Palmer Papers Index

Palmer Papers Index

PALMER PAPERS INDEX William, Mrs., 2880(3) John, 559, 1031 W. F., 1080 A Wm., 1284(2) Paula, 559 Alger Abbott Adams County Airoia Harry Leon, 2538 Edward W., 577 E. S., 1632 Joyce, Mrs., 1950 Robert Leroy, 2539 John, 1041 William, 2880 Ake Roland Tayler, 2539 Abraham Addams Jacob, 500, 518(2), Steven Woodward, 2539 Noah, Captain, 1077 John, 2261 520(2) Virginia Lee, 2539(2) Acker Addlesberger Mary, 518, 519 Allaman William, Mrs., 573 Leonard Dewey, 2540 Akins Adaline, 2110 Ackerman Linda Louise, 2540(2) Mrs., 1113, 1115 Alleman John, 512 Martha, 2517 Alabama Lottie, 3086 Adam & Eve, 1301 Adney Huntsville, 235, 348, P. K., 1523 Adams Ida Buterbaugh, 512 353, 1626, 1644 Paul K., 1535, 1616, Carolyn, 517 Adonis Albert 1618 Cecil, 514 John, 507 J. Paul, 567 Allen Charles, 514 Africa, 536 Lillian Smith, Mrs., 2451 Bernadine, 2060 Clara, 543 Agenbroad Alcorn Birdine, 1767, 1768 E. Lee, 517 Albert, 571 Male, 513 Dr., 505 Edward Lee, 517 Guy, 571 Aldinger F. A., 524 Elmer C., 2058 Lewis W., 571 Joseph, 2699 Jacob, 1182, 1236 Emily Lite, 517 Aggie Alexander Judith, 537 Farm, 2944 Allen, 1394 Aaron, 764, 770, 991, L. R., 537 Franklin, 444 Ann, 1387, 1394 2266 Larry, 537 Harry L., 1951 Ellen, 1387 Al, 517 Laura, 3086 J. E., 2058 Jack, 1387, 1394 Bobby Dell, 541 Maggie Belle, 1182 Jacob, 1799 Agnew, 249 David, 764, 991, 2266 Mary, Mrs., 1146 James Truslow, 2454 D. Hays, Dr., 1577(4), Ebersole, 517 Naomi, 557 John, 510, 1762 1608, 1673 Elias, 88 Robert, 537 Lilly Catherine (Shannon), D. Hays, Prof., 1578 Elizabeth, 2490, 2498 Ronald, 537 2292 David, 1578 Francis, 2009, 2010(2) Royer, 544 Lucinda Jane, 2663 David Hays, 249 Gary, 541 Senator, 2307(2) Mabel, Mrs., 2852 Dr., 1578(2), 1673 Hannah, 233, 348, 366 Susanna, 537 Male, 547, 2108 Family, 1608 Hez, 2967 William H., 3091 Margaret, 510 James, 1578, 2588, John, 700, 732 William, Hon., 2306 Martha, 2290 2595(4), 2603, 2628, Laura Ann, 2576 Aller Martin, 1977 2641 Levinia, 2414 Emma, 558 Mary J., 519 James, Col., 1856(2) Lucy, 516 Allin Minerva, 510 Male, 1856 Mary Elizabeth, 541 Wm., 1799 Molly, 510 Mary Erwin, 1578 Maude Harrod, 1079, Allis Mrs., 226 Robert, Dr., 1577 1099 Nicholas, 2018 Norwood, 2058 Surgeon, 1577 Maude Harrod Roberts, Allison Peter, 1799 Aiken 1085 John, 2882 Petunia, 510 John, 526 Mrs., 1080 John, Esq., 1314, 1637(2) Piney, 510 Aikman Mrs. W. F., 1080 William, 241, 1314(3) Preston, 2290 Alexander, 1031 Nathaniel, 88, 860 Allman Robert, 51, 503 Benjamin, 1031(2) O. B., 541 David, 541 Robert Franklin, 510 Elizabeth, 1025, 1031(2), Olney Bryant, Jr., 541 Allstrom William, 51, 226, 1273, 1032(3), 1035, 1037, Richard, 42 Joyce, 576 1274(2), 1291, 1293, 1040, 1043(2), 1046, Susan, 2334, 2336, 2351 Alpin 2880, 2881, 2883, 1047, 1049, 1051, Susanna, 1635, 2287, Christine, 541 Alrichs 2884, 2898(2) 1052, 1053 2288, 2311, 2360 Herman Edward, 241 William, Esq., 1291, 2880 Jack, 559 Susannah, 2758 Alsace Lorraine, 2213 William, Jr., 2880 James, 1031 Trudy Ann, 541 1 PALMER PAPERS INDEX Alter George, 520, 1793 Sarah Ann, 509 Avis Shannon, 61, 147, Fred, 404 Gilbert, 2092 Spence, 509 440 Altman Henry, 1818, 2024 William Thomas, 509 B. Frank, 156, 163 Solomon, 520 Humphrey, Mr., 2308 Angel B. Franklin, 171 Alvey Irma, 1324 Eleanor, 3023 Barbara, 30, 205, 1781 Julia Jones, Mrs., 2492, Isabella, 2589, 2598, Jacob, Jr., 3023 Barbara Jane, 36(2), 2949 2497 2610 Angell Beatrice, 162 Julia, Mrs., 2479 Isabelle, 2592 John, 222 Benjamin, 41, 161 Richard H., 2479, 2492, J. M., 3088(3), 3089(6) Angels Bertha, 51, 209 2497 James, 520, 541, 2618 Henry, Sr., 144 Bertha Grace, 36, 2949 Alwine James, Rev., 1569, 2295 Angevine Bertha M., 51 Betty, 562 James Robert, 520 Ross, 2096 Bertie, 51 Ambrose Janet Arlene, 1256 Angle, 9, 20(2), 22(2), Betsy, 51 George, 2055 John, 2655(3), 2810 23, 30(2), 35, Betty Jane, 96, 134 36, 179, 181, Jack, 1305 John, Captain, 276 Beulah M., 42, 176 2213 Ramig, 1304 John Henry, 520 Beverly A., 42 A. C., 70, 97 Remig, 1305 John M., 3090(3) Bill, 35 America, 1402, A. E., 25, 3064 Joshua, 2600, 2602, Bishop, 1781 1404(2) Adaline, 51, 52, 209 2618(2) Blanch (Martin), 97 Ames Adam, 21 Lawrence, 2092 Blanche, 37(2) Esther, 533 Albert, 1419 Lester Leon, 2092 Bruce, 176 Frank B., 1038 Albert E., 20, 39, 176, Lillian Edna, 2092 Calvin, 176 Freeman, 1038 209(2), 883 Male, 547, 2586 Calvin S., 177 John, 1038 Albert Roscoe, 42 Martha M., 520 Caroline, 51 Mary, 279 Alice, 109, 110, 112, Mary Ann, 520 Caroline J., 1416 Richard, 1038 115, 116(2) Mary Hawbaker, 1156 Carolyn J., 1390 Stork P., 533 Alice J., 51 Merle D., 1217 Carolyn Joanna, 2560 Amherst Alice V., 150(2) Minnie, 520 Carolyn L., 42 General, 501 Alice Virginia, 112, 134 Nellie May, 2100(2) Carrie, 51 Amit Alvey, 177 Oliver, 1250, 1256, Carry, 162 Male, 548 Amanda C. (Hawbaker), 1258, 1870(2), 1871, Catharine, 20(3), 21, Amos 36 1883(2), 2022, 2296, 26(2), 33, 35(3), 38, Mary, 279 Amos, 42(2) 2810(2) 39, 47(2), 48, 59, 63, Anabaptists, 1402(2) Amos Allen, 42 Oliver Elliott, 2655 65, 66, 77, 95(2), Anders Angle, 3024, 3064 Oliver, Pvt., 1250 109, 110(3), 112, Emory William, 2058 Anna, 112, 115, 209 R., 2599 115, 117, 118, 121, Norman Franklin, 2058 Anna B., 176 Anderson Robert, 1252 152, 192, 195, Anna Bell, 51(2), 109 A., 3086 Sallie, 1074 212(2), 214, 215, Anna M., 115, 153 A. O., 1250 Samuel Blake, 520 217, 218, 397, 448, Annie, 96, 118 Alberta, 2092 Sarah, 2810 987, 1419, 1448, Annie Elnora, 110 Axel, Mrs., 1217(2) Sarah Catherine, 520 1468, 3065 Annie Elnora (Gift), 41 Bertha, 535 Velma, 2093 Catharine Marie, 60 Annie Louis, 61 Casandria, Miss, 2309 William, 520 Catharine (Martin), 23, Annie M., 116 Chester A., 1250, 2901, Andrew 2830 Annie May, 115, 208 2938 Barbara, 2337 Catharine Martin, 1463 Arden, 209 Elizabeth, 514 James, 1827 Catharine (Zug), 36 Andrews Arlene, 177 Elizabeth Jane, 520 Catharine Zug, 845 Frank R., Mrs., 80 Arthur Bruce, 178 Frank, 165 Catherine, 96, 131, Letitia Olive, 509 Audrey Maxine, 37 Frank, Mrs., 82 133(4) Patience, 509 Aves, 37 Frank R., 79 Cemetery, 21(2), 62(2), Ruth E. P., Mrs., 873, Aves E., 37 Franklin, Mrs., 1324 63(2), 72, 94, 218 875 Avis, 3049 G. R., 3086, 3095 Charles H., 52 Avis S., 814 2 PALMER PAPERS INDEX Chester McClain, 162 Doris Jean, 42, 2560 Ethan Allen, 42, 479 H. B., 1370, 3090(2) Clan, 19 Dorothy J., 42 Eugene A., 208 H. C., 2755 Clara Emma, 177, 208 Dorothy Margaret, 42 Eva, 36, 2949(2) H. Raymond, 171, 176 Clarence, 2272, 3111 Douglas, 160 Eva Grace, 70, 97 Hamilton, 36, 99, 171, Clarence Paul, 42(2), 51, E. J., Dr., 121, 1781 Evelyn, 52, 96 174 184 Earl Amos, 42 Evelyn E., 41 Harold, 42(2), 160 Clayton, 36, 99, 171 Edith, 176, 177 Family, 31, 35, 78, 123, Harold Edwin, 37 Clayton Frederick, 42 Edith Mary, 115, 116, 129, 1321, 2590, Harriet, 213 Clayton G., 42 176 2633, 2762, 3043 Harrison, 100, 109, Clinton, 36, 99, 171, 175 Edna Lucretia, 61 Fannie, 52 110(2), 112(2), Clyde, 51 Edward, 52 Farm, 675, 788, 1419 115(3), 116, 192, 218 Daniel, 19, 20, 33, 35(3), Eleanor, 23, 26(4), 77, Farmers Hope, 188 Harry, 52, 112, 115(2), 36(2), 43, 50(2), 63, 148, 149, 152, 167, Father, 70 1323 77, 86(2), 88, 89(3), 316, 3024 Female, 41 Harry C., 116 92, 94, 95(2), 100, Eleanor (Bowles), 26 Florence, 51(2) Harry D., 171, 176(2) 111, 121, 140(2), Eleanor Bowles, 62 Florence (Snively), 37 Harry David, 177 152, 172, 192, 193, Eliza Jane, 94(3), 150(2) Frank, 153, 161, 2752 Harry E., 1959 214, 218, 973, 2221, Elizabeth, 23, 26(2), 33, Franklin, 36, 99 Harry Lester, 42 2371 34(4), 35(4), 36, 52, Fred, 88, 89(2), 96, 97, Harry M., 52 Daniel Omar, 37(2) 62, 63, 77, 81, 82, 150, 487 Harry Vincent, 61, 147 Dan'l, 33, 193 84, 85, 89, 90, 91, Fred Fechtig, 112 Hazel Catharine, 42 David, 20, 21(2), 22(3), 92, 101, 109(4), Fred G., 153 Hazel Louisa, 208 27, 33(2), 34(2), 121(3), 140, 148, Frederick, 70, 84, 85, Hazel Martin, 1410 35(3), 36(2), 48, 149(2), 152, 165, 89(2), 90, 92(2), 93, Hazel, Miss, 153 52(2), 62, 63, 77(2), 172, 180(3), 192, 94(4), 95(2), 96, 101, Hazel Ruth, 2517 90, 91, 92, 95(2), 99, 193, 207, 209, 215, 140, 150(3), 214(3), Hazel Virginia, 1416 101, 108, 112, 476, 483(2), 485, 485, 488 Heinerich, 35, 179 113(3), 115, 121, 486, 487(2), 488, Frederick County, 483 Heinrich, 140, 195, 397, 129, 140(2), 149, 489, 490, 1448, 1456 G. Fred, 84(2), 94(2), 95, 476 171, 172, 181, Elizabeth Brewer, 78 134, 175 Helen, 96, 178 189(4), 192(3), 193, Elizabeth Crall, 192 G. Ralph, 51 Helen Bernice, 42 207, 218, 471, 483, Elizabeth, Mrs., 140 Gary Lee, 42(2) Helen E., 41, 51, 89, 214 485, 487, 488, 490, Ellen, 79, 82 George, 99 Helen Grace, 37 585, 1136 Elmer, 214 George Clayton, 42 Henerich, 90 David D., 42 Elmer Eyerly, 115, 116(2) George Frederick, 134 Henry, 17, 19(2), 20(2), David M., 26(3), 142(2), Elmira, 95, 140 George O.

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