert series. Lonestar and Complex and downtown Pierre. Over Westbound will perform at the the past six years, the Foundation has Spur July 13, and Exile with Danny created a trail of 19 statues, and now Hall and the Joe Creek Band Au- will be adding these three statues this gust 18. Drifters Bar & Grille is summer. The trail currently includes hosting summer patio sessions eve- the statues of Governors Arthur Mel- From the SDSHS Director ry Thursday night with such sing- lette, Charles Herreid, Robert Vessey, ers and musicians as Minority Peter Norbeck, Warren Green, Tom Falls, Trevor Green, Lance Speers, Berry, Leslie Jensen, Harlan Bush- Library Prophet, Trap Kit, Andrea field, George T. Mickelson, Sigurd Royer and Katie Dwyer. Anderson, Joe Foss, Nils Boe, Frank Of course, there’s the annual Farrar, Richard Kneip, Harvey Woll- parade and rodeo on July 4. Trader man, William Janklow, George S. Days will be held August 14-18, Mickelson, Walter Dale Miller and M. leading into and including the State Michael Rounds. Lopez, James Michael Maher, Lee Leun- 4-H Rodeo Finals. The Dakota ing and Sherri Treeby, and James Van Western Heritage Festival and Stir- The remarkable aspect of this Nuys have provided the people of South ling Ranch Rodeo is Sept.14-16. project is that the statues, which cost Dakota with an incredible gift. The gov- Beginning June 12, Fort Pierre $72,000 each, are privately funded. ernors are not portrayed so much as poli- is once again holding their weekly The Foundation, state government, ticians, but as individuals who had ca- Farmer’s Market every Tuesday and the City of Pierre work together to reers before and after serving as gover- night, complete with activities, determine the location and placement nor. For example, the three statues un- games, music and a fundraising of the individual statues. At the end of veiled this year show Governor McMas- meal. Governor Dennis Daugaard’s term, the ter sitting on a bench with a gas can at A big event already occurred Foundation will have only nine more his feet because McMaster took on June 25-July 1, when Fort Pierre statues to erect—Governors Charles Standard Oil over high gas prices while and Pierre hosted the Bassmasters H. Sheldon, Andrew Lee, Samuel El- serving as governor. Although he may Fishing Tournament. The well- rod, Coe Crawford, Frank Byrne, Carl not have been a fisherman, Governor known tournament has been called Gunderson, W. J. Bulow, Archie Gub- Sharpe is depicted holding a prize fish “the NASCAR series of fishing” brud and Dennis Daugaard. The num- because of his work getting the dams with first place paying out bers between completed and future built on the Missouri River and creating $100,000 and a total tournament statues do not work out because Gov- the recreational fishing industry in the prize of $638,000. ernor Janklow is counted twice as both state. Based on a photograph, the 27th and 30th governor. The Foundation and artists John See “More,” Page 2 See “Vogt,” Page 2 and a ball game. They also served a More Field Reports Scandinavian Smorgasbord for supper. Continued from Page 1 Vogt **** Continued from Page 1 “On The Prairie: The Art of Eu- gene Christopherson” is an exhibit on Robert and Jo Anna Warder of Hill display through Oct. 12 in the Mad- Governor Herseth is portrayed wearing City are the latest recipients for the sen/Nelson Galleries of the Fantle overalls leaning on a fence. His chil- South Dakota Railroad Hall of Fame, Building at the Center for Western dren said their memories of their dad as announced by the South Dakota Studies in Sioux Falls. In 1982, to were as a farmer. State Railroad Museum in Hill City. honor “The Little House on the Prai- The Warders were presented with a The portrayal of each governor rie” television show, the East Palestine Lifetime Achievement Award during a tells a story itself. People can also learn China Company commissioned South special railroad history banquet in May about these important leaders by using Dakota artist Eugene Christopherson at Mount Rushmore. The Railroad Mu- their cell phones at each statue. They to create 12 paintings for a collector’s seum has a book, “The Badlands give us a peek into the history of these plate series. In March of 2017, the 12 Route,” coming out this fall. The book, men and an understanding of our original oil paintings Christopherson a partnership between author Gary Hol- state’s political history. Governor Mel- created for the series became part of zinger and the museum and its project lette led us from being a territory to a the Center’s Fine Art Collection. This partners, chronicles the construction, state. Governor Vessey founded the series, together with several other prai- operations and rebirth of the Milwau- South Dakota Retailers Association. rie-inspired Christopherson paintings, kee Road’s Mitchell to Rapid City line Progressive Governor Norbeck was a is now on display. from the 1870s until today. The esti- surveyor and well-driller. Governor mated release date of this book is Oct. Green illustrates the wind and grass- **** 1. The museum in Hill City will be hoppers of the “Dirty Thirties.” Gover- open daily from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Moun- nors Anderson and Foss are placed The Brookings County Historical tain time through Oct. 14. outside the state government office Society held a grand opening for its buildings named in their honor. Gover- Horse-Drawn Museum in Volga. More **** nor Boe is featured with his dog, Bea- than 1,000 people attended the day’s gle Boe. Governor Farrar is represent- events. More than 1,200 people went A bronze statue of legendary cow- ed running because he became a triath- through the museum buildings later at boy Casey Tibbs riding “The Old Grey lete in retirement. Governor Janklow is Volga’s Old Timers Day. The society Mare” was unveiled June 2 at the Ca- shown holding a megaphone at Spen- raised funds with a silent auction of sey Tibbs Rodeo Center in Fort Pierre. cer following the F4 tornado in 1998. wine with a special, collectible 50th The Tibbs statue was placed alongside anniversary museum label “Sod Bust- a 2013 bronze of Billy Etbauer. Next If you have not followed the Trail er’s Delight … plow ‘til sundown” year, a third statue, of Clint Johnson, of Governors, I encourage you to do and raffling off a painting. will be added. Tibbs was a nine-time so. On the Saturday following this World Champion, with six of those year’s unveiling ceremony, the inaugu- **** championships in bronc riding. Etbauer ral Run with the Govs took place. This won five World Champion bronc riding fund-raising event took runners past all The Brown County Historical titles and Johnson won four. That night the existing governor statues. I partici- Society announced its annual Histori- the center hosted the 25th annual Casey pated in the four-mile run, but I walked cal Research and Writing Awards for Tibbs Match of Champions, drawing (at a quick pace). Eighty-nine-year-old Northern State University and Presen- more than 1,700 bronc riding fans. Governor Farrar ran in the event, as did tation College students in Aber- Mark Mickelson, son of Governor deen. First place went to Pamela Gru- **** George S. Mickelson and grandson of ba (NSU) for her paper titled “The Governor George T. Mickelson. The Second Wounded Knee: An Effectual The Tri-State Museum in Belle Run with the Govs was a wonderful Response to Centuries of Injustic- Fourche received a donation of three experience, but not a way I would rec- es.” Kirby Kragenbring (PC) received vintage cameras, just in time for the ommend seeing the statues. However, second place for his paper on June 16 opening of the museum’s new if you follow the trail, I encourage you “Minnesota’s Growth and its Contri- exhibit, “Picture That! The History of to also stop up at the Cultural Heritage bution to a Young United States,” and Photography.” The cameras were Center and visit the museum and/or Chase Sievers (NSU) received third brought to the museum by Belle archives. place for his paper on “The Allies of Fourche resident Karen McKelvie, her Joseph R. McCarthy.” Each of the The Trail of Governors is an daughter, Katie Satziner, and McKel- students received a certificate and a vie’s sister, Judy O’Connor.
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