May 25, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H3511 COX REPORT RELEASED; IT IS Mr. WICKER. Mr. Speaker, the long- and pledge my efforts to be a protector of our ABOUT TIME awaited Cox Report on Chinese espio- nation's children. (Mr. GIBBONS asked and was given nage becomes public today, and we al- f permission to address the House for 1 ready know many of the stunning de- CHINESE THEFT OF NUCLEAR minute and to revise and extend his re- tails about the loss of our most sen- TECHNOLOGY HAS ADVANCED marks.) sitive nuclear secrets. THREAT BY A GENERATION Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, ``The The President's press secretary says Phantom Menace'' is the title to the this goes back 20 years and there is no (Mr. CHABOT asked and was given new popular Star Wars movie. But it Democrat or Republican face on it. He permission to address the House for 1 might also be an apt description of the is using the ``everybody does it'' de- minute and to revise and extend his re- Chinese espionage efforts against the fense. The Energy Secretary has cau- marks.) United States as outlined in the Cox tioned us not to overreact. Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Speaker, the Report. But how should we react to the worst Rosenbergs were executed for giving Unlike this popular movie, however, spy case in American history? It is the former Soviet Union secret infor- this Chinese espionage is not fiction, clear that Clinton-Gore administration mation which allowed them to advance and it may have far-reaching national did not react at all after this was dis- their atomic weapons program by 5 security consequences long into the fu- covered in 1995. Why wasn't the Presi- years. ture. dent briefed on this in 1995, in 1996, The Chinese theft of nuclear weapons It has taken nearly 5 months of 1997, 1998 or 1999? If he was, why was technology which has recently oc- struggle and arguing with the Clinton nothing done? curred under this administration has administration to release the Cox Re- Attorney General Janet Reno is advanced the threat to our Nation by a port. Mr. Speaker, for myself and the being set up to be the scapegoat in this generation. many concerned Nevadans that I rep- scandal, but there are a lot more ques- This administration loves to say we resent, all I can say is, it is about time. tions which the Clinton administration have to do this, we have to do that for It is about time that the American must answer about who knew it and the children. Think of how much Amer- people found out if China's nuclear ar- when they knew it. ican children's lives have been endan- senal was built from the genius of the f gered by this administration because of American people, on the backs of the NATIONAL MISSING CHILDREN'S its lax security measures. American taxpayer. DAY Campaign contributions from the head of the Chinese military intel- It is about time that the Americans (Mr. FARR of California asked and ligence to the Clinton administration; learn if the U.S. nuclear weapons labs was given permission to address the and this administration's response, we will meet even minimum security House for 1 minute and to revise and need campaign finance reform. They do standards some time next year. extend his remarks.) not even follow the laws in the books But it is ultimately about time that Mr. FARR of California. Mr. Speaker, that we have now. this administration accepts responsi- there is an old saying about there Now the Clinton administration bility for its years of inaction in this being a special God for children. Cer- screams for gun control. Yet, they in- unfortunate situation, and has the in- tainly we would like to think that vite Chinese arms dealers to coffees at testinal fortitude to make the appro- someone is watching over our young the White House, yes, for campaign do- priate changes. people, protecting them from harm. nations. Unbelievable. I yield back this Chinese spy menace, But, tragically, we know this is not the Mr. Speaker, and hopefully today the case. f phantoms will be revealed. It is about Our community in the central coast time. SUPPORT SAFE PARKS ACT OF of California lost a beautiful 13-year- 1999 f old girl last year. That forever changed the lives of the Williams family and (Mr. GREEN of Wisconsin asked and CALLING FOR RESIGNATION OF the thousands of local volunteers who was given permission to address the SANDY BERGER donated thousands of hours searching House for 1 minute and to revise and (Mr. TRAFICANT asked and was for us. extend his remarks.) given permission to address the House As innocently as many of our chil- Mr. GREEN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speak- for 1 minute and to revise and extend dren do every day, Christina took the er, I rise today to introduce an impor- his remarks.) family dog for a walk on June 2, 1998. tant bill, the Safe Parks Act of 1999. Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, the Seven months later, her parents' worst Mr. Speaker, our national parks are fact is Sandy Berger is our national se- nightmare came true when her body not as safe as we would expect them to curity advisor. The fact is Sandy was discovered January 12, 1999 three be. In 1997, there were over 550 reported Berger was once China's chief lobbyist miles from the Williams home. The day sex offenses in our national parks. in America. The fact is now there is a Christina Williams' body was found Even more disturbing, 1997 saw 33 hole in our national security so big we was one of the darkest days I have seen forceful rapes and 11 attempted rapes could throw Berger and all our secrets on the central coast of California. in those same national parks. That is a all the way to China nonstop. Beam me Her family and friends said good-bye rape or attempted rape about every 8 up. and vowed never to forget their daugh- days on Federal lands that are sup- I am not accusing Sandy Berger of ter, sister, and friend. We had to learn posed to be safe havens for our fami- any wrongdoing. But for the good of to turn our anger and pain into a mis- lies. America, Sandy Berger should resign sion to make our community a safer That is why I am introducing the as our national security advisor. Sandy place to raise our children. From our Safe Parks Act today. It is a simple Berger is very close to China. In Wash- effort can hopefully come a larger rec- bill, barring any convicted sex offender ington, perception becomes reality. ognition/realization that if we lose one from entering our U.S. parks. Mr. Speaker, I yield back any secrets of our children to violence, our society Mr. Speaker, in honor of National we have left. is morally weaker, for we can only Missing Children's Day, please join me f imagine the potential that a child had in supporting this measure to help de- to offer that society. fend the sanctity of our Federal parks MORE QUESTIONS ARISE ABOUT I wear this ribbon as we observe Na- for our kids. WHO KNEW WHAT WHEN RE- tional Missing Children's Day. f GARDING CHINESE ESPIONAGE I am wearing this white ribbon as a symbol (Mr. WICKER asked and was given as we observe National Missing Children's NATIONAL SMALL BUSINESS permission to address the House for 1 Day. I extend my heartfelt condolences to the WEEK minute and to revise and extend his re- family of Christina Williams and to each and (Mr. KNOLLENBERG asked and was marks.) every parent and family who has lost a child given permission to address the House.
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