tSAl-UROAT, AFRO. 8, 1960 P ^ IM S l® ** Evrains Iferallt Average Dally Net Press Run nmWaathar : i > :■■■■■■: ■■ ..■• Pw the Mooth of Merck, 188e PMOHiel e« P. N, Wtmm liny general passed on. Receiving Check for Memorial Hospital Youth W eek IVr a»d eoatlanctl « A bout Tow n 9,885 eftemt>mi and tetrightt Heard Along Main Street How long is It since you have Member ef the AadH patrr Eiiptitttg llrra lb ehiMdkieee, Uttte ehsage la i n * OlMam Oiw» « ^ W. walked the length of Main street? Events Listed B«n<eu eC ObvatattoM a A of tiM 80U& Methodlat And on Soma o f MmicheMeft Sida StraaU, Too Well, to make It easier, how long M anchestor^A City o f VUlago Charm etufw aad rale TeeeSeff. iNk wlU n M t Mondar cvenlnc since jrou have walked Just the T:48 at ttia church. Hie hoat* length from the center to the ter­ aaaaa wltl>be Mtaa Anne McAdama, This is the time of year when »>atralght, was to write of my recent minus ? Rotary Club to Sponsor VOL LXI)I. NO. 161 (Cleeetaed Advertlelac oa Faga 18) MANCHESTER, C0NN„ MONDAY. APRIL 10. 1950 M n . KDa Poitarfleld, Mrs. Hasel city people yearn to get along experience and put it where others It would be a safe bet that the Boys anil Girls Week (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE PUUR CENTS Andsraon, Mrs. Beatrice Little and with their annual campaign to could see it, so that's why I’m writ­ average person hasn’t had any , Mrs. Dorothy MlUer. spread the countryside with brok­ ing to your (Column. such walk for years. Instead of From Way 6 to May 8 en bottles, beer cans, wrapping In the middle of December I had walking, ha rides. DOworth-Cman-Quey, Post 102, paper, garbage and open bars. — f — Quads Born on Ptuinut Farm American Legion has Invited mem* my first operation and my second That means a great deal is miss­ Entry blanks for the second an­ bera of the auxUlary to a Joint It should be noted here that a the'end of January. I couldn't have ed. You may think, as you glide nual Rotary sponsored Manchea- Supreme Tribunal meatlng on Monday evening at 7:30 country bar differs from a cUy received any more courteous or along Main street in a car that you ter's Boya and Girls Week to be Pakistan-India Pact bar in that the cduntry bar is friendly care or attention from my at the Legion Home. Following the are seeing' and knowing all there held May 6 to 8 Inclusive, appears a ^ own family. The food was wonder-^, meeting members of B ^ o r Girl used by cows and horses. Unless la in sight to know about Main in today's Herald for the first time SoohtrYoop One will show plc- one wishes to permit animals to go ful. I had to be served my meals six' street, but you will be mistaken. and will be repeated from time to astray, country bars should al­ times day, I expected to be Refuses to Curb turea and talk on their trip to Bu* ’This is also true of other roads. time. Chairman Harold Oozier rope last atunmelr. Anyone interest­ ways be left closed except at cer­ served grudgingly because it was Those who have driven over one tain well-defined times. added work for the already, busy urges boys and girls who plan to ed la Invited to the program which route for years, then, for some enter either the Talent Show or NOW IS THE TIME Turns Both Nations Of course, not all city people try win beiin at 9 o’clock. Refresh­ nurses but the nurses gave the reason (ind themselves walking *tb litter the rural areas with the the Arts, O a fts and Hobby Show ments win be served. impression that if it helped the over this familiar route, find that Queries on Reds by-products of urban civilisation. patient they'd doM t gladly. I'd to sign their applirstioris Just as HAVE YOUR LAWN Oentar church school depart­ There are many thoughtful ones neve, be afraid to go back to our it Isn't familiar at all. soon as possible. It may l>e neces­ ments win hold aesslons as usual who clean up after their picnics. hospital, they have|my complete Walkers And a different face and sary, Chairman Crozier stated, to POWER ROLLED tomorrow morning, the Juniors at More and more are doing this. ti.ist. \ a different level on the landscape. hold auditiona previous to the Tal­ Two Appeals Filed by To Paths of Peace 9:15 and the nursery, kindergar­ The trend now. In fact, shows I’d like to take advantage of New views appear. Just because ent Show this year, and space Russians Seen ten and primary children at 11 some signs of moving In the oppo­ your column too, to thank all my you come on them more slowly. to be allocated in advance for the Movie Writers Are Re­ o’clock. site direction. relatives and friends for U.eir You notice little things that have Arts, C’rafts and Hobby Show. jected as Court Re­ cards, flowers, gifts and good always escaped before—grades and Members o f committee in charge of recent rummage sale held by T. D. COLLA As Directors Nehru Says Countrief Instead of leaving things, city The first of this year’s Boys and ‘^Missing Liiik^ l I o p F f u l Vrs. Ida Yost of Farmington, people are starting to take things wishes. hills, rises and dips in the road; the Manchester Education Association present C. Elmore Watkins, Girls Week events will be the fuses to luterfere Turneil BatJi from formerly of this town, is spending away. Mrs. Mary Fregin Zimmerman odd or distinguishing: lines about a president o f Manchester Memorial Hoapital, a check for' $431.40 for filling of Town offices by students Phone 2-9219 the week-end with the family ot For Instance. green-mossed house, a special tree you had never the hoapital building fund. Reading (l-r) Miss Anna McGuire, Mlaa of the High School on Thursday, With Power of Con­ For Invasion Brink o f Wpr as Wr* her son, Earl Yost, of 69 Brook- Julia Case, chairman, Mr. Watkins, Miss Hasel Hooey. Query Causes stones in old walls often capture Very seldom does a story, pass­ seen before. Part of It, of course, May 6. Students are to be selected gressional Committees 8eld street. the fancy of the suburbanite, who ed on from mouth to mouth, ever is because you feel different about by the High School Student Coun. liaiiient Approvm by drives away with his car trunk full the world when you're walking. A check,for $431.40, proceeds of A spedal Easter concert will be wind up with the same informa­ with Miss Julia Case, director of cll and all Town officials are co­ Chinese Nationalists Pre­ Voice Vole Treaty of rocks. Young trees also are dug tion as its point of origin. The Part of it is the slowness of walk­ the rummage aale and food sale girls’ physical education at the operating in the plans. Washington, April 10.—(/P) Further Stir presented at the Wapping com ­ dict Soviet Experts munity church by the senior and newspaper offices take a lot of the ing Itself. conducted recently by the teach- High school as chairman, organ­ On the afternoon and evening of —The Supreme court today With Neighbor State; ^V'e are sure that the visitors do punishment. We are reminded of The things you notice from a era o f the Manchester Education ised the sale and In cooperation the same day the Arts, Crafts and Mirrors* Glass Jimlor vocal choirs, assisted, by the this with the Idea In mind of being refused to interfere with the Will Call Signals on Similar View Taken new Rhythmic choir, at 8 o'clock several Instsmces, moat of them car are viewed from an Insulated h— K— Iteacherq In all the Hobby Show will take place at the po^’er of congressional com- Ciiriosily Aroiiseil by helpful, and helping the farmer recent happenings. point and In relation to your posi­ Association, has been presented to gcj,ools worked on plana for the Furniture Tops, Window tomorrow evening. C. Elmore Watkins for the Man- event many months. Masonic Temple banquet hall at ntittees to compel witnesses Hainan Island Move Mc( jirlhy; Doinircrat By Pakistan Premier to clear his land. One day this past week the ra­ tion in the car. When you walk it the Center. Those registering for and Plate Glafis, Auto Glass This fine city spirit of give and dio newscasters passed on the in­ is different. You are a participat­ Chester Memorial Hospital Build' Although the teachers had this event should take or mail th?ir to say whether they are Com­ Nursee DoIIle llollingaworth, M n. Maude Madrid, Mlse Carolyn Crumblry and M n. Virginia Singleton The second annual auction of ing Fuiid. The Manchester teach­ made personal donations to the Taipei, Formosa, April -10—(P)— Says Repiibliranfi Try­ farm machinery will be held Mon­ take is much appreciated by all formation to listeners that Gover­ ing. rather than a passive part of munists. The refus^ came in (left to right) hold a art of quidv bom to Hie wife of SS-year-old Homer L. Singleton, a peanut farm­ New Delhi, India, April 10,. ers gave up their annual February Hospital Building Fund in the re­ entries to Ray Dwyer's .Photo Chinese NationallsU today pre­ day morning at 10:30 at the James country people, most of whom can nor Bowles' secretary had died.
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