DATUK MOHD. SALLEH TUN MOHD. SAID, Ketua Menteri Sabah. [No. PBN. 260 Vol. IVl(73) THE FOREST ENACTMENT 1968 THE FOREST (DANUM VALLEY CONSERVATION AREA) RULES, 1996 In exercise of the powers confcrrcd upon him by section 42 of the Forest Enactment 1968, the Chief Minister hcreby makes the following rules: Citation, 1. (1) Thcse rules may be cited as the Forest (Danum Valley conservation commence- Area) Rules 1996 and shall be dcemcd to have come into operation on 1st ment and application. December, 1995. (2) The privileges and conditions declared in these rules shall apply to the area of the Danum Valley Forcst Rcscrve as delineated on F.D. Plan No. 91188C (hereinafter called "the Reserve"). 2. (1) There shall be established the Danum Valley Conservation Area Management Management Committee (hereinafter callcd "the Management Committee") to advise the Director on the conservation and protection of the Reserve as a permanent tropical rain forest for the purposes of scientific rcsearch, recreation, and protection of ecology, environmcnt and climatic condition. (2) The membership of the Managemcnt Committee shall consist of the following: (a) the Director of Forest Department or his rcprescnlative; (6) a representative of the Sabah Foundadon;. (C) a representative of the Univcrsity Malaysia Sabah; (d) a representative of the Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Development; (e) a representative of the Dcpartment of Wildlife; (f3 a representative of the Sabah Parks; (g) a representative of the Sabah Muscum; (h) a representative of the National University of Malaysia; (i) a representative of the Forcst Research Institute of Malaysia; (j) a representative of the Agriculture Univcrsity of Malaysia; and (k) a representative of thc Univcrsity Malaysia Sarawak. (3) Thechairmanof LheManagement Committceshall beappointed by the Chief Minister of Sabah on rotation among thc following: (a) the Director of Forest or his rcprcsenlativc: (b) the representative of Sabah Foundation; (c) the representative of he Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Development; and (d) the representative of Univcrsity Malaysia Sabah: Provided that notwithstanding the almvc provision, thc Chief Minister may in his absolute discretion appoint such pcrson as hc may dccm fit to be the Chairman. (4) The Chairman shall hold office for a tcrm of two years from the date of his appointment. (5) The Secretary shall be appointed by thc Managcmcnt Committee from among persons sewing in the Sabah Foundation for such period as may be determined by the Management Committee. (6) The Management Committee shall have the powcrs to determine its own procedure. Role of the 3. The role of the Management Committee shall be to plan, co-ordinate, Management Committee. facilitate, monitor and evaluate the following management objectives for the Reserve: (i) the protection in perpetuity of as much as possible of the biological diversity, expressed at genetic, individual, sub-species, species, habitat and ecosystcm lcvels of organisation; (ii) the promotion of rcscarch into all aspects of the composition and functioning of the Rcscrvc's ccosystcm including comparative studies of disturbancc and recovcry processes following logging of nearby areas; (iii) thc promotion of education and training in conservation, natural history, ecology, forestry and related sciences; (iv) the promotion of thc Rcscrve for appropriate recreation and nature tourism, providcd such activities do not significantly compromise thc managcmcnt objcclivcs statcd above; and (v) integration of thc objectives for thc Reserve with other planned development in surrounding areas so as to create a model forest management arca in Ulu Scgama that combines conservation, forcstry and nature tourism activities on a sustainable long-term basis. Powers and 4. The Managemcnt Committees shall have the following functions and functions of the Manage- powers: ment Com- mittee. (i) to invite othcr organisations including overseas organisations into the Managemcnt Committee on an ad hoe basis; (ii) to forge relationship with local or overseas organisations for the purpose of rcscarch, conscrvation and education; (iii) to advise on any proposal for development within the Reserve; (iv) to assess, accept and rcjcct any proposed research to be carried out within the Rescrvc; (v) to address appropriately the findings of research in the national intercst; and (vi) to advise on guidclincs of the role of collaborators. Day -today 5. Without prejudice to thc duties and powers of the Director and other manage- ment. forest officers under the Forest Enactment, 1968, the day-to-day management of Enactment the Reserve shall be c'arried out by thc Sabah Foundation which, in consultation No. 2 of 1968. with the Managemcnt Commiuce, may determine the procedure for the follow- ing matters: (a) the matrix of the managcment organisation; (6) the control and regulation of entry of persons into the Reserve including the regulation of the period durinp which persons may remain therein and the conditions under which they may do so; (C) establishment of such research centres, jungle lodges, observatory towers, cabins and other similar structures as may be deemed necessary to carry out the purposes of the Reserve; and (d) such other matters as may be necessary for the more effectually carryingout of its functions and duties in connection with theday- to-day management of the Reserve. Made at Kota Kinabalu, this 9th day of April, 1996. DATUK MOHD. SALLEH TUN MOHD. SAID, Chief Minisler of Sabah. DICETAK D1 JARATAN CETAK KERAJAAN, DATUK R:.I.D( GOLLNGI, Pa.DK.. WNCETAK KERAIAAN SARAII. MALAYSIA. P.K. CCU2 (L)- % .
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