Nova Southeastern University NSUWorks The urC rent NSU Digital Collections 10-21-1998 The Knight Nova Southeastern University Follow this and additional works at: http://nsuworks.nova.edu/nsudigital_newspaper NSUWorks Citation Nova Southeastern University, "The Knight" (1998). The Current. Paper 170. http://nsuworks.nova.edu/nsudigital_newspaper/170 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the NSU Digital Collections at NSUWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Current by an authorized administrator of NSUWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. •• t- t. j THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF NSU's Volume 9 Issue 4 FARQUHAR CENTE~FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES 21 October 1998 f-b T~ October Marks Awareness r'~,of Breast Cancer By AngelAii Doh3lilijl::~~=ra1l.~ent Contributing Writer cancer each year are over the age of to those who suffer with the disease. ............... 50. A family history of the disease With the recent discovery of the ••••••• 1\;$$Qij.ti~~.iil~ ....tig;~~w~',····· The month of October usually can also be a risk factor. However, genes which cause Breast Cancer, the . .. "Qlt·.lii:tg~~{<········· .. "",,', ......."". evokes.thoughts of carved pump- over 80% ofthe women diagnosed newly founded and highly debated kins and young children dressed in have no previous family history. In genetic testing allows individuals to costumes eager to collect all the such cases the causes are unknown determine if they carry the genes .. '.: ... :., -~>::::',::.,,': -.--::,:::.::::.:>:"::<.:::.:., ::-::. treats they can. Yet October marks which predispose them to Breast ".", ,. " ".'.'::.- , ,":':::::::-'.<:','::-::>.".",-,"." another significant event. It is a 7'- ~.do••1 Cancer.. month dedicated to Breast Cancer J6.....c C••en Still, the best defense is regular Awareness. Co.lido••,.U. ch.r self-examinations and breast exams. <Hape;;'7if!!i!1tii£fitlnil1gs·O,n¢attlPll$:Fngbt··· •• In recognition ofBreast Cancer fOO,OOO wo... Mammography is also an extremely . Deck"onjJage3.·· . Awareness M~nth, the Women's .el'o•• fI.e loll. win useful tool. Although not 100% ac- Resource Institute here at Nova ~. f h' curate, the procedure's early detec- Southeastern UDIversIty·· aI.ong WIt.h til. 1'0. f • c.nc... hon. has SlgDl"fiIcantIy reduce dt h e the NSU Support Group is sponsor- du.. .,fill r alo... number offatalities from Breast Can- ing an event entitled "Cutting Your cer. A healthy lifestyle is also im- ···Read.aooutath/etes!riJtnlVov(ls ..... Risk for areast Cancer." The NSU but one's lifestyle or environment, portant. States Suellen Fardelmann, W'omenVoJleyoallte(lm,in' . Support Group, which has regular among other things, are often attrib- Director of the Women's Resource ·"'[hrec·.Seriiorson·Women's meetings at Nova, is a group com- uted. Institute, "Exercise can also be ben­ Volleybal1 •••.•••." ••••• onpage ••• & prised of individuals who have ei- Breast Cancer Awareness has eficial. A lot isn't necessary, just a ther been diagnosed with or who grown considerably in the past sev- few times a week." have loved ones suffering from a life eral years. Early this year, President NSU's event will be held on Oc­ threatening disease. It provides Clinton proposed an increase in tober 28 from noon to I :00 p.m. It emotional support to its members. funding for cancer research in 1999 will take place in LaBonte Board Breast Cancer is major concern which would raise the funds for Room ofthe Horvitz Administration ReadtheEntertainmentsection .. and learn<aboul"lafThe for women today. Although heart Breast Cancerresearch to $650 mil- Building. Guest Speakers will in- .DarknUlJi~'6n page 10; disease is the leading cause ofdeath clude Sandy Blank from the Florida among women, Breast Cancer fol- elli'lEJ th-i1J 19·~fI1'n!li~1II~l' Breast Cancer Resource Network, lows close behind. The National CiiBUOU FroIUl••• .aD Nancy Leys, a registered nurse, and Breast Cancer Coalition states that lDen"•• h, rluuHIJ,for Gwen Feldman-Faylor, a licensed 500,000 women across the globe c$Uu:nrfuHunch 18 1'" Clinical Social Worker. Anyone in- will die from the cancer this year whleh wouhJ rattn fh. terestedinattendingshouldcontact Want.to.read.a1Jout.RestaurOs alone. Also, contrary to popular be-fila". lor :;n••f C••en Suellen Fardelmann at 262-8451. point.ofview?see·"Restaura lief,womenarenottheonlyvictims ••. ·It .. ~ &LIfO • '11,' . For more information on r .arc .0 tfI'IiI7 ....iO.' B C h E' 'L'b Cares"·on.Editoria/section ofBreast Cancer. 0 n th e contrary, "OaL iI. i .011'" reast ancer, t e mstem I rary f~' page15. 500 men m'h t eU . S . deve Iop Breast .... 7'1 .01'. r.,aD II J'. at N"ova s mam campus 0 lers van- Cancer every year. Several factors ous publications on the subject and increase one's risk. For instance, lion, 40% more than in 1998. This the Women's Research Institute 10­ according to research from the growing awareness has also given cated on the third floor ofthe Parker Mayo Clinic, the cancer is most rise to numerous new experimental Building can be very helpful. Also, Read·aboutNSUSGA·in likely to occur in women over the treatments. Drugs such as various sites on the Internet provide "Undergraduate.SGA.Does·lt age of 50. In fact, approximately angiostatin, endostatin, heceptin and interesting facts and statistics about Again,.Forthe.FirstTiIne.•." 77% of patients who develop the capectabine are offering new hope Breast Cancer. on page17. ~~~~~ 21 October 1998 SGA Has Lunch Resident Student Association is Forming Now! With The Dean By Jennifer Whitesel the laundry room, then this becomes Contributing Writer one ofour goals. RSA's main goal is institution, her first commitment is By Allyn-George Thomas to make the dorms a greater place to to form a Board of Advisors. The Student Government Do you want a coin machine for live. Board ofAdvisors will be members Association, IFC Senator the laundry room? Tons ofideas ofhow to betterthe of the community who will take an How about a huge Halloween campus are floating around. Soon active role in decisions made by the On Wednesday, September 15th, bash near the Rosenthal Student there will be a suggestion box in individual departments. ten members of the NSU Student Center in conjunction with The Goodwin's lobby to help gather the In order for the Dean to estab­ Government Association ate lunch Flight Deck? suggestions. So, do you want some­ lish more resources for undergradu­ with Norma Goonen, Dean of Un­ Maybe we can even rouse a little thing done? Don't JUST drop an idea ate students, the Dean has a system­ dergraduate Studies, and Don rivalry between the floors of Leo into the suggestion box, come to our atic plan to establish new majors and Rosenblum, Director ofStudent De'­ Goodwin Residence Hall. meetings and volunteer your time as bring back and/or revitalize old ma­ velopment and Retention. Although Ifthis sounds interesting to you, well as your suggestions. jors in the months and years to come. the hour and a half was titled there is a seat waiting for you in the RSA meets every other Sunday Some of the programs discussed "lunch," little eating took place. The Goodwin classroom every other at 9: 15 p.m. in the Goodwin Class­ were Foreign Languages, The Arts, dean shared her background, her Sunday night, with the Resident Stu­ room. Our next meeting is Novem­ and Secondary Education. Many of philosophies of higher education, dent Association. ber 9th. The more people involved, the current university staff and fac­ and her twenty-point goal to RSA is an organization com­ the quicker the changes will occur. If ulty are well-trained in the Arts and strenghten the reputation ofthe cur­ posed ofGoodwin residents aiming you have any questions about how to to utilize them for only elective rent undergraduate program. to make some positive changes on become involved, call Travis Hensley courses would be a great misfortune. In order to develop and expand NSU campus. For example, if the at 262-6442 or Anne Marie Poulos our school into a great educational The Foreign Language program will residents want a coin machine for see LUNCHon next page at 262-6364. COLLEGEOF PR.OFESSIONAT,1AN"D LIBERAT,1STUDIES REG~§lRA1KJ~ [FOf~ W~~lER ']~)~)~) Life isn't that hard. It's just those Winter 1999 Schedule of Classes are available from your damn tests that academic department. make it so difficult. I'! Schedule an ~ appointment now to see your advisor to .~ i complete your registrtion! When it comes to your future, those nasty tests can really get in 2! your way. Call Kaplan, the test prep experts, and learn how to ace "iii your tests without breaking a sweat. With 60 years of proven success £; 15 getting students into the schools of their choice, we're the #1 name ~ Student-Athletes Oct. 12-16 in test prep. Classes are filling up fast, so call today. J Seniors and Juniors (60+ credits) Oct. 19-23 ~ fA Sophomores (30+ credits) Oct. 26-30 .~ Freshmen (0-29 credits) Oct. 2-20 CALL 1-800 l!! ~ <II $ For additional info., contact your academic ~ www.kaplan.com c: KAP-TEST iii department. Please note there will be a late ~ registration fee if registered after Nov. 22, 1998. 21 October1998 Lunch Halloween Happenings on from previous page not only cater to students who would like to be more knowledgeable ofthe prominent language in South ampus: Fright.Knight Florida, Spanish, but also act as a selling point for Business and Edu­ cation students who enter'the work By Frank Majnerich force with a second language under surround-sound will scare the Assistant Director for their belt. The Dean also discussed jeepers out of anyone who at­ the Student Union the importance ofthe rebuilding and tends this creepy classic! reinstitution ofthe Secondary Edu­ Friday, October 30, is the cation program.
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