Digital Commons @ George Fox University Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church Northwest Friend (Quakers) 4-1946 Northwest Friend, April 1946 George Fox University Archives Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_nwfriend Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "Northwest Friend, April 1946" (1946). Northwest Friend. 45. https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_nwfriend/45 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church (Quakers) at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Northwest Friend by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. R>eac) ike I^ikle Tk^cu^k supijoscci I knew Uie Bible, Kuading piece-meal, hit or miss; Now a bit of John or Matthew, Now a snatch of Genesis. Certain chapters of Isaiah, Certain Psalms—the twenty-third; Twelfth of Romans, first of Proverbs. Yes, I thought I knew the Word. But I found that thorough reading Was a different thing to do, Ar.cl the way was unfamiliar Wlien I read the Bible through. You who like to play at Bible, Dip and dabble, here and there. Just before you kneel aweary. And yawn through a hurried prayer. You who treat the Crown of Writings, As you treat no other book,— Just a paragraph disjointed. Just a crude, impatient look. Try a worthier procedure. Try a broad ami steady view; You will kneel in very rapture When you read the Bible through. —Amos R. Wells. T H E N O R T H W E S T F R I E N D April, 1946 THE tion of a uniform, closely functioning body? Peliinent OfyseiOaiioHS 1887 at the Quinquennial Conference it was strongly urged by Edmund Stanley of Kansas NORTHWEST FRIEND CAN A CHURCH ORGANIZATION BE BOTH Yearly Meeting that "it was the duty of the Church to declare to all men its profession of Published monthly except August at 2904 N. E. 50th Avenue, Portland 13, Oregon ORTHODOX AND HETERODOX? faith, and to have that declaration recognized as B y E D W A R D M O T T the faith of Friends throughout the world." Old Issue: Volume 25—No. 4 APRIL, 1946 New Issue: Volume 4—No. 8 The Conference appointed a committee from Entered as second elas;; niattor. April 16. 1940, at the Tost Office nt rorlland. Ore., under the Act of March 15. 1879 The answer to this must be the same as to each yearly meeting to prepare a uniform the question of riding two horses at the same time—it is impossible. Orthodoxy and hetero Discipline for submission to the yearly meetings Following arc some Scriptures which bear on concerned. This proposition was heartily en this problem: "He that sparcth the rod hatcth doxy cannot coexist in one and the same person Editorial or organization. It has been, and is being at dorsed by the conference. his son, but he that loveth him chasteneth him DISCIPLINE tempted, but the result is always the same, The Discipline as formulated was adopted in betimes" Prov. 13:24. "Chasten thy son while 1902 and the Five Years Meeting was established. We live in an undisciplined age. One needs there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his namely, failure. But there has been a drifting from this basis This situation has been brought to my atten only to stop and listen to the impudent remarks crying" Prov. 19:18. "Withhold not correction tion in the attempt being made in some yearly throughout the years because of a failure to of youngsters to their superiors, to the whisper from the child; for if t-hou beatest him with the maintain loyal adherence to the declaration of ing and confusion of children (and adults) in rod, he shall not die. Thou shait beat him with meetings to merge in the body independent faith. Instead of an impovement in conditions, modernistic meetings of Hicksite caliber with tlie sanctuaries of worship, and to the bragga the rod and shait deliver -his soul from hell" the constantly manifest tendency to drift into docio of juveniles causing trouble at school. Prov. 23:13-14. "Children, obey your parents in the existing meetings of orthodox faith; in so looseness in matters of faith has brought Friends It is understandable that those who are ignor the Lord" Eph. 6:1. doing they face the failure of all true spiritual into a state of disintegration. As a consequence ant of or disbelieve in God's Word would accept The foregoing sounds severe, but we remember life. this proposition to allow each yearly meeting to the theories of child nurture promulgated by that the basis for ail correction is love. "Whom Another line of effort in which the same prin adopt its own discipline without being "coerced" "psychologists" who advocate self expression as the Lord loveth He chasteneth" Heb. 12:6. By ciple—or lack of principle—is quite evident is into the acceptance of a uniform discipline is against suppression and discipline. But for God implication from these Scriptures we conclude the matter of the acceptance of the new disci boldly announced. fearing parents to accept and practice such that the indulgent parent or guardian does not pline which the Five Years Meeting is submitting theories is puzzling. to the yearly meetings composing it. In some of The fact of the matter is that a strong church l o v e h i s c h i l d . organization cannot be built upon the drifting Parents and teachers study books on child care. If Christian parents could only realize that these yearly meetings there are both orthodox sands of human opinion with its uncertainties. The physical and mental well-being of children G o d h o l d s t h e m a c c o u n t a b l e f o r t h e a c t i o n s o f and heterodox. How this discipline can by any has been benefited by scientific discoveries, but tlieir children, we would see many adverse situ means be made acceptable to both passes under There is no foundation that can be laid than that established in the Holy Scriptures, which is im failure must be written over the procedure used ations pertaining to discipline cleared in our standing. The situation in two of the yearly mutable, being built upon Jesus Christ as the in the development and guidance of the moti homes, schools, churches, and communities. meetings is stated thus in the Minutes of (JoUtilllUMl to UMW? 14 vators to human action, or tiie will, of the young. The bases of discipline problems usually New York Y. M.: "The committee on discipline We note it in the services of the churcii; we reported that the third draft of Faith and Prac originate in the horhe. Academy teachers from tice has been submitted to the monthly and quar face it in the public schools; we find it in Chris two schools recently reported that many Chris T H E N O RT H W E S T F R I E N D tian academies; we see it manifested on college tian parents are a hindrance to a well disciplined terly meetings. In Scipio, Purchase and New level—it, the lack of respect of authority; the school. If their children are disciplined or are lork meetings Friends were not united in ac Published monthly except Augiust by Oregon Yearly Meeting of Friends Church at Portiand, Oregon. Ciopy incapability of taking a command in obedience given low grades, they are over to complain cepting the draft. The New England Yearly dead line. C. E. Society news. 5th: aii other news 10th to superiors; or the pouty, martyr complex by about the teacher's abusing their children. The of each month. Meeting likewise, not being able to agree on which a victim of disciplinary measures seeks academy movement and Christian education the matter, has put over approval until a later Subscription price, $1.00 per year in advance. to malign superiors for what has been his just time. Apparently the new discipline is not T H E S T A F F generally will gain strength faster if either in Paul S. Cammack Editor desert. dulgent, weak-willed parents turn their children liberal enough to suit the modernistic meetings R. 4. Box 258, Salem, Ore. While this is one top ranking problem of over to the discipline of a well ordered school, On the other hand, it is not orthodox enough to Earl P. Barker Managing Editor suit some yearly meetings wliich are strongly 5536 North Borthwick Avenue. Poilland 11. Oregon America, it would be well to narrow it to the or their children are barred from attendance. Telephone GArfieid 7140 Christian home. The Academy and Christian institution of higher inclined in that direction. Consequently action A. Wiiiard Mendenhail Circulation Manager Some of the worst cases in Sunday school and has been postponed. In order to meet this situa 2904 N. E. 50th Ave., Poi tiand 13, Oregon learning has a higher goal than that of being a Marjorie Crisman Christian Endeavor Society Editor secular schools come from Christian homes. It I'eformatory for the wayward children from lax tion the recent F. Y. M. took the following action, Homedale, Idaho is not uncommon to hear parents excuse the tan Christian homes. Richard C. Kneeiand Treasurei- as reported in Western Work under the heading, 801 Public Service, Bldg., Portland 4, Oregon trum, the impudent word, and the actions of Children who have never learned thoroughly t-heir children; such parents practice self-expres to respect the do's and don'ts of absolute parental "Important Actions" (of the F.
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