KILQUADE PARISH NEWSLETTER The Ascension of The Lord Year B: 13th May 2018 St. Patrick’s St. Joseph’s St. Anthony’s Carmelite Church Holy Spirit Oratory Kilquade Newtown Kilcoole Delgany Newcastle Mark's abrupt transition from Ascension to action makes his meaning clear. The Ascension isn't just about Jesus. It's about us. Are we ready to go? Are we ready to be commissioned? This is the heart of the As- cension message -Jesus leaves so we can go. We might not "go into the whole world," but we all live in a corner of it. The command to "proclaim the Gospel" isn't a call for everyone to be formal preachers of the Word. We do, however, proclaim our beliefs with the way we live our lives. Do our lives proclaim Easter joy? " The Ascension is an interesting feast when you think about it. We celebrate Jesus leaving! Jesus' first depar- ture from the earth was sudden and unexpected, at least to his followers. That Good Friday departure was characterized by sorrow, confusion, and loss. This de- parture has a different feel: anticipation. Today's Gospel is full of the mighty deeds Jesus pre- ST. ANTHONY’S CHURCH, KILCOOLE, dicts for his followers. "In my name they will drive out CELEBRATES 50 YEARS AT THE HEART demons, they will speak new languages. They will pick OF THE COMMUNITY: up serpents [with their hands], and if they drink any deadly thing it will not harm them. They will lay hands St. Anthony’s church was officially opened in July 1968. on the sick, and they will recover." We are planning a year of celebrations marking it's Mark's account of the Ascension is abrupt and succinct. place in our community. On Sunday 29th July to mark "Then the Lord Jesus, after he spoke to them, was tak- it’s 50th anniversary Mass will be celebrated in en up into heaven." Jesus ascends and the Apostles St. Anthony’s Church, Kilcoole at 12 Noon. go. "But they went forth and preached everywhere." (There will be no 10.30 Mass in Kilcoole on that day). The real moment likely had a bit of lag time. Realistical- Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, Kilquade will be ly, the Apostles had quite the task in front of them. Can you imagine those first few moments on the hilltop after celebrated at 10.30 am that day in lieu of 12 noon. Jesus disappeared, as the Apostles met each other's . eyes? "This is it. He really is gone this time. It's up to us now." WELCOME TO OUR PARISH If you are a new parishioner or just visiting Kilquade you are very welcome and we, the existing community, hope you feel at home. Our parish incorporates the villages of Kilquade, Kilcoole, Kilpedder, Newcastle, Newtown- mountkennedy, Delgany and the surrounding country- side. If you are new to the parish please make yourself known to one of the priests of the parish. Be sure to visit our parish website www.kilquadeparish.ie. HOSPITAL & HOME VISITATION: If you know of a parishioner who is sick and would like a visit please don’t hesitate to contact one of the priests or the parish office. KILQUADE PARISH OFFICE: The parish office is situated behind St. Patrick’s church in Kilquade. The parish office is open Monday to Thursday from 10am to 1pm. Our parish secretary Una Kennedy will help you with any enquiries at 01-2819658 THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD PREPARATION FOR BAPTISM: Our new ap- proach to preparation for the Sacrament of Baptism here Sat 7pm Vigil: St. Joseph’s: Newtown in the pastoral area of the parishes of Greystones and Sat 8pm Vigil: Holy Spirit Oratory: Newcastle Kilquade is now well in place. The purpose of the prepa- ration programme is to support parents in reflecting on Sun. 8.30am: St. Joseph’s: Newtown the significant step they are taking in bringing their child Sun. 9.30am: Carmelite Monastery: Delgany to be baptised into the Christian Community. A new ele- Sun. 10.30am: St. Anthony’s: Kilcoole ment in the programme is the Welcoming Ceremony. Sun. 11.30am: St. Joseph’s: Newtown This is a way of bringing the celebration of baptism into Sun. 12 noon: St. Patrick’s: Kilquade the community. Within it we will introduce the children to Sun. 6.30pm: St. Anthony’s Kilcoole the Christian community to which they will belong and Pastoral Area of Kilquade/Greystones become a part of, as they grow in their faith. Parents will present their child to the community. The child will also be anointed on the heart at this time. Baptisms take KILQUADE PARISH: place on different weekends in St. Joseph’s, Newtown, Fr. John Daly, P.P.: 086 2365194 St. Patrick’s, Kilquade and St. Anthony’s, Kilcoole. Reg- Email: [email protected] istration for Baptism and the preparation programme Fr. Eamonn Clarke: 01 2876207 is managed by the parish office at 01 2819658. Canon Sean Smith: 01 2819253 KILQUADE PARISH PARISH PASTORAL WORKER: Paul Thornton: 0851259753. INCOME & EXPENDITURE MARCH 2018 Email: [email protected] INCOME KILQUADE PARISH OFFICE: Family Offering € 4,089 Secretary: Una Kennedy Mon - Thurs. 10am – 1pm. Tel: 01 2819658. Shrines, Mass Cards etc € 1,130 Email: [email protected] Weddings & Donations € 2,350 Website: www.kilquadeparish.ie Total Income € 7,569 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: EXPENDITURE President: Fr. John Daly. Chair: Rachel Kerrigan. Salaries, Wages, & Honoraria € 4,349 CHILD SAFEGUARDING: Repairs & Maintenance € 231 Frances Stephenson & Mary Shiel Light & Heat € 1,200 (contact through parish office) GREYSTONES PARISH: Parish Running Costs € 5,068 Fr. John Daly, P.P.: 086 2365194 Total Expenses €10,848 Email: [email protected] Net Deficit for Month (€ 3,279) Fr. Denis Quinn: 01 2877025 Fr. Gerard Young: 01 2874278 1st & 2nd collections at each Mass Fr. Joseph Apust (Parish Chaplain) go directly to the Dublin Diocese. ence. There is no logical or scientific basis for consid- ering, on the one hand, a born child to be a person with all the rights that this involves and, on the other hand, an unborn child to be a non-person. The distinct identi- ty of a human individual is already present once fertili- SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATIONS: Our boys sation has taken place. Everything else is simply the and girls from Kilcoole School celebrated being Con- process of growth and development of a person who firmed in their faith last Friday morning. This coming has already embarked on the journey of life. Friday we have boys and girls from Newtownmountken- For us, as Christians, there is no conflict between faith nedy School celebrating their Confrmation. On Pente- and reason. Just as reason leads us to recognise the cost Sunday it will be boys and girls from the Ch. of Ire. continuity of every human life, from fertilisation to natu- & Ed. Together schools being confirmed at the 10.30am ral death, so faith allows us to see each person as hav- Mass in Kilcoole. Over the coming weeks of Eastertide ing his or her origins in the intention of God and his or we will be celebrating our 1st Holy Communion and her fulfilment in eternal life. This belief, expressed in Confirmation ceremonies. These are special days not various ways in the Bible, is presented very beautifully only for our boys and girls but for the whole community by Pope Francis in his 2016 publication The Joy of as we celebrate our young people growing in faith. Love. He says: Please do keep our young people in your prayers over these coming weeks. “The gift of a new child, entrusted by the Lord to a fa- WEDDING BELLS: Congratula- ther and a mother, begins with acceptance, continues tions to Eva Alford & Mark Twomey with lifelong protection and has as its final goal the joy who were married in St. Patrick’s of eternal life. ….. So great is the value of a human life, church, Kilquade on Saturday 5th May and so inalienable the right to life of an innocent child May the Lord help them to deepen growing in the mother’s womb, that no alleged right to their love for one another in the years ahead. one’s own body can justify a decision to terminate that life, which is an end in itself and which can never be REST IN PEACE: We pray for the considered the “property” of another human be- repose of the soul of Rita Gregory, New- ing.” (Extract from Irish Bishops Pastoral Letter) castle who’s Requiem Mass was celebrat- ed on Monday 7th May in St. Anthony’s THE KILQUADE CUP: is an Church, Kilcoole We offer our sympathy to her family & annual golf outing held in Delgany friends. May she rest in peace. Golf Club to raise funds for the par- ROSARY AT THE MASS ROCK ish of Kilquade, which includes IN MAY: Come and Pray the Holy Kilquade, Kilpedder, Delgany, Kil- coole, Newcastle and Newtown. Rosary every Friday in May at 7.30pm th in honour of Our Blessed Lady and also This year’s outing is on Friday, May 25 , with tee to pray for the protection of the life of the times between 9.00am and 4.00pm. Cost of golf €120 unborn. The Mass Rock is at Chapel River, Timore per team of 4. Sponsor a hole €130 We welcome teams Lane, Killadreenan, Newtownmountkennedy. (near Ab- & sponsorship. Reservation: For Tee Times please woods Sheds). Everyone Welcome. contact John Byrne now at 086 4021120. A raffle in conjunction with the golf will take place. We welcome CEMETERY SUNDAY MASS & BLESSING more prizes for the raffle.
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